Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1148 The Real Bandit

Before Conan was about to run away, Chi Feichi finally changed his mind and made a normal home-cooked meal. After the meal, he sent Conan back to the detective agency and brought two bags of Dr. Hui Yuanai can't finish eating raisins.

The next day, Chi Feichi went to Qingshan Fourth Hospital for reexamination. He came out of the hospital at around 6:00 pm. After turning two street corners, he changed his face and coat in a deserted alley, and got on the roadside. black Porsche 356A.

Qin Jiu turned his head to watch Chi Feichi get into the car, and paid special attention to the extremely cold face of the uncle Yirong, "You won't use this expression to face those doctors, will you?"

"No." Chi Feichi handed the report to Qin Jiu.

You have to pretend in the hospital.

He doesn't know how to smile, it's too abrupt, he's afraid that the doctor will suspect that he has more personality, but he won't be so sullen, as if he wants to kill someone...

Inside, he pretends to be calm, humble and kind.

How to pretend, he has experience.

It's a pity that before the filming, the doctor found out and took over Feichi, so that he didn't have Feichi remind him what is the date of tomorrow in the subsequent examination, and the results of the examination in this regard were very bad.

Gin took the re-examination report, lowered his head and flipped through it briefly, "It seems that the inspection results are not bad..."

"Let them find out some minor problems, but the overall development is going in a good direction," Chi Feichi's face is still not very good, "After several re-examinations, the displayed inspection results will be normal."

Next time, we must find a way to take Feichi with him, at least the report must show that he can know the date of tomorrow.

But even if he has a recovery certificate, at most it means that he does not need treatment.

These diseases are not like appendicitis. If the appendix is ​​cut off, it will be fine, and there is still a possibility of "relapse", so even if the reexamination results are normal, he will continue to reexamine. The time has changed from once a month to half a year, a year, two years.

Just thinking about it makes me feel bad.

Gin's fingers holding the report froze, and he really wanted to throw the report out of the car window, but he held back, casually threw it to his hand, and lit a cigarette silently, "Speak to that one."

The one asked him to come over to see the situation, and he himself wanted to know about Lark's condition, but what's the point of reading such a deceptive report?

He could understand why Lark misled others.

Because if the truth is checked, based on the psychology of what Lak usually does, it is estimated that Lak will not be able to get out of the hospital today.

He felt that it was necessary to tell that person—Luck would not and could not accept the review honestly, don't waste that time, it would be better to observe it by himself.

Thinking about it this way, he felt that this report should really be thrown out of the car window. It would be glaring and take up space in vain.

After Chi Feichi received the report, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to send an email to that person.

Gin calmly stared at the street outside the front car window, smoking, distracted, and suddenly remembered something, "Save a batch of the stocked raki."


Chi Feichi pressed his fingers on the keyboard, typing and sending emails quickly.

At present, there is more than one brand of rak, and different processes correspond to different prices. Some are made with alcohol and auxiliary materials, some are processed with distilled liquor such as Chinese liquor as raw materials and auxiliary materials, and some special auxiliary materials are used during the brewing process. It is blended in and then distilled. The best thing is to start from the brewing raw materials and check the layers, brewing and distilling raki step by step.

But in a few years... No, in this world, maybe just half a year later, most brands of raki will be discontinued, and some treasures will be collected by locals, and they can’t be bought with money, and even fake wines can be bought at high prices .

Since that one said that he would stockpile raki, he could keep a batch for his own use.

At least he doesn't have to worry about drinking fake wine...

"Raki is almost finished..."

Gin continued to smoke a cigarette and was distracted. After finishing speaking, he realized that it was a bit strange to say this in front of Chi Feichi, but he was telling the truth, "The tax on alcoholic beverages in Turkey has increased a lot, not only for raki in Turkey. The price of raki exported to Japan has also started to rise.”

If it is due to the improvement of the quality of drinks or the inflation of the currency, then the price increase is not a bad thing, but the price increase of raki is due to the high taxes in Turkey, that is to say, the price has increased, but the quality has not increased.

In this way, the situation in a certain country will be that the price of other alcoholic ouzo is 10, but the price of raki of the same quality alcohol is 25 or even 30.

Except for some people who go for their feelings, those who love fennel will naturally choose other fennel with a price of 10. Since raki has not been promoted much before, both the producers and drinkers are concentrated in Turkey, which has great influence on raki. There are very few people with feelings.

Considering the customers' choice, import sellers will reduce the purchase of raki wine, which will make it more difficult for the raki wineries in Turkey. When batches of wineries close down, the production of raki wine will decrease, and the price will rise again. There will be fewer people, and it will just fall into a vicious circle.

The alcohol ban on Abis was like a sharp-edged gate knife, which was hacked to death with a knife, while Turkey's alcohol ban was more like stabbing a knife with a rusty iron knife, making the wound infected But there is no medicine available, and I can only watch myself weaken and rot a little bit.

I really can't tell who is worse.

