In the open-air restaurant on the seventh floor, Kogoro Mori and Conan squatted in front of the boards in the basement warehouse, running around anxiously.

Mori Kogoro tried to open the lock that was locked by the deformation, but couldn't use any force, "Damn it! I can't open it!"

Conan looked up and looked around, and saw Chi Feichi walking up, "Brother Chi, sister Xiaolan should be down here, there is a fire ax over there..."

Chi Feichi squatted down, aimed at the board of the underground warehouse, and slapped it down.


The whole thick block of wood was directly shattered into pieces, and the iron block of the lock jumped out, and fell to the far floor with a 'click'.

Conan: "..."


scary! Can't use a fire ax at all?

"Xiao Lan!" Mori Kogoro saw Mao Lilan's figure floating in the stagnant water below, and hurried down to pick him up.

Mao Lilan choked on the water, her consciousness was a little fuzzy, but she was not completely unconscious, "Dad?"

Conan also recovered from his surprise, and hurriedly said, "Uncle, hurry up! There is not much time..."

The cruise ship suddenly tilted rapidly to one side, and the tables and chairs in the open-air restaurant fell down and slid to the tilted side.

Chi Feichi stretched out his hand and pulled Conan, who was about to fall over.

Conan heaved a sigh of relief, and turned his head to see Chi Feichi with a calm expression and calm eyes, and he didn't even let go of his hand in a hurry, and he was speechless for a while.

Fortunately, there was the sound of propellers in the sky, and a bright beam of light approached.

Conan finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and smiled at Mori Kogoro who came out with Mao Lilan, "Uncle, it's a rescue helicopter!"

"Miss Qiuji and Captain Haidu have been put on the lifeboat by me," Chi Feichi added.

Kogoro Moori saw that the boat was leaning heavily, and nodded seriously, "Okay! Let's go to the top deck first, Feichi, take care of this brat!"

Chi Feichi nodded and picked up Conan.

"No... use!" Conan saw that the trouble had been resolved, and his mood was not so heavy. After being picked up by Chi Feichi's back collar and feeling his throat being strangled, Conan struggled for a while, "This is not caring, it's murder. !"

Mori Kogoro, who was walking in front with Mao Lilan, smiled, "Little devil, don't be picky anymore!"

Conan: "..."

Master and apprentice teamed up to bully him, right?

Chi Feichi didn't carry Conan all the time. When he passed the place where he could be easily injured by the chair, he put Conan down and carried him instead.

Only then did Conan remember to ask his doubts, "Hey, what are you doing here if you don't evacuate?"

"Look at the rare and quiet view of the boat." Chi Feichi said.

Conan choked. It was the first time he had seen someone talk about the abnormal situation so confidently and without guilt at all. He asked persistently, "I just want to ask, why don't you evacuate? Are you not worried that the sinking ship will be in danger? You know Don't you know it's dangerous?"

He wanted to ask if Chi Feichi was ill. The last time Hui Yuan Ai was in danger and stayed calmly on the bus that was about to explode, his mentality was not right. This time Chi Feichi was also like this, which is very doubtful, but he I feel that asking directly is easy to irritate Chi Feichi...

"No one present is qualified to ask me this question," Chi Feichi looked sideways at Conan and reminded, "Including you."

Conan: "..."

good, very good……

He really couldn't say no to Chi Feichi!


This is the most annoying!

Kogoro Maoli just wanted to give Chi Feichi, Conan and Mao Lilan a scolding, but he resolutely kept silent.

Didn't he also stay alone?

What his apprentice said was true, the four of them are the same, they are all worthy of death, and no one has the right to criticize anyone else.


On the top deck, Mori Kogoro supported Mori Ran and waved to the sky.

"Here! Here we are!"

The searchlights of the helicopter illuminated the surroundings of the four people, and the search and rescue personnel wearing eye-catching orange fluorescent search and rescue suits used ropes to descend to the deck and asked loudly, "Is the rest of the people here?!"

"Yes!" Mori Kogoro also responded loudly against the howling sea wind.

"Little brother, be patient for a while," the search and rescue personnel who came down did not forget to comfort Conan, "I will rescue you up soon."

Conan nodded. He didn't panic, but felt that Chi Feichi was mad at him again.

The rescue helicopter quickly lowered the life-saving sling, and the rescuers who came down helped Mao Lilan put it on, and directed Mao Li Kogoro and Chi Feichi to check the tightening ring.

"Little brother, you have to hold on to me!" The rescuers picked up Conan, and said to Mori Kogoro and Chi Feichi, "Take care of that girl, we're going to pull us up now!"

Chi Feichi put a rope on Conan, put it all the way to Conan's waist, tightened it, quickly tied the knot with his fingers, and tied the other end to his life-saving harness.

With him around, the famous detective wouldn't be able to do anything wrong.

Mori Kogoro was sweating, didn't he seem to distrust other rescuers, "Feichi, you really..."

"No, that's fine too," the rescuer said with a smile, reaching up and gesticulating, "I can feel much more at ease than letting me just hold it securely."

The helicopter pulled up the rope of the life-saving harness, and the strong wind at sea suddenly blew, causing the helicopter to shake suddenly, and a group of people on the rope were also shaken, smashing towards the metal mast frame on the cruise ship.

