Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1008 Good Luck Crow and Murderous Intent

Training ground No. 119, 1-chome, Kubado-cho.

Looking at the picture captured by the camera, Chi Feichi felt that something was wrong.

He remembered that Fei Mo said that he met someone he hated recently and was dealing with him.

This is actually not uncommon. There are always people in the city who hate crows. It’s okay if they don’t do anything. Once they do, crows, vengeful creatures, will also stare at each other, and they can’t escape even a little prank.

Recalling the story of Jiangshang Chenzhi earlier, he remembered Jiangshang Chenzhi's actions to drive away the crows, and guessed that Jiangshang Chenzhi was also the one who offended the crows.

Now Feimo controls the crows in the entire Mihua Town. Among the "disgusting people" that Feimo said, there must be Jiang Shangchenzhi, but the revenge actions of the crows do not conflict with his actions. So he didn't ask any more questions.

Today was the first time he saw the footage captured by the camera. Although there was no bug installed there and he could only watch 'dumb movies', the behavior of the crows was a little too kind.

In the past, people like Jiangshang Chenzhi who provoked more than once would have been punished by "justice from heaven".

But the crows were not only chased away obediently, but also honestly watched Jiang Shangchenzhi pick up good things, and they definitely wouldn't be afraid.

Even in the face of a dangerous person, the crows became cautious and tried their best to block each other and take revenge on the other party, let alone an old lady who had no combat effectiveness.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Could it be that the crows found out that this was the goal of the organization and were ready to wait and see the good show?

Not likely, even if they guessed that the organization would attack Jiangshang Chenzhi, the crows would still play pranks if they should play tricks, vent their anger if they should, and would never soften their hearts if they deserved justice.

That is a group of hooligans who say 'we can only bully you, you can't bully us'.

Moreover, he thought that Jiangshang Chenzhi had only picked up lottery tickets before, so he would happily drive away crows and dig through trash. The plot in his memory only mentioned lottery tickets, but there was no such thing as a gold ring.

If Jiangshang Chenzhi picked up the gold ring today is not an exception, if there are similar "adventures" during this period, then there is another possibility

The crows are deliberately inducing Jiang Shangchenzhi to dig through the garbage in order to achieve even worse revenge.

After pondering this, Chi Feichi stopped his thoughts and continued to watch the projection.

There's no need to guess anymore, if he wants to know, he can ask Feimo directly.


Rice Flower Town.

In the early morning before the sun rose, the crows called out one after another, which seemed to be a curse that urged their lives.

Jiang Shangchenzhi frowned, and threw the wooden stick in his hand at a crow. Seeing the crow flapping its wings and flying away, he was very angry. He decided to find a way to deal with the crows tomorrow, and turned to leave.

A small crow with red eyes and a large crow stood on the fence.


Feimo called out in response to the occasion, staring at the back of Jiangshang Chenzhi, the emotion in his red eyes was very strange, there was sarcasm, hatred, and some indescribable deep meaning.

Two months ago, a patrolling crow in Mihua Town found this old lady's house. To be precise, it was the balcony of the old woman's house.

There are many flower pots hanging on the balcony. Although those flower pots are easy to fall and hit passers-by, it is difficult for them to hit them. It is better to enjoy a flower first.

The next day, the little crow shared this flower viewing spot with his companions, but that day, after the three crows that passed by fell on the balcony railing, their paws were stuck with glue, only one broke free, and the other two It was never seen again.

Two days later, their companions found the bodies of the two crows in the garbage thrown out by the old woman, and brought back the mutilated bodies.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. Living in a big city, they have encountered all kinds of people. There was once a young man with a nose ring, earrings and a face that trapped crows and killed them. Earlier, crows would die from human hands.

But this kind of thing is rare. Since it happened, it would not be just a case of justice from heaven. The old woman absolutely didn't want to know what happened to the man with the nose ring and ear ring.

The investigation of the old woman lasted for half a month, and then it began to make plans:

First of all, I find crows wandering and quacking near the old woman's apartment every day, which annoys the other party and makes the other party's attention focus on the garbage dump.

That day, the old woman suddenly went out to chase the crows in front of the garbage dump, and she stepped into the trap. Whether she picked up lottery tickets or various valuable things afterwards, they were all sugar-coated cannonballs.

If heaven wants to destroy people, it must first make people crazy.

If it wants to destroy the old woman, it must create opportunities for the old woman to go crazy.

The crows have tracked and understood the character of the old woman, ostentatious, short-sighted, gossip, love to show off, often offend people, and do things unreasonably.

As long as "money is delivered to the door" again and again, the old women will definitely reveal their wealth by showing off at a certain time, and then they will attract a desperado who is short of money to kill with a knife.

And even if the old woman hid the 'rich' and was not targeted by the villains, then with the character of the old woman, once she has money and 'good luck', she will definitely offend people more brazenly.

What's more, the owner said that household garbage is easy to reveal personal privacy, so he asked the crows to lure the old woman to dig through the garbage. The old woman likes to gossip and should be very interested. They wait for the old woman to find out that a certain secret is silenced or offended. Many neighbors were killed by one of them.

If there is no chance, it will also create opportunities for the old woman.

Some time ago, it seemed that a few people in black were investigating the old woman. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the organization the owner is in, but no matter the organization the owner is in, or the mafia or violent associations, they are all related to them It doesn't matter what revenge you have, each play their own way, the more people involved, the more chance they have to achieve their goals.

