Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1163 Because of the signal

Hui Yuanai knelt down at the side and helped to wash the dishes, "If they cry later, you don't have a headache."

Chi Feichi poured hot water into the basin to scald the rabbit skin, "I won't get a headache."

If the three brats were really crying, he wouldn't care, let alone worry about how to coax them.

He usually hides some darkness because he is also willing to help keep some of the beauty in the world.

This time, he could pretend that he didn't know and let the three brats let the rabbit go, but the difference in concept lies here, it's not the rabbit, it will be something else in the future.

He can accommodate once or twice, but he won't always accommodate. It's better to make it clear that if they don't close together, they will break up.


Hui Yuanai helped wash the dishes, and Chi Feichi also finished taking care of the two rabbits.

Dr. A Li brought the three children to boil hot water, and when he looked up, he saw Chi Feichi who had returned put down the basin containing the meat ingredients, and he couldn't help being silent.

The three children looked over, realized something, turned to look for the rabbit, and found that the bag was gone, so they were stunned.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at Chi Feichi who was calm and silent, and thought of what Chi Feichi said before, 'I won't have a headache', she was startled, and distracted the children, "Where's Edogawa? "

"Ah? Conan is in the tent," Ayumi was subconsciously attracted and turned to look at the tent, "He's still thinking about that code."

"Brother Chi has already killed the rabbit." Yuan Tai changed the subject again, and said with a speechless expression, "We still want to let the rabbit go."

Mitsuhiko was helpless, "Our plan seems to have been seen through in advance..."

The three children looked at each other and sighed in unison.

"Okay..." Dr. A Li was just about to say something comforting with a smile when he realized that the corner of his clothes had been pulled from behind. He turned to look at Hui Yuanai who was pulling the corner of his clothes in doubt, and found that Hui Yuan Ai's face was stiff. There is no further talk.

"However, do you want to eat rabbits tomorrow?"

After all, it was the rabbit who had only seen it twice, Yuan Tai's thoughts were quickly deviated, and she leaned forward to look at the processed rabbit meat.

After Chi Feichi put the rabbit meat into a bag, he explained, "We keep one, and the other is just for a friend."

Mitsuhiko and Ayumi also approached.

"Then there should be some leftover ingredients, right?..."

Here, Dr. A Li did not join in the fun, and bent down to ask Hui Yuan Ai, "Xiao Ai, what's wrong with you? You look so ugly, just now..."

Hui Yuanai breathed a sigh of relief, and then he relaxed. Looking at Chi Feichi who was going to wash his hands, he said in a low voice, "The children are fine, it's the other person that matters."

The children have not been in contact with the two rabbits for a long time. When they saw the rabbits just now, they also had the mental preparation of "this is the food".

But Brother Feichi is different.

She had a premonition that if the development of this matter tonight corresponds to one of Brother Feichi's considerations, then Brother Feichi will also make a corresponding choice——

It's a clean break!

Even if he is not so decisive and direct, he will still get along with the children in the future, but Brother Feichi will gradually alienate him, and then he will become a complete stranger.

When she realized this just now, even she couldn't believe it, but she somehow understood.

If a stranger jumped out and accused her when she was doing the experiment, "How could you hurt the rabbit like this", she would probably find it ridiculous and would not respond.

But what about acquaintances? Will she be surprised that everyone has different opinions and consider whether to terminate this friendship? Or will you be angry that you are not understood or that your friendship is not as good as that of two rabbits? Or like when she found out 'I'm different from everyone' before, for some reason, her heart became colder a little bit?

She has never experienced it before, so she is not sure how she will feel. Different degrees, relationships, and situations will also affect her thoughts, and if it is Brother Fei Chi, she will not understand even more. Someone who hides too deeply.

Anyway, when the three children were whispering, Brother Feichi already understood what the three children were going to do, maybe they were angry, or they might have other ideas, but they definitely cared, even more than the kids.

That's why Brother Fei Chi decided to kill the rabbit, instead of being willing to accommodate the children as before, even though it seemed unreasonable.

That's why Brother Feichi said something like 'I won't get a headache' by the stream.

At that time, she didn't even realize it. This sentence itself was a cold and decisive statement that made people tremble with fear!

Now that she knows it, she can't blame Brother Feichi for being willing to alienate everyone, because she has considered the decision of "alienating and giving up the relationship" more than once, and understands that different people have different reasons, and that reason may be someone else's. It was incomprehensible, even unimaginable, because she really didn't understand whether Brother Feichi was based on anger, sadness, or other emotions.

Brother Feichi is usually so calm that he doesn't seem to care about anything, and occasionally he becomes "self-closing" for no reason. Even if he cared about certain things before, his expression and tone were as usual, and he was still the same as usual when he greeted everyone to eat dumplings. It's even more unnoticeable.

If she hadn't had some past experience, she would probably be like everyone else by now, not aware of Brother Feichi's thoughts tonight, let alone speculate about Brother Feichi's mood to make such a decision.

