Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1168 Better than what Judy said

"That's not necessary, I will deal with this matter as soon as possible," Rena Mizumura smiled, and her expression soon became more serious, "Tomorrow night, THK company's banquet will be attended by people from the police field, and there will be no Suitable for the contact target, I will take advantage of the opportunity of the interview the day after tomorrow, go to Tumen’s office to contact him, and arrange an interview time, as for whether I should lead him to a certain place, it depends on whether the guy is worthy of cooperation Bar?"

"Think about it carefully," Gin Jiu looked away and looked at the front window. "After confirming the time, let me know immediately."

"Of course," Shui Wurenai smiled, turned and left, "Then I'll go back first."

After Shui Wurenai got into the car and left, Gin Jiu drove away from the spot, "How is it?"

"The character is really bad." Chi Feichi commented.

"Hmph..." Qin Jiu laughed coldly, and jokingly said, "You used to smile brightly at others."

Chi Feichi didn't break up with Qin Jiu about "can't be brilliant", and said calmly, "I'll lose my temper soon."

Gin: "..."

It was the first time he saw someone say 'I'm going to turn my back on' so confidently.

"I don't see any problem," Chi Feichi said, returning to business. "If there are Keir's extreme fans around her house recently, she might be overly vigilant."

"Whether there are extreme fans harassing her? It's easy to check. She probably won't lie about this kind of thing." Gin Jiu didn't bother to scold Chi Feichi anymore, thinking, "Keir once solved the problem of the US Secret Service. The rat that sneaked into the organization, this time I may be thinking too much..."

"En." Chi Feichi responded.

It seems that Mizuruna has passed the level, but for gin, for rum, and even for that one, if there is doubt for the first time, the second time will come naturally and faster than before , When the number of suspicions increases, the other party will be included in the 'highly vigilant' circle.

If it were him, if someone repeatedly made actions that made him suspicious, he would directly classify the other party into the 'high-risk' group.

It's one thing to show it or not, but the defense is definitely there, and it will become stronger and stronger.


In the afternoon two days later, the student party was over from school.

In Didan Primary School, the five members of the Boy Detective Team walked out of the school together.

"Did you watch the live broadcast last night?" Mitsuhiko said excitedly, "THK's celebration dinner is on a luxury cruise ship, and many celebrities went there!"

Ayumi smiled and nodded, "Well, not only big stars, my mother said, there are also a few popular candidates for the House of Representatives."

"There are still many sports stars!" Yuan Tai added excitedly.

Conan laughed. It seems that everyone watched the broadcast last night. No wonder, this is a company run by an acquaintance. THK Company has entrusted their young detective team more than once, and they need to pay more attention.

Yesterday, Uncle Maori received an invitation from Nichimai TV, so he was not able to go to the banquet, but he squatted in front of the TV early in the evening, and even Yuanzi called Xiaolan halfway to remind them to remember to watch the broadcast. He didn't want to watch it. It's hard to get there.

Moreover, with such a big crowd and so many celebrities present, not only are they paying attention, I am afraid that more than half of the people in Japan know about the banquet last night. I went to the class today to see that even the topic of the primary school student group was basically the same as last night. The celebration banquet broadcast.

"But it's really a pity," Mitsuhiko said with regret, "I originally wanted to see Ms. Qianhe more, but only the moment she got out of the car was photographed, and I have been interviewing other people since then."

Yuan Tai nodded, "Yes, obviously the hero has also gone, but there is only one shot, I managed to find him!"

Ayumi was inexplicably sympathetic, "In comparison, Brother Chi and Sister Yuanzi have no chance to show up at all."

"It's not surprising," Hui Yuanai said calmly, "The people interviewed were either the chairman of the company who was involved in a large-scale layoff recently, or entrepreneurs related to factory pollution, and a lot of people who were in the limelight. Candidates for Congress, so many topical people, the reporters probably have a headache, don't know who to interview, and Brother Feichi and the others seem to have boarded the cruise ship very early, probably very busy yesterday, only Brother Minye is the host Showed up and was interviewed by reporters."

Conan couldn't help getting closer to Haibara Ai, and said in a low voice, "A lot of people from the police circle have also gone, although they went in their personal capacity during the vacation, but not only I heard that Minister Odagiri and Officer Shiratori went, but also police officers. If you had known that there were so many policemen around and that you would not have the opportunity to be exposed to the media, you could go to the dinner with peace of mind..."

He was stumped by the case yesterday, but if Huiyuan went, he might be able to help him get the autograph of an internationally famous football star.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Haibara Ai glanced at Conan.

"Huh?" Conan was speechless, why did he say something stupid.

Hui Yuanai withdrew her gaze, lowered her head and walked outside the school, her voice was very soft, "Although there are many policemen at the scene, they can't protect me for a lifetime. Once they find out, they have plenty of time to deal with me. And for them, whether there are police or not will not affect their actions, isn't it the same at the memorial service last time?"

Conan thought that at the last memorial meeting, even if the police were present, Pisco still killed people and imprisoned Hui Yuanai, so he was speechless.

That's right, organizing the group of lawless people will not be concerned about these at all, and celebrities from all walks of life may also have organized people, it is better not to go to Huiyuan...

Ayumi turned her head and saw the girl standing in front of the parrot breeding point, "It's Class C Yuka..."

