Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1010 That One Has Changed

Downstairs in the Mihuacho apartment, Conan, Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko are watching and watching, and they are about to cross the warning zone.

"Please don't come in, everyone!" Chiba and Shinobi maintained order, and were surprised when they saw the four children sneaking close to the cordon, but soon stopped feeling surprised, "So it's you guys..."

It's these kids who like to run to the scene of the crime and are not afraid of the dead body.

Mitsuhiko looked excited, "Officer Chiba, what happened here? Please tell us a little bit, maybe we can help!"

"No, I can't say it." Chiba and Shin had a look of helplessness, look, these children are really not afraid of murder and corpses.

Conan saw the outline of a human figure drawn in front of the old refrigerator, "Is that..."

Yuan Tai already knew what it was, and exclaimed, "Could it be a murder case?!"

The surrounding crowd immediately started talking in low voices.

"Huh? Murder?"

"It's really a murder..."

"It's terrible..."

"No, no, this is just an accident," Chiba and Shinobu hurriedly raised their voices to appease the people, "It's not a homicide!"

"An accident?" Conan asked curiously.

"Don't be so loud..." Chiba and Shen scratched their heads helplessly, thinking that if they didn't make it clear, these children wouldn't leave, maybe some rumors would come out again, bent over and approached the four children, and whispered the situation "There is indeed a person who died here. It was an old lady who lived alone in this apartment. Her name was Jiangshang Chenzhi. This morning, when she came back from the house, a flowerpot fell from upstairs and hit it her head."

"The flower pot fell and hit the head..." Conan looked up to the apartment building, and sure enough, he saw a circle of flower pots hanging outside the balcony of a family. Only that balcony in this apartment had flower pots.

Ayumi also looked up and followed, and said softly, "It's dangerous to hang there."

"It may fall at any time." Yuan Tai said.

Mitsuhiko also frowned and said, "It's so uncivil! Who is the owner of that room?"

"Room 404..." Chiba Kazunobu looked up, "Tatsue Egami, who was hit by a flowerpot, lives in that room."

"You mean, this mother-in-law was hit on the head by a flower pot I placed on the balcony?" Conan felt that something was wrong, it was a coincidence.

"That's what we guessed." Chiba Kazunobu said.

"This mother-in-law is too pitiful." Yuan Tai sighed.

"Officer Chiba!" A police officer ran up to Kazunobu Chiba with a notepad, "The residents of this building said that they had protested with the deceased about the flower pot before, and wanted the old lady to move the flower pot Go inside the house so that the flowerpot will not fall and hit someone, but the old lady won't listen to anything."

"Really," Chiba Kazunobu said with emotion, "If she had listened to her neighbor's advice, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened today because of the crow's prank."

"Why do you say it was a crow's prank?" Conan asked again.

Chiba Kazunobu looked at the surrounding heights, "Did you see it? There are many crows around here. Granny Jiangshang lives on the fourth floor. It shouldn't be a wild cat doing it. Maybe a crow didn't know that its beak or feet were hooked by the flowerpot." , when I was struggling, I would drop the flowerpot..."

"In other words, did the crow kill Granny Jiangshang?" Ayumi looked at the nearby crow and frowned, "But Feimo is very good..."

"Just like people, there will be bad crows, right?" Mitsuhiko said seriously, "Didn't our detective badge be snatched by a group of bad crows?"

Conan also thought it wasn't made by the crow, so he stared at the scene for a while and asked two questions, but he still couldn't find out where the strangeness in his heart came from.

Since they still had to go to school, the four children didn't stay long. When they left, the young woman in room 504 greeted Ayumi and was noticed by a detective.

A detective was also thinking about this matter in class, and then spent two days in his spare time to solve the case.

On the other hand, Chi Feichi spent five days in the laboratory of the No. 119 training ground, preparing to make a new version of the finished drug. He ran at home and in the laboratory at two o'clock and one line every day. Or go to Shinde Tomoaki's house for dinner.

After finishing the medicine, Chi Feichi remembered about Jiangshang Chenzhi, and checked Jiangshang Chenzhi's information on the computer.

If you can't find it, all the pages are empty, indicating that the matter is over.

There is also the No. 3 target that he was in charge of before, but no relevant information can be found either.

Firstly, these people are not the experimental subjects of the experimental medicine, and secondly, they are not important or special people. If they die, they will not involve too powerful people, and they will not cause turmoil.

After Chi Feichi read it, he closed the page and sent an email to that person on his computer.

[AHTX-1031 can enter the stage of human experimentation, but the final product may need to be adjusted according to human reactions and related data. Raki]

This is the request of that person, let him say it when he researches that it can act on the human body.

While waiting for that one to reply, Chi Feichi went to see the purple-eyed mice that had bred a group.

Whether it is artificial insemination, natural insemination, or using the purple-eyed white mouse that was bred later to breed with the original purple-eyed white mouse, or using ordinary mice to breed with the original purple-eyed white mouse, the mouse's The survival rate has always been very low. They either died in the womb, or there were problems at birth, and they died within two days.

After tossing and tossing for so long, he only managed to produce eight purple-eyed white mice, and he still couldn't make up ten. He has never been willing to use purple-eyed white mice for experiments. These must be used as breeding mice and continue to breed.


After Chi Feichi adjusted the water, food, temperature and humidity of the breeding equipment, the reply from that person was sent.

