Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 997 Shinde Zhiming: I'm back!

two days later...

In the front yard of a Japanese-style house, there is a winding cobblestone path in the bushes. A cat squats behind the bushes. After burying its poop, it wipes the nearby tree with its front paws. He sharpened his claws.

Not far away, the clear water of the pond reflected the wooden bridge, as well as a group of big and small cats by the pond who were being chased and slapped by Wuming.

"Idiot, I said that if you don't eat the fish, don't fish it out! You can't finish eating it after you fish it out, and even kill the fish! Is it because life is easier and you don't have to save? I'm so mad, a bunch of prodigal cats! Eat One claw! Eat another claw! Then..."

Wuming wailed loudly, and Feichi and Feimo, who were squatting on the wooden corridor in front of the house, looked at each other, and then continued to squat down to bask in the sun.

In the house, Chi Feichi tapped with a hammer in the living room to strengthen the maze-like large cat climbing frame that connects the entire living room and all the rooms on the first floor, and put the cat litters on the shelves and wooden nests in each room one by one. After putting it away, I stretched out my hand and tugged it. After making sure it was enough for a large group of cats, I said, "I'm going to the second floor."

"Master, wait, I'm going too!" Feichi immediately followed suit.

Holding the hammer first, Chi Feichi stepped up the wooden stairs at the end of the corridor to the second floor.

The windows of all rooms on the second floor are closed with nailed wooden strips, and the Japanese-style wooden doors are half-open. The rooms are distributed with landline phones, computers and electronic equipment placed directly on the ground. The largest room is the same as Feimo’s stronghold, leaving A conference room with a large projection cloth.

Chi Feichi checked the buried wires. Seeing Feimo following up, he said, "Tell Wuming, whoever gnaws or scratches the wires will be beaten to death."

He is here to help pull the strings and nail the cat climbing frame when he is free these two days. The deepest experience is that cats sometimes really can’t control their claws. They are skinnier than crows. They know they can’t do it, but they want to stretch their claws. Try ticking it off.

It made him suspect that Wuming's violent temper was forced out in this way.

"Okay!" Fei Mo happily flew to the first floor to pass the message.

Chi Feichi took the hammer again and went to the attic on the upper floor.

The windows in the attic were not sealed, and the three rooms separated were very low, but enough for the cat.

One is an unnamed personal bedroom and storage room.

One is the monitoring room, where the cameras around the house and the windows facing the outside are displayed. It is also the duty room. When Chi Fei came up late, there were two cats staring at the monitoring screen, watching one of the screens with relish. On the screen, there was a picture of Wuming chasing and hitting the cat.

There is also a row of alarm buttons in the monitoring room. The sound of the alarm bell is silent, and it is difficult for people to hear it, but it is the cat's sensitive sound. Once someone invades or suspicious people wander around, the cat on duty will Press the corresponding button.

It was also after Wuming had been irritated for two consecutive days and smoked countless cats that these cats did not press a button curiously from time to time.

There was one room left, with a large window overlooking the entire front yard, and on the other side connected to the stairs, which is also a passage for the cats to jump into the house from the third floor.

Chi Feichi checked around, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, he took Feichi downstairs, and moved boxes of cat food from the truck parked in the yard to the room on the other side that was used as a warehouse.

When the crows established their stronghold, he didn't worry so much, but cats sometimes don't cooperate with the crows, and work is more troublesome. Wuming is not as old as Feimo, and he can support himself by robbing things.

But after thinking about it, the cat group surveillance network plan he negotiated with Wuming and Feimo was not the same as the operation mode of the Feimo Army.

The Non-Mo Legion lived in groups at different points, and Fei-Mo selected sites to build strongholds with communication points, moved into the crows, and distributed them all over Tokyo.

Houses don’t need a special yard. Birds prefer tall abandoned European-style churches, which have communication rooms, meeting rooms, accommodation, baby nursery, grain storage warehouses, etc. The crows and other birds living in them are fixed. , will not relocate indiscriminately, and has already planned tasks such as hunting, patrolling, gathering intelligence, monitoring fixed locations, teaching birds, and guarding the security of strongholds, and they act in groups in a very orderly manner.

Even if Feimo is not there, each stronghold can operate in an orderly manner, collecting and summarizing a large amount of information every day.

After Feimo passed on the mission instructions, the crows in the communications department were able to collect information in a timely manner and arrange intelligence collection operations according to the instructions, which is worthy of the name of the "Legion".

Cats are much more troublesome.

First of all, cats are not as easy to evacuate from high places as birds, nor can they throw explosives at high altitudes to destroy strongholds like crows after they are discovered.

In this way, if too many strongholds are established, once someone discovers one, it is very likely that the computer code will be cracked and the bait information will be sent to other strongholds or non-Mexican strongholds.

Secondly, cats don't like to obey too many rules, and they will play with equipment unconsciously.

This is nature, and it cannot be changed, and reckless suppression will only lead to a bad situation.

So there is only one nameless stronghold, where only the smartest cats who are willing to obey the rules are stationed, as well as kittens that need to be taken care of, and cat teachers who are responsible for taking care of and teaching them.

