Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1149 Hattori Heiji: I'm here again!

"However, Stout needs to stay in the UK. You'd better have a sniper to help you. As long as you obey the command, it's not impossible to stay if you don't have the ability to plan..." Qin Jiu's eyes turned cold, and he said in a deep voice, "The premise is , She can really get rid of the police investigation!"

"Although she hasn't disclosed our existence to the police or others," Chi Feichi reminded, "she has seen your car..."

"There is no evidence. Even if she tells the police that we ordered her, the police will suspect that she casually mentioned a car they saw on the road. It is impossible to investigate me because of this. It's convenient," Gin Jiu paused, and simply left the matter to Chi Feichi, "You can handle your affairs yourself."

"Then let Luchuan continue to stare and observe for a while." Chi Feichi said.

According to this development, Reiko Shimizu will probably meet Conan according to the plot.

Then let him stay for a while, and see if he wants to send some information to Conan through Reiko Shimizu.

If he didn't need it, he had to prevent Reiko Shimizu from meeting Conan and deal with them in advance.

Qin Jiu thought that Chi Feichi had cut off the tail neatly and ruthlessly in the past, and did not get the organization into trouble, so he felt relieved to leave the matter to Chi Feichi, "If you have a decision, let me know in advance..."

The two confirmed and communicated about other things.

About half an hour later, the Porsche 356A was parked on a street in Kabado-cho 3-chome.

Chi Feichi got out of the car and turned into the alley. After confirming that no one was following him, he changed his clothes and face, and took Feichi to a nearby park to play for a while before returning home.

Mixing in the organization, saying whether you are busy or not, usually you don’t need to clock in every day to go to work, and you can rest for several days when you take a break, but the other members are fine, and they will go out when they have tasks. If you know a little more, you will have more than one task line. Pressing down on more than one thing at any time, and staying up late every day, it's no wonder that Gin's hair has turned gray.

Rum over there...

It's unscientific for rum to have hair.


Early the next morning.

Chi Feichi came back from morning exercise and was just preparing breakfast when another phone call came in.

Look at the number and answer.


Over there, Hattori Heiji Banyueyan.

As expected of Brother Feichi, this familiar greeting can always cool down his happy mood for a second.

No, how could he be influenced? How embarrassing!

"Hahaha, brother Feichi, it's me, here I come again!"


"We just arrived in Tokyo, are you free? If you are free, please meet at the Mori Detective Agency, Kazuha and I will go there right away!"

"Have you had your breakfast?"

"We're going to eat a little here at the station."

"See you at that office."

"Okay, see you later!"


Looking at the call ending page, Hattori Heiji smiled and snapped the phone cover.

As long as he is happy enough, he will not be influenced by Brother Feichi, and he has to work hard to influence Brother Feichi.

Look, Brother Feichi will take the initiative to ask him if he has had breakfast!

An hour later, Maori Detective Agency.

Mori Kogoro led Conan down the stairs from the third floor to the second floor. The two yawned in unison, rubbed their eyes, opened them, and saw Chi Feichi standing at the door of the second floor, leaning back in unison.

Chi Feichi looked up at the two people who were moving in unison like each other's shadows, and fell silent.

Some people say that after a couple lives together for a long time, their usual movement habits will become more and more similar.

Whether Conan and Xiaolan's actions resemble each other, he hasn't noticed until now, but Conan and his future father-in-law are getting more and more in harmony.

"No, no late?" Mori Kogoro looked at his apprentice's expressionless face and cold gaze, feeling particularly refreshed this morning.

"Brother Chi?" Conan was surprised, "Why did you come here so early in the morning?"

"Hatbu didn't tell you..."

Before Chi Feichi finished speaking, Hattori Heiji came up from downstairs again, "I'm sorry, Brother Feichi, we seem to be a little late!"

Mao Lilan poked her head in surprise from the third floor, "Brother Feichi? Hattori, and Kazuha? Are you all here?"

"Really, do you use my detective agency as a party restaurant?" Mori Kogoro turned disgusted for a second, went down to the second floor and opened the door, "Come in and sit down, Xiaolan is upstairs cleaning up the breakfast dishes , don’t make any noise to interfere with my watching Miss Yoko’s good morning at seven o’clock!”

"Excuse me~!" Hattori Heiji entered the room with a smile.

"I'll go find Xiaolan first!" Yuan Shan and Ye also happily went to the third floor.

Mori Kogoro sat behind the desk after entering the door, turned on the TV, and yawned again, "Do you want tea or coffee?"

"Let's drink coffee," Hattori Heiji said with a smile, "Kazuba and I got on the train early in the morning, drinking coffee can refresh you."

Mori Kogoro waved lazily, "Go make it yourself, and bring me a glass by the way..."

Hattori Heiji choked, and looked at the hot water room speechlessly, only to realize that after Chi Feichi came in, he went directly to the hot water room, and now the water was already on fire.

Conan laughed dryly, it seemed that Chi Feichi understood the uncle's virtues.

By the time Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan and Ye came down, Chi Feichi had already brought the coffee out of the hot water room, each with a cup, just right.

Mao Lilan watched Kogoro Moori just focus on watching TV, and couldn't help complaining, "Father, I'm busy upstairs, so why don't you help entertain Brother Feichi and Hattori."

"What's the matter?" Mori Kogoro picked up the coffee Chi Feichi brought, "They are not outsiders."

