Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1166 Can this be reasoned?

Outside at the edge of the woods, Hui Yuanai found Chi Feichi who was leaning against a tree trunk and smoking, "Is it really okay to run out and leave the children to Dr. A Li?"

She knew that Brother Feichi said it was a cover to go to the toilet!

Chi Feichi said...

"They fell asleep after a while."

So it's okay.

Hui Yuanai leaned against the tree trunk beside him, and was silent for a while, "Why don't you continue talking?"

Because the doctor and Ayumi cried, or...

It's suspicious, Brother Feichi seems to know the cause and effect of those things, and when talking about the details of Mianma and Su Hairentai's getting along, it's as if he has seen it with his own eyes. She suspected that some of the stories might be true.

"I didn't choose the story well," Chi Feichi said bluntly, "It's too long, and the details will probably take until tomorrow morning."

Hui Yuanai suddenly felt that this reason really made sense, and confirmed, "Just because of this?"

Chi Feichi smoked a cigarette and thought for a while, "Also, I overestimated my enthusiasm for long-term conversations."

Haibara Ai:"……"

That is to say, when you talk, you lose interest and don't want to talk, right?

Very powerful and reasonable, but seeing Brother Feichi's indifferent attitude, she felt that the story might really be just a story.

After being silent for a while, Hui Yuan Ai decided to ask directly, "Is the story just a story? Brother Feichi, where did you hear it?"

"Patient." Chi Feichi found a plausible explanation.

He couldn't say that it was an anime he had seen in his previous life, could he?

"That's Su Hai's hallucination." Hui Yuan Ai believed most of it, and said with emotion, "The soul really doesn't exist..."

Listening to the cicadas chirping from the forest, Chi Feichi eased into the 'speaking fatigue period', "The name of the story is "The Name of the Unheard Flower", also called "We Still Don't Know the Flower We Saw That Day name"."

"We still don't know the name of the flower we saw that day..." Hui Yuanai repeated in a low voice, feeling the youth and regret in it, "It's a very good name, tell me this, maybe you want to hint , we may not know the specific content of the story we heard today ten years from now?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "That's what it means."

Hui Yuan mourned Ban Yue Yan, "Yuan Tai is right, it is irresponsible for you to tell a story like this."

Chi Feichi suddenly remembered something, "Are you going to the banquet the day after tomorrow?"

"Are you changing the subject?" Hui Yuanai was helpless, but Brother Feichi didn't want to talk about it. What can he do? He can't see through it, he can't beat him again, and he can't manage it. Why don't he think about going to the banquet? Go to the question, "Will there be a lot of people?"

"Politicians, celebrities, people from the TV station," Chi Feichi roughly counted, "and people from the police and business circles..."

Hui Yuanai pretended to be careless, "There are so many benevolence, it will be very noisy, if I don't have anything to do, I won't go."

With so many people, it is estimated that there are journalists and the like taking pictures at the scene. If you encounter people from the organization or if the photos are taken and spread, there will be big troubles.

Chi Feichi nodded, "Then I will take you there when there is a small party some other day."

The day after tomorrow, Shui Wurennai might go to the banquet.

Although Rena Mizumu hadn't seen the photos of 'Shirley' when she was a child, it was hard to guarantee that Gin would not pay attention to the banquet, and it would be good if Haibara didn't go, so as not to be recognized.


The next day, after Chi Feichi expressed indifferently that he did not plan to talk about the topic of the story in the near future, the three children could only give up and wandered around by the stove.

"Can you talk about something else?" Ayumi looked at Genta and Mitsuhiko hesitantly, "It's actually..."

"By the way, there is also Conan's matter!" Yuan Tai said with a serious face, "Conan actually looks at very revealing photos of women!"

Next to him, Huihara Ai, who was helping to process the ingredients, looked up at the three children, a little confused, "You mean Edogawa?"

"Yeah, when he was in the woods last night, he actually hid and looked at that kind of photo alone," Guang Yan said seriously, "Although it is wrong for us to complain, elementary school students are not allowed to look at that kind of photo, maybe it is illegal .”

Ayumi looked back at the tent, "So, we want to delete the photos in Conan's phone before he wakes up..."

Yuan Tai nodded heavily, "That's right, it must be deleted, otherwise it would be bad for Conan to be arrested by the police!"

"That's right, it's better to help him delete it," Hui Yuanai gloated in his heart, but agreed with a serious face, put down the kitchen knife, and said to Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi is not a child, but it's better not to look at that It’s a strange photo, if you look at it, you might turn into a wretched uncle, I’ll just deal with it.”

Ayumi looked at Chi Feichi, who lowered his head and put the seasoning to marinate rabbit meat, who had nothing to do with the wretched uncle, and immediately agreed with a serious face, "Brother Chi, it's best if you don't watch it!"


Chi Fei didn't object and continued to marinate the rabbit meat.

Hui Yuanai successfully took over the 'task' and walked towards the tent contentedly.

If a famous detective's mobile phone really has bad photos and a proper black history, it would be a pity not to take pictures as souvenirs.

