Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1121 I think Miss Akiyoshi is right

"As expected of the famous detective Mori Kogoro, I wanted to use that man, starting from knowing that you would also board the ship," Akiyoshi Mihako smiled, "In order to deceive the famous detective, I have to design a fake murderer, I have to make this fake murderer think that I did everything myself, and besides, the article on Kusaka’s computer also accuses my father, who lives and dies with the ship, of being an anachronism..."

Saying that, Akiyoshi Mihako's expression turned serious, "I will absolutely not allow anyone to insult my father!"

"Then your behavior is allowed?" Mori Kogoro asked sternly when Akiyoshi Mihako came to his side, "You not only killed three people, but also blew up the boat you designed, and let so many innocent people die." People are in danger..."

"I have done many precise experiments, such as the amount of bombs used, the time of seawater influx, the time required for shelters, etc., and finally got this result!" Akiyoshi Miwako said, looking resentfully at the wall hiding Captain Kai Teng Wataru, "I just want to let that despicable guy taste what my father was like. In this vast ocean, just like my father, a person surrounded by loneliness and despair! And Aphrodite It is a goddess born from the foam of the sea, and it is its destiny to return to the foam in the end, but since you have seen through it all, I can't help it..."

Kogoro Mori looked at Miwako Akiyoshi silently.

"I have to surrender myself." Akiyoshi Mihako turned to face Kogoro Mori, as if giving up, lowered her head and handed her hands forward, but when Kogoro Mori approached, her eyes suddenly sharpened, and she punched Kogoro Mori with a fist face.

Mori Kogoro had been prepared for a long time, and at the same time he turned his head to avoid it, he reached out and grabbed the fist that Akiyoshi Miwako hit, and looked at Akiyoshi Mihako seriously, "You probably don't know me, I never fight with women!"

"Are you sexist?" Akiyoshi Mihako asked with a smile, and at the same time slammed Kogoro Mouri's eyes hard. When Kogoro Mouri let go and dodged, he followed closely and hit Mouri with a punch. Kogoro's profile.

Mori Kogoro took a few steps back and leaned against the railing to stand firm.

"How?" Akiyoshi Mihako took off her glasses, threw them aside, and walked towards Mori Kogoro, "So you still refuse to change your principles?"

Mori Kogoro looked up at Akiyoshi Miwako, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said with firm eyes, "It's my principle not to fight indifferently, but I don't understand, didn't you say that, anyway, the three of us will die on the boat , why are you still attacking me?"

Miwako Akiyoshi took off her high-heeled shoes that would interfere with her actions, "It's all due to you preventing me from taking revenge!"

When the two were about to enter a new round of fighting, a male voice with a calm and indifferent tone came from the railing platform above.

"The teacher is really not frank at all."

Chi Feichi couldn't stand it anymore.

If he wasn't here, if it was people like Mao Lilan and Fei Yingli, he would definitely not care if Mori Kogoro was hammered.

But Akiyoshi Mihako, an unfamiliar person, wanted to smash his teacher in front of his apprentice, so he thought he was dead?

Conan, who was driving the yacht to this side, was taken aback for a moment, not knowing whether he should be helpless or fortunate, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Chi Feichi hasn't withdrawn yet?

Chi Feichi really hasn't withdrawn yet?

This guy is not really sick and wants to perish with the sinking ship, right?

Or is it like the uncle, finding out that his reasoning is wrong, and wanting to find Mihako Akiyoshi to verify the truth?

Then the uneasiness that he vaguely felt in his heart before, besides mistaking the prisoner, was there a reason for the premonition that the little partner was not in the right state?

It seems that it is not only this, but also the uneasiness that comes from the depths of my heart...

"Feichi?" Mori Kogoro looked up at Chi Feichi who was standing on the platform above, and couldn't help asking, "Why haven't you left yet, kid?!"

Akiyoshi Mihako didn't expect that there were still people here, so she also suspended her plan to fight and stood sideways on guard.

Chi Feichi jumped down the railing directly, and after landing on the ground, he walked towards Miwako Akiyoshi and answered Kogoro Mori's question, "I'm here to see the scenery."

"The ship is about to sink, what scenery do you come here to see?" Mori Kogoro was frantic for a while, turned his head to look at the railing, and found that the lifeboats on the sea had all moved away, and he was even more speechless.

Didn't withdraw when the ship sank, but ran to the deck to enjoy the scenery? Sick... Oh, yes, his apprentice is indeed sick.

Akiyoshi Mihako's eyes wandered between the two, estimating the chances of her knocking them down, and also suspecting that Chi Feichi's "not being frank" was because Mori Kogoro had something behind him, and said with a half-smile, "Can Mr. Chi Can't tell me, what do you mean Mr Mori is not frank?"

Chi Feichi stood beside Akiyoshi Mihako, looked at Akiyoshi Mihako, and directly saw through Mori Kogoro's thoughts, "If you didn't have a face that looks like my teacher's wife, you would have been put down long ago. "

His teacher also said 'no hands on women', nonsense.

If it wasn't for Akiyoshi Miwako's resemblance to Hieiri, his teacher could beat Akiyoshi Mihako's...well, anyway, he would win.

Akiyoshi Mihako didn't expect the answer to be this, she froze for a moment, raised her hand to touch her face, and looked at Mouri Kogoro with some complicated eyes.

The famous detective Mori Kogoro would not attack her because of a face, so affectionate?

