Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1164 Night Talk Without Horror Stories

"It's a prank email! I just logged into the mailbox, clicked on a web link, and this thing popped up..." Conan felt that he was being threatened by the scene of social death all the time. After hastily explaining, he changed the subject, " Let’s not talk about that, where’s the code? Have you unlocked the doctor’s code yet?”

"I have no idea..."

The attention of the three children was diverted to the cipher.

Conan analyzed again, and took the three children to the Marumushi Hot Spring Hotel, but apart from the villagers who came in and out and used the hot spring hotel as a bathhouse, they still didn't find anything.

The three children once again conceded defeat, but Conan received the email and ran aside to call Mao Lilan. When he came back, he saw the paper with the code written on it thrown aside by Yuan Tai, and suddenly understood how to solve the code. Pretending that he didn't know, he guided the three children to think, and pointed the code note horizontally at the moonlight.

"A torii for a village festival!"

"That's right, Xiao Ai, doctor?"

Dr. A Li smiled, "That's right!"

"Very good!"

"Let's go and have a look!"

The three children happily ran to the torii gate of the shrine.

"I'm going to watch them."

Chi Feichi dropped a sentence and followed.

"Brother Chi is still so worried about them running around," Conan couldn't help smiling as he watched Chi Feichi keep up with the children, "However, I didn't expect that I would be stumped by such a code, just like what he said , very suitable for children!"


Hui Yuanai looked at the group of people going to the shrine, and answered absently.

She began to suspect that she was thinking too much, maybe Brother Feichi hadn't thought about a 'clean break' at all before, and said 'I won't have a headache' just because he was confident that he could coax children well?

Conan looked at Hui Yuanai in doubt, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay," Hui Yuanai looked away, feeling that he really couldn't guess anymore, and looked at Conan, "Why don't you go and have a look?"

Conan reasoned and deduced that the treasure prepared by Dr. A Li was a 'beetle'.

Afterwards, Dr. Ali mentioned that the secret code was because Hui Yuan Ai saw the paper he pasted from the window glass, so he came up with it. Conan suddenly thought of the case encountered by Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, his face changed, and he ran to the side Call Mollyland.

The code should also be viewed sideways and reversed, it is 'Jiana', which means the name of the man who will send Xiaolan and Yuanzi back at night!

The phone finally got through, and Suzuki Sonoko who answered the phone said that the murderer had been kicked by Mao Lilan to solve it, but because the murderer was driving at the time, the car they were sitting in also hit a tree trunk, and they were waiting for the police to pass.

After everything was settled, after Chi Feichi came back with the three children, a group of people went back to the tent, washed and spread the air mattress...

Chi Feichi sprayed a circle of insect repellant on the outside of the tent and entered the tent.

The tent was illuminated by battery camping lights. Dr. Ali and the five children sat in a circle, and left an empty seat for Chi Feichi. "Feichi, the children said that they want to chat before going to bed."

"Yeah," Mitsuhiko said seriously, "This is the first time everyone camped in a tent, it's rare!"

"That's right," Yuan Tai nodded, "It feels great to be together!"

Ayumi asked, "But, what do you want to talk about?"

"I think it's better to tell a story!" Dr. Ali suggested with a smile, "How about it?"

"Okay!" Ayumi nodded with a smile.

"No objection," Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi who was sitting next to him, "Where's Brother Feichi?"

"Wait," Conan stared at Chi Feichi and said, "Scary stories are forbidden!"

Chi Feichi's mind was already flashing stories like "There is someone under the bed" and "Calling in the middle of the night". Hearing this, he screened out the horror stories and nodded, "Okay."

"Then who will start it?" Seeing that no one objected, Dr. A Li presided over the evening talk, smiling and ready to be called.


The three children looked at Chi Feichi together.

"Brother Chi, come first." Guangyan said.

"Yeah," Ayumi smiled, "I haven't heard Brother Chi tell a story yet."

Conan also looked at Chi Feichi, as long as Chi Feichi didn't tell horror stories, he was looking forward to it.

"I agree too." Hui Yuan said sadly.

Maybe you can find some of Brother Feichi's thoughts from the story?

"Okay," Dr. A Li turned to Chi Feichi and asked, "Feichi, it's okay for you to come first, right?"

"No problem," Chi Feichi paused, "Do you want to hear a longer story or a shorter story?"

Haibara Ai:"……"

Suddenly, he remembered the time Brother Feichi showed up as 'July' and asked them if they wanted to hurry up or slow down.

Always feel there is a pit.

"Well..." Mitsuhiko thought for a while, "Let's make a longer story, a story that is too short can be finished in a few sentences, it will be very boring."

"Long! Long!" Yuan Tai shouted.