Mao Lilan: "..."

Good point.

"Thank you, Brother Feichi," Yuan Shan and Ye took the coffee from Chi Feichi, thanked him with a smile, and greeted Feichi who was probing, "Long time no see, Feichi!"

"Thank you, Brother Chi..." Seeing that Chi Feichi was still preparing his portion, Conan knew at a glance that it was coffee with milk, which was more suitable for children, and was instantly moved.

"What?" Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan while holding the coffee cup, "I just added milk to this brat's coffee..."

Conan Banyue stared at Hattori Heiji, "Can't you?"

"Pingji, you have the nerve to say it," Yuan Shan and Ye couldn't help complaining, "You just sit here and wait, and you won't help?"

Hattori Heiji was confident, "Idiot, it's someone who can't stand too much in the hot water room!"

"Who do you call an idiot?"

"Whoever responds to me, I mean whoever..."

Seeing that the sofa was too crowded, Chi Feichi pulled up a chair and sat down, drinking coffee and listening to a group of people chattering.

Not noisy, but very energetic and angry.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing," Mao Lilan saw Toyama, Ye, and Hattori Heiji quarreled again, and smiled helplessly to block them and change the subject, "By the way, what are you doing here this time?" something?"

Yuan Shan and Ye immediately shifted their attention, took out a leaflet from the handbag they brought, and said with a smile, "This is it, the super miracle performance by the super handsome magician Xinghe Tongwu! Because we happened to be on consecutive breaks, So I plan to come to Tokyo to see, Xiaolan, let's go together!"

Hattori Heiji's face was dark, and he muttered in a low voice, "Are you here to see the face or the magic..."

Yuan Shan and Ye didn't hear it, and turned to Chi Feichi with a smile, "Where's Brother Feichi? You can go too! Last time you didn't have time to visit Jiashiyuan with us, and you couldn't entertain you well." !"

"It looks really good." Mao Lilan looked at the flyer, then turned her head and said, "Brother Feichi, do you want to go together?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "I'm free for the last few days."

The organization hasn't taken any action recently to ask him to go, so he can make a case and treat it as entertainment.

"What about uncle?" Toyama and Ye asked Mouri Kogoro actively again, "Do you want to go with us, uncle?"

Mori Kogoro waved his hand decisively, "I'm going to investigate in the afternoon, so I'm not as free as you brats."

"Brother Minye, hasn't the commission been completed?" Mao Lilan asked doubtfully.

Conan couldn't help but expose it, "Uncle wants to play mahjong with the uncle of the Cupido Detective Agency."

Mao Lilan was speechless watching her father's face change, knowing that Conan was right, she took out her phone angrily, "Forget it, forget about that horrible old man, I'll ask Xiao Ai if he wants to go with us..."

As soon as the phone call was made, everyone arrived.

When Yuan Shan and Ye came to Tokyo, they had to go shopping in the commercial street.

Chi Feichi, Hattori Heiji, and Conan walked around for a while, and found that standing on the sidelines boredly waiting like three idiots, so they simply went to a coffee shop to sit and wait.

Hui Yuanai chooses to join the shopping brigade, and also takes Fei Chi along.

Chi Feichi sat down for a while, and then went out to buy cigarettes in a nearby store.

Hattori Heiji sat with Conan for a while, yawning out of boredom, then suddenly remembered something, and asked in a low voice, "By the way, Kudo, how is your investigation of the clues of that organization going?"

"What clue?" Conan looked salty.

"Don't play dumb with me," Hattori Heiji was dissatisfied, and poked Conan's forehead with his finger, "About that email address, about that dangerous woman..."

"No," Conan Banyueyan avoids Hattori Heiji's hand, he doesn't intend to let Hattori Heiji know the email address, otherwise he is worried that Hattori Heiji will send the email impulsively, "there are too many noises in the recording, just listening is not enough. I've had the doctor delete it."

"Really?" Hattori Heiji stared at Conan suspiciously.

Conan's face didn't change, but he felt a little guilty, "Of course, as for Belmode...he didn't show up again, but you should restrain yourself in the future, don't keep calling me Kudou Kudou, I'm worried that Brother Chi still has contact with her, Although she should know that I am Kudo Shinichi, she didn't seem to tell her companions in the organization, but if her companions suspect her, ask her to call Brother Chi to make a routine, or when she contacts Brother Chi, Brother Chi says Talking about Kudo Shinichi, if she is accidentally heard by her companions, things will become very troublesome, and I will find a way for Xiaolan to let her stop talking about her relationship with me."

"Okay, I get it," Hattori Heiji said with a more serious expression, touching his chin, "Actually, if Brother Feichi can help, maybe we..."

"Don't think about it," Conan interrupted, "That organization is very dangerous, and those who have not been involved, it is better not to let them be involved."

"Is it because of that indifferent elder sister?" Hattori Heiji guessed, "I also understand that she doesn't want Brother Feichi to know her identity, but Brother Feichi has a connection with that woman, and he himself is involved. If you talk to him about the situation , can also make him guard against it?"

"No, I also don't think Brother Chi should be involved," Conan said in a low voice, "Last time on the Aphrodite, the ship was bombed and sunk by gangsters, everyone was evacuating, and he left the team alone He stayed on the boat, and, when he met the bomber in the past, he went to dismantle the bomb without taking any protection..."

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