Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1144 The Biggest Suspect

"Then, Mr. Okubo's last words were probably addressed to Mr. Mizuhara." Takagi Tsutomu sighed.


Conan turned his head to look at Ryoji Mizuhara over there, and responded casually, his eyes were serious, and his thoughts also jumped to other places.

After being attacked, I thought of Ryoji Mizuhara for the first time, and left the message of comfort and encouragement. Is it because I miss Ryoji Mizuhara too much?

Or, Ryoji Mizuhara was here at the time, and...

Mizuhara Ryoji didn't pay attention to the gaze from an elementary school student, and confirmed the identity of Iwao Okubo with Sakurada, "That's right, he is my manager, Mr. Okubo."

Chi Feichi stood up and took off his gloves, "Officer Sakurada, this is the short-sleeved shirt he was wearing before I parted ways with Mr. Okubo last night."

"Oh?" Sakurada realized, "That means Mr. Okubo might not have come home last night?"

"He was at my place last night," Mizuhara Ryoji said, seeing other people looking at him, he explained calmly, "Last night just after midnight, he came to my place and asked me to talk about the development of my future work directions, talked all the way into the morning, and then he said he was going to take the first tram and left my house around 4:30."

"So that's how it is. Last night after we parted ways with Mr. Chi and the others, we went to Mr. Mizuhara's house and stayed until after four o'clock in the morning before going back." Sakurada took care of Okubo Iwao's itinerary, "In order to get to the station, I walked here. As a result, he was attacked by the murderer. His watch should have been broken at that time. The time displayed on it was 4:40, that is, 10 minutes after leaving Mr. Suwon’s apartment. Although the murder weapon has not been found yet , but from the analysis of the wound, the murder weapon should be an iron pipe..."

Saying that, Sakurada looked at Hiromatsu and confirmed, "Then 20 minutes later at five o'clock in the morning, when you were jogging, you found Mr. Okubo, right?"

Hiromatsu nodded, "Yes, that's right."

"The apartment you two live in is 4-chome, the station is on this side, and the fire brigade is on the other side..." Sakurada lowered his head, turned a page of the record folder, drew a picture on the backing board, and held it up to Hiromatsu Look, "Three places make a straight line, but the fire department is on the left side of the intersection, right?"

Hiromatsu continued to nod.

"Mr. Takagi," Sakurada Zhengse looked at Takagi She, "Our conversation was interrupted just now, so I will continue to tell you, I will suspect the reason of this person..."

Yasunaga Yukiko immediately looked at Hiromatsu Hiroshi, "Is this the person who killed Mr. Okubo?"

Mizuhara Ryoji also stared at the past, "Is it you?"

Hiromatsu quickly waved his hands, "No, it's not me!"

Sakurada stared at Hiromatsu Hiroshi, "First of all, because you are the first to find out, ordinary criminals usually leave something behind when they commit a crime, but as long as you pretend that you are the first to find out, no matter what you find What remains, you can say that you dropped it here when you found it and got away."

Hiromatsu collapsed, "Why is this..."

"The second point," Sakurada continued, "You said you ran to the fire brigade to call an ambulance. How could ordinary people do that? I think you went in the direction of the fire brigade for another purpose. Bar?"

"What does this mean?" Hiromatsu was about to collapse.

"For example..." Sakurada said, was interrupted by the mobile phone again, picked up the mobile phone to answer the call, answered the call twice, and looked at Hiromatsu Hiroshi, "Our police are responsible for searching the people nearby, and we have found The murder weapon, with hair and wet blood on it, was found at Kamakata Bridge, the bridge from the scene to the fire brigade. You pretended to go to the fire brigade, but you actually went to dispose of the murder weapon, right? ?”

"Nonsense!" Hiromatsu finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Why would I do this to this person?"

"Of course I have deduced your motives long ago," Sakurada Masashi said, "Although you are a comedian, you are not famous at all, so you found Mr. Okubo who often goes to your residence in Suwon next door, and asked him I introduced you to a job, but he ignored you, and in a fit of anger, you attacked him with a steel pipe."

Chi Feichi lit a cigarette and watched silently.

Looking at Sakurada, he thought of his teacher's "Maori guessing and analysis flow", which was inexplicably familiar.

Whether it is the root of reasoning depends on whether there is a logical basis to support that reasoning.

If you want to say that Hiromatsu killed people because of this, you must at least confirm that Hiromatsu has been anxious about not having a job recently, that Hiromatsu has frequently sought out others for introductions recently, that Iwao Okubo hates outside artists to trouble him, and so on.

There is no evidence to support it, it can only be said to be 'guess' and 'feeling', and it should not be said as reasoning.

It's like he suspects Suwon, but now he doesn't have enough evidence to support his judgment, and he's not sure if he will make a mistake, so he won't just say it...

"The most important thing is that the message left by the victim clearly tells us that the prisoner is you!" Seeing Hiromatsu looking at him in surprise, Sakurada retrieved the information that Hiromatsu had filled in before, and held it up to others. Look, "Your stage name is 'Smiling, Pease'! The strange movements of Mr. Okubo's corpse, with a smile on his face, and his right hand making a 'V' gesture for taking pictures, is the 'Pease' that he would say when he was pointing at the picture!"

Takagi looked at Hiromatsu speechlessly, "I know you are a comedian, but what is your stage name?"