[Don't use people casually for experiments, you can use enemies of the organization, but core members are not allowed to test drugs. 】

Chi Feichi didn't reply again.

That one has changed.

He used to be able to reply in seconds, but now occasionally he has to wait for a long time before replying, and he is always on guard against poisoning his subordinates every day, which seems to prove that he doesn't cherish a sentence once he gets it.


the next day.

Outside Dr. Ari's house, as soon as the red Lexus SC stopped, Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko immediately surrounded him, and Haibara Ai and Conan also moved closer to the car.

"Brother Chi, good morning!" Ayumi stared at Feichi who was poking out the window, and greeted with a smile, "Feichi, you too, good morning!"

"Brother Chi, Feichi, good morning!"

Others followed suit to say hello.

Both Conan and Haibara quietly watched the car.

They heard Ayumi talk about Chi Feichi raising a white cat, and they always wanted to see it. When Yuanta and Mitsuhiko wanted to see the cat arguing, they also joined the approval queue, but they didn't know...

After Chi Feichi got out of the car, a white shadow jumped out and quickly jumped onto the wall of Dr. A Li's house nearby.

Ayumi turned her head to look at the white cat on the fence, and rolled her eyes with a smile. Brother Chi would not disappoint them, "Morning, no name! I'm Ayumi, do you remember me?"

"Brother Chi really brought Wuming?" Yuan Tai also ran to the wall and looked up.

"It's so beautiful!" Mitsuhiko exclaimed.

In the morning light, the short white fur on the white cat's body was soft and shiny, without a trace of variegation. It looked down at the five children gathered under the wall, and the pupils in its blue eyes narrowed into oblong ovals.

Of course, it takes care of itself beautifully every day!

Hui Yuanai looked up, worried that they would be too enthusiastic to scare the cat, subconsciously lowered her voice, "He is indeed a very beautiful child."

"It turned out to be it..."

Conan recognized it, isn't this the white cat he and Hattori fed?

Ayumi turned her head curiously, "Has Conan seen Wuming?"

When Conan explained that he had seen Wuming in the Chima incident, Dr. Ali also came over.

"Feichi, you're here!" Dr. A Li looked energetic, and then looked up at Wuming on the wall, "Is this Wuming?"

"Yeah," Mitsuhiko was a little distressed, "but it has been refusing to come down."

"It's probably because everyone was too enthusiastic and scared it." Hui Yuanai looked up at Wuming, "For that child, being too enthusiastic will make it very uncomfortable? It's like a person who is used to the cold winter. When you see the sun suddenly, you will be panicked, maybe you will escape and try, and it will take some time to accept it."

Conan: "..."

Huiyuan is sure that these thoughts belong to the cat, instead of secretly expressing his feelings through the cat?

"That's right, Wuming is very shy," Ayumi looked up at Wuming, and lowered her voice, "We must have scared it."

Conan looked at it, and didn't think Wuming was shy, but he felt that the cat was calm and proud, but he couldn't judge whether the cat was calm on the surface.

Thinking about it this way, it's almost like Haibara...

Dr. A Li imagined the situation of the little white cat with a cold face and a nervous heart, and also thought of Hui Yuan Ai, and smiled and said to Wuming on the wall, "We will work hard to catch a lot of fish today, and your dinner is settled." oh!"

"Fishing..." Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko turned to look at Dr. Ali in doubt, "Fish?"

Chi Feichi also looked at Dr. A Li.

Isn't today the daily camp?

Conan explained, "The doctor thinks that he has been going camping before, but this time he will change it and take everyone to go fishing in the waters of Kanagawa. Of course, the curry rice meeting at night will not be cancelled..."

Chi Feichi thought about it.

The sea fishing in this episode...

Today is Dr. Ari's birthday?

Yuan Tai excitedly said, "And it can also be turned into a curry whole fish dinner party!"

Ayumi sweated and forced a smile, "Curry and fish will taste strange, right?"

"Okay, I have contacted the fishing boat," Dr. A Li said with a smile, "The fishing tools and bait are also ready."

Wuming shook his ears, got up and ran to the fence of Kudo's house next door, yelling 'meow meow', "Master, I don't want to go to sea, the feeling of being lost is too annoying, you go, I'll wait for you to come back !"

Seeing Wuming's reaction, Ayumi stayed where she was, "Ah..."

"Scared, scared away," Mitsuhiko was also a little confused, "Did we just make too much noise?"

Yuan Tai was confused, "Are we so scary?"

"It just doesn't like going to sea." Chi Feichi said, thinking about other things in his mind.

He wasn't sure if it was Dr. A Li's birthday today, but it was always right to prepare a gift, and even if it wasn't, it could be a small gift for friends.

It's just that he is unprepared now, he has to think about what to give Dr. A Li as a gift...

Dr. A Li felt that Chi Feichi was reassuring them and that the cat was scared away by them, but seeing the relief of the children, he did not expose it. He turned to look at Chi Feichi, and before he could speak, he saw Chi Feichi Turn around and go aside.

Chi Feichi walked to the other side of the street, bowed his head and took out his mobile phone, "Doctor, I'm going to make a call."

"Ah, good..." Dr. A Li was stunned, and helplessly raised his hand to touch his head, "I also want to ask Feichi if he wants to prepare fishing tackle by himself."

Conan laughed dryly, no matter what fishing tackle Chi Feichi prepares, there is a high probability that he will not be able to catch fish...

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