Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1120 More and more suspicious

Kusaka Kuancheng said what he had investigated.

The freighter accident fifteen years ago was discussed by Yantaro Yatsushiro, who was still the president of the merchant shipping company, and his daughter. In order to defraud high insurance, Kaito Toto, who was still the deputy captain at the time, put the captain to sleep with sleeping pills, and the ship crashed. Got on an iceberg and also detonated a bomb, pretending it was an accident.

Kusaka Kansei's father, who was only an ordinary crew member at the time, was killed because he crashed the incident.

"...that guy jumped up and grabbed my neck, so I threw him into the sea with the Batou technique of judo!" Kusaka Kuancheng also proudly talked about his murder process, looking at the captain Kai Tengdu, "Then, I will blow up this ship just like what you did fifteen years ago!"

"Hmph," Kai Tengdu sarcastically said, "wishful thinking!"

Conan withdrew his gaze from observing Chi Feichi.

The important thing now is to resolve this incident.

Since Nisaka Kuancheng kept pressing the button with his fingers, he dared not use the anesthetic needle, fearing that Nisaka Kuancheng would subconsciously press the button when he was knocked down, and it would be even more impossible for Chi Feichi to sneak close.

Just continue to pay attention, looking for opportunities...

Mu Mushisan also saw the most troublesome place, and tried to appease Kusaka Hiroshige, "Please keep calm, take your fingers off the remote control, and talk slowly if you have something to say..."

"It's so noisy!" Kusaka Kuancheng said impatiently, and suddenly found someone approaching behind him.

Obviously, not everyone considered how troublesome Kusaka Kansei's finger on the button was. The crew member who seemed to be approaching at the instigation of Kai Tengdu was so confident that he directly snatched the remote control of the bomb.

He has already quietly touched behind this guy, could it be at the last moment...


The bomb was detonated.

Amidst the explosion, flames suddenly lit up behind the wall on one side of the venue, the cruise ship shook violently, and the banquet hall was also full of smoke and dust.

Conan was speechless for a while, seeing Kusaka Hiroshige fleeing in the confusion, he hurriedly chased after him.

Mumu Shisan and Takagi She also chased them out. Seeing this, Mori Kogoro could only call Shanghai Fujito to take over the work of controlling the chaos and appeasing the guests.

Not long after, another explosion occurred on the ship, and the broadcast started:

"Hi passengers, I'm first mate Ize. Please put on your life jackets and go to the lifeboat dock on the first floor. This is not a drill! Repeat again! This is not a drill! Please act as soon as possible!"

The people on the boat hurried to the first floor, and Chi Feichi followed. He put on a life jacket, but instead of following the team, he turned around and took the elevator to the fifth floor.

In Room 505, Xiaomei was using scanning equipment to scan key molds into the computer. When she heard the sound of the door opening, she looked back and continued to work, "Master, I also got the key molds from Yatsushiro Guijiang." Yes, it will take about three minutes to scan all of them."

After Chi Feichi entered, he closed the door calmly, "How long will it take for all the data to be transmitted?"

There is no signal base station coverage at sea, mobile communication is useless, and in this year, even a luxury cruise ship like the Aphrodite has not installed a communication antenna that can be used by the public, and communication is limited to the captain and other crew members sending out signals Rather use, let alone onboard Wifi.

But it is not impossible to connect to the network.

In 1979, the International Maritime Organization decided to establish the "International Mobile Satellite Organization" to provide satellite communications for ships sailing in the sea, and launched the "Maritime Satellite".

In 1999, Inmarsat separated from the International Maritime Organization and became a privately held commercial company providing satellite services to the world.

The Manchi Group has been developing on sailing ships for so long, and has had close cooperation with the other party for a long time, and the Field Group has also had investment contacts with the other party as early as his grandmother's time, so there are still some in the warehouse of the Manchi Group A dedicated modem, also known as a 'cat'.

This special modem can only be connected to Maritime Satellite. The communication is not directly connected to the Internet, but a local area network composed of satellites. After connecting to the satellite LAN through the port, it communicates with the Internet.

Although the two parties have cooperated for many years, he still can't trust that organization, so he set up an automatic encryption program in the computer, and let Noah take the ark to invade the satellite, and escort the data all the way.

After arriving at sea, the information collected by Xiaomei will be encrypted and then sent to the satellite.

This also led to, in addition to enduring the not-so-fast data transmission speed, it also took some time to wait for the program to automatically encrypt.

He also considered taking out the real objects such as key molds by himself, but considering factors such as 'may fall into the sea and cause damage or loss of the mold', 'may be seen by a famous detective and cause suspicion' and other factors, before coming here, he also Considering things like scanning, I brought a lot of portable and practical tools, so in the end I decided to ask Xiaomei to scan the mold as much as possible and use the network to transmit it.

Xiaomei thought for a while, "After all the data is transferred, it will take about seven minutes."

"There is still time, don't worry, try to scan all sides of the mold as comprehensively as possible."

