Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1124 Lak wine will not be banned, right? [Add updates for the cute master Norns]

An abandoned warehouse in Edogawa Ward.

Looking at the map, Gin explained the action plan to Mizuruna, Chianti, and Cohen.

"Kiel, you don't need to take any action. Go around and go to point C immediately. Be careful not to be followed..."


"Cohen, Chianti, follow the plan to find a sniper spot near point B, and someone will cooperate with you when the time comes..."

When the action was almost arranged, Rena Mizumu asked with a smile, "Ginjiu, the target of this action should not be that important diplomatic official who recently visited Japan?"

"That guy seems to be in the limelight recently," Chianti said, "It's as annoying as Tumen!"

Seeing that the operation was about to start, Qin Jiu didn't completely hide it, "He's not the real target..."

"Gin," Cohen's muffled voice came from the headset, "Luck is here."

The short speech made the atmosphere suddenly subtle.

Chianti seemed to want to laugh but held it back abruptly, and seemed to have other emotions, his expression looked weirdly distorted, he was silent for a while, but couldn't help but said, "Gin, Turkey seems to have imposed a restriction on alcohol..."

"I also saw the report on the international section this morning." Rena Mizumu also had a very strange expression, "The manufacturing and market of raki wine have been greatly impacted. In the future, raki wine will not only be exported, but probably even in Turkey. There will be a severe shortage of supplies."

Logically speaking, for a big tiger who has won the trust of that person and is not easy in the organization, she'd better maintain a good relationship. It is a loss to hold grudges and make stumbling blocks.

However, after joining the organization for so long, it was the first time she saw that the code names of the members of the organization were restricted.

Although Abis was banned before, she didn't know her, and the ban was many years ago, so she didn't feel much.

I know raki, plus raki is the national drink of Turkey, and Turkey is also the one that has a lower alcohol limit. This is the same as the ban on sake in Japan, the ban on baijiu in China, and the ban on Riesling wine in Germany. It's subtle.

Even the countries that manufacture and sell raki restrict production and trade, the stock of raki will inevitably decrease day by day, and there is no shortage of various alcoholic drinks in the world, the presence of raki in the world will become less and less. The drinking order has not been lifted, and the enthusiasm of the Turkish people has gradually shifted or found a more suitable substitute, and raki will slowly sink into history.

Of course, the history of alcohol like 'Abis' tells the world that the alcoholic's love for alcohol is hard to be erased by time. Even if it is restricted for 40 or 50 years, one day the alcohol restriction will be lifted. Lark wine with this history said It may not be able to make a comeback with greater momentum with feelings and other factors.

But... Lak is still miserable.

She refers to the organization's Lak, who was originally a good person, but suddenly one day her code name Jiu suffered a catastrophe, no matter how you think about it, it is not auspicious, and she also has a little distorted mentality and gloats.

Since Chianti mentioned it first, it's okay for her to make complaints about it, right?

It should be fine, the people in the organization have their own personalities, whether there is hatred or not does not hinder ridicule and ridicule, it is not surprising that she said it.

Vodka looked at the gin, hesitated to speak, and had a complicated expression.

He remembered that his elder brother once said to him, "Luck, this bad wine will be banned sooner or later." It was originally a joke, but he didn't take it seriously.

Next, Lark won't be banned, right?

Just as Gin was about to say, "Luck guessed it a long time ago", he was interrupted by the sound of a car approaching, so he didn't say any more, and turned his head to watch the black Zelas drive in and parked aside.

The young man who got out of the car was tall, dressed in black, his freckled face under the blond hair was supposed to look cute, but his face was indifferent, and there seemed to be a dangerous chill in his blue eyes.

Chianti turned his head to look, and instantly lost the desire to laugh.

Shui Wurena also decided to remain silent, and she would not do anything like pick something first.

"It's not like it's restricted, it's indeed restricted," Gin didn't care, and took advantage of Chi Fei's late arrival to directly provoke trouble, with a sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, and joked, "Luck, what did you just say?" Do you have any thoughts about the restriction of rake wine?"

Takatori Yano, who got out of the car and changed his face, was startled, and his expression became as subtle and complicated as the others just now.

"I don't think so," Chi Feichi walked forward with a cold face, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm waiting for that one to send me the money."

Chianti couldn't help asking curiously, "Will that one still pay psychological compensation?"

The first time she met someone who was restricted, she was really curious.

"Hmph..." Qin Jiu sneered coldly, looked back at Chi Feichi, and didn't reveal anything unrelated to this operation, "Chianti, then you have to make that person think it's okay..."

He finally understood why Lack was laughing like a snake that night.

If it wasn't for those actions, and suddenly found that Lak was restricted, and then organized such a group of people who went their own way laughing and teasing, and listened to others talking about it when going out, even if Lak was not depressed, he would find it annoying.

Now that the rake wine is really restricted, it is a good thing, and the organization can have more funds.

For Rucker, judging the situation, making a bet, and finally turning something unpleasant into a good thing is enough to make people feel happy.

In fact, before today, he didn't think that the chances of Lak wine being restricted were very high. He was not very surprised when he saw the news reports and had psychological preparations in advance. More surprises came from Lak's judgment ability. ...

