Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1158 Another way to open

Under the wall, Hui Yuan Ai vaguely sensed that there was a line of sight behind him, and suddenly turned his head to look.

The wall behind him can be seen clearly at a glance, there is nothing, is it an illusion?

Behind the wall, Chi Feichi stood quietly, separated from Hui Yuan Ai by a wall, silently guessing what method Hui Yuan Ai would use to solve it.

Is it outsmarting, or just being more irritable?

With the character of his little sister, it should be the former.

In the alley outside, Hui Yuanai frowned. Although she didn't see anything, she felt that she couldn't stay any longer, so she yelled loudly, then hurriedly turned the corner and ran towards the entrance of the alley. Let the voice and tone sound panicked and coquettish, "Woo... Mom, it's so scary! Someone died!"

Before running past the house where the fugitive was staying, the small bell in his pocket seemed to accidentally fall out and rolled twice on the spot.

The sound of jingling bells was accompanied by the sound of the little girl fading away.

"Woo...Mom, where are you..."

In the room, the black figure hiding behind the window suddenly became uneasy.

Someone died in that alley over there?

The kid has already run out, if someone calls the police, the police will come soon?

The police are coming near him, and they will probably come to him to investigate!

He must go!

On the other side, after Hui Yuanai ran out of the alley, he recovered his calm face, put his hands in his pockets, held the gun and hypnotic gas in his coat pockets, and walked around to another alley.

Anyway, for someone who has been in the organization, acting a little bit is still very simple for her.

The frightened bird is frightened again, and it will definitely run when the most feared thing is about to come.

Then she will go to the back door to ambush in advance.

Of course, the other party may also choose to run through the front door, and the bug she put in the bell will catch the movement. At that time, she will go back and chase after it, which is better than letting the other party hide in a dark room, and this possibility is also possible. It's not too high.

Because the other party is worried that going out the front door will meet the police or passers-by entering the alley, so the probability of choosing the back door to leave is higher.

In the house, Hei Ying quickly prepared some cash and a knife and put them in the bag, put on a hat to cover his face, and put on a fake beard, and hurriedly turned to the back door with the bag on his shoulders.


The door was gently opened, and the black shadow probed for a look. Just as he came out to close the door, the sound of a bottle breaking suddenly came from beside him, and his vision was blocked by white mist.



In the white mist, Hui Yuanai heard the sound of falling to the ground. Wearing a gas mask prepared in advance, she quietly stood by the wall, and waited for the hypnotic gas to dissipate before taking out her mobile phone and preparing to send a message to Chi Feichi.


A bell sounded from the nearby roof, and a small red bell was thrown down.

Hui Yuanai subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch the bell, and watched Chi Feichi, who was wearing a disguised face and dressed in black, jumped down from the roof.

The sound of Chi Feichi landing was barely audible, and he stood still without much adjustment. He squatted down and touched the side of the man's neck, "9 points."

Hui Yuanai relaxed, took out the rope from his pocket, handed it to Chi Feichi, and joked with a smile, "Is the full score 10? I thought I could get a full score."

After Chi Feichi tied up the person and put them aside, he pulled Hui Yuanai to the corner where Hui Yuanai was standing just now. .”

Hui Yuanai understood after doing the same, and said thoughtfully, "In this way, if there is any accident, such as the opponent rushing to attack, you can use the explosive power of the moment to quickly leave the original place for a long distance, and dodge opponent's attack."

"The target will also be smaller, to avoid being injured by the opponent's random attack." Chi Feichi turned around and dragged the unconscious man, "It's better than standing stupidly."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Well, one point was deducted for that.

Strictness is a good thing, but Brother Feichi, can you speak more nicely? What does it mean to 'stand stupidly'...

In the following time, Chi Feichi took back his gun and did not let Hui Yuanai do anything, but asked Hui Yuanai to help put the note and seal the box.

When it was close to three o'clock in the morning, Chi Feichi sneaked into a heavily guarded building, took what the public security contact person wanted, and arrested him. Like a drunk companion, he walked across the street and arrived at the Cheetah Delivery Vehicle, where he threw people into the compartment and packed them into boxes.

"Ta-Q-Bin of the Metropolitan Police Department has been defrauding many times in a row. The targets are all family members who have received compensation for accidents. The amount involved is very high."

Hui Yuanai skillfully pulled out the note [I, caught cheating people continuously, and gave money to July], threw it into the box, left a vent hole, and sealed the box with tape, "Brother Feichi, you will feel like a hunter Is it fun?"

What she wants to ask is not being a 'bounty hunter', but a 'hunter' who hunts people as prey.

Hiding by the back door before, when she waited with bated breath, she was indeed a little nervous and expectant, but it was not too strong.

In comparison, she still finds it more interesting to look at Brother Feichi's distinctive notes, to help pack boxes, and to hear the identities or stories of these people.

"Don't you think it's interesting?" Chi Feichi wrapped the document bag in a waterproof delivery bag and pasted the printing paper on it, "That may be because you are too weak to solve that."

A target that is too weak is really boring, and people can't look forward to it, so they won't have the thrill of hunting.

A hunter doesn't find it interesting to catch a mouse with a mousetrap, but it certainly does when aiming a gun at a beast.

Of course, if it is a mouse that is worth a lot of money or is eager to catch, the hunter will be full of expectations the moment he puts down the mousetrap.

