Downstairs, Jiangshang Chenzhi was lying motionless in front of the old refrigerator. The bright red blood spread from the bottom of his head, and soon spread to the broken flowerpot next to him, seeped into the scattered soil, and was also stained red. The soil is poured on the side of the pink flower plant.

After the young woman on the fifth floor recovered, she reopened the window, pulled up the hanging fishing line and the prize tickets on the line with trembling hands, and recycled them into the house.

After more than ten minutes, the sky was bright.

Living in an apartment building, a young man wearing glasses, wearing a suit and leather shoes, went downstairs with a briefcase, preparing for a new day of "worker" life, but as soon as he walked out of the entrance of the apartment, he saw the old refrigerator lying beside the entrance. The corpse in front of him and the blood spreading under the corpse screamed in fright.

After the man called the police, the police arrived soon and began to investigate the scene.

Feimo left contentedly, leaving some crows around, waiting to watch the excitement.

At the No. 119 training ground in Kubado-cho, Chi Feichi turned off the projection, found the data of Tatsue Egami on the computer, marked it as 'cleaned', and signed the code name 'Raki' with an electronic sensor pen.

Although Jiangshang Chenzhi has died under the camera and cannot die anymore, someone will confirm Jiangshang Chenzhi's death in the future, add the message of "confirmed death" to the information, and then sign his code or name.

Jiangshang Chenzhi is not an important person. Most of the death confirmations will be made by a peripheral member, and then this information will be sealed up, pressed under the database, or destroyed directly.

He doesn't need to remove the camera on the other side of the building.

After a while, the police investigation is over, and whoever installed the camera will dismantle it.

If no fingerprints are left, it doesn't matter if you don't remove it.

The pinhole camera pointed at the apartment was hidden, and even if it was discovered, the police would not know that the camera had any connection with the murder.

As for the email records sent by Jiangshang Chenzhi to Qinjiu, Qinjiu had already found someone to hack and clear them from the Internet, so there was no need to worry about finding out the organization.

"In this case, the two goals on Lark's side have been resolved," Vodka said with emotion, "and why the police can't find the head of the organization, only an old refrigerator is used, it is really simple and silent."

Chi Feichi closed the computer, "If I hadn't found someone to store that old refrigerator, she would be killed sooner or later."

Takatori Yannan glanced at Chi Feichi's calm face secretly. He suspected that the boss was trying to argue. If there was no old refrigerator, maybe that woman would not have thought of killing people. Even if she did, there was no suitable opportunity. Maybe he gave up and gradually forgot. Therefore, in this incident, his boss is a bastard devil who tempts to make mistakes.

Chi Feichi thought so much, got up and put the computer back in the cabinet.

Even without him, there would be other old refrigerators there, maybe a day or two at night, but it was inevitable that 'Grandma Crow' would be killed.

Jiang Shangchenzhi had offended too many people, it wasn't the woman upstairs, it could be someone else, there was no need to organize a shot at all.

He asked people to put the old refrigerator in order to lock down the time and place of Jiang Shangchenzhi's death.

The location must be near the refrigerator.

And the time will probably be the second day after the old refrigerator is placed, because the murderer saw the old refrigerator for the first time, had a plan in mind, and went to buy lottery tickets to make other preparations. sky.

In this way, as long as a camera is placed nearby, he can sit and confirm the matter through remote monitoring, without having to run around there and leave any traces.

It’s just that now it seems that this crime was provoked by him. He gave others the opportunity to commit crimes and induced others to commit crimes. He also couldn’t explain “it would be like this without me”, he couldn’t explain clearly...

Forget it, he will take the blame.

Takatori Yan Nan complained in his heart, got up and went to the water dispenser to get water, "You say, can the police find out that the woman upstairs committed the crime?"

Alas, his boss is very harmful.

"The woman threw coins under the old refrigerator. The scene of the crime looked like coins from Jiangshang fell into the bottom of the old refrigerator. When she went to pick them up, she was hit by a flower pot hanging on the balcony at home. And there are many crows nearby, the police may suspect that the crow accidentally hooked its claws to the flowerpot." Qin Jiu didn't bother to pay attention to the woman, and got up to evacuate, "If there is no detective or someone else interfering , the police will probably close the case as an accident, but that has nothing to do with us."

"Are you done there?" Chi Feichi asked.

"No. 1 and No. 2 are cleaned up," Gin turned and walked out the door, "That fellow Bourbon is determined to track down the whereabouts of Akai Shuichi and the FBI, and the Shuanghehui needs someone to confirm before the action. Probably need to wait for a few days, after the confirmation, we will go to meet the up-and-coming star of the extreme way..."

Vodka followed immediately, and even helped close the door.

Takatori Yannan was drinking water, and after the electronic door was locked again, he said, "Boss, the person under Rum...that is, the legal counsel of the Han Butterfly Society, seems to be doing tricks recently to make Han There were some conflicts between the Butterfly Society and the Shuanghe Society."

Chi Feichi looked at Yan Nan Takatori, "What do you think they want to do?"

Takatori Geno didn't go to the Hancho Club recently, but he would make phone calls from time to time, send text messages to the members of the Kancho Club, and he also gathered a small group of people to form a group, attracting the attention of Takayama Otome, the pump students Caixiang and Rum Arranging the space for the legal consultant to create activities can be regarded as having some understanding of the internal situation of the Cold Butterfly Society.

