Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1157 Hui Yuanai's First Personal Bounty

Conan ignored Megushisan who was leaving, and stared at Hattori Heiji expressionlessly, "Then tell me, why do you feel uncomfortable talking to and smiling at other men with Sister Ye? I really I don't understand!"

Heh, Kazuha is still by his side, so he's going to tell the truth, let's see how embarrassed, embarrassed, and shy Hattori will be...

"I don't understand either," Hui Yuanai pretended to be ignorant, and was about to grab a glass of watermelon juice and wait for the show, "My lord's mood is so complicated."

It's also interesting to see Hattori Heiji blushing.

At the end of the corridor, Mao Lilan looked at the stunned Yuanshan and Ye in surprise, and quietly walked away.

She gave up the venue to these two people, so she could go and eat sweets... Perfect!

Chi Feichi also put away his phone and looked at the two of them.

Although in the plot, Hattori Heiji didn't get enlightened, but today's progress has accelerated, giving Hattori Heiji more time to think about his own problems, maybe there will be accidents...

"What, what..." Toyama and Ye were stared at by others, and seeing Hattori Heiji walking towards her, his heartbeat started to speed up, and his face turned red.

It was so sudden, Hattori...

There are so many people here!

"I finally understand, Kazuha, the reason why I feel uncomfortable when you talk to other people," Hattori Heiji stood still in front of Toyama and Ye, stretched out his right hand, and patted Toyama and Ye on the shoulder, smiling happily , "It must be because I regard you as my subordinate!"

"Ah?" Yuan Shan and Ye Mu asked, "Hand, subordinate?"

"My subordinates are shaking their heads at others. Isn't it embarrassing for me to be the boss?" Hattori Heiji smiled smugly. It's not easy. He finally understood, "Of course I will feel uncomfortable!"

"So you are upset because of this?" Yuan Shan and Ye's previous tension disappeared, leaving them speechless, "Also, why am I your subordinate?"

Hattori Heiji smiled as a matter of course, "Your father is also my father's subordinate!"

Chi Feichi had already taken out his mobile phone, looked down at the information, and went downstairs.

Surprisingly dull.

He shouldn't have given any hope to Hattori Heiji.

Hui Yuanai also set off to catch up with Chi Feichi.

'As long as I'm dull enough, you can't see my jokes? ’—OK, Hattori won.


Early the next morning, Hattori Heiji, Toyama and Ha took the Shinkansen back to Osaka.

After Chi Feichi saw him off, he said goodbye to Conan and Mao Lilan, and took Hui Yuanai home.

Turn on the computer, go to the Bounty Hall, log in to my account in July, and operate the account, a combination of English and numbers pops up.

"Before, I registered by contacting the Ministry of Public Security. If you register, just get the invitation code from me..."

Chi Feichi explained, logged out of his account, cleared all browsing traces and caches, then re-entered the URL of 'Bounty Palace', ignored the disguise made by the homepage, scrolled to the bottom, and clicked on an inconspicuous The small symbol of , entered the invitation code.

Hui Yuanai crossed Feichi, and leaned aside to watch, "If you don't have an invitation code, can you not enter the forum?"

"I can enter, but I can't register a hunter account, so I can only publish anonymous information as an employer." Chi Feichi looked at the registration page that popped up, and turned his laptop to Hui Yuanai, "Do you want me to tell the police contact person for you? One sound? Although it will be noticed by the public security police, it is clear where the bounty hunter is, and occasionally the public security bounty will find you."

Hui Yuanai put Feichi aside and prepared to enter the message by himself, "I don't need it for now, the bounty of the police is not easy, and I can't finish it now..."

"Alright." Chi Feichi didn't read any more, got up and went to the kitchen, "Register yourself, and familiarize yourself with the page."

It's time to check in. He already checked in with that person last night. There is a high probability that no organized person will come to contact him today, and he also canceled the login of the mailbox. It's okay to let Hui Yuanai fiddle with his computer .

When Chi Feichi returned to the living room with a glass of rye whiskey with ice hockey in it, Hui Yuan Ai had already registered and was looking at his personal page.

Chi Feichi looked at the code name on the page.

August, August.

Very good, I knew at a glance that I was with him.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at Chi Feichi's wine glass on the table. The drink like this is usually whiskey, and the color is rye. I don't know why Brother Feichi is so addicted to rye whiskey, and she doesn't know how to persuade Feichi Brother changed to a different kind of wine, "Do you still want to drink today?"

Forget it, anyway, wine will remind her of those people who organized it, and it doesn't matter what she drinks.

"Ten hours to night."

Chi Feichi picked up his glass and took a sip of the wine.

He is now always hoping that Shuichi Akai and his group will not withdraw back to the United States. As long as they don't withdraw, he won't have to worry about what happened to Kogoro Mori, and the FBI will definitely get involved.

Since no one died in the FBI, at most some people in Shimono were injured, so they probably won't withdraw...

Hui Yuanai didn't say any more, and continued to turn the page, "I don't seem to have the option to pop up an invitation code here, is there any standard for this?"

"If the bounty amount exceeds 500 million yen, or if the bounty you have disclosed is one billion yen, you can have an invitation code," Chi Feichi took out his phone, "It's usually for apprentices, and some don't plan to accept apprentices." , or if there are redundant invitation codes, they will be sold on the black market, the price is relatively high, and there will be scammers among them, and it is not very safe to get the invitation code in that way."

"Then I took one of your existing invitation codes, right?" Hui Yuan Ai stared at the computer screen without raising his head and joked, "It seems that I have to think about it, the bounty is a little more effort, hurry up Get your lost money back."

"Do you want to use your own code name to do a bounty mission?" Chi Feichi asked.