The face of the rescuers changed greatly. Seeing that if this continued, Conan in his arms was about to hit him. He immediately turned around in the air and used his back to meet the metal mast.

Almost at the same time, Chi Feichi also adjusted his angle in the air. Taking advantage of the impact of being swung away, he stretched out his foot first, and kicked heavily on the mast.

The strength of his arm has been strengthened by Sanwu Goldfinger, and it is no problem to break the mast, but he has no time to grab the mast with his hands, and the rescuers will be hit, so they can only kick with their feet.

The exercise that has been persisting for a long time has achieved good results. The mast was bent under that foot. Although it was not enough to break the mast or crooked to a certain extent, the strength made the group of people hanging on the rope swing away from the mast again.

other people:"……"

It's really dangerous, but why does it feel like swinging in the sky?

Chi Feichi glanced at Conan.

He suspected that God wanted to kill a Demon of Light, that's why there were so many moths around Conan.

Thinking about it this way, God is good to him, that is, he can't tell the time, he is regarded as a snake spirit disease, and he has a genetic disease that is considered an unstable factor. Conan offers the chance to discover his identity... that's all.

The helicopter stabilized, seized the time to retract the life-saving harness, and at the same time the fuselage flew up.

When a group of people swung back again, their bodies were already higher than the mast, and they swung to the other side without hindrance.

On the search and rescue boat on the sea surface, the rest of the Boys Detective Team gathered on the deck, looked up at the situation over there, and saw a group of people narrowly escaped the impact, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

"It's so dangerous." Ayumi patted her heart.

"Yeah," Mitsuhiko was also quite frightened, "Fortunately we didn't hit him."

The stone in Hui Yuanai's heart fell to the ground, and he couldn't help complaining, "It should be fine, but they are swinging like a pendulum now, and it is inconvenient for the helicopter to put up the life-saving harness, so they will probably be hoisted directly here Bar."

One by one ran to the sinking ship, but there were still some people who didn't retreat, causing everyone to be so worried, it's time to hang up!

Facts confirmed Hui Yuanai's guess.

Because the shaking was too severe, the helicopter did not continue to hoist people up, slowed down its flight speed, and hoisted a group of people directly to the search and rescue boat, even arriving one step earlier than Dr. Ali and Sonoko Suzuki who came over as lifeboats.

After the hanged person landed safely and untied the sling, the three real children of the Detective Boys ran over, and Hui Yuanai followed.

I wanted to complain, but...

Mori Kogoro, Conan, the search and rescue personnel, and Mao Lilan were expressionless. Chi Feichi was nothing unusual, but the others seemed strange.

In addition, except for Mao Lilan and the search and rescue personnel, the other three men were all dressed in black evening gowns, and their aura seemed quite unfavorable.

The three real children were silent.

Why doesn't it feel like being rescued, but rather like a group sliding rope and airborne to fight and smash the scene?

Hui Yuanai was also silent.

Let everyone worry, are you still so confident?

"Are you okay?" The medical staff on the ship ran forward, "Are you injured?"

"I'm fine, but the strong wind made my face a little stiff..." Maoli Kogoro looked at Chi Feichi expressionlessly, "Feichi, your feet aren't hurt, are they?"

Chi Feichi shook his head calmly, "It's okay."

Hui Yuanai and the three true children: "..."

The reason why these people are all indifferent is because...

Conan bowed his head aside, rubbing his face with his hands.

Don't ask, if you ask, you just hang around in the air for too long, and the frantic night wind slaps your face indiscriminately, making your face stiff!

Not only was his face stiff, but he also had ringing in his ears, and there seemed to be the sound of howling wind in his ears.


The night passed, and the search and rescue ship returned in the morning light.

After recovering, one after another, people went to the deck to watch the first sunrise of the rest of their lives.

"Sister Xiaolan..."

The three real children found Mao Lilan who was blowing wind by the railing, and said in unison with apologetic faces, "I'm sorry!"

"Hey?" Mao Lilan turned her head, surprised and puzzled, "Why do you say I'm sorry?"

Ayumi looked at the shell bracelet on Mao Lilan's wrist, "It's because I went to get the bracelet we gave, that put Miss Xiaolan in danger..."

"It's your kindness that you gave me a gift. How can you blame you for this kind of thing?" Mao Lilan laughed, bent down and said softly to the three children, "It's because I didn't collect the things you gave, and I insisted on going back to get it, and if I said sorry, I should be the one who said to you, sorry for making everyone worry about me."

In front of the railing not far away, Dr. Ali turned to look at the three children and smiled, and then laughed too.

Chi Feichi, who was smoking beside him, suddenly remembered something, "Doctor, my computer sank with the boat."

Dr. A Li was taken aback for a moment, then realized, and said with a smile, "Is it the computer I assembled for you? It doesn't matter, I will install another computer for you after I go back!"

Chi Feichi thought about it, but still refused, "I can do it myself. The Zhenchi Group has many parts, but the doctor seems to have made some changes in the assembly of the onboard memory..."

"Huh? Have you taken it apart and looked at it?"


"It's very research spirit! This is also very simple, let me tell you, you will understand, it is..."

Hui Yuanai watched the two start chatting about computer assembly, and yawned speechlessly.

Forget it, she didn't expect Brother Feichi to explain why he didn't evacuate in time, she probably discovered that Edogawa's reasoning was wrong.

People safe is good.

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