Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1007 An old lady who is good at killing

The four gathered around the bonfire, eating skewers, eating fruit, and drinking beer.

Chi Feichi also helped to grill a piece of fish and some vegetables.

It was nearly four o'clock in the morning when we were full of food and drink.

After packing up and rushing back to Tokyo to send the dumplings back to the zoo, the sky gradually brightened up.

Due to the monitoring situation near No. 4 target's residence, the four simply went to No. 119 together.

In the living room, Chi Feichi used the computer to call up the surveillance video from the camera and project it on the wall.

Feichi slept under Chi Feichi's clothes during the day yesterday, and last night he had a fuss with Tuanzi, his schedule was completely messed up, and he would lazily nap on the sofa at dawn.

Takatori Yannan was also a little sleepy.

Recently, because he wants to check whether his boss who is suffering from snake spirits has jumped off the building, his work and rest has become early to bed and early to rise. He got up early yesterday and stayed up all night last night. He felt that his work and rest were messed up again.

Looking back, Gin was sitting on the sofa with an indifferent face and smoking a cigarette, and Vodka was lighting a cigarette at the side. It seemed that he was very used to this kind of work and rest, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

His boss is also focusing on playing with the projection with a calm face, and he doesn't seem sleepy.

Takatori Yannan silently lit a cigarette, let's get through it together...

Vodka looked at the picture projected on the opposite wall, "Huh? Are there so many crows over there?"

In the picture captured by the camera, the sky is bright, and there are many large crows standing on the telephone poles and fences near the residential area, with their mouths open and screaming at the old woman who came out of the apartment building.

Qin Jiu looked at Chi Feichi who was walking back, "You got it there?"

"No." Chi Feichi sat back on the sofa and looked at the projection, "The crows hold vengeance, probably because she attacked and expelled the crows, and was hated by the crows."

In the projection screen, an old woman with short hair was wearing a black dress and a dark purple vest, carrying a slender stick to the garbage dump opposite the apartment, and swung the stick to drive away the crows flying above the garbage bags.

No. 4 target, Tatsue Egami.

Jiangshang Chenzhi has never been married, and has a nephew named Jiangshang Yuanji, who is the orphan left by her younger brother.

In the eyes of people who know him, Jiang Shang Yuanji is a big guy who doesn't have a serious job and doesn't look like a good person. No one knows what he is doing, but he can always spend money to eat and drink. When looking for help, he can still take out money to send Jiangshang Chenzhi.

One day a year ago, Jiangshang Chenzhi missed out when he went to his nephew again to ask for help, and went again after three days, but found that the man didn't seem to have returned, so he reported the case to the police station.

After receiving the news, the police immediately launched an investigation.

The neighbors around him didn't get anything. Jiang Shang Yuanji often ran away for a few days without a trace, and with his ruthless temperament, the neighbors couldn't hide in time. No one paid attention to when he went out and when he came back.

There were no clues in the house. Although the police suspected that Jiang Shang Yuanji had a residence elsewhere, they did not find any corresponding clues.

The whereabouts of the person were not identified, but the police found that Jiang Shang Yuanji was probably related to a murder case.

And soon, Jiang Shang Yuanji's body was found. He died from a gunshot wound, a bullet pierced his skull, and he had been dead for a week when he was discovered and reported to the police.

In the end, the police deduced that the big man was silenced by his accomplices, but after a long period of investigation, the accomplices had no clues at all, so they could only put the case on hold slowly.

In fact, Jiang Shang Yuanji is a peripheral member of the organization. He is usually very brave and ruthless. He dares to shoot two bullets at people when he gets a gun. One of the few people who need to be reused. He has participated in some operations, contacted more than one core member, and sometimes participated in the monitoring and protection of core members.

And a year ago, Jiang Shang Yuanji made a mistake during the mission, leaving behind enough clues for the police to trace him, and it was a clue that the police could take him back to the Metropolitan Police Department for investigation, which was difficult to destroy.

If such a person is arrested, there may be more things revealed than a new core member. The organization decided to silence him first, and clean him up before the police investigate Jiangshang Yuanji.

Gin is responsible for silence.

At the same time, in order to facilitate organizing activities and hiding hot weapons, Jiang Shang Yuanji rented a house outside with another identity. After he was cleared out, someone searched the rented house and set fire to it. Erjing, leaving no clues.

Originally, this matter ended here, and the organization did not plan to attack Jiang Shangchenzhi, because judging from the police investigation before and after, Jiang Shangchenzhi did not know anything about the organization, nor did he know much about Jiang Shang Yuanji.

But a month ago, Gin received an email from an unfamiliar email address:

You are Yuan Ji's accomplice, right? You killed him and let him bear the crime of murder alone, shouldn't you give him some compensation to his only relative in the world? I want five million yen, you can refuse, but in that case, I will tell the police your email address. The police are still investigating the murder case a year ago. Presumably the police are very happy for me to provide clues to Yuan Ji’s accomplices of.

Chi Feichi didn't know if Gin's mind was stuck for two seconds after receiving the email. In short, Gin's judgment was

1: The other party does not know much about the organization.

2: I am reluctant to give up this email address, and it is very troublesome to give up, so first stabilize the person and silence it.

