Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1016 How to answer this? [For the cute master to make a wish, the author updates the time-ch

breakwater embankment.

A group of people are busy collecting fish.

Twenty minutes ago, with the help of Conan's group, Yuantai finally caught the first fish, which was the most advanced trophy of rare sea fishing, a very large Maoting bream.

Afterwards, a group of people got bored of waiting and began to try fishing with their rods. Almost less than two minutes after lowering the rods, some fish would bite the bait, and the fish that took the bait were all rare fish that were not small in size.

Yuan Tai directly spread out all the fishing rods, even the fishing rods thrown by Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai were used, and then began to frantically collect fish.

However, this kind of good luck only lasted for two waves. More than ten minutes ago, no fish began to bite the pole again.

"Isn't it possible that I won't be able to catch fish again?" Yuan Tai became addicted to collecting fish, seeing that there were no fish biting the bait for a long time, he became impatient.

Baigen Tongzi smiled helplessly, "There is no movement on our side either."

The person from Jin Gu Peak sighed, and quickly smiled again, "It's not too regrettable to have a rich harvest before being arrested."

Conan stood up and looked into the distance, "It may be that a dangerous sea overlord appeared in the nearby waters just now. When the fish fled in panic, some of them ran near the breakwater, and now the panicked fish gradually calmed down, and they probably swam away again. Alright."

The fish tide just now was too exaggerated, and all he could think of was this possibility.

"It's a pity," Yuan Tai was unwilling, "I knew this a long time ago, so we brought more fishing rods here!"

"But now the harvest has been a lot," Ayumi looked at the full ice box and two buckets, which were full of big fish, and rolled her eyes with a smile, "It's a big harvest!"

"That's right," Mitsuhiko said with a smile, "It's definitely enough for tonight's fish feast!"

Yuan Tai was not reconciled, "But I still want to catch eels..."

Dr. Ali suddenly heard the ringtone of the mobile phone, took out the mobile phone and answered the call.

"Yes...I called the ambulance before...Okay, I see...Thank you for your hard work...Is that so? Ah, okay...That's it, I will tell him."

Conan turned to look at Dr. Ali, "Is it the hospital's number?"

Others also looked at Dr. Ali.

"How is Ejiri?" Shiragen Kiriko asked hurriedly.

"It was a call from the hospital. Mr. Ejiri was infected with tetrodotoxin. Because the first aid was timely, there was no serious problem. He was awake before being sent to the hospital," Dr. Ali said, looking at Jin Gufeng, " He also asked me to tell you that he had already told the hospital that he was accidentally caught by a puffer fish hook, and he would tell the police as well. If you can’t catch a big fish, he won’t just forgive you."

Jin Gufeng was stunned for a moment, their misunderstanding has been resolved, and he also knew that Ejiri and Shirane divorced not because of an affair, but because the company was in trouble and worried that Shirane would also be in debt together. I didn't know what to say. When I lowered my head, I saw the fish in my ice box and smiled in relief. "Then I'll take these back and make amends to him!"

Conan smiled and looked towards the sea in the distance.

It seems that Chi Feichi didn't have any notes to make this time, but forget it, it's a happy ending anyway...

"Brother Chi and Xiao Ai are so slow." Ayumi also looked at the sea in the distance.

It was almost dusk, and the sea surface was covered with a layer of gold, but it was still empty, without the shadow of fishing boats.

"It's the police who are slower than them?" Conan frowned and wondered, "They should have come long ago."

"By the way," Dr. Ali said, "the hospital said that when Feichi sent Mr. Ejiri there, they also contacted them. They originally wanted to contact Feichi to say that Mr. Ejiri was awake. Mr. Ejiri also wanted to express Thank you, but they couldn't get through to Feichi."

Conan frowned.

The police and Chi Feichi should have arrived a long time ago, but they didn't arrive. Chi Feichi's cell phone still doesn't work. Could something be wrong? But what could be going on around here? It can't be that you met a pirate, right?

That's impossible.

"Then why don't you call Huiyuan and try?" Conan suggested.

"That's right," Dr. A Li picked up the phone, "Then I'll ask them why they haven't arrived yet."

I made a call, but couldn't get through, and hung up quickly.

Dr. A Li tried to call Chi Feichi's number again, and said worriedly, "Both of them can't get through, could something be wrong?"

"Ah..." Yuan Tai stood by the embankment, pointing to the sea surface not far below, "It seems to be Brother Chi and that uncle fisherman!"

The others rushed over immediately, and saw that there were indeed two figures swimming and approaching on the sea.

Three minutes later, Chi Feichi and Jing Tianyan swam closer and climbed up the concrete blocks beside the levee, all drenched.

Dr. A Li hurried forward, "What's going on?"

Ida Yan took a breath, "The fishing boat capsized at sea..."

"Ah!" Yuan Tai exclaimed as she ran to the front.

"What about Haihara?" Mitsuhiko asked quickly.

Ayumi was stunned, "Difficult, could it be that..."