Also, why did she feel that she was suddenly fed a mouthful of dog food, and it was dog food from a woman who looked like her, it was so uncomfortable...

After Mouri Kogoro was stunned, he immediately shouted, "Hey, it's my insistence and bottom line not to do anything to women. What does it have to do with that woman?"

Miwako Akiyoshi laughed, "Mr. Mori denies..."

"Don't talk," Chi Feichi interrupted Akiyoshi Mihako when he saw Mori Kogoro still not admitting it, and concluded, "Duplicity is a common trick of middle-aged men."

"What duplicity?" Mori Kogoro retorted, "It has nothing to do with that woman!"

Miwako Akiyoshi frowned, "I said Mr. Mori..."

"Don't talk!" Mori Kogoro fell into the anger of being exposed, and after yelling at Akiyoshi Mihako, he yelled at Chi Feichi, "How old are you, kid? How can you understand the frankness of middle-aged men? Don't pretend A very understanding look!"

Akiyoshi Mihako clenched her fists and thumped Mori Kogoro suddenly, "Can you listen to me...!"


Mori Kogoro reached out and grabbed Akiyoshi Miwako's wrist, "Aki..."

At the same time, Chi Feichi had already controlled his strength, punched Akiyoshi Mihako in the abdomen, and accidentally tripped under Akiyoshi Mihako's feet.

Pain appeared on Akiyoshi Mihako's face, and she fell to the side without being able to stand still.

Mori Kogoro's thinking was still at the moment of "being attacked", and his subconscious reaction was not to give a hand, but to take advantage of the opportunity of grabbing Akiyoshi Mihako's wrist, the opportunity of Akiyoshi Mihako's unstable body... a passing Shoulder fall.


Akiyoshi Miwako was hit on the ground, her mind was in a daze.

Did you agree not to do anything to women?

Kogoro Mori looked at Akiyoshi Mihako who was thrown to the ground, still holding her wrist, but he couldn't help being dazed.

who is he? Where is he? What did he subconsciously do just now?

After Akiyoshi Mihako was stunned, the pain in her abdomen and shoulders followed. She frowned and gritted her teeth without saying a word.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro let go of his hand, turned his head and complained to Chi Feichi who was walking beside him, "Can't you be lighter?"

Seeing Akiyoshi Mihako's resolute and pain-bearing appearance, he felt more like his own wife, and he really didn't want to look at that face with a little pain... Since the apprentice knows the reason why he doesn't want to do it, can't he do it more lightly?

"It's already very mild," Chi Feichi said indifferently, "Also, I think Miss Qiuji is right, teacher, you shouldn't discriminate against sex."

Akiyoshi Miwako lay powerless, completely lost the desire to speak.

I can't muster the strength to resist, and I don't want to resist.

The middle-aged man is not only duplicity, but also does not keep promises, not only does not keep promises, but also habitually ignores others with his apprentice...

"Uncle! Brother Chi!"

Conan ran up the deck anxiously, "Are you all okay?!"

When Kogoro Moori saw another one popping up, he was even more speechless, "Why are you here too?"

The ship is about to sink, and they are still running to the ship one by one, which is not worrying!

"Let's not talk about this now," Conan ran up to him, panting, "We have to get out of here quickly!"

"No..." Hai Tengdu also ran over and said anxiously, "All the lifeboats have been driven away, and the life raft was destroyed by this woman again."

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Akiyoshi Miwako lying on the ground, only to find that Akiyoshi Miwako had fallen asleep and was speechless for a while.


Shouts came from the side of the ship, and Hai Tengdu ran over to take a look, only to find that a lifeboat was parked beside the ship, and the crew responsible for evacuating the crowd was still on it, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "I've been saved..."

Conan, who was wearing a white dress, did not run to the side of the boat, but stood there frowning.

For some unknown reason, the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

"Did the others withdraw?" Chi Feichi reminded.

Hurry up to find Qiren and evacuate quickly, he is waiting to go home to finish the work of the Eight Generations Consortium.

"Huihara and everyone have already boarded the search and rescue ship, and the doctor, Sister Sonoko and Sister Xiaolan have also..." Conan said, his face suddenly changed, he understood where the strong anxiety in his heart was pointing to, and ran to the deck Shouting down, "Sister Xiaolan and Sister Yuanzi evacuated?!"

"What are you talking about?" Mori Kogoro said helplessly, "They already..."

"Uncle!" Suzuki Sonoko looked out from the search and rescue boat below and hurriedly shouted, "Didn't you see Xiaolan? She turned back just now and said that the medals given to her by the children were lost in the hide-and-seek place. Go find the medal!"

"What?" Mori Kogoro was also taken aback, and quickly confirmed, "You mean that Xiaolan ran to the cruise ship again? Has she not evacuated yet?"

Conan couldn't stay any longer, turned around and ran towards the stairs.

hide and seek place...

He remembered that Xiaolan said that when he was playing hide-and-seek and saw him playing football, it should be above the fifth floor...

When Chi Feichi saw Mori Kogoro followed immediately, he first found a rope to tie the unconscious Akiyoshi Miwako, asked Kai Tengdu to help watch, and put the two of them on the lifeboat below first.

Dr. Ali and Suzuki Sonoko helped to connect people up.

"Brother Feichi, how about you?" Suzuki Sonoko asked anxiously.

"I gonna go see."

Chi Feichi turned around and walked to the upper deck.

It's a little unreasonable for him to leave like this, anyway, there will be a helicopter rescue this time, nothing will happen...

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