To Haibara's regret, there is only one swimsuit photo in a certain detective's cell phone, which should be Suzuki Sonoko's spoof, but...delete it!

On the way back to Tokyo after camping, Conan got into the back seat of Chi Feichi's car, resting his chin with one hand, looking listless, and began to think, "Brother Chi, you seem to know the details of how Su Hai and Mianma got along. , and understand the cause and effect, this should be more than a story, right? But in the story, they have a wooden house on the mountain as a secret base, which should be an area outside Tokyo or a fringe area near the south and west of Tokyo..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

He's just telling a story, can Conan reason about this?

"The place where you were active since childhood should be in the urban area of ​​Tokyo. There is no way to go to the wooden house on the mountain every day. If it is your experience with your friends, the secret base should be somewhere in the park. In other words, this is not your experience. And you can understand such details, you should have been in contact with one of them for a long time. If it is me...cough, I mean Uncle Maori. Yes, it’s just you, considering that the state of the soul is impossible to exist, Suhai Renta’s state may be a hallucination.” Conan touched his chin, “Then, this is probably when you were in Qingshan Fourth Hospital. The story I learned..."

Hui Yuanai yawned speechlessly, how boring a detective is, to start reasoning in such a serious manner...

"After everyone went to bed last night, I checked the Internet, but I couldn't find any names related to Suhai and face codes," Conan said, taking out his phone and flipping through them, "They formed a small team to fight for peace, plus You mentioned that Su Hai wears black-rimmed glasses and a knit hat when going out, the concrete guardrails beside the train tracks, the high school entrance examination system, and the way they speak when chatting. Su Hai’s hallucinations will not exceed five years this year. The story It started in recent years, that is to say, their ages are between 16 and 21 years old, and I checked the report of the drowning death of a 6-year-old girl from ten to fifteen years ago, but I didn’t find this one. Last name, but considering that you may have used a pseudonym, I still read all the reports, age, gender, method of death, and falling into the water environment, there are three that match..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

No matter how scary it is to have a detective with great curiosity by your side.

Conan recounted all three reports, and concluded, "The most likely is the incident of a 6-year-old girl drowning in a river in Gunma County thirteen years ago. There is no photo of the girl, and not much information can be found, but only in this report, the girl who drowned was of mixed race."

"And then?" Hui Yuanai asked with half-moon eyes, "What else did you find?"

"The report of the girl's drowning incident didn't mention her friends and family members, and the specific names were not reported." Conan looked at Haibara Ai, "I originally wanted to call the Gunma County County Police and find the mountain village police officer. Find out about the circumstances of the incident that year, as long as you want to know, he should be happy to tell me..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Even if she wants to use it, a certain detective is enough.

"However, that happened more than ten years ago. He was probably still in school at that time. It is not reliable to ask him to check the files." Conan looked regretful, "Plus last night was too late, and I There is no personal contact information for him, so that is where my investigation ends."

"Why are you investigating this?" Hui Yuanai asked speechlessly.

"I want to know if there is something else hidden about the incident that year." Conan lowered his head and flipped through his phone. "Who made Brother Chi not want to finish the story? I'm so curious that I can't sleep at all..."

"There's no secret, it's just an accident." Chi Feichi said.

"I thought there was something worth investigating..." Conan couldn't tell whether he felt regretful or relaxed. He flipped through his phone and suddenly found that Mao Lilan's swimsuit photo was gone, "Huh?"

Haibara saw Conan staring at the phone with a puzzled face, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and teased softly, "Ah, can't you find that kind of girl in revealing photos?"

Conan approached Haibara speechlessly, "Hey, that's actually..."

"Early this morning, Ayumi and the three of them told me and Brother Chi that you were secretly looking at bad pictures in the woods last night..." Hui Yuanai finished speaking calmly, and changed into a serious and innocent expression of an elementary school girl in a second , leaning back, looking weak and far away from Conan but full of righteous indignation and accusations, said in a little girl's tone, "Edogawa pervert, if you don't delete those pictures, you will be taken away by the police!"

Conan choked, almost spurting out a mouthful of old blood, "You..."

"That's it," Hui Yuanai regained his composure, "Everyone is worried about you, so I promise them that before you wake up, I will secretly delete that photo in your phone."

Conan laughed dryly in his heart, thank you so much.

Chi Feichi listened to the interaction of the two children behind him, took the opportunity to bully Conan, and said calmly, "It's too early for elementary school students to see that."

Conan choked for a long time, trying to make himself look serious, but his face was still flushed with embarrassment, "I, I won't do it in the future, don't tell sister Xiaolan and others!"

The children are so foolish, Hui Yuan should know that he is not that kind of person, but Chi Feichi seems to take it seriously.

It's over, his wise and mature image has completely collapsed.

The key is whether Chi Feichi will tell Xiaolan? If Xiaolan knew... no, Chi Feichi still has his mother's contact information...

In short, he had to admit this mistake even if he didn't want to.

It is better to have no image in front of Chi Feichi than to ruin it in front of Xiaolan or make fun of his mother!

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