Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1006 Eat Your Little Meat Skewers

"That's really annoying..." Vodka imagined that he was being watched without any privacy, and felt disgusted, but something seemed wrong, "But Luke, the ward you're talking about is..."

"The ward of Qingshan No. 4 Hospital is still a special surveillance ward for serious patients," Qin Jiu said with a hint of schadenfreude in his tone, "There is nothing in it that can be used as a weapon to attack others or yourself, probably only a bed." , or a bed with a bondage rope, which may be tied to it at any time, and Lark is very experienced in living there."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Vodka doesn't know him... Forget it, those are not important, the important thing is that gin is really a dog!

Vodka: "..."

How can he accept this?

Could he still ask Lark if he was ever tied up?

I always feel that it is a very deadly question, and I am likely to be beaten to death by Lak.

But just to ask, it should be...

Before Vodka could ask the question, Gin caught a glimpse of Vodka opening his mouth and realized that the situation was not right, so he couldn't talk about this topic, lest Vodka say something to provoke Lak, "As for Lak killing Fukuyama, I don't care, anyway, it's not my business .”

"Then you can go to him and try it, and it will become your business."

Chi Feichi had a judgment in his mind that the organization wanted to keep Fukuyama Zhiming, at least for now.

He repeatedly mentioned matters related to Fukuyama Zhiming. Although Qinjiu said that "the organization is considering cleaning up", he didn't make it clear that he could consider killing Fukuyama Zhiming...

If Qin Jiu really regarded Fukuyama Zhiming as a target of cleanup and a dead person in his heart, then he should say a few words on the question of 'how to kill Fukuyama Zhiming', and his focus would not drift to other places.

Therefore, even if Gin tried his best to cover it up, he could still tell that Gin didn't have that much intention to kill Fukuyama Zhiming, or even did not.

Knowing that the organization has no plans to kill Fukuyama Zhiming for the time being, it is almost the same, and it is easy to capsize if it tries again.

But it can be uneasy and well-intentioned to instigate wildly.

Don't go to Fukuyama Zhiming curiously for Gin, otherwise Fukuyama Zhiming will be happy to take over Gin's patient.

"I'm not interested in contacting those psychiatrists." Gin was not fooled, and asked instead, "I heard that you hired someone to pretend to be a moving company, and put an old refrigerator downstairs in No. 4, and it's still nearby You installed a camera on the street and left, how do you plan to solve this?"

"Wait for others to do it." Chi Feichi replied.

Qin Jiu understands, that is borrowing a knife to kill someone, he didn't ask any more, and said that he wanted to go to grill skewers and play with giant pandas, and he still didn't plan to bring Belmode with him, "If you have nothing else to do tonight, do you want to pick up dumplings and buy some The ingredients go to the mountain to sit for a while?"

Chi Feichi agreed, "Let Srivova pick up the dumplings, and we'll drop by No. 119 for latte skewers and seasonings."

Although I don't know if the giant panda is a standard decoration in the mountain barbecue activities in Qinjiu's heart, but meeting Conan and going to Didan High School has caused him to not have dinner until now, and it is better to go to the mountains to eat barbecue.

Here, Gin drove to a commercial street, asked Vodka to buy ingredients, and then drove Chi Feichi to barbecue tools.

On the other side, Takatori Yannan drove to the Ueno Zoo, avoided the monitoring and climbed over the wall to enter the park, touched the glass display window of the Panda House all the way, and lowered his voice to the earphone.

"Boss, I've arrived at the Panda Pavilion, and I'm working on the glass..."

Behind the glass, the head of a furry black and white panda slowly moved to the wooden frame, tilted its head, peeked, and stared straight at him with shiny black eyes.

Takatori Yan Nan was stunned: "..."

It turns out that there are really creatures that can make a living by being cute.

Tuanzi stared at Yan Nan Takatori, and silently retracted the claws behind his back.

Oh, people who know, that should not be a thief.

Since the fruit it prepared for its master was eaten and messed up by the villain who sneaked in, it hated thieves the most.

If it is a thief, then eat it with a flesh-cracking claw!


Chi Feichi's quiet voice came from the earphone.

Takatori Yan Nan came back to his senses, "Cough...boss, it hasn't slept yet, it has already found me."

"Did it bark?"

"Uh, no..."

"Wave your hand at it, it's the gesture to let the other party come over."

"Is it just outside the glass display window of the panda house?"

"Yes, I have already covered the surveillance in the park. Be careful not to be seen, and no one will find out."

Takatori Yano stood in front of the glass display window and waved to the dumplings inside. After finishing, he felt like a fool.

Let's not talk about whether he can wave the giant panda over, even if he can, there is a bulletproof glass partition...

Under the watchful eyes of Takatori Geno, Tuanzi bent down and opened the small lock under the display window, grabbed the small door that seemed to be integrated with the wall and was hard to see, squatted down and squeezed out the door, then stood up, He stood and watched Takatori Yano.

Takatori Yannan's mouth twitched slightly, "Boss, it came out..."

Is the zoo safe?

Chi Feichi over there continued to direct, "Go forward and put the communication headset in front of its ear."

Takatori Yannan took off the earphones, stepped forward and put the earphones by Tuanzi's ears.

"Tuanzi, follow him, he will bring you to me."

