Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1150 A Surprising Thing

Hattori Heiji frowned, "You mean..."

"I don't know, maybe he has no fear of death. Although we get along, he is no different from everyone else, so that we almost forget his situation, but just because we forget it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. His situation doesn't exist. It's not suitable to get involved," Conan said in a serious tone, "and I have an indescribable premonition that if he knew about those things, something serious might happen."

The feeling was not very clear, and he couldn't tell exactly what it was like, why he had that feeling, and when it appeared.

In the past two days, he had some vague guesses.

Could it be that after Chi Feichi knew about it, he would have an accident because of his psychological condition, and that's why he felt that way?

This possibility is very high, because if Chi Feichi had no fear of death, he would be more troublesome than the irritable Hattori. With Hattori alone, he would already be a headache...

Hide it, you must hide it!

"That's right, although he is not an impulsive person, it would be troublesome if he stepped into a trap regardless of safety..." Hattori Heiji also thought in the same direction, nodded and said, "I see, I will help keep it secret."

"Help keep it secret?"

Yuan Shan and Ye approached with big bags and small bags, and asked suspiciously, "Are you talking about secrets?"

Hattori Heiji immediately sat up straight, "Idiot! Since it's a secret between men, how could I tell you?"

Hui Yuanai saw that Yuan Shan and Ye were about to explode again, so she changed the subject, "Where's Brother Fei Chi?"

"That's right." Mao Lilan looked around, but couldn't find Chi Feichi, "Isn't Brother Feichi here?"

"He said to go shopping..." Hattori Heiji turned his head to look at the door of the store, just in time to see Chi Feichi coming in, stood up and smiled, "Okay, everyone is here, let's go eat quickly, it's already one o'clock in the afternoon , I'm starving to death!"

A group of people found a sushi restaurant near the commercial street and booked a private room for lunch.

As soon as he entered the private room, Hui Yuanai took Feichi out of the bag.

Chi Feichi: "..."

On the table is... a Feichi with a red bow tie around her neck.

"When we were shopping, we happened to see a doll shop," Yuan Shan and Ye said with a smile, "There are a lot of doll accessories in it, and there happened to be ones suitable for Fei Chi, so we bought them."

Feichi lay on the table, aggrieved, "Master, I don't like bows..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Don't worry, let him consider whether to take the opportunity to make a joke.

"Feichi doesn't seem to like it very much..." Hui Yuanai said, helping Feichi untie the bowknot.

Feichi got his freedom and immediately ran towards Chi Feichi, but before he could run away, Hui Yuanai grabbed him and picked him up.

"How about a different bow tie?" Mao Lilan took out a small red bow tie, "Fei Chi is a boy, maybe he doesn't like bow ties very much."

Hattori Heiji looked at the three girls tossing about Fei Chi. If he had seen a girl playing with a live snake in the past, he would definitely feel his scalp tingle and stay away from that girl. However, Fei Chi is different. up.

Feichi is really obedient and has a good temper...

It's a little pitiful, he even started to sympathize with Feichi...

Yuan Shan and Ye gave Feichi a red bow tie, and said with a smile, "Dangdang~"

Hui Yuanai took a high look at Feichi, "It seems that Feichi is still not very happy."

Feichi was unable to vomit snake letter, "Accessories will affect my activities..."

"Huh? Looks good," Hattori Heiji suddenly became energetic, and smiled maliciously, "Conan has the same style!"

Conan next to him looked down at his bow tie, and looked at Hattori Heiji speechlessly.

Why are you making fun of him all of a sudden...

"Feichi is not used to it, right?" Mao Lilan laughed dryly, "For animals, these are like restraints from the unknown, which probably make them uneasy."

Feeling distressed, Hui Yuanai helped Feichi untie his tie, lay down on the table, lightly tapped the top of Feichi's head, "Sorry, we were too happy."

"Cough, it's okay." After Feichi finished speaking, considering that Hui Yuan Ai couldn't hear it, he rubbed the top of his head against Hui Yuan Ai's palm.

Hattori Heiji glanced: "..."

It turns out that snakes also rub against people like kittens and puppies? I have learned a lot.

"Okay, since Feichi doesn't like it, I'll take it back and give it to the little girl nearby." Yuan Shan and Ye put away the jewelry, smiled and touched Feichi, "I'll take you to the magic show later, don't Not happy!"

Hattori Heiji recalled the venue arrangement on the leaflet, "It shouldn't be difficult to enter the gate, just let Fei Chi hide it when checking the ticket, but there is nothing interesting about magic tricks, you are just looking forward to it..."

"What are you throwing cold water on?" Yuan Shan and Ye were dissatisfied, "If I knew you didn't want to come, I would have come here by myself."

"I think it's worth looking forward to!" Conan couldn't help but run on Hattori Heiji to avenge just now, and looked at Chi Feichi with a smile, "Besides, Brother Chi used to have a magician teacher, so I'm looking forward to watching the magic show too! "

Chi Feichi nodded.

No, in fact, after knowing a lot of magic tricks, he was only looking forward to seeing new magic tricks, but in order not to disappoint, he still expressed his interest.

Hattori Heiji didn't care about Conan's run, and asked in surprise, "Hey? Brother Feichi, have you ever learned magic?"

