Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1017: Feili's Road Crazy Attribute

Conan: I'm Not a Snake Essence Volume Chapter 1017 Feili's road idiot attributes Waiting for Yuantai and Dr. Ali to go to Feili's back, the sky has completely darkened.

The four children of the Detective Boys took back the watch from Dr. Ali, and turned on the watch-shaped flashlight to illuminate a small area on the sea.

Ida Yan rested on the inflatable cushion, frowned and said, "The wind and waves have started to get bigger. We will consume more energy when we swim over in a while."

"Miss Baigen and Mr. Jingu can swim, so I'll go there alone," Chi Feichi took off Conan's watch, "The three of us swam over on the inflatable mat, and brought the fish back on the inflatable mat, one trip is enough .”

Ida Yan thought about it, and felt that it was really hard for him to run continuously, so he moved to Feili to rest, and let the inflatable cushion go, "Mr. Chi, I will be hard on you."

Dr. A Li was worried, "Feichi, if you are not physically strong enough, take a rest. Now that the wind and waves are so strong, it will be very dangerous if you are not physically strong halfway."

"rest assured."

Chi Feichi put Conan's watch on the inflatable cushion, illuminating a small piece of sea water in front of him, "And Xiao Ai is still alone at sea."

When Dr. Ali thought of Hui Yuanai alone in the dark sea, he began to worry about that side again, so he could only shout, "Then be careful!"

On the third trip, Chi Feichi moved the ice box and bucket containing the fish to the inflatable cushion, and swam with Baigen Tongzi and Jin Gufeng to the place where there were light spots on the sea.

His swimming level is not low. After his body is transformed, he can swim two more times without any problem.

After everyone got together, they all got on Feili's back. Chi Feichi pulled the inflatable cushion that held the ice box and bucket, "Feili, you can go, first go pick up Xiao Ai."

"So it's called Feili." Ayumi stretched out her hand and gently touched Feili's dorsal fin.

By the time Chi Feichi came over, they were already familiar with Feili... It should be said that they were familiar with each other. Seeing that Feili was stroking them obediently, they became more courageous. played.

Feili happily swam towards the direction of memory, "Master, the human cubs smaller than you are so cute~"

"Feili?" Conan suddenly remembered the "Legend of the Killer Whale Demon" in the previous incident, and someone mentioned the name "Xiaoli". Demon?"

Only four watch-shaped flashlights illuminated the dim sea. Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Conan. The side face on the other side was hidden in the shadows. The side face that he could see clearly was as calm as before, "What?"

Conan felt the emotion of "doubt" from Chi Feichi. Although Chi Feichi's expression and tone were the same as before, he just felt it. The name might just be a coincidence, "It's nothing..."

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze and suddenly sensed something was wrong, so he raised his hand and patted Feili's back, "Feili, the direction is wrong."

The Kanagawa Wharf is on the west side, and although Haibara Ai's fishing boat has dropped anchor, as the wind and waves get stronger, they will definitely drift in the direction of the wind and waves. They have to go northwest for a while, and then go west.

If Feili continues to swim like this, it is estimated that they can swim to Tokyo Bay and directly reach the vicinity of Tokyo Pier, while Haibara Ai will float all the way to the Yokosuka area.

"Huh?" Feili stopped, his tone full of doubt and confusion, "Didn't I swim to the northwest?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Feili's road idiot attribute seems to be getting worse.

The others looked at Chi Feichi in doubt.

"Feili can't find his way," Chi Feichi explained, took off the watch that Conan hadn't worn for a long time, patted Feili, and jumped into the water, "Follow me."

Seeing Chi Feichi swimming forward, Dr. A Li shouted anxiously, "Feichi, can't you swim all the way there? Do you want to call the police to send a helicopter to rescue?"

"Find Xiao Ai first." Chi Feichi insisted.

He was more worried that his sister would be lost by the waves.


Not long after, a fishing boat with lights in front approached in the increasing wind and waves.

On the fishing boat, Huiyuan Ai and Henggou Shigewu stood on the deck, and they saw light spots on the sea from a long distance, and reminded, "Over there!"

Ten minutes later, a group of people finally boarded the fishing boat and carried the fish they caught.

With Feili's help to stabilize the fishing boat, you don't have to worry about the fishing boat capsizing in the wind and waves, but with the fishing boat's leading direction and Feimo's reminder, you don't have to worry about Feili's deviation from the direction or running too far.

There were no extra clothes on the fishing boat, and a group of people could only sit and rest on the deck, soaked through.

"When the sun was about to set, I met Police Officer Henggou's fishing boat. Their fishing boat broke down before," Huiyuan Ai explained, "It was the one that was smoking..."

Henggou realized again: "..."

Needless to say, smoke or something.

It was much better than picking up a little girl, a snake and a crow on the upside-down fishing boat on their way to the scene...

"Then we will look for you along the direction of the breakwater embankment," Huiyuan Ai continued, "However, the wind and waves became stronger, and it was difficult for the fishing boat to move forward. It took a lot of time to meet you."

"It's an exaggeration for you to actually plan to go back by killer whale," Henggou Shigego said with a straight face, and glanced at a group of people with half-moon eyes. case?"

"There is no case," Baigen Tongzi said with an innocent face, "It's just that a fishing friend scratched his hand with a hook from a puffer fish and got some neurotoxins."