Hearing the sound from the earphones, Tuanzi's eyes lit up, and he opened his mouth wide to roar, but held back, and let out a low whimper.

"No, who knows if this is a recording, please give a password first."

"Tell me." Chi Feichi didn't object.

I didn't expect Tuanzi to be quite wary. It's a good thing to be wary, and it won't be too easy to be abducted.

"Okay, that's enough," Tuanzi whined in a low voice, "You know what I'm talking about, and you connected correctly, then you are the master, master, wait for me!"


When Tuanzi got the answer, he took a step back, raised his paw, and patted Takato Yannan's arm handing the earphone with the part of his flesh pad, signaling that he had finished speaking.

Takatori Yannan hesitated for a moment, unable to guess what the dumpling meant, but considering that he could ask the boss, he put the earphones back in his ears, "Boss, it took a step back and patted my hand holding the earphones with its paws." What do you mean by arm?"

"It means it's finished, let you listen," Chi Feichi explained, and continued, "Take it out and drive to Yujing Mountain, west of Xitama City, to meet."

"Okay, I know."

Takatori Yannan listened to the headset and cut off the communication, looked up at the dumpling, and considered whether to pull it with his hand or something else.

Tuanzi turned around and took two steps towards the park wall, looked back at Yan Nan Takatori, and growled, "Let's go."

Takatori Yannan saw this movement, understood, and followed.

Tuanzi took Takato Yannan to a more secluded path, passed by the storage room in the park, slipped in and grabbed two bags of fruit, put down one of the bags, and raised his chin at Takato Yannan.

Takatori Yannan helped to pick up the fruit, and followed the dumpling to the toilet. Watching the dumpling with a bag of fruit in its mouth, it dexterously flipped over to the fence. He changed his left hand to carry the fruit bag, took two steps back, rushed forward and jumped up, with his right hand Grab the edge of the wall and climb up.

He, a professional, cannot be inferior to a giant panda!


An hour later, Takatori Yannan arrived at Yujing Mountain, called Chi Feichi's location, drove for a while and turned into the trail, saw a Porsche 356A parked on the side of the road ahead, stopped the car, got out and opened the back seat car door.

"Tuanzi, here we are, I'll take you..."

Tuanzi smelled Chi Feichi's scent, jumped out of the back seat of the car with a 'swoosh', knocked down Yan Nan Takatori, and ran into the woods roaring without looking back.

Takatori Yano, who was lying on his back and was almost stepped on: "..."

It is risky to come into contact with giant pandas, even the cutest pandas...

In the clearing in the woods, a bonfire has been set up, and meat skewers have been grilled.

Chi Feichi sat on a rock, heard the roar of excitement, put down the uncooked skewers in his hand, stood up, and turned around.

A chubby figure ran up to him and jumped up...


Gin Jiu stood up and stepped aside, reaching out to catch Feichi who jumped out from under Chi Feichi's clothes in a panic.

After Feichi was caught by Qin Jiu, he quickly vomited snake letter, "Tuanzi, you're still here!"

"Master" Tuanzi slammed into Chi Feichi with a heavy body, so excited that he even yelled out Sichuan dialect, "I miss you so much!"

Chi Feichi stabilized his foot, reached out to catch the dumpling that hit his arms, "You're getting fat."

The feeling is very deep, if he hadn't practiced stance, he would have collapsed just now.

Tuanzi pushed his head into Chi Feichi's arms. He hadn't seen his owner for a long time, so he seized the opportunity to suck more, "Really? I thought I just had more fluffy hair."

Chi Feichi bent down, trying to put the dumpling down, but the dumpling hugged his neck with its two front paws and refused to let go, so he could only sit down holding the dumpling.

Gin sat aside and put Feichi on the stone next to him.

Nothing else, he just suspects that creatures like giant pandas prefer to be pendants, but such a heavy pendant cannot be hung by ordinary people.

Takatori Yannan came over with two bags of fruit, put them aside, and patted the dust off his body, "Just as the car door opened, it rushed out and knocked me down... By the way, this is it from the zoo. It was stolen."

Gin turned to look at the big black and white ball hanging on Chi Feichi's body, "It has never had a clue about its own weight..."

The dumpling suddenly turned his head, bit the meat skewer in Gin Jiu's hand, and wiped off the half-cooked meat, leaving only a bare iron skewer that was bent and deformed by his teeth.

Hmph, don't think it doesn't understand, it has learned Japanese specially.

And, doesn't that mean it doesn't have a clue about its weight? Do you think it won't understand if you are more reserved?

It, full marks for reading comprehension.

Gin complained that it didn't count, so it ate Gin's small skewers!

Qin Jiu didn't intend to care about an animal, and wanted to insert the iron skewer into the grass beside him, but the tip of the iron skewer broke in the middle just as it sank, and Qin Jiu casually threw it aside, "The bite force is good. "

Tuanzi suddenly felt a little embarrassed, slipped off Chi Feichi, ran to the bag that Takatori Yan Nan had brought, sat down, and began to scoop up and arrange the fruits with his claws, roaring proudly, "Master, look at it!" Whatever you want to eat, just take it, and so do everyone else!"

"Take what you want to eat yourself."

Chi Feichi translated a sentence for others.

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