Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1146 Toshiya Odagiri: Forced to laugh

Hiromatsu watched Yu Sakurada and his group leave, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Brother Takagi! And Mr. Chi, little brother, thank you so much!"

"Where," Takagi She said with a smile, "It's good that you haven't been misunderstood."

"It's really called reasoning," Conan smiled at Takagi, "Just now Officer Takagi was so handsome!"

Being praised so much by a child, Takagi She scratched his head with an embarrassed smile, "Where..."

Chi Feichi started to walk to the parking place, "Then I don't need to take notes."

Conan, who was still praising Takagi just a second ago, has already raised his heels, raised his head and smiled at Chi Feichi beside him, and said, "If Officer Sakurada contacts you, just tell him that this is Officer Takagi's reasoning."

I finally don't need him to replace Chi Feichi to take notes, happy!

Takagi She stared blankly at the two of them leaving.

Why did he feel that something was wrong? Was it calculated?

But the reasoning this time is indeed what he said, and his thinking is quite clear...


Next to the red Lexus SC.

Chi Feichi stopped, turned around and asked Conan, "Where are you going? Do you want me to see you?"

Conan thought about it, and felt that it was okay to let Chi Feichi go. Anyway, what he said to Dr. A Li, he just had to keep Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai behind his back for a while, and he also wanted to ask Chi Feichi, "I'll go to Dr. Home."


Chi Feichi pressed the door lock, opened the door, got in the car and did not leave in a hurry, and called Oda Kirito's office.

Conan got into the passenger seat very consciously and skillfully, and fastened his seat belt very consciously and skillfully.


The phone rang twice and was answered.

"Hello, this is the office of the president of THK Entertainment..."

"It's me." Chi Feichi interrupted Oda Kirito and introduced himself solemnly.

"It's you, Feichi," Odagiri Toshiya's tone became lazy for a second, "What's the matter?"

"Around five o'clock this morning, the police called and told me to go to Mihua Town. Mr. Okubo died," Chi Feichi said, "The case was just solved, and the murderer was Ryoji Mizuhara..."

Odagiri Toshiya: "..."

This news came too suddenly, can't we make a foreshadowing before saying it?

Well, let him sort it out, he was thinking about how to dig two people last night, one night passed, one died, and the other became a murderer...

"Do you want to continue to contact and cooperate with Ernst \u0026 Young?" Chi Feichi asked.

Oda Kiritoshi also wanted to yell, "I'm still cooperating with a ghost", but he couldn't yell, and tried to calm down, "No, no, there are not many people in Ernst \u0026 Young, only Mizuhara Ryoji's popularity is not bad. The next two artists are not well-known. What we need now is an artist who is already moderately popular to make the transition. There is no shortage of newcomers to be cultivated. Since... since Mr. Okubo and Mizuhara have both had accidents, let’s forget it. Recently , the president of Ernst \u0026 Young is probably not in the mood to deal with things..."

This is an understatement.

The Ernst \u0026 Young Office is supported by Ryoji Mizuhara. Once Mizuhara Ryoji is gone, no one will take over the burden. Moreover, if such a thing happens to an artist, there will still be some disturbances in the Ernst \u0026 Young Office. Even if the president can regain his spirit, it is very difficult recently I have to deal with the media for a long period of time, express my views on these matters, and have no time to think about development.

In short, it is a firm that is directly abolished by 80%...

"...Let's do this first, I'll trouble you this time, thank you for your hard work."

After Oda Kirito finished speaking, he listened to the busy tone after hanging up on the phone, stared at the table for a while with a serious expression, and immediately pulled himself together to make a call.

He felt that he was so busy recently that he actually wanted to ask Chi Feichi to help with the investigation...

Look, the partners who were expected to be good are gone in an instant.

And the most terrible thing is, it's not just here!

"Hey, Mr. Mori... It's me, Odagiri Toshiya... Regarding my entrusted investigation... I'm not in a hurry, I just want to say that there is no need to investigate... Yes, terminate the investigation, and I will pay you the commission in full... ..."

"What's wrong?" Mori Kogoro asked seriously.

"Originally, the purpose of investigating those small companies and firms was for partners," Oda Kiritoshi also said with a dry smile, "Now it's almost enough, the list has been drafted, so..."

He didn't forget that when he entrusted these people to help He Hui find He Hui's biological mother, someone died, and He Hui's mother was almost regarded as a suspect.

Although it is not sure who the God of Plague is, or how many Gods of Plague there are, it is already certain that something happened to Feichi, and he heard that when Feichi was not there, Mr. Mao Li often encountered cases, which shows that this It is also a plague god, and has nothing to do with Feichi's influence, so it's best to avoid it.

"Enough?" Mori Kogoro was silent for a while, "I'm sorry, Minya, it seems that my actions are a little too slow, but I will not give up the investigation, although the partner you selected this time is enough , but I will definitely need the information of these small companies and firms for cooperation or acquisitions in the future. My investigation is already halfway through, and after the investigation is clear, you can keep the investigation information, so you don’t have to trouble yourself in the future!”

Oda Qiermin is also the son of his old boss's boss, and a good friend and partner of his apprentice. Now that he is on the right path, he finds this kid quite pleasing to the eye, and he is a regular client who entrusts him again and again. He must be more enthusiastic. You can't take advantage of others!