As Chi Feichi said, he turned around and went to the room to get Xiaomei's body doll.

In the theatrical version, from the evacuation of the passengers to the sinking of the ship, you have to go through the evacuation of Mourilan and then run back to find the shell bracelets given by the children. It took at least half an hour for the inference to come out, the fight between Kogoro Mori and Miwako Akiyoshi, the rescue of Xiaolan who was unconscious in the cabin, and the helicopter rescue of the people on the ship.

In order to prevent his existence from causing unknown accidents, he deliberately underestimated this period of time, but no matter how he calculates, as long as he turns back when the guests are on the lifeboat and brings Xiaomei's body, when Xiaomei finishes transmitting the data, If he leaves here to find his teacher on the deck, nothing will happen.

If he makes a mistake in his prediction, he can only try his best to evacuate the room. When the ship sinks, he will be able to avoid being trapped in the room by the water pressure. Relying on the oxygen storage and physical strength in his body, he can survive the vortex when the ship sinks. Then wait for the search and rescue ship to come to the rescue...

After Xiaomei finished transferring the data, Chi Feichi specially set up a clearing program on the computer and other devices.

When they left the room, the equipment was still running, clearing all traces of use.

Outside, the sun was completely sinking to the west, and the night was gloomy, without any moonlight or starlight, which made the cruise ship billowing with smoke under the sunset look not miserable.

But the cruise ship is still sinking a little bit.

Since all the guests and crew on board had been evacuated, Noda's ship was empty, and the explosion destroyed the electrical circuits and lighting, making the Aphrodite like a ghost ship parked at sea.

Chi Feichi chose to take a shortcut from the corridor of the room to leave the cabin, and went to the deck on the fifth floor. Looking at the quiet and dark cruise ship, he felt a little more at ease.

Unfortunately, the tranquility was quickly broken.

On the wide deck on the third floor below, Akiyoshi Miamiko forced the captain Kaito Watari to retreat to the deck with a gun.

Just as Akiyoshi Miwako was about to shoot, Kogoro Mori came out.


Mori Kogoro, who was wearing an evening gown, looked serious, staring at Akiyoshi Mihako with a rare seriousness on his body, "Sure enough, you are the real murderer...Miss Akiyoshi Mihako!"

Miwako Akiyoshi was surprised, and immediately turned her head, pointing the gun at Kogoro Mori, "Don't move!"

"I'm sorry," Mori Kogoro stopped in front of Akiyoshi Mihako, "that gun is no longer usable. At the end of the dinner, when I called a timeout, I found this gun in your room. tampered with and destroyed the gun..."

"Hmph!" Akiyoshi Mihako threw the gun aside angrily when she realized that the gun could not be pulled the trigger.

Chi Feichi had already quietly walked down the stairs without disturbing anyone, standing on the landing from the fourth floor to the third floor like a ghost, watching a play.

His teacher is really serious when he is serious, and it is completely different from when he is dull, so he always suspects that his teacher is pretending to be crazy...

Down below, Captain Kaito Watari saw Miwako Akiyoshi drop his gun, and ran behind Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro turned his head and said, "Captain Kaito, I will talk to you about the truth about the shipwreck fifteen years ago."

Hai Tengdu was startled, lowered his head, and stood in place silently.

Mori Kogoro looked at Akiyoshi Miwako again, "Miss Akiyoshi, my reasoning..."

"Needless to say," Akiyoshi Mihako interrupted loudly, reaching out to support the guardrail, "The three of us are going to die anyway, so what's the point of reasoning on a sinking ship?"

"How can I bear this?" Mori Kogoro remained calm, even with a smile on his face, "It's the nature of a detective to uncover the truth!"

Chi Feichi stood on the platform watching Mori Kogoro's reasoning show, thinking about whether his teacher might have multiple personalities.

"...Then you walked directly to the underground dock, and Chairman Yatsushiro Entaro was pinching Kusaka's neck with both hands," Mori Kogoro said, "You quickly ran over and grabbed the chairman's feet... "

Akiyoshi Miwako froze for a moment, "Both feet?"

Conan also used the pair of walkie-talkie cufflinks on Kogoro Mori's body, listened to Kogoro Mori's reasoning, found that Kogoro Mori failed to grasp a clue in time and made a mistake, and then said in Kogoro Mori's voice, " You dodged his feet, went around his back, and stabbed him in the back with a knife!"

He also became suspicious of Akiyoshi Mihako after he met Police Officer Megure and heard that Officer Megure said that the chairman had a knife in his back.

Uncle didn't have time to grasp this clue, otherwise he would have been right, and it would have been a long time before him. What a brilliant reasoning!

The voice came out through Kogoro Mori's cufflinks. Kogoro Mori was stunned for a moment before nodding solemnly, "Yes, you stabbed the president in the back with a knife and then left quickly. Kusaka thought it was him who did it." Yes, actually everything is in your calculations..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

His teacher didn't feel that something was wrong with such a scene of "sound coming out of thin air", and it became more and more suspicious.

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