In front of the wire cage where the parrots are kept, a first-grade little girl with short black hair and docile facial features looks at the parrots quietly.

The five children of the Boy Detective Team came forward to say hello, and joined the queue to watch the parrot while talking.

At the gate of the school, a woman stood by the fence, her long black hair was tied into a high ponytail, she was wearing a blue and white long-sleeved, trousers sportswear, and a dark blue baseball cap, watching a group of children from under the lowered brim of the hat. When Haibara Ai and Conan noticed their gaze and turned their heads to look, they quietly retreated behind the wall.

On the side, Dr. A Li also shrank back, heaving a long sigh of relief, "Huh... so dangerous, I was almost discovered!"

The woman lowered her head, her eyes were blocked by the brim of her hat, her mouth was smiling, and she sighed softly, "Xiao Ai is so sensitive, and so is Conan. They seem to have a good relationship."

"Yeah," Dr. A Li touched the probe quietly, found a group of children talking, and continued to peek boldly, smiling, "Don't worry, Xin... Cough Conan will take care of Xiao Ai, although there are many Xiao Ai Sometimes I don't need anyone to take care of me, but she usually takes care of me a little more..."

Chi Feichi was speechless at the sneaky look of the two.

His mother came back yesterday morning.

In order to participate in the celebration dinner of THK company, I will stand up for the company opened by their young people.

Then, after the purge of the Field Group was over, Chi Kana decided to take a few days off for himself and come to Japan to stay for a while. By the way, he also paid attention to the upcoming release of Umbrella's new mobile phone.

Since Chi Kanai came back, that person gave him another long vacation, and before Chi Kanai left, he didn't have to get involved in the organization anymore.

However, today it was said that they were here to pick up Hui Yuanai for dinner, and the two of them looked so sneaky like human traffickers, wouldn't they be worried that someone would call the police?

Before a group of children came out together, the peeping duo pulled Chi Feichi back into the car, and asked Wen Sen, who was driving, to follow quietly, and watched from a distance as a group of children came to visit the well-behaved and quiet girl's house. .

The car stopped on the ramp.

In the back seat, Chi Feichi lowered the car window and reached out to Feimo on the wall.

Feimo fluttered his wings, flew to Chi Feichi's finger and stood there, and made two quacks at Chi Jianai.

"Feimo, you're here too," Chi Kanai took off his hat and greeted with a smile, "Long time no see."

Feimo looked at Dr. A Li in the passenger seat, "Quack!"

Dr. A Li turned back and smiled, "Feimo, long time no see!"

Chi Feichi withdrew his hand and let Feimo jump onto his shoulder.

"Cough..." Feimo let out a human-like dry cough, and after standing still, he let out a human voice, "Long time no see!"

Dr. A Li maintained the movement of turning his head and looking back, stunned: "?"

Did he hear correctly?

Chi Kana's eyes with a smile like water gradually became confused: "?"

The words are correct and the accent is round, standard Japanese.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Wen Sen, who was in the front seat with a serious face, also choked, and turned his head to look at Fei Mo in a daze.

Can a crow learn tongue like a parrot?

And it still sounds like a standard young male voice, completely different from the tone of a parrot, it sounds no different from a human.

Feimo turned his head to explain to Chi Feichi, speaking back to his own language, "Master, didn't you guys go to the cruise ship to attend the dinner last night? I followed to watch the fun, but halfway I thought of Feili, so I went to see Feili. I studied human language with Feili. Although the vocabulary and sentence volume are relatively complicated, the pronunciation is not difficult for me. It is similar to cat language. I can understand human language. Understood, it will take a while to get used to it, what do you think of what I just said?"

Chi Feichi was quite calm and nodded, "It's much better than what Judy said."

Compared with Judy's deliberately tweaked Japanese accent, Feimo's standard is more than a little bit higher.

Since Feimo got to know Feili, he seemed to have embarked on the path of a "language master". He didn't think it was so strange to see Feimo speak cat language, and then see Feimo speak human language.

In the future, no matter what animal language Feimo speaks, or even if Feili learns to speak human language, he will not be surprised... These two guys are too good at tinkering.

Chi Jianai came back to his senses, originally wanted to study Fei Mo, but was misled by Chi Fei Chi's words, and his thinking went elsewhere, "Judy?"

"Hey, he's a high school English teacher from the United States," Dr. A Li laughed dryly. He felt that Teacher Zhu Di was very innocent. He was not here, and Chi Feichi picked him up as a negative teaching material for "not learning well". The key is Judy’s Japanese is pretty good, but it’s just to cover up, but in the end, it leaves people with the impression that it’s not as good as a crow, “I used to be Xiaolan’s English teacher, so my Japanese is really not very standard. .”

"However, isn't this a crow?" Vincent couldn't help asking the question in the mind of the three of them before, "I remember there are other black birds..."

"You should be talking about birds of the genus Mynah in the starling family, and Feimo is of the genus Corvidae," Chi Feichi said to Vincent, trying to calm down Vincent and stop showing that ghost-like expression. , "Birds do not use their tongues to make sounds, but syrinxes. As long as they have enough IQ and no birth defects, crows can also imitate human speech, but because few people raise crows and no one trains them deliberately, everyone crows cannot learn to sing like parrots."

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