"No need," Hui Yuanai resolutely refused, explaining, "It's dangerous to be targeted, isn't it? I want to register an account, just curious what the world of bounty hunters is like, I don't want to accumulate bounties, and I will not do bounty tasks alone."

"Then take your time."

Chi Feichi picked up his phone again and continued to sort out the bounties to be paid tonight.

"Can't you add friends?"

"If you can contact by private message, you will only record the people you have contacted."

"That's it..."

Hui Yuanai is like a child who is carefully exploring a new world, asking a question or two from time to time, sneaking around the forum.

Look at the bounty pool, look at the reward post, look at other boards...

By the time she was having lunch at noon, she felt that the mysterious image of bounty hunters had completely collapsed.

There are a lot of gossip posts, some complain about the characteristics of a certain place and cause a lot of support, some quarrel over what food is delicious, and some are so bored that they make cold jokes on the forum and discuss math problems.

Probably because they were worried about exposing their identities in reality, almost no one talked about too professional topics, such as machinery and medicine, and some even posted questions from elementary school students to relieve boredom.

In short, except for the bounty post posting board, which is fairly serious, other boards are no different from Umbrella's forums.

It reminds her that Qiyue, who is so mysterious in the eyes of others, is actually an 'illegal' TA-Q-BIN delivery man who packs and delivers TA-Q-BIN in the middle of the night...

After lunch, the two pushed Suzuki Sonoko's invitation to watch a stage play, and went to catch up on sleep to prepare for staying up late.

After getting up and having dinner after dark, Chi Feichi sent a piece of information to Hui Yuanai via email.

"You can handle this bounty by yourself."

Hui Yuanai was a little surprised, opened the email, and downloaded the information package inside, "A fugitive who robbed and murdered? You don't really take me as an apprentice, do you?"

"No," Chi Feichi explained with a calm face, "it's just exercise."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Brother Feichi's educational thinking is really special.

The exercise of other little girls is probably running, swimming, skiing, trying to go shopping alone, etc. His brother Feichi thinks that the little girl's exercise is to deal with a robbery and murder fugitive alone...


Late, half past eleven.

In a dark alley in Shinagawa District, a little girl with short black hair who looked only seven or eight years old lowered her head and cried, walking towards the depths of the alley, there was a burst of barking.

In one of the houses, the dark shadow hid in the unlit room, looked out the window, and kept silent until the little girl turned into the alley.

After turning around the alley, Hui Yuanai put down the arm blocking her eyes and leaned her back against the wall, feeling a little headache.

It seems that Brother Feichi really doesn't intend to give her any help other than helping her change her appearance... no, he handed her a pistol with confidence.

In addition to the bottles, cans, flashlights, ropes, and knives on her body, let her also have a weapon with super lethality.

If she had the height and physical strength of an adult, she would be able to jump in and use a hypnotic gas to knock people down, but with her current child's body and her previous physical strength, she couldn't jump onto the roof.

Is it okay to lure people out?

When she passed by just now, she noticed that the light was not turned on in the bungalow over there, but there was a line of sight staring at her.

The other party was very vigilant, probably because he was worried about being caught, and would be alarmed at the slightest sign of trouble.

This kind of people who are already frightened will not relax their vigilance even if they see a lost little girl, let alone meddle in other people's business. If they see someone threatening, they may be impulsive and kill innocent people by mistake.

On the wall behind Hui Yuanai, a black figure in a robe stood quietly.

After Chi Feichi secretly followed, he went to the wall behind the corner and waited for Hui Yuanai to come over.

The bounty target had two lives on his hands, after a burglary.

The police analyzed that it was an impulsive killing, and there were some clips of news reports in the intelligence. Combined with the brief report on the scene, this analysis is correct.

Because the fugitive was hiding too carefully, the police have not been able to find him, and judged that this person is likely to accidentally kill innocent people due to stimulation. If he escapes for one more day, someone may be killed, so the bounty was issued.

To put it simply, this is a person who is vigilant, impulsively commits crimes when he feels threatened, and has no sense of proportion when he strikes.

For him, a weak target with substandard strength and only cold weapons in his hands can be stunned, knocked down, or boxed at will.

But for children, the gap in physical strength with adult men is a difficult gap to bridge.

It won't work by force, and it's not suitable for people with weak psychological can't be fooled at all.

But if it's 'exercise', this is the most suitable one he can find among the recent bounties.

Stealing information does not require contact with dangerous people, but it is not that simple. You have to avoid all kinds of detectors and surveillance. If you are found, you are easily beaten to death by a group or sent to the police. Some people quietly kill one or two people. Throw it into the wilderness, and you may not take it to heart.

It seems easier to help deliver things, but even if it can be guaranteed that the employer is not deliberately setting up a trap to lure people out, it cannot guarantee that the heart is sinister.

The employer is easy to deal with, but it doesn't mean the person is easy to deal with. In many cases, unless it is a specific time and a specific place, no one knows who the employer is sending the item to, and how many hidden risks there are.

He met gin and vodka when he first delivered things.

In addition, bounties such as 'broken legs', with Hui Yuanai's small body, don't need to think about it, it would be good not to be kidnapped.

Among the remaining fugitive criminal targets, this is the worst one.

The opponent doesn't know how to fight, and they only have cold weapons. The worst situation is when they meet a man with a knife and a ferocious face rushing towards him. He gives the gun to Hui Yuan Ai. If he is really in danger, Hui Yuan Ai can also shoot Shoot each other's hands and feet.

Once they are sent to the Metropolitan Police Department, the testimony will only reveal Hui Yuanai's disguised face, so there is no need to worry about being found out.

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