"But..." Oda Kirito also tried to find an excuse.

"Okay, you don't need to say, I can't take advantage of you," Mori Kogoro laughed, "After accepting your commission, I will be responsible to the end. This is also my awareness as a detective!"

"Then...then thank you Mr. Mori..."

Odagiri forced a smile on his face.

I hope Mr. Mori is okay.


Rice Flower Town.

A red car drove from 4-chome to 2-chome.

In the car, Conan turned his head to look at Chi Feichi, and asked tentatively, "Brother Chi, do you think Mr. Mizuhara and Mr. Haga look alike? But I'm not sure where..."

"Voice." Chi Feichi drove the car, and said the answer directly, "There is also a similar hairstyle, with stubble on the chin."

Conan sighed inwardly.

Look, his little friend is so clear in his heart, he must be very concerned about Mr. Haga and that case.

The most terrible thing is that Ryoji Mizuhara, who is somewhat similar to Kayosuke Haga, also killed people. In this incident, Mr. Okubo was seriously ill and only had six months, just like the old man of the Haga family.

Sometimes he felt that God was cruel to Chi Feichi.

Let’s not talk about the things about entering Qingshan Fourth Hospital, let’s just say that after they got acquainted, the house where Chi Feichi stayed had accidents frequently, and after finally getting to know him well, he had to change another house and go to Mermaid Island, an island he knew. Ms. Bag kills people, plays music, Mr. Haga who I know kills people, come out and take it easy, a person like Kayosuke Haga also kills people, and remind Chi Feichi with things like "Entertainment industry, kill people, live for half a year" Thinking about the case of Haga Kyosuke...

In this case, Mr. Okubo's kindness made even him feel sad and heavy. Isn't this making things worse?

Hearing the sound of sighing, Chi Feichi glanced sideways, and found that Conan was touched, so he turned his gaze away and watched the road carefully while driving.

What is Conan sighing? Because of the case just now?

A child is a child, and it is easy to be sad and sentimental.

Conan sighed, and forced a smile again, "I suddenly felt that Mr. Mizuhara and Mr. Haga are very similar, and I remembered Mr. Haga."

"You feel so sorry for Yu He?" Chi Feichi asked.

Did Conan care so much about Haga Kyosuke's case? He doesn't know.

"Yes." Conan replied.

Trying to mix into Chi Feichi's team, looking for opportunities to enlighten Chi Feichi.

"Don't think too much, they don't look alike at all." Chi Feichi said calmly.

Haga Kyousuke looks gentle, but his heart has been cold for a long time. He knows what he is doing, thinks about it and does it, and has no regrets. Mizuhara Ryoji looks cold, but he can't even control his emotions well. , Do such a thing as impulsive killing.

And he really couldn't feel the slightest bit of regret for Ryoji Mizuhara.

When Haga Kayosuke composed music for others, he always dealt with it with a very serious attitude. Even if he had murderous intentions in his heart, when it was time to deal with the work, he would still deal with it seriously.

As an actor, Ryoji Mizuhara couldn't even do his job well. It can even be said that he couldn't even understand his profession.

The so-called actors should be able to interpret the roles they play well, and they never appear on camera with a straight face or put on a smiley face to pretend that they can lie down for a lifetime.

As an amateur, he can try his best to perform for his own needs, occupations, and purposes. No matter how long he squats near a certain character group to observe, he has the patience to do it and try to restore it, no matter whether he needs to be embarrassed or not. , Ugly face, even low-lying and small like a clown, as long as he is playing a certain role, he doesn't mind, because he is just playing that role.

He really didn't know what to say about Ryoji Mizuhara, he didn't know everyone well, so he didn't bother to comment, but if he thought of Kyousuke Haga because of Ryoji Mizuhara's voice before, now he couldn't compare the two of them at all. connected.

Even though their voices are similar, these are two completely different people.

"It doesn't look like it at all?" Conan looked at Chi Feichi suspiciously. After waiting for a long time, he didn't get a response from Chi Feichi. "Brother Chi personally discussed cooperation with Mr. Okubo. There is also a reason why Mr. Mizuhara's voice is like that of Mr. Haga, right?"

"Well," Chi Feichi paused, thinking that Conan might be thinking too much, thinking that he was still concerned about Yu He Xiangfu's murder, and explained, "But there are other reasons, Min also wants me to contact and investigate, see See if Ernst \u0026 Young is suitable for long-term cooperation."

"So that's the case!" Conan smiled.

It seems that Oda Kiritoshi also discovered it earlier than him, and deliberately created an opportunity for Chi Fei to come into contact with Suwon late, but it failed in the end.

He was really too slow to realize it until now, but he also blamed Chi Feichi for being so good at hiding things. On the day of Mr. Yuga's case, he didn't think that Chi Feichi would care so much at all.

"By the way, Brother Chi, should you go to Qingshan Fourth Hospital for a reexamination?" Conan couldn't help but said, "There should be a reexamination every two months..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

It was one of the reasons why I forgot about it after I came out.

There is another reason...

He just wanted to ask Conan, how long has it been since they knew each other? How many springs, summers, autumns and winters are there in a year? Is it February, April or December after March?

Talk to him about the date? It was just telling him a bad joke.

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