"But I'm really not a prisoner," Hiromatsu felt that he couldn't speak clearly, "Trust me, brother Takagi!"

"I believe you," Takagi nodded, looking at Sakurada, "Actually, Okubo..."

"Then do you have an alibi?" Conan interrupted Takagi Tsutomu and changed the subject by the way.

He suspected that there was something wrong with Ryoji Mizuhara, but he still couldn't judge the real murderer, so he asked the alibi.

"I was still at home when he was killed at 4:40!" Hiromatsu said, "I started jogging from the apartment at 5 o'clock, and found him in a short while!"

Takagi nodded, "If you can prove this..."

Sakurada sneered, "Is there any way to prove that a person who lives alone is really at home?"

"Listen to what he said," Mizuhara Ryoji said, "After Mr. Okubo went back, when I set the alarm clock and got ready to go to bed, I seemed to hear the sound of the toilet next door being flushed."

"Are you sure the time is 4:40?" Takagi asked.

Mizuhara Ryoji nodded, "Probably."

Conan looked at Ryoji Mizuhara in surprise.

In this way, both of them have an alibi.

Mizuhara Ryoji said that he heard the sound of the toilet flushing, which can indirectly prove that Mizuhara Ryoji was also in the apartment at the time of the incident.

Hiromatsu was more surprised than Conan, looking at Ryoji Mizuhara in a daze.

"You have an alibi, brother Hiromatsu!" Takagi said happily.

Hiromatsu looked back at Ryoji Mizuhara, with a stiff smile, "Yes, yes..."

The unnatural expression made Chi Feichi and Conan pay attention.

"Excuse me, can I go back?" Mizuhara Ryoji asked.

Yasunaga Yukiko put her hand on Mizuhara Ryoji's shoulder, and said softly, "You must be very sad to see such a thing happen to Mr. Okubo who is like your own father..."

Saying that, Yasunaga Yukiko looked at Sakurada, "Suwon should be able to go back, right?"

"I might ask you some questions another day," Sakurada looked at Ryoji Mizuhara, "Today first..."

"Wait!" Conan interrupted Sakurada.

Sakurada: "..."

Why is he always interrupted today?

Conan looked at Yasunaga Yukiko and Mizuhara Ryoji, with an innocent expression on his face, "Since brother Chi is here, shall we sit in a coffee shop together for a while? I think Mr. Okubo should also hope to be able to take care of work. Let's talk about it?"

Ryoji Mizuhara has a problem, if he stays, he must stay first!


The reactions of Yasunaga Yukiko and Mizuhara Ryoji were beyond the expectations of others, and they all looked surprised and confused.

Sakurada felt strange, "What? Didn't Mr. Okubo tell you about the meeting with Mr. Chi this afternoon?"

"This afternoon? I remember that Mr. Okubo sent me an email at about eleven o'clock last night, saying that today..." An Yongxuezi's face changed slightly as he thought about it, and he bowed and apologized to Chi Feichi, "I'm sorry, I received it last night. When I got the email, I was already asleep. I just saw the email this morning, and I heard the police call to say that Mr. Okubo had an accident, so I couldn’t remember it just now. Please bear with me if I was negligent!”

Conan observed Ryoji Mizuhara's self-possessed expression, and said cutely, "Has Mr. Mizuhara not remembered yet? Mr. Okubo attaches great importance to this meeting with Brother Chi. He talked to you about the future work arrangement at your place last night." I should have mentioned it to you at the time, right?"

"Mizuhara?" Yukiko Yasunaga gently pulled Mizuhara Ryoji's arm, frowning in confusion.

Acting in THK's TV series means that Ryoji Mizuhara can get a good salary in the future, can cooperate with current famous artists, and can gain fame when THK company promotes new films. With THK company's funds and contacts, This kind of publicity will definitely bring a lot of benefits to Ryoji Mizuhara. The key point is that if the cooperation is happy, Ryoji Mizuhara may not lack opportunities to perform in the future.

She just woke up this morning and saw Okubo's email. She was pleasantly surprised for a long time, and wanted to ask how Okubo won the opportunity from THK.

Because Okubo said in the email that he had agreed with the other party that he would go with her, the president, and Suwon in the afternoon. Okubo also wanted to reassure her, saying that he did not intend to let Suwon change jobs. She felt at the time that no matter what, she couldn’t Let Okubo waste his efforts in vain, he must take it seriously, immediately find out the most spiritual and decent clothes, and rehearse several times in his heart how to chat after the meeting, and strive to leave a good impression on the people of THK when they meet in the afternoon, And also consider how to refuse if the other party makes an unreasonable request.

It's just that when she received a call from the police and heard that Okubo had an accident, she hurried over and forgot about it.

Such an important matter, did Okubo not mention it to Suwon last night to get Suwon ready?

"This..." Ryoji Mizuhara pretended to be thinking about it.

Just as Sakurada was about to speak, the phone rang again, so he could only answer the phone first, answered twice, and said to Hiromatsu, "I am very sorry, your alibi has been cracked! When I think you are suspicious , I have already sent someone to check to see if you have left any traces anywhere. I heard that the surveillance camera at the convenience store in Sanchome caught you running, and the time was 4:30 this morning! That is to say , you're lying, you didn't leave the apartment at 5am!"

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