Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1167 Possibility of Undercover

Back in Tokyo, it was already around 6 pm.

The children planned to have dinner at Dr. Ali's house before going home.

Conan was sure that Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai would not speak out, so he got out of the car with confidence.

After Hui Yuanai got out of the car, he didn't rush to close the door, "Brother Feichi, are you sure you don't want to stay and have dinner with everyone?"

"I'll send the eels to the breeding site," Chi Feichi urged, "The processed ingredients are with the doctor, and you can cook them yourself."

"Are you going to give your friend a rabbit bento by the way?" Huibara asked with a sad smile, did you make any new friends recently? "

Chi Feichi refrained from saying "Should I take you to meet me some other day" such a wicked reply, "It is."

"Then go and get along with your friends."

Hui Yuanai closed the car door with some relief.

It's a good thing that Brother Feichi can make more friends.


An hour later, a black Porsche 356a pulled to the side of the road and stopped.

Chi Feichi got into the passenger seat, opened the bag he brought over, and took out the lunch box, disposable chopsticks and drink cups, "Steamed rabbit meat with cucumber, wild vegetable dumplings, and lemon tea."

Gin picked up the tablet at hand, unlocked it, clicked on the minesweeper game, and threw it in the back seat.

Feichi swooshed to the back seat and started today's minesweeping novel.

Opening boxes of gin to look at the dishes, he asked calmly, "Luck, you won't put poison in it, will you?"

I regret that I didn't watch Lak cook the whole time, and I didn't bring a poison tester over.

The delicious food in front of him was like asking him to bet or not. After seeing the food made by Lak, he didn't want to eat the bento bought on the street at all.

Although well-made dishes don’t look too bad, Lak’s meat is often marinated with seasoning, and the amount is well controlled. Rabbit meat does not smell too obvious of seasoning, but it has a stronger flavor than those meats. The aroma of cooked meat is definitely not the same as the taste.

As for the wild vegetable dumplings, it seems that the seasoning should not be spared, and they are still steamed, very light and natural.

Coupled with the lemon tea, he didn't even have any interest in going to the restaurant to eat high-end cuisine, let alone bento...

"You're overthinking." Chi Feichi took his portion and started eating speechlessly.

Snake spirit disease gin definitely has persecution paranoia.

Gin didn't hesitate any longer, and took the chopsticks to taste the food.

If Lak poisoned Belmode before because Belmode showed a 'playing' attitude, then Lak really has no reason to poison now.

Well, just as he thought, there is no seasoning in the wild vegetable dumplings, so there should be only salt. It seems that a little salt was added when making the dumpling wrappers. The taste is naturally bland, but not too bland.

The marinated rabbit meat is braised with cucumber, it is really delicious...

After tasting it, Gin was satisfied with the taste and confirmed that he did not die from the poison, so he felt relieved to eat.

In the back seat, Fei Chi poked the tablet with the tip of his tail, having a great time playing minesweeper.

After the two had eaten, Chi Feichi got out of the car and went to the roadside trash can to throw away the lunch box. After returning to the car, he asked, "What's wrong with Keir?"

"She has too many concerns about the assassination of Tumen." Gin put down the car window to let the smell of food out of the car as soon as possible, took a cigarette and bit it, his face was a bit gloomy, "although her concerns are justified If she comes forward to lead out of the Tumen, she may be targeted by the police, but Rum has already provided the handle of the other two politicians, and pulled those two guys in. After the operation is over, she can explain to the outside world that she just wants to fight Those congressional candidates have exclusive interviews before entrusting detectives to investigate the candidates. These three people were selected. She is the host of the TV station. It is normal to want to get exclusive interviews that no one else has. As for the assassination, there is no need anyway. If she does it, she can completely excuse her ignorance... But even so, she seems to have other concerns."

"She didn't object before." Chi Feichi reminded.

"She has no objection to letting her contact Tumen and ask him out in the name of an exclusive interview," Qin Jiu picked up the cigarette lighter on the car, lowered his head and lit his cigarette, "but she hopes that before she meets Tumen, , solve the Tumen, such as when she gets off the car and the Tumen walks towards her, so as to reduce her suspicion, instead of letting her take the Tumen to a specific location."

Chi Feichi knew why Qinjiu didn't agree to Shui Wurenai's proposal, "This will indeed reduce her suspicion, but during the movement of the Tumen, there may be accidents that lead to the failure of the operation. It is best for the Tumen to stop at a certain place." The place is convenient for snipers to aim and kill with one hit."

"Huh... the bodyguard next to that guy from the Tumen is very loyal. If there is danger, he will stand in front of him and help him block the bullet if he tries his best. And that guy's skills are not bad. If he can't kill him with one blow, he will be alarmed again. The chance of killing him with another shot will be very low, and he himself will be more vigilant. He can still apply for protection at the juncture of the parliamentary election, and it will be difficult to kill him in the future," Gin Jiu stared at the front car A wisp of smoke in front of the window said in a deep voice, "In comparison, what I care about is Keir's attitude. This time, she hesitated more in making a decision than before. I want to know, she just wants to make sure that she can fully and Retire, or... Participating in the assassination of a very popular and influential parliamentary candidate in Japan will cause her any other troubles!"

Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Qin Jiu, "Is her overseas interview arranged by the TV station, or...?"

For this operation, the preparations that should be made have already been made. As long as Shui Wurenai acts according to the plan and does not do stupid things, the police can handle it, and the risk is not too great.

In a criminal organization, which action is not risky?

But if Rena Mizumu was an undercover agent, it would be different.

Tumen Kanghui has the voice of "future prime minister" at the moment, not only ordinary people, but also supporters in the political, military, and business circles.

If Reina Mizumu participated in the assassination of Kanghui Tumen by a criminal organization, and was later found out to be an undercover agent of Ia, those who had supported Kanghui Tumen and those in the political and military circles would not let it go, would they think that this was an attempt by the US to obliterate A good leader deliberately pushes the boat along? Are you even happy to see its success, leading to all this?

Secret agencies of various countries have a lot of filth behind the scenes.

Once these things are involved, things will become very troublesome, and as an intelligence agent of Ia, Reina Mizumura does not have that much right to decide whether to participate in this operation. This kind of matter needs to be reported to her boss, and then Her superior held a meeting with those who knew the matter: Should I take the risk of triggering counterattacks from the Japanese side and let Reina Mizumu participate in the assassination?

If the result of the discussion is to participate, Rena Mizumusa will receive a message telling her to focus on 'protecting herself' and 'continuing to lurk'. If the result of the discussion is not to participate, then Rena Mizumu's task is probably to end the lurk well Prepare and rescue Tumen Kanghui as much as possible before evacuating.

Since Ia is not a Japanese intelligence agency, he guessed that after Ia's discussion, the result will probably be to participate in the assassination operation, and the Japanese side should not know the identity of Ia's agent.

If the situation is tense, Rena Mizumusa may need to die to sever her relationship with Ia.

But how Ia decides is not important, what is important is that before taking action, Shui Wurenai went abroad to conduct interviews, so she could take the opportunity to contact an informant and report the matter to her superiors.

Of course, it is not necessarily Rena Mizumu's own decision to go abroad, it may also be that the organization wants to see if there is any problem with Rena Mizumu...

"You have to ask Rum about this, but it doesn't matter if it's the arrangement of the TV station," Gin said, with a little coldness in his eyes, "What we need to confirm is that after Kiel returned from abroad, his attitude has changed. Nothing has changed!"

"What time did you make an appointment with her?" Chi Feichi asked.

If Shui Wurenai was hesitant before and changed his attitude when he went abroad, then the suspicion in Qin Jiu's heart would be even deeper.

"Nine o'clock in the evening." Gin took out his phone and checked the time, "We will go there after the people who confirm the safety are in place, don't get too hopeful, if Kiel has a problem, he can still stay in the organization for so long , she won't show her flaws so easily."


Night, dock warehouse area.

A white car turned into the warehouse area, and Rena Mizumura, who was driving, saw the car parked in front of the warehouse door, slowed down and stopped the car, got out of the car and walked forward.

She is very clear that she has aroused the suspicion of the organization, but there is no way, such a big matter, she has to report it and see how the decision is made.

However, she has been lurking in the organization for so long, and she is not a newcomer without the slightest trust. The organization should not kill her directly because of a little uncertainty.

As long as she handles it here...

Ahead, a thin wisp of white smoke drifted out of the Porsche window, towards the light bulb hanging above the warehouse door.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Gin stared at Rena Mizumura approaching in the rearview mirror, the brim of his hat and hair cast shadows on his face, his face was expressionless, even the coldness in his eyes had subsided a lot, looking very calm, " Don't mess around."

Chi Feichi had already shifted to the back seat, letting Feichi hide under his clothes, sitting diagonally behind the gin, staring down at the Beretta 92F pistol in his hand, and slowly put on the silencer, "I know. "

Rena Mizumura walked to the car window and stopped. She was still wearing a professional dress, she was no different from a female career elite who had just finished work. She didn't pay much attention to the figure in the dark back seat. She looked at Gin with a smile and joked, " I just got off the plane and had to rush over after dinner, Gin, calling someone over in such a hurry is very disrespectful!"

"Oh? I'm so sorry," Gin turned to look at Rena Mizumu, "Then, what's your answer?"

"I don't want to be watched by the police. I have to think about my situation, don't I?" Rena Mizumura didn't avoid Gin's gaze, and said with a leisurely smile, "As I said before, even if If you need to lead people to a specific location, you can also ask the photographer to do it, right?"

Gin stared at Shui Wurenai, "I promise to be safe!"

Rena Mizumura was silent for a moment, "Before I went abroad for an interview, there seemed to be extreme fans hiding near my house and harassing me non-stop. This time I went abroad for a few days to see if that guy gave up, or I intend to continue to entangle."

Gin smiled sarcastically, "Keir, that kind of guy... don't you want to organize other people to help you deal with it?"

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