Henggou regained his sense of disbelief, stared at Baigentongzi with deep eyes, "Is that so..."

Dr. A Li quickly smiled and said, "The person who was unconscious before has woken up in the hospital, that's what he said."

"You guys are really..." Henggou realized the letter again, and he was a little speechless, but he didn't complain anymore. At least he helped a group of people who were almost killed by the way.

"Brother Feichi," Hui Yuanai handed Feichi and the gift box in his arms to Chi Feichi, "What Feimo brought for you, it also brought you on board."

Chi Feichi took the gift box and handed it to Dr. A Li, "It's for the doctor."

Conan froze for a moment, then remembered.

Today is Dr. Ali's birthday!

Dr. Ali took the box blankly, "For me?"

"That's right, I almost forgot," Yuantai moved the ice box in front of Dr. A Li, and opened the lid, "The first and most precious Maoting bream caught is a gift for the doctor!"

"Huh?" Dr. Ali recalled, "I remember today as if..."

"Did you forget?" Yuan Tai half-moon eyes, pushed the ice box in front of Dr. Ali, "Today is your birthday, doctor, happy birthday!"

Mitsuhiko put his right palm on his face and sighed, "Brother Chi ruined it... Originally, we planned to congratulate together at the curry dinner tonight, but in order to surprise the doctor, we deliberately hid Huiyuan from it. "

Ayumi smiled helplessly, "If we know that brother Chi also knows the doctor's birthday, we should discuss the plan with him first."

"You're keeping it from me," Hui Yuanai glanced at Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi acted on his own, it's pretty much the same thing."

It's too much not to remind her!

"Those who didn't prepare gifts will be responsible for cooking at night." Chi Feichi said.

If you can help with something, those who have not prepared gifts should feel better.

"Yes, yes," Haibara Ai responded, looking at Conan, "That's me and Edogawa?"

"I know," Conan laughed. He almost forgot Dr. A Li's birthday. He didn't expect Yuan Tai and Chi Feichi, the two most unlikely people, to know and remember Dr. A Li's birthday. "Then we must work hard." Just prepare a big meal for the doctor!"

Dr. A Li felt warm in his heart, his nose was sore, and he almost burst into tears. He quickly slowed down, lowered his head and coughed dryly, "I'm really... I'm so sorry..."

"Don't cry," Yuan Tai looked at the tears in Dr. A Li's eyes speechlessly, "Anyway, I've caught so many fish, it's okay to give you one."

Dr. Ali: "..."

What he said... Please return his touch!

"It turns out that today is the old man's birthday," Tongzi Baigen said with a smile, "Happy birthday, I'll help out with the cooking when we get to the pier, so let's celebrate the old man's birthday!"

"Thank you." Dr. Ali smiled, feeling helpless.

The title 'Old Mister' can actually be changed...

"Then I'll help!" Jin Gufeng said with a smile, "It's a pity that Mr. Ejiri can't come."

"Me too," Ida Yanya smiled, "By the way, let's all have a whole fish feast and curry rice!"

A group of people were discussing where to start a business later, and Fei Li escorted the fishing boat to the inner bay with less wind and waves before turning around and leaving.

"Gah!" Feimo greeted Chi Feichi, and was about to take Feili's boat back, and by the way, it had to show Feili the way.

A group of people noticed that Feili was leaving, and they got up and went to the side of the boat to say goodbye to Feili.

The three children Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko kept waving and shouting 'see you later', and even Kiriko Shirane, Jin Gumine, and Yan Ida participated in it.

Seeing Feili and Feimo disappear into the dark sea in the distance after leaving the fishing boat, Ida Yan looked away and said with emotion, "They are really obedient and smart animals."

"I've said it too, brother Chi's pets are very good," Ayumi said with a smile when she saw Feichi poking her head, "So is Feichi, he can also play games!"

Conan had nothing to say.

Chi Feichi is really good at taming animals, and who knows how many animals Chi Feichi has secretly tamed and raised. He can even tame killer whales...

As for 'pets', he doesn't think they count. Killer whales don't need Chi Feichi to feed them. They must be obedient and friendly.

"Is Feimo leaving too?" Hui Yuanai turned to look at Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi turned around and sat back on the deck, "Feili will get lost."

When the others thought that Feili had gone in the wrong direction before, they instantly understood.

"By the way, what did brother Chi give the doctor?" Bumei asked curiously.

Chi Feichi answered directly, "Jiulianhuan."

Dr. Ali who just wanted to encourage everyone to guess together: "..."

Well, now even the surprise of unwrapping the present is gone.

Yuan Tai was lying on the deck, staring curiously at the box held by Dr. A Li, "Nine Links? I seem to have heard of it somewhere..."

"The traditional intellectual toy of Chinese folk," said Conan Kepu, "is made of nine rings made of metal wire, and the rings are set on a horizontal board or other frame, and a ring handle is added. As long as the operation is repeated according to a certain procedure, the The nine rings can be untied separately, or combined into one."

"It's a toy..." Mitsuhiko looked strange.

"It's not just a toy, it's also a symbol of wisdom. It's not easy to unravel Jiulianhuan." Hui Yuanai looked at Dr. Ali, "Brother Fei Chi gave Jiulianhuan to the doctor as a birthday present, just to say that the doctor is very smart." .”

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