Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1011 Huiyuan Ai: Get a vaccination in advance

Chi Feichi went to the other side of the fence and emailed Gin first.

[Sea fishing in the waters near Kanagawa, one day. ——Raki】

The current time is 8:30 in the morning, and Chi Feichi didn't expect Qin Jiu to reply in time, so he called Dashanmi after punching out the card, and sent Feimo an email.

After receiving affirmative answers from Dashanya and Feimo, Chi Feichi turned to find Dr. Ali, and drove two cars with Dr. Ali to Kanagawa with five little ghost heads.

The car drove directly to the Kanagawa wharf, and the fishing boat that Dr. Ali had contacted in advance was already waiting at the wharf.

Not long after, the fishing boat left the pier and sailed into the sea with gentle waves.

Chi Feichi watched the five children put on their life jackets before taking them to the deck.

Ayumi ran to the side of the boat, closed her eyes and felt it, and said with a smile, "The sea breeze is so cool!"

Feichi had slipped down and ran to the side of the boat with a group of children.

Hui Yuanai squatted down, picked up Feichi, so that Feichi could see the sea, took out a string of small floating buoys from his pocket, lowered his head and tied it to Feichi, "Tie this on, and you don't have to worry about falling into the sea. ..."

Feichi: "..."

Although it doesn't like to touch seawater, it can swim, and it can climb up in time after falling.

With such a large string of buoys attached, it always feels that it will be thrown into the sea as bait in the next second, and then eaten by a fish as big as Feili...

Chi Feichi watched Hui Yuanai tying the floating ball to Feichi's body, felt the phone vibrate, turned around and went to the side to answer the call, and then returned to the deck, counting the time in his mind.

Dashan Mi has already bought the gift, and it takes about 30 minutes for Feimo to go to the designated place to get the things. Whether he goes to the Tokyo pier to take a non-li “convenience boat” or flies here by himself, it will take more than two hours.

They are going to go fishing on the breakwater embankment. It will take about half an hour on the way. When they get there, they will definitely not have time to deliver Dr. Ali's gift, but they should be able to catch up on the return journey...

Hui Yuan Ai noticed that someone was approaching beside him, and looked away from the sea, and looked up at Chi Feichi who was walking beside him, "You have been on the phone today, is there anything you need to do?"

Dr. A Li scratched his head and smiled, "Feichi, if you have something to do, you don't need to come here with everyone..."

"It's okay," Chi Feichi said, "I have nothing to do."

Hui Yuanai didn't ask, and looked at the sea again, and gave Chi Feichi a vaccination in advance, "Whether you can catch fish or not, looking at the magnificent sea is always a good thing to relax your mind, right?"

Brother Feichi probably still can't catch fish, so she needs to enlighten him in advance.

Chi Feichi looked towards the sea and said 'hmm'.

The cool sea breeze is blowing slowly, and the endless sea is lit up with fish scale-like spots, which is really relaxing.

Seeing that Chi Feichi should not be obsessed with catching fish, Hui Yuanai was relieved, with a slight smile on his face, and his eyes on the sea surface softened a lot, "The sea is called the mother of mankind, and occasionally..."

A wave hit the side of the boat, and the splashed sea sprayed Hui Yuanai's head and face.

Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Hui Yuanai who was stunned by the sea water, and remembered a joke, "Stepmother."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Dr. Ali: "..."

Conan who came over: "..."

"Pfft!" Conan was the first to burst out laughing, and when he noticed Hui Yuanai glanced at him, he felt that the joke in front of him was not good, so he turned his back and smiled secretly.

Chi Feichi squatted down, took out a handkerchief and helped Hui Yuanai wipe off the sea water dripping down his chin.

Hui Yuanai's speechless mood improved a lot, looked at Feichi, who was also splashed with seawater, with a small floating ball tied in his hand, and handed Feichi forward, "Do you want to wash Feichi with clean water? "

"Need not."

Chi Feichi wiped Hui Yuanai's face and helped Feichi wipe the sea water off his body.

Conan watched from the sidelines, complaining in his heart that Hui Yuan was so at ease as a child now, completely forgetting that he also asked others to help wipe the stains on his face with peace of mind, especially Mao Lilan who helped wipe the most times.

Seeing that the cleaning was finished, Dr. A Li looked back at the sea and said with emotion, "However, the sea is indeed called the source of life..."

Conan froze for a moment, frowning as he recalled.

The source of life?

That being said, today seems to be...

"Oh, are you kids also coming to the breakwater to go fishing?"

A middle-aged woman stepped forward and asked aloud. Her smiling face had some fine lines left by the years, but judging from her facial features, she was still a very popular and beautiful woman if she went back more than ten years.

Mitsuhiko nodded, "Yes, Auntie."

Yuan Tai added, "We'll stay until the afternoon!"

"Then do you want to compare with me?" The woman smiled and bent down and asked the three children, "See who catches the most fish. If I lose, I will treat you to a big box of bento, how about it?"

"Bento?" Yuan was too greedy.

"The creamy crab cakes I made are delicious!" The woman said with a smile, then turned to ask the tall and thin man who followed behind her, "Isn't it, Jin Gu?"

The tall and thin man put on a fisherman's hat, held up the bento box in his hand, and said with a smile, "Yeah, I've been eating your specialty dishes. After all, you're a fisherman's daughter. The dishes made with sea ingredients are really nothing to say!"