Other cats went wild in the city, wandered around and passed the news back when they found something, and came back when they couldn't find food, rained, or caught a cold. It was a shelter.

The information transmission is definitely not as fast and convenient as the non-Mexican Legion, but this is already very good. It can be used as a supplement to the information of the Non-Mexican Legion, and it can also help the crows of the Non-Mexican Legion to fight.

after all……

These cats who are most willing to obey the rules can also make Wuming get blasted every hour.

To manage such a stronghold, Wuming is already very hard. The other cats can only be released into the wild, and it is forbidden to enter the main house with the communication office and monitoring office.

There was nothing to say about this group of cats fighting. When they became fierce, they swarmed the ground, one more fierce than the other, which made him consider whether he should train the group of cats as an "action team" instead of an "intelligence team".

Chi Feichi had just moved almost all the cat food, when he felt the phone vibrate, he piled up a box of cat food, took out the phone to check the number, and answered the call.

His phone rarely stores phone numbers... no, it should say that phone numbers, email addresses, etc. are basically not stored, and it is up to him to remember.

This is Shinde Zhiming's previous cell phone number.

After Belmode pretended to replace Xinchu Zhiming, he changed a new mobile phone number, saying that the previous mobile phone number was no longer used, but he could guess that Belmode failed to get the real Xinchu Zhiming phone card.


"'s me," Xinchu Zhiming's voice was still gentle and gentle on the other side of the phone, "Feichi, do you still have my phone number?"

"I remember you used it before, why did you change the number back?"

"I think I'm used to using this number, and many former classmates also contacted this number, and some of them were not notified, so I went to the communication company to re-register the phone card, and decided to use this phone card in the future."

"Before that..."

"I don't plan to continue to use the previous one. By the way, I'm here to visit Teacher Judy. I'm in Kubado Central Hospital now. Would you like to come over? Let's find a coffee shop for a while."

"Okay, I'll be there in forty minutes, are you waiting for me at the hospital or at the coffee shop?"

"Go to the hospital. I'll talk to Teacher Judy for a while. When you arrive, say hello and we'll leave."

After hanging up the phone, Chi Feichi moved the last two boxes of cat food, then took a change of clothes from the truck, went to the bathroom of the cabin next to him to take a bath, and sent an email to that person by the way.

[Shinde invited me to visit Judy at the Kushido Central Hospital, and arrived in half an hour. Raki]

At the juncture of organizing the investigation of F, he had to report directly to that person when he came into contact with Judy.

One is to avoid the one who suspects that he is in collusion with F. The organization has intelligence and is watching the hospital from afar. No collusion either.

The second is that you can go to Judy's place to observe and observe, to see if you can find some traces and information about F. Although it is unlikely, he will definitely pay attention when he goes.

After taking a shower, the person didn't reply, but Rum sent an email.

[Akii's trace has been re-locked, don't startle the snake when you go to the hospital, just come and go as normal. Milk m】

[Ok, I plan to stay until 6 pm. Raki]

After Chi Feichi replied, he took Feichi and left. He drove the truck to a street and parked it. He sent a text message to ask Dashan Mi to find someone to drive. He drove his red Lexus SC to Kuahu Central Hospital in a nearby field.

There are still people coming and going at the entrance of Kubahu Central Hospital, and nothing unusual can be seen.

Chi Feichi didn't find any traces of the organization's people or gangsters, nor did he carefully observe the passers-by, entering the door, taking the elevator, and knocking on the door of Judy's ward.

"Ein, Plea!" Judy's joyful voice came from the ward, "The door is unlocked!"

When the door was pushed open, Shinde Zhiming, who was sitting by the hospital bed, also got up and turned his head. Looking at Chi Feichi who came in, he was still wearing black trousers and a long-sleeved jacket, with a cold expression, just like before he left, and he almost couldn't suppress his heart Looking at Chi Feichi with the joy and excitement of seeing his friend again, the smile on his face became brighter, "Feichi, I'm back!"

Judy sat on the hospital bed, leaning against the head of the bed, with a smile in her eyes.

Whether it was being targeted by that woman in Belmode, or during the time when he pretended to be killed and went to the United States for asylum, Shinide Tomoaki was still rational and calm, never lost his temper, and cooperated gently and gently.

She thought Xinde Zhiming had always been like this, but today she knew it. When she saw her friend again, Xinde Zhiming's smile was not only gentle, but also seemed to be filled with hotter joy than before.

She can understand Xinde Zhiming's mood, almost experienced death, and when she comes back to see her friends are still the same, she will always be excited and happy, watching these two young friends reunite, even she...



Chi Feichi didn't know that Xinchu Zhiming had been transferred, so what kind of 'I'm back' did Xinchu Zhiming say?

Isn't this the slip of the tongue in the first sentence we met?

Chi Feichi took a look at Xinde Zhiming, his expression didn't change much, and he entered the ward and closed the door, "Where did you go?"

Judy: "..."



Sure enough, it was noticed!

Does she want to help round it?

No, no, Chi Feichi didn't seem suspicious, probably just asked casually, so she seemed deliberate in answering the question rashly, so don't rush to speak?

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