Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1147 Threatened

Conan Banyueyan, "I said, don't you forget that you need to review yourself?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Even if he hadn't forgotten, he would never go to Qingshan Fourth Hospital again.

"Didn't the hospital call you?" Conan looked at Chi Feichi again and asked, "They should call to remind you, right?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Speaking of which, it seems that during this period of time, I would receive a 'harassing call' every two days, and the other party would say 'Hello, this is Qingshan No. 4' in a formulaic female voice like customer service, and then he would choose to hang up.

It seems that the letter box has also received letters from Qingshan Fourth Hospital, but sometimes the content of the letter is to invite him to participate in some Waka recitation activities. This kind of invitation would be skipped by Feichi, and then Feichi would automatically classify the letter signed by Qingshan Fourth Hospital as an "advertisement list" and would not read it to him.

As for coming to find him in person...

Unless a first-grade pupil like Conan followed the resident into the first floor of his apartment, and then pressed the door switch to let others in, otherwise the resident would not even be able to enter the security door on the first floor.

The people of Qingshan Fourth Hospital obviously couldn't think of asking children to help open the door, so it was impossible to find him.

As for calling his parents...

He doesn't know the specific situation, maybe he got through, or maybe he didn't get through. After he got through, his cheap dad might agree, and then when he was on the phone, he talked about Umbrella's development and forgot up.

Chi Kanai probably wouldn't forget it, but considering how much he hated Qingshan Fourth Hospital, Chi Kanai's thoughts became strange, and he might struggle with how to tell him for a month or two.

For the people in Qingshan Fourth Hospital, his attending doctor is studying in the United States, and there is no attending doctor to watch over him. At most, the others will just notify them. There are not many doctors who personally arrest people...

Seeing that Chi Feichi had been silent, Conan looked away speechlessly, rested his elbow on his knee, propped his chin with his palm, and began to murmur, "You say you, you won't go for a review when it's time, and you don't usually take medicine, right? I can probably understand why you are unwilling to take medicine. If it were me, the thought of the side effects of taking medicine might make me feel confused and my brain become confused, so I would not be willing to take medicine. However, if the situation is not good, I still take medicine. Medicine..."

"I know." Chi Feichi said.

Just like in the beginning, he knew that the original conscious body might commit suicide, so he brought his body to play with him, and he couldn't bear it no matter how uncomfortable he was, staying in the hospital until he confirmed that he would not die again inexplicably.

He is not afraid of death, but afraid of dying unclear or unworthy.

But it’s impossible to take medicine. Conan has no treatment experience, so he probably doesn’t know. Some medicines must be taken continuously after taking them. Stopping the medicine casually will lead to more serious consequences, such as increased depression.

Besides, he is really not sick, not depressed, not manic, not split, what medicine is he taking?

Occasionally, one or two sedative and sleeping medicines are used to reassure others, and he can take them, but other medicines...he refuses.

Seeing that Chi Feichi agreed, Conan said again, "What about the re-examination?"

"No." Chi Feichi resolutely refused.

"But you can't stop going, can you?" Conan reminded, "If Dr. Fukuyama doesn't receive your reexamination report, maybe he will come to you directly."

Chi Feichi felt threatened, so he was silent for a while, "I'll go tomorrow."

At least other doctors will be a little more foolish than Fukuyama Zhiming, and they have to go early or late, so it's better to deal with it earlier.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Conan asked seriously.

"No need." Chi Feichi refused again.

Conan: "..."

He is kind...

Forget it, as long as Chi Fei is late, it doesn't matter if he avoids it.

The car stopped at the door of Dr. Ali's house, and Conan got out of the car and rang the doorbell.

While Chi Feichi was waiting for Dr. A Li to drive, he heard the sound of a piano in the room.

As soon as I heard it, I knew it was Hui Yuanai.

Because Dr. Ali doesn't play the piano, because the piece he plays is "Fei Chi" that Haga Kayosuke helped Fei Chi perfect.

When the two entered, Hui Yuan Ai had already left in front of the piano, "Brother Feichi, Feichi, why did you come here today?"

"Because you sent me here!" Conan really wanted to remind Hui Yuanai, can you stop ignoring him, Ban Yueyan said, "I plan to come to the doctor's house, and there was a murder on the way. The police looked for it, and we came here together after the case was solved.”

"So that's it, you guys have encountered a case again." Hui Yuanai was not surprised at all, caught Feichi, looked down at Feichi's black bean-like eyes, "Feichi, are you going to play the piano?"

"Play it later," Chi Feichi said, "accompany me to buy ingredients."

Conan's eyes lit up, it was indeed right to ask Chi Feichi to send him here!

Hui Yuanai also changed his mind immediately, and nodded calmly, "Wait for me to change my clothes."

After the two went out, Conan told Dr. Ali about Adrian, and asked Dr. Ali to help him look up information on the Internet.

When Hui Yuanai came back with Chi Feichi, his expression was a bit confused, but he didn't say much, and took Feichi to play the piano.

