Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1125 It's from that organization!

Conan laughed, "Don't worry, brother Chi is not normal..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

In front of her, is it really appropriate to say that about her brother?

Conan felt that the sight around him was getting colder, and changed his words, "Hey, anyway, he even believes that he can hear animals talking, and he has a strong ability to accept. Hasn't he never felt that something is wrong with us?"

Hui Yuanai looked back, Edogawa was right before, his elder brother is indeed abnormal, and his ability to accept is really strong, he guessed, "Probably because of the existence of Hiroki, he saw that he could do it himself when he was ten years old. The person who created artificial intelligence and DNA tracking programs knows that the world is big and there are many people who are different from others, so he will not doubt that we behave like children, but just treat us like Hiroki A child who is gifted in a certain way and matures relatively early."

Thinking of Hiroki Sawada, Conan still felt emotional, and quickly smiled, "So you don't have to worry at all."

Hui Yuanai nodded, "I know, but I'd like to say hello to you first, then, are you sure she really didn't suspect you?"

"Yeah, so this morning was really miserable," Conan began to complain crazily, "When I was brushing my teeth, she smiled and praised me as a very smart child. The detective needs to eat more, and she actually got through to the mobile phone number I gave her, and she happily asked me to listen to Kudo Shinichi's voice message over there, saying that she wanted me to listen to Kudo Shinichi's voice... "

"Did you tell her Kudo Shinichi's phone number?" Hui Yuanai interrupted, staring.

Conan broke into a sweat and explained with a dry smile, "It's okay, when she is with her, I will turn it into a phone recording, and I told her that I met a very troublesome client who always uses long-winded words to find cats." I have an important case to deal with, so I asked her not to tell other people that I was contacted, or I would be very headache if I was found. If that was the case, she probably wouldn't tell Brother Chi or Yuanzi , I will also keep an eye on it at any time, if she mentions Kudo Shinichi, I will interrupt directly..."

"Whatever you want," Hui Yuanai said softly without staring any longer, "but you'd better be careful, if your identity is exposed by her..."

"I know," Conan said earnestly, "I won't let them have anything to do with those members of the black organization."

"If there's anything going on with Brother Feichi, I hope you can tell me," Hui Yuanai said in a low voice, "especially...if that woman ran out again."

"Hey, hey," Conan couldn't help laughing and teasing, "do you still want to go to her and face her face to face?"

Hui Yuanai asked back, "At least you can't be unprepared, right?"

"Yes, yes, I see."

Conan fully agreed.

If Belmode really came back, he wouldn't talk to Huiyuan, lest Huiyuan would be confused, nervous, or unable to eat or sleep well.

That is sickness.

Just like the last time Chi Feichi stayed on the fast-sinking cruise ship for no reason. When he first rushed back, he suspected that Chi Feichi hadn't withdrawn, but he didn't dare to tell Huiyuan, and he was rescued later, and he didn't tell anyone else. He suspected that Chi Feichi committed an illness and wanted to die, so he made others think that Chi Feichi stayed on the cruise ship for the truth of the case and the real culprit.

Alas, he also supports Hui Yuan's idea very much now, they should hide it from Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi is a formidable guy, he seems to be very strong psychologically when he is fine, but there are unstable factors in his body, which they are unable to control.

Since Chi Feichi didn't find out their identities, then Chi Feichi shouldn't be involved, just like the uncle and Xiaolan, it's better not to know anything.

"Ah?" Yuantai stopped suddenly, hid behind the mailbox, pointed at the back of a man in front of a store, and said, "Look! That's Police Officer Takagi, right?"

Holding an umbrella, Takagi looked around furtively, then turned and went into the nearby jewelry store.

Conan analyzed and reasoned based on Takagi Tsutomu's expression and behavior, and told Takagi Tsutomu that he was buying things for Sato Miwako.

The three real children got excited, and immediately followed up with the jewelry store. No matter how surprised Takagi She was, they enthusiastically helped to choose jewelry.

It was just that when a group of people were looking at jewelry, a man wearing a windproof cycling suit, a helmet, and a tight cover came into the jewelry store, put the bag on the counter, pointed a pistol at the clerk, and took out a sheet with the words The paper 'Put the jewelry in the bag' was displayed, and a woman was held hostage, beckoning the clerk to be obedient.

Conan saw that the robber was a hostage, so he didn't act rashly. He squatted down and prepared to find an opportunity to use the foot-strengthening shoes to bring the person down.

Seeing that someone was robbing the jewelry store in broad daylight, Takagi She didn't pay attention to the police, so he stepped forward and took out his police ID to stop it.