Its age is also several times that of the old woman, so let's see how it lays out, whether the old woman can escape the murderous intent and come out!


At the Kuboto training ground, Chi Feichi used the computer to switch to the shooting screen of another camera.

Two streets away, a camera was installed in the middle of a high-rise building, facing Jiangshang Chenzhi's apartment.

On the fourth floor of the apartment, there was a family with flower pots hung with wire around the balcony. It seemed that a gust of wind might blow off the flower pots and cause a falling object incident.

That was Room 404 where Jiang Shangchenzhi lived.

Upstairs in Room 504, a young woman with curly short hair stood on the balcony, looking at the old refrigerator downstairs that was just under the window and she could see it when she lowered her head, her sweet face looked gloomy unknown.

After watching for a while, the woman took out a rope connected with a hook, lowered it from the balcony window, hooked up one of the flower pots outside the balcony of Jiangshang Chenzhi downstairs, and put it at her feet. The iron rod and the fishing line for the prize coupons. He hung the iron rod and the prize coupons to the back of the old refrigerator, tied the fishing line in his hand to the railing of his balcony, and turned back to the house.

Vodka looked at the projection on the wall, "What does this woman want to do?"

"Murder." Qin Jiu said concisely.

Not long after, the woman went downstairs, went to the old refrigerator and lay down, reached for the iron rod, pulled the iron rod to pull out the lottery ticket and fishing line, took off the iron rod, and put the lottery ticket connected to the fishing line at the entrance of the first floor of the apartment on the ground, dropped a coin under the old refrigerator, and went back to the apartment building.

Not long after the woman returned home, Jiangshang Chenzhi also arrived downstairs in the apartment. He looked down at the lottery ticket on the ground at the entrance, stopped in his footsteps, and quickly stepped forward, bent over to pick up the lottery ticket on the ground, and his face was horrified. Showed a greedy smile.

It seems that today is not nothing, maybe it is another chance to win the big prize!

Behind the window of 504, the woman had already put on gloves, hid sideways behind the curtains, and observed the entrance of the apartment. Seeing Jiang Shangchenzhi bent down to pick up the lottery tickets, the murderous intent flashed in her eyes, and she quickly pulled the button in her hand. fishing line.

The prize ticket is pulled by the transparent fishing line, which looks like it is being blown by the wind, and gently floats aside.

The nearby crows stopped calling, and silently stared at Jiangshang Chenzhi downstairs.

In front of the projection on the No. 119 training ground in Kashidocho, Ike Feichi, Takatori Yano, Gin and Vodka were also quietly watching every move of Egami Tatsue.

Jiang Shangchenzhi didn't realize that there were murderous intentions around him, and found that the lottery ticket was floating away, so he straightened up immediately and followed to pick it up.

The woman on the fifth floor pulled the fishing line twice more, causing the prize tickets at the end of the fishing line to float into the bottom of the old refrigerator, as if they had been blown in by the wind.

Jiang Shangchenzhi naturally refused to give up, chased after the old refrigerator, lay down directly on the ground, looked under the old refrigerator sideways, and found it was pitch black, simply lay down on the ground, and directly reached out to feel for the lottery ticket that floated inside.

Standing on the fifth floor, the young woman picked up the flower pot that belonged to Jiang Shangchenzhi's balcony and found that her view was blocked by the top of the old refrigerator, and she could only see Jiang Shangchenzhi's body but not When he reached the head, he gave up aiming, estimated the position of Jiangshang Chenzhi's head, and smashed the flower pot in his hand.

The flower pot fell at high speed in the air and hit the upper corner of the old refrigerator. It shifted slightly, but it just hit the head of Jiang Shangchenzhi who was lying on the ground.


Amid the sound of the flowerpot breaking, the nearby crows seemed to be frightened and flew up, croaking again and again.

After the woman on the fifth floor dropped the flower pot, she turned back to the house and closed the window, covering her face with her hands trembling.

She just couldn't forgive.

Working in the bakery in front of Mihua Station, she used the most patient and friendly attitude in exchange for meager remuneration. She used to have a handsome and gentle boyfriend who was a classmate with her. The two could accompany each other and work hard for a common future. Hard work, there seems to be an invisible force in my heart to support.

When she learns the craft well and saves a sum of money, they will open a bakery together, and the two will sell the bread and cakes they make...

This was their good wish, but her boyfriend actually chose to break up with her, and she finally got out of the blow.

Life had to go on, and she decided to forget about that man.

But in the afternoon three days after receiving the breakup letter, Jiangshang Chenzhi brought a letter pasted with tape to her shop to make a fuss.

That was the breakup letter she received. She had torn it up and threw it into the trash can, and then it was thrown into the recycling bin together with the trash bag, but Jiang Shangchenzhi found it, pasted it with scotch tape, and took it to her shop to laugh at her , Say something like 'I want to read an interesting letter to everyone' and 'I plan to keep it happy for a while' are so excessive.

She wanted to snatch the letter back, but under the eyes of so many customers in the store, she knocked over the baking tray where the bread was placed, and fell to the ground where the bread was scattered on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

Life is already so difficult, she has lost the best thing, why are there still people who are not willing to leave her with the last decency?

At that moment, it seemed like a beast in her heart was about to break free from her atrium and burst out, tearing everything to pieces.

When she went to work yesterday morning, she saw the old refrigerator downstairs, and somehow she had an idea, let her buy a lottery ticket after get off work yesterday...

She kills.

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