Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1143 The Victim Smiles Naturally

Hiromatsu was taken aback, leaned closer to Sakurada, pointed at himself weakly and asked, "Um... did I write something wrong?"

A car drove behind a group of people and stopped.

Sakurada stopped talking and turned to look over.

Takagi opened the door and got out of the car, and went forward to show Sakurada his ID, "I am Takagi from the General Administration."

"Brother Takagi?" Hiromatsu exclaimed in surprise.

"Brother Guangsong?" Gao Mushe looked over in surprise, and was even more surprised when he saw Chi Feichi and Conan standing aside, "Chi, Mr. Chi? And Conan?!"

"I'm Sakurada from Mihua East Department," Sakurada looked at the group of people with a serious face, "What? Do you all know each other?"

"Ah, Brother Guangsong and I met when I was on duty. He helped us arrest a thief," Gao Mushe explained, looking at Chi Feichi, and said with a dry smile, "As for Mr. Chi and Conan, they are often Involved in the incident, I didn't expect to see them here again..."

Conan laughed inwardly, he never expected that Chi Feichi would come to harm their Mihua Town again.

"And Mr. Chi is the apprentice of the famous detective Mori Kogoro," Takagi said with a smile, "He also helps our police a lot!"

"Oh? That famous detective?" Sakurada turned to look at Chi Feichi, "But, aren't you a consultant of the entertainment company?"

"Is there a conflict?" Chi Feichi asked calmly.

Sakurada: "..."

No conflict, just...a consultant to an entertainment company who wants to be a detective? Always felt a little weird.

Takagi felt that if he talked about Chi Feichi's career again, Sakurada's thoughts would become more and more confused. At the beginning, Chi Feichi used "I am a veterinarian" and almost ruined them all. Changing the topic, we must change the topic, "cough Cough, Brother Guang Song, why are you here?"

"When I was jogging in the morning, I was the one who found the victim!" Hiromatsu said helplessly.

Sakurada approached Hiromatsu Hiroshi, stared closely and asked, "Is it really just a discovery?"

"What does this mean?" Takagi was puzzled.

"Because this police officer seems to suspect that Mr. Hiromatsu is the murderer." Conan said in a cute childish voice, "As for Brother Chi, it is because he met the victim last night and made an appointment with the victim to meet at four o'clock this afternoon to discuss work, so The officer just called to get him."

Takagi nodded, and asked suspiciously, "What's going on? Officer Sakurada, why do you doubt Hiromatsu?"

Sakurada had the same stern face when facing Takagi Wataru who came from the General Administration, "Having a skeptical attitude towards the first discoverer is the basic principle of handling a case."

"I'm not a prisoner!" Hiromatsu said hastily.

Takagi looked at Hiromatsu, "I know Hiromatsu's personality very well, he should not be that kind..."

"No, the reason I suspect him is..."

Sakurada interrupted Takagi Sherman, wanting to explain, but the words were interrupted by the car driving to the side.

A woman in professional attire, glasses, and pretty features led a man forward, bowed slightly, and introduced herself seriously, "I came here as soon as I received the call, hello, I am Ernst \u0026 Young, the president of Ernst \u0026 Young .”

"I'm Sakurada from Mihua East Office," Sakurada introduced himself again, and looked up to see the man behind Yasuyoshi Yuko, "Excuse me, this is..."

"You are Ryoji Mizuhara, right?" Conan recognized the man, "Something like acting in a TV series."

Mizuhara Ryoji nodded, looked at Sakurada, "I am Mizuhara."

Conan was startled when he heard Ryoji Mizuhara's voice, and subconsciously looked at Chi Feichi.

He hadn't noticed it before watching TV dramas, but after getting to know Kyousuke Haga, and listening to Ryoji Mizuhara's voice, he couldn't tell what it sounded like...

Obviously Yu He Xiangfu's voice is much gentler, but he just feels like it.

Now THK accounts for half of the Japanese entertainment industry, Chi Feichi is one of the founders, shareholders and consultants of THK, and is an 'H' who is about to become a myth inside and outside the company. It might be possible to discuss cooperation with the agent of a not-too-popular artist in person, and leave these matters to the person in charge of the company.

Even if Chi Feichi had nothing to do, Oda Kirito would probably prefer Chi Feichi to write a song or something.

Just now he guessed that Chi Feichi was bored and wanted to experience other people's work, or that THK had an important project to cooperate with Mizuhara Ryoji, so he came to talk in person, but now it seems that Chi Feichi came here, maybe because of Mizuhara Ryoji The voice and feel like Kayosuke Haga.

It seems that his little friend is still very concerned about Mr. Haga's affairs. Then, on the Aphrodite, his little friend's strange behavior of not evacuating could be because of that incident...

Thinking of this, Conan's eyes suddenly became complicated, and before Chi Feichi looked at him, he took a step to look away.

"Mr. Okubo is working as a broker in my firm," Yasunaga Yukiko said, "Suwon is in charge of taking care of it."

"Mr. Okubo?" Takagi Tsutomu, who had just arrived not long ago, still didn't understand the situation.

"Okubo Iwao is the victim," Sakurada started to walk towards the corpse, "Can you please identify the deceased, please? Mr. Chi can also come along."

An Yongxuezi looked at Chi Feichi, who was following him, and found that he had never seen him before, so he didn't ask any further questions, wondering if he was from Okubo Iwao's family.

