Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1015 What kind of devil's development is this?

Here, Conan tried to calm down with reasoning.

On the other side, the fishing boat arrived at the Kanagawa pier, waited for the ambulance to take Ejiri away, and then returned to the breakwater embankment to pick up other people.

"Calculating the time, the police should have arrived, right?" In the cab, Ida Yan sighed, and suddenly found a smoking fishing boat not far ahead, "Hey? What's wrong with that boat?"

Chi Feichi stared at the sea in silence.

Hui Yuanai glanced at it, and saw that Chi Fei hadn't said a word, nor expressed his opinion. He was leaning against the sea and blowing the sea breeze, relaxing his mind and emptying his mind.

It doesn't matter whether you go to help or not, it doesn't matter to her.

"Let's go pick everyone up first, and come back to see how the fishing boat is doing!" Ida Yan made up his mind and drove the boat to the breakwater, but suddenly fell silent.

He was just like a snake man talking to himself...

On what kind of experience it is to feel that there are two living people on board, but I feel that I am the only one there...

Chi Feichi finished staring at the sea and at the sky.

He remembered that in this incident, Yokomizo Shigeno urged the fishing boat to speed up and rushed to the scene. As a result, the fishing boat broke down and smoked. After that, Ejiri woke up and said that he would not pursue it, and concealed the truth from the police with others. This thing is over.

The fishing boat just now should be the one taken by the police. If the police arrive before Ejiri wakes up and expresses his forgiveness, the incident will be investigated and they will make a record.

Although Dr. A Li and Conan are here, he can escape for a while, but if there is no such troublesome thing as a record, it will be gone.

Therefore, they must keep the smoking fishing boat and the police on the surface.

Furthermore, counting the time, Fei Mo should have arrived...

On the smoking fishing boat, Henggou Shigeno impetuously urged the fishermen who were repairing the boat.

"Hurry up, are you all right?"

"Why are you so slow?"

"Hey, when will it be fixed?"

The fisherman was speechless, "Officer, can you stop urging me?"

Urge the ship out of trouble, still urging?

"Damn..." Henggou Shigeno continued to be impatient, raised his wrist to look at his watch, "I don't know what kind of case it is yet!"

In the sea outside, a fishing boat bypassed the smoking boat and continued towards the breakwater.

On the far sea surface, the vertical fins exposed to the sea split the waves and quickly rushed towards the fishing boat. The waves behind them regrouped and pulled out a long white line.

"Shark..." Ida Yan's face changed, "No, it's a whale! A whale is coming towards the fishing boat!"

Hui Yuanai immediately ran into the cab, "Can you avoid..."

In front, as the vertical fin approaches, a small black spot on the vertical fin becomes more and more clear.

Haibara Ai:"……"

She saw a familiar crow riding a whale with a gift box in its mouth...

Ida Yan didn't notice the strangeness of Hui Yuan Ai, and frowned and stared at the front, "The whale is too fast, find something to hold on to, I will try to avoid it!"

"No need," Chi Feichi passed by the cab window and walked to the front deck, "Look for me."

"Ah?" Ida Yan was stunned for a moment, subconsciously looking at Hui Yuanai.

What's the meaning?

Hui Yuanai was silent for a while, and followed out of the cab, "It should be looking for Brother Feichi."

Ida Yan: "???"

The whale looks for... wait, the whale does seem to slow down.

Feili slowed down when approaching the fishing boat, stopped in the sea some distance away from the fishing boat, and probed, but the waves still caused the fishing boat to shake.

Chi Feichi grabbed the railing of the boat to stabilize, "Thank you."

Fei Mo flew towards the fishing boat with the wrapped gift box in his mouth.

"The owner of the little one is still so cute." Feili jumped habitually, trying to put his head on the fishing boat, with a joyful smile in his voice, "Hugging is not enough anymore, I really want to eat it~ !"

Chi Feichi: "..."

The idea is not...

The next second, the fishing boat capsized.

Generally, it is no problem for a cruise ship to support a non-lifting head, but it is obviously not possible for a fishing boat that is much lighter.


Feimo hurriedly flew to a high place with the gift box in his mouth, watching the fishing boat completely turned over in the splashing water, he grabbed Feichi who was flying to the distance with his claws, grabbed hold of it, and tried his best to go in the spray. fly up.

Feili's weight...horrible!

Hui Yuanai had just walked onto the deck, and before he could see clearly, he felt the world turn and he fell into the sea.

In the cab, Ida Yan almost 'bumped his head against the ceiling'. After realizing that the boat had capsized, he swam out quickly.

As the boat capsized, Feili failed to make a head start, and fell back into the sea. Realizing that he had gotten into trouble, he was stunned for a second, but his eyes lit up when he saw Chi Feichi swimming in the sea towards Hui Yuanai. Quickly rushed forward, opened his mouth wide, "Ahhh!"

Hui Yuan Ai was also swimming towards Chi Feichi, and watched helplessly as a huge black and white monster caught up to Chi Feichi one step ahead of her, mouthed down with a big mouthful, and at the same time widened her eyes, she also forgot to hold her breath, a string of bubbles Float to the sea above.

Her brother Feichi was eaten by a whale... was eaten by a whale... ate...

It's fake, what kind of devil's development is this!

Ida Yan swam to Hui Yuanai's side, quickly grabbed Hui Yuanai, and swam towards the capsized boat that was still floating upside down on the sea.

Feili didn't bite Chi Feichi with his teeth, and with his mouth half-opened, he floated to the surface of the sea first, and poked his head beside the overturned fishing boat.

Chi Feichi climbed onto the boat from Feili's mouth speechlessly, "Don't do this in the future, it's scary."