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi, a little distracted.

She remembered that Kudo's mother said that in order to play the role of a female agent, she and Sharon Wynyard specially found a magician to learn disguise.

Brother Feichi has a magician teacher who also knows how to disguise.

There shouldn't be many such coincidences.

In other words, Brother Feichi and Kudo's mother probably learned the disguise technique from the same magician, as did Belmode, who used the identity of 'Sharon Wynyard'.

Did the three know each other before that?

Kudo's mother knew 'Sharon Wynyard' from the beginning, but she didn't seem to know that Brother Feichi existed, nor did she know that Brother Feichi could disguise himself.

I think so, Kudo's mother retired after getting married, and it was at least 17 years ago when Belmode went to learn the art of that magician. Brother Feichi was only three years old at that time. Don't know the magician yet...

In this way, it's not surprising that the other two people and Brother Feichi don't know each other.

So, why did Belmode approach Brother Feichi? Want to see if it's the same door?

Will the people of the organization be so boring...

And it is still not sure that the magician that the three people are looking for is the same person.

After all, Brother Feichi and Phantom Thief Kidd have a good relationship. Phantom Thief Kidd can disguise himself, and he may be a magician. Phantom Thief Kidd has been active since seventeen or eighteen years ago. He should be many years older than Feichi, or he may be ...

Huh? Wait, she seems to have discovered something surprising. Could it be that Kaito Kidd is Brother Feichi's teacher?

But if this is the case, as female stars, Mama Kudo and Sharon Wynyard should not think of learning from Kaitou Kidd, but from a well-known magician. Then these three people will not be from the same school, right?

When Huihara Ai was full of thoughts, Chi Feichi had already answered Hattori Heiji, "I have learned a little bit."

"Which magician is it?" Hui Yuanai asked calmly, "It's obviously Brother Feichi's teacher, but I've never seen it, nor heard it from my godmother."

"He died eight years ago."

Chi Feichi didn't pay much attention to Hui Yuan Ai's expression, there was no need to observe, his little sister knew that he knew how to disguise himself, and heard about the magician, so she probably guessed a little bit.

And the second half of the sentence is too deliberate.

If there is no idea in mind, Hui Yuan Ai will simply ask "who is it" generously, and will not add such a deliberate addition, like an explanation specially added for fear of others' suspicion.

Hattori Heiji was taken aback, "Uh, so, the profession of a magician is quite dangerous..."

Others didn't ask any more questions.

Conan sighed inwardly, how should I put it, Chi Feichi really... had a bad fate.

Hui Yuanai lowered his head and frowned.

Didn't Brother Feichi learn the disguise technique from Kaito Kidd?

Some magicians are famous, and some are not. Fame can often represent strength, but it may also be a low-key magician. It is really impossible to guess who it is based on the fact that he died eight years ago...

"Didn't mother mention it to you?" Chi Feichi looked at Hui Yuanai.

Hui Yuan mourned, "Does Godmother know that magician?"

"She has a very good relationship with my teacher's wife," Chi Feichi said, "I also have a very good relationship with my teacher's only son. I have a chance to take you to meet them."

"Alright..." Hui Yuanai nodded in response.

Hearing Brother Feichi say that the two have a 'very good relationship', the relationship is definitely not so good.

Her godmother knew the other's wife, and the two families seemed to know each other too. Could the magician be a magic lover from a big family...

Getting more and more confused.


It was already two o'clock in the afternoon after a group of people finished their lunch, so they simply strolled along the road to the magic show venue.

while walking……

Yuan Shan and Ye took the road astray.

Chi Feichi stretched out his hand, "Give me the leaflet..."

"Only the address of the venue is marked on it, and there is no map," Yuan Shan and Ye handed the flyer to Chi Feichi, a little embarrassed, and saw a traffic police booth by the roadside, and immediately said, "I'll go ask for directions!"

"Really..." Hattori Heiji watched Toyama and Ye go over to ask for directions, and found that Toyama and Ye were not only asking for directions, but also chatting with the young and handsome policeman, his face gradually turned darker, "Brother Feichi, Don't the leaflets have a map?"

"No." Chi Feichi had already put away the flyer.

Hattori Heiji looked at Kazuha Toyama, who was smiling brightly at the male policeman, and turned around and sat on the side of the road with a displeased face.

Haibara Ai looked at Hattori Heiji thoughtfully, and pulled Chi Feichi's sleeve beside him, signaling Chi Feichi to watch the show.

Chi Feichi glanced at it and then looked away.

The little boy is just jealous, nothing to look at.

Haibara Ai:"……"

Brother Feichi, what's your reaction?

In other words, she still doesn't understand the reason why Brother Feichi is single, so don't be as dull as that black skin over there.

Conan started to play tricks, and quietly touched behind Hattori Heiji, adjusted the bowknot voice changer to the voice of Toyama Kazuha, stretched out his hand to cover Hattori Heiji's eyes, and used Toyama Heiji's voice softly Said, "Who am I~?"

Hattori Heiji suddenly had black lines, such a small slap covered his eyes, did some guy think he was stupid, and immediately stood up with gritted teeth, "Let go! Let go!"

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