Chi Feichi waited for Mrs. Yuan to stop before speaking, "Then I will tell a story about 'Xiamen', 'Everyone', and 'Team'. Su Hairentai, male, 16 years old, a first-year high school student , However, he only went to school in the first week of high school, and has been at home since then, refusing to go to school, and even refusing to go out. Apart from eating and sleeping at home, he just plays games..."

"How is that possible?" Ayumi frowned.

Mitsuhiko touched his chin, "Is this what everyone calls an otaku?"

Yuan Tai was puzzled, "Why did he do this? Was he bullied at school?"

Dr. A Li helplessly reminded, "Everyone, be quiet and listen carefully."

Chi Feichi said at his own pace, "One day, he met a girl he called a 'beast of summer'..."

"Huh?" Ayumi's eyes lit up.

The others pondered for a while, did Chi Feichi plan to tell a love story? That's really rare.

Curious, gossip, and quite looking forward to it!

"It was a biracial girl with silver hair and blue eyes, wearing a white tie dress, and when he was listening to high school students passing by chatting outside, cursing while playing games, the girl would come up in front of him and lie on his lap and say The character in the game, after he got up, the girl would chirp and follow him. When he was cooking ramen, the girl would pester him to make ramen with egg flower in the noodles, saying "noodle code" I want to eat ramen with egg flower," Chi Feichi said, "After Su Hairentai's father came home, he didn't seem to see the two arguing, so please help him cook another bowl, he agreed, turned around and left When he was holding the bowl in the cupboard, he could see the girl beating his back with her fist as soon as he turned his head, and the voice of the girl saying that he was partial to the uncle rang in his ears. It feels like a big fist is knocking, but only his shadow is reflected on the cabinet glass, but there is no figure of the girl..."

Hearing Chi Feichi's chilly voice, Conan felt his scalp go numb, and interrupted, "Hey, didn't you tell me not to tell horror stories?"

Chi Feichi was a little speechless, the detective's reaction was a little too big, "It's not a horror story."

Hui Yuanai commented, "Even if it is a ghost or something, she is still a cute girl."

"Okay, Conan," Genta was attracted by the story, and warned, "Don't interrupt!"

"Su Hairen took a look at the girl's father in the living room, and his father was in normal condition, so he was the one who had the problem," Chi Feichi continued, "while the father and son were eating ramen, the girl followed him again. After getting on him and sitting on his lap like a child who is not grown up, the summer room seems to be full of sweltering heat, Su Hairen was too dizzy and passed out."

Haibara Ai:"……"

It really is... a love story?

The three children listened carefully without disturbing.

After a while, no matter what the story is, they will applaud and encourage!

Conan also listened intently.

He always thought that Chi Feichi's calm tone that had remained unchanged for thousands of years was only suitable for telling horror stories, but he didn't expect to tell other stories as well...

"His father was nervous to see his situation," Chi Feichi said, "while Su Hairen was too confused, he remembered the summer ten years ago. At that time, he was still the boy king with good physical strength and good mind. When he climbed the tree to catch beetles on the tree, his five good friends would look at him worriedly, nervously and expectantly. In his memory, the six-year-old girl with silver hair and blue eyes was also wearing a white dress, worried Shouting to him to be careful, and he always confidently replied that it's okay..."

"Ah..." Ayumi whispered.

The girl named 'Mianma' seems to be a ghost. If it is a strange ghost, that's okay, but it seems to be a childhood playmate, which means...

Hui Yuanai looked up at Chi Feichi.

Was the boy high school student hallucinating because his childhood friend passed away?

"That summer, he caught the biggest unicorn as he wished, the girl with brown curly hair and black-rimmed glasses, and smiled and marveled that he still caught the biggest one, the boy in the white shirt always seemed cool, said "Cut", and the girl with cute short hair smiled and said softly that he was amazing, and the shortest boy with a short cut also lay on the grass and laughed and praised him for being handsome and handsome. He said that he had a wish..." Chi Feichi said calmly, "When he woke up again, Mrs. Su Hairen still saw the mask, and he felt that he was really sick. The pressure he had been under must have caused him to hallucinate .”

" she... dead?" Ayumi asked cautiously.

Chi Feichi nodded to confirm, "He decided to talk to Mianma, and he said, 'My pressure must have made you materialize, but why did you appear now, and why did you appear as a grown-up', but Mianma himself couldn't explain it clearly, it felt like his wish hadn't come true, Mrs. Su Hairen asked Mianma what his wish was, but Mianma said that he didn't know either..."

"She is really confused." Yuan Taihan said.

Mitsuhiko scratched his head and smiled, "But it feels very cute."

Hui Yuan Ai didn't smile, no matter how cute she was, she was already dead. That is to say, it was either imagined by a person under too much pressure, or it was a ghost, and it would disappear sooner or later, and the ending might not be too good.

There is an ominous premonition, how much I look forward to and love that cute and innocent girl now, how much I want to cry in a while...

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