"I can't help but want to try it," Feili said coquettishly, "I won't hurt Master~!"

Ida Yan pulled Hui Yuan Ai to the side of the boat, surfaced, met the extra hands in front of him, looked up at Chi Feichi who was safe and sound, and handed Hui Yuan Ai up first in a daze.

Chi Feichi took Hui Yuanai, put it behind him, and stretched out his hand to pull Jing Tianyan up.

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi, and made sure that Chi Feichi was not injured, and then looked at the large creature outcropping on the sea surface. She didn't see it clearly in the panic just now, but now she saw a black and white one that looked cute. Killer whale, she also suddenly lost her temper.

The point is, she didn't dare to get angry when she saw the killer whale's bared white teeth. If the killer whale was offended, the three of them plus a snake wouldn't be enough to eat...

etc! What about Feichi? Where did Fei Chi go after being bumped?

When Hui Yuanai looked up and looked around, Feimo flew down with the gift box in his mouth and Feichi, and landed on the overturned fishing boat. After putting down Feichi and the gift box, he gave Hui Yuanai two 'quacks', "Good afternoon, Xiao Ai!"

Feichi also energetically climbed over to Chi Feichi who was sitting on the fishing boat, skillfully slipped in through his sleeves, poked his head through his collar, and said excitedly, "Master, Feili is really amazing, I flew so far just now! "

Ida Yan sat on the bottom of the boat and panted for a while, then looked at Feili who was not far away, "It..."

"Did you know him?" Hui Yuanai turned to look at Chi Feichi, and found that Chi Feichi and Feichi had nothing to do with each other, and Feimo came here with Orca, and she was basically sure that Brother Feichi knew him, "Yes ...the ones kept in nature?"

Chi Feichi nodded, that's fine, there's no need for him to explain, "Mr. Jing Tian, ​​I'm sorry, I caused your fishing boat to capsize, and I will bear the loss."

As he spoke, Chi Feichi dug out a stack of business cards from his wet pocket, took away the top two of Mori Kogoro's, and took away his stack of various styles, and took out Oyama Ya's business card and handed it to Ida Yan, " Just call this number and explain the situation."

While Chi Feichi was talking, Feili circled happily around the fishing boat.

"Ah..." Ida Yan looked at the killer whales circling around them, feeling a little worried, wondering if the business card could be accepted, and if the compensation could be demanded, but seeing that Chi Feichi handed the business card to his eyes, he still reached out to take it. , "Okay, okay!"

Hui Yuanai was lying on the side of the boat, trying to reach out to Feili who was swimming, and found that Feili just touched her palm lightly with the part near her nose, suddenly there was a feeling of "it's not a killer whale in front of me, it's just a dolphin" The illusion made my heart soften a lot, "This kid just wanted to get close to you, so he accidentally capsized the fishing boat, right? But how should we get there now?"

Chi Feichi looked at the breakwater embankment, "The water over there is shallow, and if you go over there, you will run aground, so you can only let other people swim over. Fortunately, it is not far from the breakwater embankment, and then let it take us to the pier. Let's swim back, of course, it can also send us back to the Kanagawa pier first, we swim ashore, and then find a fishing boat to pick up people again."

"Is it called Feili?" Hui Yuanai gently swiped the water towards Feili, then straightened up and looked in the direction of the breakwater, "I can do whatever I want, I have to swim anyway."

Chi Feichi looked at Ida Yan.

"I can't go back," Ida Yan sighed helplessly, "If we go back to the pier and borrow a boat, it will be dark by then, and there will be strong winds and waves in this area recently after dark, and fishing boats will not be able to get through. "

"Then I'll swim over to pick him up." Chi Feichi stood up at the bottom of the overturned boat, took out his cell phone from his pocket and looked at it, and found that it had been flooded and couldn't be turned on, so he put the cell phone back into his coat pocket.

Ida Yan looked at Hui Yuan Ai, not sure if it would make sense to leave the child here alone, "Then I..."

"It doesn't matter if I'm here alone," Hui Yuanai looked around, "Anyway, there are no other fishing boats or people nearby, and I have Feimo to accompany me."

"Gah!" Feimo yelled while guarding the gift box.

Chi Feichi dug out a few sealable plastic bags from his pocket, took off his coat, and put Feichi and Feichi beside Hui Yuanai, "I put Feichi here too."

Their mobile phones probably won't work anymore, but if the mobile phones of those people on the embankment are used in sealed plastic bags, they can probably be protected for a while.

Hui Yuanai picked up Feichi and sat on the bottom of the overturned fishing boat to open the market, "Okay."

Ida Yangan scratched his head with a smile, "Then I'll help pick them up too. The children are not strong enough, so I'm afraid they won't be able to swim very far. I've been fishing at sea for many years, and I'm pretty good at swimming. If I help, it should be fine." a little."

"Excuse me," Chi Feichi put the plastic bag into his pocket and started to swim forward, "Mr. Jingtian, swim a little farther, Feili can send us a certain distance."

"Ah, good!" Ida Yan also took off his coat and followed into the water.

After the two of them got away from the overturned boat, Feili dived under the two of them, and then floated to the surface of the sea. After supporting the two, he followed Chi Feichi's command and swam towards the breakwater embankment.

Ida Yan probed, and carefully stretched out his hand to support Feili's dorsal fin. Seeing that Feili did not reject it, he breathed a sigh of relief, and asked curiously, "This killer whale and you..."

Chi Feichi expressed calmly...

"My house."

"Ah..." Ida Yan was surprised, "It's the first time I've heard of killer whales..."

And can killer whales be kept privately?

But it’s okay for them to be raised in the sea, probably because they are relatively close, such as getting married since childhood.

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