Conan followed Chi Feichi resolutely, and saw the corpse as he wished, but...

Okubo Iwao's body was lying on the ground, with a smile on his side face, and a 'V' gesture with his right hand stretched out beside his head, which was very strange.

Takagi She felt that it was evil, "This, what's going on..."

Chi Feichi squatted down beside Sakurada, observing Okubo Iwao's body.

Smiles, V gestures...

Could this be...

Sakurada turned his head and asked Chi Feichi who was squatting beside him, "How is it?"

"Smiling is natural." Chi Feichi took out the disposable gloves from his pocket and tore open the package.

Sakurada: "?"

He asked 'how is it? Is it the person you met last night? ’, the result was such an answer——

Micro, smiling is natural?

Also, why does the action of taking off the gloves look so skillful?

"Naturally?" Conan also squatted aside to observe the corpse closely.

"When people are forced to smile, they only move their lips, pull up the corners of their mouth, and deliberately push the muscles of the lower half of the face to create a fake smile," Chi Feichi put on the gloves, stretched out his hand and gently lifted it up. Okubo Iwao compared the right hand of the 'V' gesture, "Even if you deliberately squint your eyes, there will be a strong sense of incongruity in the outline of the eyes, mouth and facial muscles..."

When Sakurada saw Chi Feichi touching the corpse, his eyelids twitched.

"Sense of incongruity?" Gao Mushe bent down to observe the corpse, and then recalled the other smiling faces he had seen. Except for some with particularly far-fetched smiles, the others seemed to be the same.

"Officer Takagi, is it really okay to let other people touch the corpse casually?" Sakurada suppressed the mood of going berserk, and reminded him aloud.

Takagi looked at Sakurada, smiled awkwardly, "This..."

How should I put it, it's not the first time Chi Feichi and Conan touched dead bodies at the scene, nor did it happen once, twice or thrice...

"Cover the cloth, indicating that the evidence collection and photographing of the corpse have been completed." Chi Feichi put down Okubo Iwao's right hand and looked at Sakurada, "I will also be careful not to destroy the information on the corpse or leave fingerprints Or leave other traces."

Looking into Chi Feichi's calm eyes, Sakurada couldn't help but nodded when he heard Chi Feichi's narration in a calm tone.

That's right, their evidence collection is over, even if they touch the corpse, it doesn't seem to be...

It's okay to be a ghost with a child so close to playing with the corpse!

Conan stared at Iwao Okubo's smiling face, "Brother Chi, is Mr. Okubo really smiling?"

"Looking at the movement of Mr. Okubo's eye muscles, it's really funny." Chi Feichi looked down at his hands, made a 'V' gesture, and then relaxed a little bit, "The hand movements are also very natural. If it is after his death , someone puts his hands like this, it won't be so natural."

"That means, this is the death message left by Mr. Okubo himself, right?" Sakurada asked, looking at Hiromatsu with serious eyes, "Then Mr. Hiromatsu is very suspicious!"

Hiromatsu smiled helplessly, "I said it all, it's not me..."

"Hiromatsu?" Mizuhara Ryoji looked at Hiromatsu in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Sakurada got up and looked at the two doubtfully, "Do you know each other?"

Hey, why does it feel like these people know each other, but he doesn't know anyone?

"We lived next door in the same apartment," Ryoji Mizuhara explained.

In front of the corpse, Conan whispered to Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi, it's very strange, isn't it?"

Takagi followed the clues, "Strange?"

"Yeah, a person who is knocked down by a sudden attack will definitely panic, and if his head is broken, it must be very painful." Conan looked at Okubo with a smile, "But I feel that Mr. Okubo doesn't hurt at all, just like Brother Chi said Yes, he smiled naturally and happily."

Takagi scratched his head in embarrassment, "Conan..."

It's weird that they're here to study corpses laughing unnaturally and unhappy.

"There is no trace of pain," Chi Feichi confirmed, explaining Conan's meaning, "If he tried to leave a message to identify the murderer when he was dying, then there should be pain and anger in his face and eye muscles. Or other traces of reluctance, but Mr. Okubo's face is completely absent, it is a smile from the heart, or he is a masochist..."

"Either this is not a death message, but the last words he left for someone to read," Conan touched his chin, thinking about the words, "It's like comforting and encouraging someone, 'It's okay, don't worry about me, you have to be happy , Come on', so he can ignore the pain, and don't have any resentment or fear..."

Gao Mushe looked at the smile on the corpse's face again, and a string in his heart was touched, making him melancholy and heavy.

Chi Feichi didn't say a word, agreeing with Conan's conjecture in his heart.

Strange traces of suspected death messages were found at the scene. The first step is to confirm whether the death messages were left by the deceased himself or forged by the murderer to mislead others.

The first time he saw the corpse, he deliberately observed Okubo Iwao's smiling face and right hand, feeling awkward for a moment.

As Conan said, the smiling face and the 'V' were indeed put out by Okubo Iwao himself, but they are not the death message identifying the murderer, but a kind last word to someone.

Then he remembered what Okubo Iwao said last night...

"Brother Chi, did you remember something?" Conan stared at Chi Feichi and asked.

When his little friend first saw the corpse, his expression was a little more serious than before, and this expression appeared again just now.

Chi Feichi looked at Conan and did not hide the clues, "Mr. Okubo said last night that he wanted to help Suwon transform, let Suwon try to play a gentle and smiling character, and said that Suwon is very attractive when he smiles."

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