She should know Brother Feichi better than anyone else here, she knows Brother Feichi is July, she knows what Brother Feichi was doing when he was July, she knows that Brother Feichi has a good relationship with Kaito Kidd, She even noticed some of Brother Feichi's thoughts about the rabbit tonight.

The more she understood, the less she dared to say that she understood.

Just like everyone didn't notice Brother Feichi's thoughts tonight, she probably didn't notice it more often in the past, and it might be difficult to notice it in the future, so she couldn't help but wonder how much they knew about Brother Feichi learn.

The beginning of a friendship is based on a little understanding between the two parties, and they have common topics in preferences or other aspects. Afterwards, as they get to know each other better, recognize each other, and support each other, the friendship can be maintained and deepened.

But if a certain party keeps hiding himself very deeply and has never been understood by others, then does that person never step into the starting point of friendship? Or it just stays at the initial stage, and the other party thinks that the 'deep friendship' is the result of that person's manipulation.

Also, what kind of person is Brother Feichi...

"Xiao Ai?" Seeing that Hui Yuan Ai was distracted, Dr. A Li stretched out his hand and waved in front of Hui Yuan Ai, "Xiao Ai?"

Hui Yuanai came back to his senses, and found that everyone else had entered the tent, raised his hand and yawned, "Since everyone doesn't care, then there is no need for you, Doctor, to comfort you, we might as well go and see if Edogawa has untied it." That code."

Don't think about it anymore, if she thinks about it any more, she will start to doubt life and the world.

Thinking about it simply, Brother Feichi just covered up his little awkwardness tonight.

Thinking of this, Hui Yuanai felt a little funny in his heart.

What is she thinking, she almost demonized Brother Feichi...


In the tent, Genta and Mitsuhiko persuaded Conan.

"Conan, you should give in too, right?"

"Yeah, it's already so late, you have to admit that there are things you can't think of."

Conan sat on the ground, lowering his head to compete with the code on the notepad.

Chi Feichi stood outside the tent, leading Feichi to watch the fun.

"But it's really surprising," Ayumi said, "Conan likes codes so much, and he can solve them in no time at all."

Yuan Tai guessed, "Are you suffering from heat stroke?"

Conan glanced back at Yuantai with half-moon eyes, "It's long-winded."

What do you mean he has heat stroke?

Are you complaining that he is dizzy and unconscious?

Really, he just fell into a misunderstanding of thinking this time, and he couldn't find the direction to get out for the time being. As long as he grasps a certain subtle clue, he can figure it out, okay?

And he felt that he couldn't concentrate, and no case happened today, it should be because of the photo sent by Yuanzi...


Conan's phone rang, and he took it out to look, and found that it was Mao Lilan's number, so he got up and ran out of the tent.

Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, and Genta watched Conan run towards the woods, and they were all silent for a while.

"Is Conan answering the phone again?"

"He really had a lot of calls today..."

"But why did he run so far again?"

"Huh?" Dr. Ali happened to pass by Conan who was in a hurry, and returned to the tent in doubt, "Conan is calling again?"

Huiyuan Ai felt that the rhythm of camping today was a bit wrong. After thinking about it carefully, his mood also changed from doubt to speechless, "Because this time the camping site has a mobile phone signal, and there is no incident, everyone's attention It's all about the usual chores."

Chi Feichi looked at the little black figure in the woods with his back to this side.

That's right, if something really happened, no one would pay attention to who called, who answered, and who left the team and ran away.

But why did Conan answer the 'unspeakable' call with his back to everyone, and hasn't learned his lesson yet?

In the woods, Conan listened to Mao Lilan talking to him, completely oblivious to the eyes on his back behind him.

This time, there was no trouble at their camping place, which is very rare, but Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko who went to the beach encountered a murder, and Suzuki Sonoko happened to take a photo of the suspected victim leaving a death message, and sent it to Suzuki Sonoko. Take a picture of him in the upper right corner of the Maorilan swimsuit.

The murderer should have known that the two girls had the clues. They had attacked Suzuki Sonoko before and robbed Suzuki Sonoko’s bag. When he called him, Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko and the victim’s three friends were cooperating with the police at the police station. Investigating, and one of the men named 'Jana' said he would send the two girls back.

"Xinyi, have you deleted that photo?"

"Ah, yes..."

"In short, if you understand the meaning of those words, call the police, and if we think of anything, we will call and tell you!"

"Ah, yes..."

After hanging up the phone, Conan took out the swimsuit photo from his mobile phone, looked at the window on the background of Mao Lilan's waist, drew the curtains, and couldn't see the situation inside the house, but there was indeed a scarlet letter on the window glass.

"Hey, what are you looking at, Conan?"

Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi who came behind Conan poked their heads.

"Ah!" Ayumi exclaimed when she saw the swimsuit photo on Conan's phone.

Yuan Tai blushed instantly, and stammered, "This, this is not a woman's..."

"It might be illegal for elementary school students to watch such indecent things!" Mitsuhiko said with a red face.

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