"Let me briefly tell you what happened," Takatori Yannan held a water glass and ran to sit on the sofa, "At first, the girls from the Cold Butterfly Club had a little conflict with the people from the Double Peace Club. It's very common. Usually, the high level of the association comes forward to reconcile, and the major incidents are reduced to small ones. After all, in recent years, various policies are not suitable for the survival of Yakuza organizations, and everyone tries to reduce unnecessary enemies. But this time, Otome Takayama His attitude is very tough, and he has no plans to reconcile with Shuanghehui. He said that he is standing up to the outside world. He must let others know that the women of Handiehui are not easy to bully. It is true to say so, but I am familiar with Handiehui. A female friend said that Otome Takayama and her legal advisers have been meeting frequently recently, discussing something in secret. I secretly asked Pusheng, and she said that Otome Takayama had vaguely disclosed to her that it was related to the Shuanghe Conference, and Yamaguchi was also involved. Team, Otome Takayama also brought that legal advisor recently, and had contact with the senior management and team leader of the Yamaguchi team a few times..."

Chi Feichi didn't interrupt Takatori Yan Nan, but just listened quietly.

In the current Cold Butterfly Club, there are women who often hang out in bars, nightclubs and other places as members. In addition to those professional waitresses, there are also some rebellious rich daughters, women who have been hurt in various industries or who need to hug together for warmth. There is no shortage of these people, and these people have brought a huge network of contacts to the Handie Club, and there is also a smuggling line behind the Handie Club. In addition to helping people's affairs, investment and operation of bars, etc., the funds are not enough. In short, they recruited a lot of talents in the legal and financial circles. Generally speaking, they developed rapidly and steadily. Among them, the young Takayama Otome has the title of "Mrs. Handie".

At present, there are three major factions within the Cold Butterfly Association.

One is Takatori Yannan, although he is a rare male heterogeneity in the Cold Butterfly Society, but he himself provided a smuggling line before the establishment of the Cold Butterfly Society. In the eyes of others, he is a mysterious, ambitious, and profound background. Elder, there are not many members relying on Takato Yannan, but it can be regarded as a small group.

The second is Takayama Otome. As the president, the people under Takayama Otome may not be called a "faction", but because of Takatori Yano's existence, they can be regarded as the "genzhengmiaohong protection chairman faction", just like justice The ministers are guarding against rebels who may usurp the throne, and in the Takayama Otome department, the most trusted by Takayama Otome and has the most contact with various things is a legal adviser, a person from Rum.

The third is Urao Ayaka, which is also not considered a "clique". It's just that after the younger girls got together, the leader they found was Urao Ayaka. They were all girls who liked to play and were at most sixteen or seventeen years old. It is a faction, but in fact it has no right to speak, and usually does not participate in any conflicts of interest. It has a good relationship with the other two factions and represents the new generation.

At present, Urao Ayaka is still the interpreter flower in Takayama Otome's heart, and the promising heir. Not only does Takayama Otome not have any objection or dissatisfaction with the small faction on Urao Ayaka's side, but she also wholeheartedly teaches Usain Ayaka how to dig and win over manpower.

There was no conflict between Takatori Geno and Takayama Otome, but people on both sides were very careful about guarding against the other group.

It's ridiculous to say that the three factions in the eyes of others all have the shadow of an organization behind them.

The organization set up a drama, and sent three people out to sing the opera, and played games for Takayama Otome, a tool person who worked hard to develop the gang. When it was okay, Takayama Otome had the right to speak, but as long as it involved the interests of the organization, Handie If you want to change the chairman, you can change smoothly and easily.

"I've thought about it, we have to get rid of all the high-level leaders of the Double Peace Conference, and the Double Peace Conference will definitely become a mess," Yan Nan Takatori analyzed with a serious face, "The people on Rum's side should want to let Han Diehui took the opportunity to take over the territory and people of the Shuanghehui, but if Handiehui took over alone, once the police found that all the senior members of the Shuanghehui were dead, then the suspicion of murder would fall on Handiehui, and Handiehui would also take over. They will be alerted by other yakuza organizations, so they want to pull the Yakuza-gumi on, give the majority of the benefits to the Yakuza-gumi, and let the police and other yakuza organizations think that the Shuanghehui was done by the Yakuza-gumi.”

"Being blamed for the fact that the police can't find any evidence, but getting benefits that don't cost much, the Yamaguchi-gumi will agree," Chi Feichi said calmly, "and the people at Rum probably won't say that she knows them. Some people went to assassinate the top leaders of the Shuanghehui, saying that they just heard some rumors, and maybe they could transfer a sum of money from the Handiehui to the organization in the name of 'going to a mysterious person to buy information'."

"That's right," Yano Takatori nodded. He thought so too. Looking at it this way, the organization is like a terrifying blood-sucking insect hiding behind the Cold Butterfly Society. "You don't seem to know about this. Nothing else, so let me mention it to you."

"I see," Chi Feichi stood up holding Feichi in his arms, "If you're sleepy, go back to sleep first, and I'll go and see the little white mouse."

That's right, Rum didn't say anything about it, but it didn't mean that that person didn't know about it, nor did it mean that Rum deliberately concealed it from him and Gin.

In their eyes, the Handie Club is just a tool, and there is no need to fight for anything. It is more likely that Langmu wants to tell them when the preparations are almost complete.

I thought so, but Chi Feichi still sent an email to that person:

【As for the double peace meeting, Langmu seems to want Handiehui to get involved. ——Raki】

After Chi Feichi watched the little white mice go out, that person's reply was also sent over:

[I have already obtained my permission for this matter. Lang Mu intends to use some of the residual profits left by the Shuanghe Society. He will act carefully and prevent the Handie Society or the organization from being targeted by others. 】

Sure enough.

Chi Feichi put away his mobile phone, opened his closed laptop, and turned on the camera monitoring again.

In the picture, the police have sealed off the scene near the old refrigerator, and among the onlookers on the side of the road, Conan, Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko are carrying schoolbags and standing in the front row of the crowd.

Between 'watch Conan solve the case' and 'go home and sleep', he chose the latter.

Turn off the computer and leave.

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