In addition, blood and crisis are also factors that can stimulate hunters...but don't think about her little sister.

Hui Yuanai also looked at the box, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, "Is that so?"

"It's interesting only when you have anticipation." Chi Feichi jumped out of the carriage, hugged Huiyuan down, and locked the door of the carriage. "It may also be that you opened it in the wrong way."

Hui Yuanai was puzzled, "The way to open it...isn't it right?"


Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a three-story old apartment building in a residential area.

Chi Feichi opened the door and got out of the car, "Check the body armor and things on your body, follow me."

Hui Yuanai was a little puzzled, but he checked the equipment on his body honestly, "Aren't I going to stay in the car and keep watch?"

"Let you see one of the hunter's opening methods."

Chi Feichi pulled a string on the flower bed next to the car, tied Hui Yuan Ai's little red bell to it, and sprinkled some fine scraps of paper on the other side, and told Hui Yuan Ai about the situation, "There are two goals, Both are members of a violent society. Two weeks ago, these two people and their companions had a conflict with a real estate owner. After entering the house and wounding others, one person died and two were injured. The society handed over these two people, which is an explanation to all parties , but after the two were released on bail, they fled here to hide..."

After Hui Yuanai checked the things, he opened the car door and got out of the car, and asked teasingly, "Is it because the club didn't negotiate a good deal with them? Or was it because the club made a good deal but regretted it?"

"That's their business. What's related to us is that they have guns and dare to shoot..." Chi Feichi got ready beside the car, and then went to the apartment building, "Follow up."

Hui Yuanai followed Chi Feichi, clenched the hypnotic gas bottle with his hand in his pocket, looked calm, and asked in a low voice, "Is he upstairs?"


When the two reached the second floor, Chi Feichi raised his head and stared at the stairs on the third floor above. When he walked up the stairs lightly and calmly, he took out his pistol and put the silencer on his hand without any haste. It seems to have a heavy evil spirit in people's hearts.

Hui Yuanai clenched the hypnotic gas bottle tightly, alert to the disturbances around her, her heartbeat gradually accelerated, and it sounded steadily in her ears again and again.

On the third floor, Chi Feichi walked quickly outside the door of No. 302, raised the muzzle of his gun with a calm expression, hit the door lock with a 'bang' shot, stretched out his hand to push the door open, and dodged into the room.

Haibara Ai:"……"


What kind of routine is this!

In the brightly lit living room, the man sitting on the sofa on vigil woke up from a doze, stood up hastily, and at the same time fumbled under his coat.

As Chi Feichi approached quickly, he raised his gun and fired at the side of the man's forearm.

The bullet pierced through the man's sleeve, brushed his arm, and shattered the glass of the cabinet with a 'bang'.

The man's hair stood on end for a moment, and his hands froze.

Chi Feichi, who kept walking and was already close to him, punched the man in the abdomen. When the man grunted in pain, he slashed the man's side neck with his palm, and staggered away from the man who fell forward. He kept walking towards the bedroom.

When Hui Yuanai followed the door, she happened to see a man collapsed beside the sofa with a 'plop', and her brother Feichi had already fired a shot at the bedroom door lock and opened the room door, pointing the gun inside, another 'boom' ' A slight gunshot followed by a silencer.

Chi Feichi walked into the room with the gun in hand, pointing the gun at the man in the room who just put his hand under the pillow.

A scorched bullet hole on the mattress at hand made the man dare not act rashly any more, he retracted his hands, slowly raised them, and stared nervously at the fake face of an ordinary middle-aged man in front of him, his face was so pale and ugly, " Don't, don't be impulsive..."

At the door, Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi who was approaching the bed step by step with a gun, and his heart was beating non-stop.

Even though she could only see Chi Feichi's back, she was still worried that Chi Feichi would shoot him directly.

I feel that Brother Feichi has become very strange and dangerous...

Chi Feichi walked up to the man with a gun.

The man didn't turn around, he was still sitting on the bed, with his hands raised, maintaining his original motion, "Don't shoot, I..."

Chi Feichi slashed at him with his palm, knocking him out, took out a loop of rope, and looked at Hui Yuanai who was standing at the door, "Tie up the outer one, be careful."

Five minutes later, Chi Feichi dragged the two of them downstairs and threw them into the carriage to pack them.

Haibara Ai saw the witty phrase "I used to be a tiger in the club" on the printing paper. The familiarity made her heartbeat slowly return to normal. She put the printing paper into the corresponding box and pasted "Living TA-Q-BIN" on the side of the box. , do not violently unpack 'the printing paper.

After Chi Feichi put the two of them in, he looked up and found that Hui Yuanai was silent with his head down, and his expression was a little uncomfortable. He asked aloud, "Aren't you used to it?"

He just wanted to tell his little sister that whether it was bounty or hunting, the essence was to make trouble... No, it was to find fun by oneself.

If they feel that the "outsmart bounty" is boring, they can change it to the "rough bounty". Anyway, there are many ways to make a bounty and it is quite free.

By the way, give a brief demonstration to my little sister.

Didn't my little sister feel the thrill of a faster heartbeat when she shot and broke into the door just now?

Hui Yuanai nodded, and said in a calm tone, "I'm not used to this method, it's different from before."

I'm not used to Brother Feichi just now...

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