If he didn’t know this, he would still be in the mood to make more jokes. During this period of time, there were a lot of rumors in Turkey. For a while, there were rumors that drinking too much raki would poison people, and later, there were rumors that raki had an aphrodisiac effect. It was a good time to laugh at Lark on his head, but he was already mentally prepared, but he thought it was nothing. Before reading the report, he only focused on analyzing the possibility of the restriction of Lark, and forgot to send emails to mock.

It's a pity that an opportunity to be ridiculed was destroyed by Lak's "prediction in advance".

Mizuruna pondered with lowered eyes.

'Let that one think it's okay', what does Gin mean?

The organization should not really have psychological compensation, right? Or are you alluding to something else? Or still mocking Lark, just hinting at something they don't know...

Wait, the train of thought is almost off, psychological compensation is not important.

That one doesn't look like the kind of person who pays psychological compensation. He won't give compensation if he kills someone by mistake, and he won't give compensation to members who suspect or torture...

Stop, don't think about compensation, it has nothing to do with her being an undercover agent.

"I've also seen that report. It's not only about raki, but all alcohol is restricted, including your code names..." Takatori Yannan followed Shangike Feichi, subconsciously speaking for his boss, but endured I couldn't help but tell the truth, "It's just that for raki, which is the national drink of Turkey, it has been more impacted and restricted."

Chi Feichi felt that Takatori Yannan had said this, it would be better not to say it, and without wasting any more time, he looked at Gin and said in a hoarse voice, "Ireland is in charge of point D, and has already brought people there to prepare. Stout arrived last night Standby, Bourbon will be involved in the search if necessary."

Gin took advantage of Chi Feichi to talk about the situation, lit a cigarette, and after Chi Feichi finished speaking, he confirmed with Chi Feichi, "Chianti and Cohen will rush to the vicinity of point B. After Kiel feints, Will go to point C."

Chi Feichi was not surprised by Gin's arrangement. They had already finalized the specific plan this time. They met tonight just to see if the original finalized plan needed to be modified due to personnel issues, but Gin did not. If it is changed, it means that there is no problem with the manpower arrangement here. "Ireland needs a batch of bombs."

"Just send him a batch," Gin said, smoking a cigarette, "Don't forget, Kiel also needs bombs here."

His bomb inventory is depleted so quickly, and the bombs from Lak are not used very much. This time, Lak is causing trouble again, so of course he will use the bombs from Lak.

Chi Feichi: "..."

Yes, he brought it up because he wanted to discuss with Gin whether he would deliver the bomb tomorrow or Gin would deliver the bomb.

As a result, he released the bomb in Shimono Town, let alone delivered it, and he was even responsible for the bomb in Kiel?


Forget it, anyway, he has a lot of explosives in his warehouse, and he doesn't usually use them.


The next day, the light rain continued from morning to afternoon.

Holding umbrellas, five elementary school students took a detour to the Shimokacho bookstore to buy limited-edition comics, and then went back to Mihuacho together.

"It's so dangerous, I almost couldn't buy it," Yuantai put the comic book into the schoolbag, zipped it up, patted the schoolbag, and happily carried it again, "I have all this series together!"

Ayumi smiled and said, "Thanks to Mitsuhiko for knowing such a bookstore with few customers but a lot of books!"

Mitsuhiko handed Yuantai's umbrella to Queen Mother Yuan, scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled, "Where, I just guessed that there are still..."

Behind the three children, Conan handed a mobile phone to Hui Yuanai, and said in a low voice, "Here, return the mobile phone to the doctor for me, and tell him by the way, thank him for lending me the mobile phone, it has helped me a lot."

This time is really dangerous.

The day before yesterday he left his cell phone on the table, just as Xiao Lan sent an email to 'Kudou Shinichi', his phone naturally showed that he had received the email, of course Xiao Lan would doubt him.

Fortunately, he borrowed the mobile phone from Dr. Ali yesterday, pretending that it was 'Conan''s mobile phone, and put it in his uncle's office on purpose last night, pretending that he had forgotten it, and called Xiaolan with his real mobile phone.

Not only do you have to create the illusion that 'Conan's mobile phone has nothing to do with Kudo Shinichi when receiving emails', but you also have to play two roles, pretending to be Conan and running to the second floor to act cute, and then running back to the third floor to avoid the uncle and secretly Using the identity of 'Kudo Shinichi' to call Xiaolan, don't be too tired.

But the result was good, at least Xiaolan dispelled her doubts about him.

Hui Yuanai took Dr. Ali's mobile phone, "So, your identity has not been exposed?"

"Yeah, I finally managed it. Xiaolan doesn't seem to suspect that I am Kudo Shinichi anymore." Conan smiled, looking up at the drizzle outside the umbrella, "but because of taking medicine, my body has become smaller. It’s unbelievable, that’s why you can get through it so easily…”

"In order for you to pass the test smoothly, and to make this phone look like Edogawa Conan's, I sent a lot of emails to this phone," Hui Yuanai put the phone in his shorts pocket, paused, and continued He said in a leisurely tone, "Of course, there is no need to thank you. Next time, if Brother Feichi suspects me, you can help me with all your strength."

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