"She's fine, don't worry, the boat capsized and she stayed there to wait for us, she doesn't have the physical strength to swim too far, especially at sea," Ida Yan interrupted Ayumi's imagination, and looked at Chi Feichi, "So only Mr. Chi and I are here to pick you up."

"Pick us up?" Baigen Tongzi looked at the two blankly.

Excuse me, how should I pick them up now?

Chi Feichi stood up and handed the sealable plastic bag to Dr. A Li, "Put your mobile phone and electronic products in it to prevent water from entering."

Dr. Ali took the bag.

"To prevent water from entering..." Conan's eyelids twitched, "Could it be that we want to swim back?"

"No, just swim for a while." Chi Feichi took out a yellow packaging bag from his pants pocket, tore it, pulled the string, and threw the packaging bag into the sea. "And there are tools."

Before falling into the water, the packaging bag automatically enters air and quickly expands into an inflatable cushion, which can accommodate two or three children to sit on it.

Chi Feichi temporarily tied the rope to the cement block, and the not-so-big inflatable cushion swayed gently on the sea surface with the flow of sea water.

"Mr. Chi also brought this kind of thing," Ida Yan laughed, "It took about eight minutes for us to swim here. It would take a long time to escort everyone, and our physical strength may not be able to support us to send you off. In the past, it is possible to encounter sea snakes in the sea, which is very dangerous for children. It is much better to have this, and two or three children can be sent there at a time. As for Ms. Shirane and Mr. Kanaya, they can swim and have inflatable cushions to assist them. It’s probably okay to swim there by yourself…”

"Eight minutes?" Jin Gufeng looked at the waves on the sea and estimated, "I can hold on, but..."

Ida Yan was very excited when he talked about this. At first he was afraid of killer whales, but after he came safely, he was only excited. For people like them who fish at sea all day, being able to sit on a killer whale is enough for him to blow his life away. He blinked and said, "At that time, a special ship will take us to the pier!"

"The killer whale," Chi Feichi said without any hesitation, "I know it. It can take us to the pier. Doctor, you should call the people at the pier first and ask them to pick us up at the edge of the shallow water area near the pier."

"Tiger, killer whale?" Tongzi Baigen was surprised.

"Are we going to ride the killer whale?" Ayumi's eyes lit up.

"It's amazing!" Yuan Tai was also excited for a moment, turned to look at the ice box and bucket on the embankment, and asked hesitantly, "Brother Chi, can you take back the fish we caught?"

"Wait," said Dr. Ali Khan, "Since we can contact the dock, we can just ask the fishing boat to pick us up."

"No, the sea will be very stormy at night recently." Ida Yan looked at the setting sun in the sky, "The fishing boats are at most at the edge of the shallow water area, otherwise they are also prone to danger. They can send us to the edge of the shallow water area Yes, there are only killer whales."

"Take a killer whale! Take a killer whale!" Yuan Tai had already run back with two buckets.

After Chi Feichi took it, he put it aside, "Send it to the people first, and finally use the inflatable cushion to release the fish."

Dr. Ali and Conan looked at each other, then looked at Tongzi Baigen and Jin Gufeng.

This... is it really going to take a killer whale to go there?

"Is it safe?" Jin Gufeng couldn't help asking, "The killer whale won't leave us halfway, or eat us right away?"

"No!" Ayumi said confidently, "Brother Chi is very good at taming animals, and his pets are very smart and well-behaved!"

"That's right," Ida Yan nodded, "Don't worry, that killer whale listened to Mr. Chi very much. We came here just now, and let it send it off for a while."

Baigen Tongzi hesitated, "Then try..."

"Okay, then let's send the three smaller children there first," Ida Yan looked at Conan, Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, and then at Genta and Dr. Ari, "Then this little brother and the old man, the old man Can you swim, sir? Lying on the inflatable cushion should save a lot of energy, if you can, please help me swim over."

"Ah, good," Dr. Ali nodded, "I'm fine!"

After Dr. Ari put everyone's electronic products into plastic bags and sealed them, Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, and Conan also squeezed onto the inflatable cushion.

Chi Feichi and Ida Yan pushed the inflatable cushions to swim towards the sea, and before they could reach the vicinity, Feili floated to the surface of the sea.

"It's really a killer whale!" Ayumi probed.

Conan was also a little surprised, observing the huge monster lying in front of him.

After the inflatable cushion stopped, Chi Feichi and Jing Tianyan carried the three children onto the back of the killer whale.

"Wait for us a little longer." Chi Feichi patted Feili's head, and looked at Ida Yan who was lying on the inflatable cushion, "Mr. Ida, can you go back and forth?"

Ida Yan calmed down for a moment, nodded and said, "No problem, but I have to swim again, I probably need to rest for a while."

Chi Feichi looked at the sky, it was getting dark.

On the second trip, Yuan Tai sat on the inflatable cushion, and Dr. A Li swam forward lying on the edge, pushing the inflatable cushion together with Chi Feichi and Ida Yan.

Yuan Tai looked at Dr. Ali, bowed his head and remained silent.

The Doctor had a really... so special birthday.

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