When lunch was served, the detective's expression froze.

"Brother Feichi can cook Western food, it's still delicious." Hui Yuanai tasted the yogurt pumpkin raisin salad, and found that Conan, who used to be active in eating food, was stunned, "Edogawa, what's wrong with you? "

"New..." Dr. A Li found that he almost slipped the tongue, corrected it immediately, scratched his head and smiled, "I mean Conan, the food he hates the most seems to be raisins."

"Oh?" Hui Yuanai gloated and looked at the food on the table.

Raisin Hair Cake, Pumpkin Yogurt Raisin Salad, Raisin Steak, Raisin Vegetable and Fruit Roll, Raisin Egg Pancake…

Coconut water jelly, this snack sounds like there are no raisins, but the transparent cubes made of coconut water and white jelly are full of raisins.

Conan looked at Chi Feichi expressionlessly, "How do you know? How do you know that I don't like raisins?"

Chi Feichi put an egg pancake on his plate, without looking up, and said calmly, "Although you didn't deliberately pick out the raisins, you never ate vegetables or snacks with raisins. At Luo Cafe, there should have been a drink with raisins, but the drink that Azusa Enomoto brought you didn't have raisins in it."

Conan laughed inwardly. It turns out that Chi Fei found out sooner or later, and he was waiting to use raisins to deal with him one day, right?

Dr. A Li was confused, "Are you quarreling again?"

"No." Conan glanced at Chi Feichi's calm face with black lines, "I was just on the way here to remind him that he should go to the hospital for reexamination!"

Dr. A Li sweated, and persuaded Chi Feichi with a dry smile, "Then Conan is right, Feichi, go and check it again, so you can know your condition, and your condition is so good recently, maybe you can get a recovery certificate ? Conan is also doing it for your own good!"

"I know he's doing my best, and I'm not angry," Chi Feichi looked up at Dr. Ali, and explained calmly, "Raisins are very rich in iron and calcium, suitable for children, weak and anemic people, and contain a lot of calcium. Glucose is nutritious for the heart muscle, contains a variety of minerals, vitamins and amino acids, and is good for people with neurasthenia and excessive fatigue. Adequate intake can lower blood cholesterol..."

Dr. Ali: "..."

Although it wasn't aimed at him, but listening to what Chi Feichi said, the shadow of Xiao Ai's control over his diet shrouded his heart again.

Chi Feichi looked at Conan calmly, "The most important thing is that it contains fiber and tartaric acid, which can reduce the time that dirt stays in the intestinal tract. Recently, you..."

"Okay, I know!" Conan interrupted in embarrassment.

Didn't he just have a bad stomach recently, please don't talk about Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi didn't say any more.

Yes, Conan is kind, but he doesn't like it.

He couldn't say he was angry, but he couldn't just be in a bad mood, so let Conan experience it too. He was kind, but Conan didn't like how it felt.

Is there something wrong? nothing wrong.

"Brother Feichi is right," Hui Yuanai suddenly raised his head and said to Dr. A Li, "but the doctor can't eat too much."

"I know, I know." Dr. A Li replied with a dry smile. When he lowered his head, he sighed. Under Hui Yuanai's gaze, he picked out a part of the raisins in the salad, tasted it, and his eyes lit up. It's really good!"

Conan hesitated for a moment, tasted the salad, and finally tasted the taste of raisins. With a dark face, he picked out the raisins bit by bit, and then finished the lunch.

If you don't like it, you just don't like it. No matter how you cook it, it doesn't feel delicious at all!

Dr. Ali is not much better, but better than Conan, after he picks out the raisins, the rest of the food can be delicious, unlike Conan, whose mood and appetite are all destroyed by the raisins.

After the meal, Chi Feichi got up to clear the table, and said to Dr. A Li, "Sorry, Doctor, I didn't take your diet into consideration."

"Ah, it's okay..." Dr. Ali scratched his head.

One little sorrow is enough, please don't control it later.

"I'll pay attention tonight." Chi Feichi took the dishes to the vegetable sink.

Some hopes suddenly surged in Conan's heart, so he chose to stay and play video games with Feichi, hoping that Chi Feichi would have a Chinese meal at night.

Dr. A Li sorted out the materials with the computer, and Chi Feichi sat next to the piano, listening to Hui Yuan Ai playing music for himself, or accompanying Hui Yuan Ai to write animal observation records.

One afternoon flew by, and when Chi Feichi was making dinner, Conan put down the game controller and followed.

Chi Feichi looked at Conan and picked up a bag of raisins.

Conan's eyes instantly resented, "Hey, didn't you say you'll pay attention at night?"

Chi Feichi started to prepare the ingredients, "For the doctor's health, I will put a little less, and use the method of marinating with other ingredients to let the taste of raisins into the ingredients..."

Conan: "..."

In the future, Chi Feichi won't always use raisins as ingredients in his cooking, will he? despair!

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