"Not only is the high tax, but Turkey will probably restrict the supply of raw materials in the future. At that time, we can almost sell the stock. We don't need to keep too much. We keep some as souvenirs. If you want to drink, you can build your own factory..." Chi Fei sent the email late, and put away the phone without waiting for a reply, "It's a pity that they not only raised taxes on local drinks, but also imposed high taxes on imported and exported drinks, which made it impossible for external products to seize the market at low prices, otherwise they could go back Sell ​​it back."

Gin: "..."

Store wine at a low price in advance, sell it at a higher price, and after earning a fortune, build a rak winery in other countries. Due to unlimited materials and low taxes, the price will not be high, and the price will be lower than the local price in Turkey. Selling into Turkey...

This is like a robber who took advantage of the fire to rob, bought a batch of good weapons with the money obtained from the robbery, turned around and robbed again, and the one who was robbed was a country.

Sure enough, compared to robbing banks, these capitals are the real robbers, wantonly trampling and harvesting, but as Lak said, Turkey did not ignore this problem and blocked the way of robbers.

Forget it, otherwise the organization can let a few retired old people go out to operate, just like Pisco did back then.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Gin drove away from the spot, and talked about another matter, "The police searched the area around the sewage treatment plant and found no dead bodies or mutilated body parts. The three FBI should not be dead. If that night It's a pity that if we stay for two more minutes, we may be able to gain something, but since we can push them into a corner once, we can push them into a corner a second time..."

"It is estimated that the FBI will change their base again, and there is no way to take any action against them for the time being." Chi Feichi also lit a cigarette, and put half of the car window on his side, "There is no need to rush to act again, I have already I have contacted it, and I can prepare more next time.”

No matter where the FBI's new stronghold is, as long as those people don't withdraw to the United States, they can be brought back when needed.

"What about the two people locked up by the FBI?" Qin Jiu asked, "Clean it up, or keep it?"

"Rum kept them, they were not locked up by the police, and the FBI didn't have any evidence of their crimes. They just found out that they had been wandering around the area around Adrian, and they couldn't do anything about them," Chi Feichi said, " Keep the guy, you can smoke the FBI next time."

Gin acquiesced to this approach, and continued to talk about the next thing, "There are two eliminated guys in base 0331. If you need one, I will keep one for you. If you don't need it, it will belong to Generic. Physical data from other people taking APTX-4869 are needed."

"Give it to him if he wants it. There are not many cases where my drug can be used, so I'm not in a hurry to get the experimental data." Chi Feichi quickly confirmed everything with Qin Jiu, "There is new news from Luchuan... "

When he participated in the maiden voyage of the Aphrodite, Reiko Shimizu planned to rob the bank. Everything went smoothly, but one of the companions Reiko Shimizu found shot and killed the bank staff.

And at that time, Kaito Kuroba, who had just returned from the Sansui Kiesemon Trap House, ran to Yokohama because he had found a new target. On the way back from stealing the gems, he ran into Rei Shimizu who was on the way to escape after the robbery. Zi et al.

The email from Saki Midorikawa stated that Kaito Kidd saw the face of one of Reiko Shimizu's accomplices, and the three of them had a gun battle with Kaito Kidd, or in other words, they shot Kaitou Kidd unilaterally. Unable to silence Kaitou Kidd, Shimizu Reiko chose to silence the accomplice who exposed her appearance...

Two days later, Shimizu Reiko shot and killed the other party, and designed another companion to take the blame, and then planned to make the blamed companion get into a car accident.

The person involved in the car accident survived and is still in a coma in the hospital.

"...The police have already spotted her, and she sent an email saying that she would fake death and get away," Chi Feichi said about the investigation situation sent by Luchuan Saki, "In addition, Luchuan investigated that the stolen money should be They were placed near Binhai University, and the specific locations of three have been locked, and further confirmation is needed."

Gin was biting his cigarette, and his cold voice almost came out from between his teeth, "I really don't know what the hell she's doing!"

Chi Feichi knew what Gin was dissatisfied with.

Robbing a bank is a shameful thing, even without their reminder, Shimizu Reiko should know that the disturbance should be as small as possible, and it is best to cut off all clues and disappear after the robbery is over.

But Reiko Shimizu's action this time has already been involved in two murders and a car accident, and the troubles got bigger and bigger, and even she got involved.

It's true to say that Reiko Shimizu's companions are not good enough to cause these troubles, but it's also Reiko Shimizu's own fault for choosing her companions improperly.

They didn't urge Reiko Shimizu to act quickly. They asked for weapons for weapons, and information for information. Reiko Shimizu could patiently make every step of the choice and act when she was ready, instead of making a mess like it is now.

In an organization, no matter how big or small the action is, whether it succeeds or fails, the first key is not to let the organization get into trouble, and secondly, not to let yourself get into trouble, otherwise the end will be a dead end.

Just like this time against the FBI, those people entered the country illegally and couldn't stand the investigation. Even if they were attacked and suffered a loss, they could only evacuate before the Japanese police arrived, and they didn't dare to talk to the Japanese police as victims. touch.

Then, no matter how hot the reports are, no one else will know that they did these things. Besides, Rum will clean up the follow-up traces, and the Japanese police will never find them.

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