Gin replied to the email:

Your name and address?

Jiang Shangchenzhi honestly reported his name and address, and urged to deliver the money to the door quickly.

Gin said it was ok, and passed on the matter to two peripheral members to confirm and investigate.

First of all, it is necessary to confirm whether the name and address stated in the email are true, and to investigate how the other party knows Gin's email address, and where there is a loophole.

Secondly, it is necessary to confirm whether the other party has told others about this matter, and whether to clean up other people by the way.

Finally, follow up and monitor for a period of time to find out what kind of person this is, and whether he will leave a backhand like "a certain package will be sent to the Metropolitan Police Department at a certain time after his death".

If the situation is complicated and peripheral members can't handle it, core members who are good at investigation may intervene later.

It's just that things went terribly wrong.

Two peripheral members took over the investigation and did not rashly alarm Jiangshang Chenzhi, but only found out the 'Yuan Ji' mentioned in the email.

It was easy to find out. Jiangshang Chenzhi's relatives had only one nephew, and Jiangshang Yuanji's name, photo, original address, etc. were quickly investigated.

Vodka looked at the photo and said: Brother, we know this person...

The identities of the peripheral members of the Jiangshang Yuanji organization have been confirmed, and Jiangshang Chenzhi may indeed be the person who sent the email.

Two peripheral members then started a surveillance investigation of Jiangshang Yuanji, and other peripheral members also participated in the investigation.

Half a month later, the results of the investigation came out.

It should be when Jiangshang Yuanji was alive, when he sent an email to Qinjiu, Jiangshang Chenzhi accidentally caught a few digits in it. Jiangshangchenzhi didn't lock Qinjiu's email address, but just locked a few digits in it. Time, every once in a while, send emails one by one to try various combinations, until the email address of gin is tried.

And Jiangshang Chenzhi's interpersonal relationship is very bad, and the relationship with the neighbors around him is not good. It is unlikely to tell others about this matter. After investigation, he did not leave anything behind.

Then the matter will be easy to handle, as long as the person is dealt with directly.

Qin Jiu said at the beginning that he would report the results immediately after the investigation. It seemed that he wanted to go to the door and kill the guy who dared to blackmail him, but maybe after receiving the information, he turned out to be an old lady with no offensive power. There is a gap, Qin Jiu is not very interested, or maybe Qin Jiu has a lot of cleaning tasks recently, Jiangshang Chenzhi was only included in the cleaning list, and then he was selected by him.

The reason why he chose Jiangshang Chenzhi was that he remembered the plot, Jiangshang Chenzhi would be solved soon.

Because she would dress in black, gossip a lot, like to dig through garbage bags in the garbage dump, spy on other people's naked bodies, and has the nickname of "Grandma Crow".

He remembered that the reason why Jiangshang Chenzhi was killed was that Jiangshang Chenzhi rummaged through the trash of the woman upstairs and found the breakup letter from her boyfriend. After picking it up and reading it, she still held the breakup letter, Run to the other party's store and laugh at them loudly.

This is an old lady who is good at killing.


In front of the apartment building in Mihua Town.

After Jiangshang Chenzhi drove away the crow with a stick, he opened a garbage bag and poked around in it with a stick, trying to find something he was interested in.

She has been really lucky this month.

A month ago, she was standing on the balcony of her home watering the flowers, and suddenly found that the crows on the garbage dump across the street were disgusting, dirty and ugly, and kept squawking. The crow drives away.

It was also the day she tried the right email after trying for a year.

Although the other party did not admit that he was Yuan Ji's accomplice, but actually asked her name and address, it seemed that she really planned to send money, so she had the right to try it out, as long as she could get the money.

And while she was waiting for the owner of that email address to send the money, she couldn't help but chase away those annoying crows at the garbage collection place, but found a lottery ticket in a garbage bag, picked it up and won the third prize, Got a lot of money.

The fortunes came one after another, and she began to drive away the crows every morning, and then occupied the garbage pile and rummaged through the garbage.

Because maybe one day I will find the lottery ticket again?

She is different, as long as she competes with the crow for territory, she will be so lucky that she will explode!

Afterwards, although she did not pick up a lottery ticket, she found that domestic garbage is really a treasure. She has picked up pearl earrings, gold crafts, and some interesting letters and labels. These interesting things can make people feel happy. She sees the other side of those neighbors' bright faces.

Yes, no matter how glamorous those people look on the outside, their lives are not as good as her old lady!

"Gah! Gah!"

The crow nearby was very big, and after being chased away by Jiangshang Chenzhi, it did not leave. It stood on a nearby telephone pole and wall, and screamed strangely at Jiangshang Chenzhi.

"Keep picking, there are good things inside!"

"Look for the gold ring specially prepared for you!"

Jiang Shangchenzhi found a small gold ring, his eyes lit up, he took the gold ring out of the garbage bag, wiped it, put the gold ring in his pocket, and found that the crows around were looking at her and calling, which seemed to be caused by Snatching the confidence of good luck from the crow, he snorted coldly, "Hmph! I live several times the age of you beasts, and I should be able to drive you away. What's the name, it's so noisy!"


The crows didn't seem to understand what Jiangshang Chenzhi said, they just stared at her, the person who expelled them.

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