Mitsuhiko hesitated, "But we are all just learning to fish..."

"Then ask Ida," the woman suggested, "he knows a lot."

"Ida?" Yuan Tai was puzzled.

"It's the owner of this fishing boat," the woman explained, pointing to the cab. "He's still a current fisherman. He knows everything about fishing. He's simply a super expert!"

"Hahaha... no, no, no matter how much you ask, you can't catch fish," a fat man walked up with a smile, bent down in front of Yuantai, and touched Yuantai's head, "because of their age She's still young, no matter what, she'll only be bald!"

After speaking, he laughed and left.

"Baldhead?" Yuan Tai stared wide-eyed.

He's not bald, he has hair!

Mitsuhiko looked at the fat man who laughed and left in doubt, "Are age and hairstyle related to fishing?"

Conan explained, "'Baldhead' in fishing means that you can't catch a single fish."

"Don't mind," Hui Yuanai said with a blank expression, "This is just a silly joke made by the middle-aged uncle."

"This guy..." Yuan Tai looked at the back of the fat man leaving, and then clenched his fists, "Okay! Let's go ask that fisherman, we must catch a lot of tuna today!"


Mitsuhiko and Ayumi also raised their fists with high spirits.

The three children ran to ask the owner of the fishing boat for fishing tips, while Chi Feichi, Dr. A Li, Conan, and Hui Yuanai stayed on the deck to watch the scenery.

"Huh?" The middle-aged woman noticed Feichi in Hui Yuanai's hand, and was dazed, not daring to approach, "Little sister, is that in your hand...a snake?"

The tall and thin man looked surprised, "Are you planning to use snakes as bait?"

Feichi: "..."

It really was used as bait...

"No," Hui Yuanai hid Feichi in his arms, worried that these two people were the kind of fishing madmen who studied bait and snatched Feichi to make bait, "This is a pet, I'm just worried that it will fall into the In the sea, buoys will be tied to it.”

But Hui Yuanai probably thought too much, the woman looked at Feichi and didn't dare to go forward, "So that's how it is..."

The fishing boat stopped in front of the breakwater embankment, and the owner of the fishing boat, Ida, came to the deck. After the fishermen came ashore, he shouted loudly, "Then I will go back first, and I will pick you up in three hours. If you need anything, please let me know." Call and I'll be here in 30 minutes!"

After the middle-aged woman, the tall and thin man and the fat man responded, they went to find fishing spots.

The three children, Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi stared at the fishing boat driving away with displeasure, and made faces at the fishing boat, "Slightly..."

The gaze from Chi Feichi.

Ayumi felt a cold stare staring at her from behind, turned her head stiffly, saw Chi Feichi's gaze, sweated a little, and quickly explained, "We went to ask that fisherman uncle for fishing tips, but he treated us like a kid. The child lied, so we were a little angry..."

It was only then that Guangyan and Yuantai remembered that Chi Feichi was there, they felt cold in their hearts, and turned to join the team of "Explain to Chi Feichi".

"He laughed and said, don't mess around like a child..."

"Excessive, isn't it?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

They were children in the first place, but they still don't mind others treating them as children, and...

"Because the sound of footsteps on the embankment will be carried into the water," Conan said, watching the three children face Chi Feichi's cowardly behavior, and he didn't have the heart to complain. It's a good thing someone can control the three bratty children, "What he meant It should be to say, let you not run around excitedly, if you scare the fish away, you will not catch any fish."

"Then he can also speak directly..." Yuan Tai muttered in a low voice.

"Huh?" Dr. Ali noticed that the fat man jumped onto the concrete block outside the levee, and was startled. "He is very dangerous. What if children follow him?"

"Mr. Ejiri has always been like this," the tall and thin man looked at the fat man sitting on the concrete block, "He likes to sit on the concrete block and fish!"

"In such a big sea, why is the water here so shallow?" Hui Yuanai looked at the cement blocks, "The cement blocks of the embankment are all exposed to the water."

"It's because the shape of the raised rock here is very complicated," the middle-aged woman explained, still far away from Hui Yuanai who was holding Feichi, "but thanks to this, it is difficult for boats to come in, so many fishermen I don’t even know this place, but it’s an excellent fishing spot.”

Yuan Tai stood by the embankment and looked down, "Is this kind of place an excellent fishing spot?"

"Yes," Conan said with a smile, "to the fish, the breakwater is like a man-made hotel with its own restaurant. The fish that come to forage and lay eggs will live here..."

"Really?" Yuan Tai was very happy, and turned to look at the ice box, "Then such a small ice box can't hold too many fish!"

Conan reminded, "The season for fish to survive the winter is over..."

Yuan Tai: "If I knew it earlier, I would have brought a bigger ice box!"

Conan: "There won't be many fish..."

Ayumi: "What should I do if I can't let go?"

Mitsuhiko: "Can I borrow an ice box?"

Conan: "..."

Is there anyone listening to him?

The three children chattered about what to do if there were too many fish, and they even came up with the idea of ​​'opening a fish shop to sell fish'.

Chi Feichi, Hui Yuanai and Dr. A Li had already set up small stools and packed fishing tackle and bait.

The other two anglers also found suitable positions and started fishing.

Conan looked around and found that no one really listened to him, so he stopped talking.

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