As a result, the robbers still ignored them. When the clerk put the jewelry in the bag, he sneered and ran out of the shop with the bag.

Gao Mushe resolutely chased after him, and naturally followed by five little tails.

A group of people chased to the top floor of an apartment building. As soon as Gao Mushe stepped forward to negotiate, the other party jumped over the railing and jumped downstairs.

Gao Mushe hurriedly ran to the edge of the roof, looked out with his head, his face changed drastically, "Oh no..."

Downstairs was a large truck parked, and a man in a windproof riding jacket was lying face down on the roof of the truck, with the bag from the robber who robbed the jewelry store beside him.

The man's safety helmet fell out and hit his head. There was a pool of bright red blood on the roof of the car, and he remained motionless.

Next to the truck, two men in the uniform of the moving company looked up at the roof of the truck, talking suspiciously.

"Did something fall?"

"There was a loud noise just now..."

Behind the two, the man passing by with an umbrella stopped, turned his head to look at the roof of the car, and then looked up at the upper floors of the building next to the truck.

Conan stood on the edge of the roof following Takagi She, looked down, and suddenly noticed the person next to the car holding a black umbrella.

The man was taller than the two people from the moving company, wearing a black hooded sports jacket and black pants, holding the handle of a black umbrella with his pale fingers in the gloomy light rain, looking up at the upstairs At that time, the umbrella covering the head was tilted back, revealing a young European male face.

It was a young and handsome face, with some cute freckles on the cheeks, but the expression was too indifferent and gloomy, and the azure eyes looking upstairs also carried a chilling coldness.

The moment he saw that face clearly, Conan's pupils shrank, and his face instantly became uglier than Takagi Wataru.

He'd seen this face the time they'd been invited to the twin skyscrapers, to the opening of the Tokiwa Group.

It's from that organization!

The guy who was standing next to Gin was also aiming at the elevator with a sniper rifle!

Chi Feichi was walking well in the alley, when the roof of the truck next to him suddenly slammed, and he immediately tensed up. Look, I can also see the general faces of the two figures, one tall and one short, on the rooftop.

Conan, Takagi She... old acquaintances.

Judging by the rhythm, he must have bumped into something.

Still in the identity of Lark, on the way to find Ireland to hand over the explosives, he ran into an incident and happened to be seen by Conan.

According to the calculation of the plot of Aoyama Ryukexue, the following is likely to become——

Conan ran downstairs and began to track him. If he didn't notice, then Conan would have found out that he was connected with people from Ireland and knew that the organization was about to carry out a big operation, so he would join the organization and the FBI in this battle. middle……

Based on such a deduction, the encounter between him and Conan today is very interesting.

If he doesn't want to worry about the FBI being beaten away and no one will rescue Mori Kogoro in the future, he should pretend that he didn't know he was being followed by Conan today, or realize it later. Clues, let Conan join the FBI camp in this operation.

In the later stage, he still needs Shuichi Akai to save people. This target must be kept, but he also wants to experience and test Shuichi Akai’s ability in person. …

But he chose to give up.

Look at Belmod, Rena Mizumura, and Toru Amuro. Regardless of whether they are undercover or not, after meeting Conan and getting too involved with Conan, the situation in the organization will become dangerous.

If it is said that Belmode had to do something suspicious to others because of protecting Conan, which led to the deterioration of his own situation, then Rena Mizumu was unlucky?

Car accident, being controlled by the FBI, pretending to return to the organization, and being suspected again and again, and then almost being found out as an undercover agent together with Toru Amuro.

As for Toru Amuro, after meeting Conan, his situation in the organization became worse and worse, and he was almost found out as an undercover agent, and was suspected by Rum...

Conan, a troublemaker, doesn't know how to kill people, but he likes to cheat and harm others.

It only took a moment to think, and Chi Feichi's only move was to look up at the rooftop, then look away, and continue walking towards the entrance of the alley with an umbrella.

His contact lenses haven't been made yet, the organization's drug research materials haven't been stolen, and the things he wants to do haven't been finished yet. It's a pity that the golden start and the green light are passed. It's a pity to be destroyed.

So, this time he didn't want to play with Conan.

Upstairs, after Conan came back to his senses, he hurriedly turned and ran downstairs.

Why do people from the organization appear here?

Was it for him and Huiyuan? Or is the organization doing anything around here?

Although he knew that the situation was unclear and it might be dangerous to catch up, but he finally met someone from the organization, and if he didn't do anything, he would feel annoyed and regret it.

Calm down, calm down.

Think about how to get more information for a while...

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