Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1170 Opening Tucao Mode

An hour later, the candlesticks on the long dining table were filled with candles, vases and bouquets.

Ikekana took off her apron, the long skirt was simple but not cumbersome, her black hair was tied behind her ear, and she sat upright, dignified and elegant.

Hui Yuanai couldn't help but sit up straighter, and looked sideways at Chi Feichi who was still sitting upright but with an indifferent expression.

It looks pretty good, but Brother Feichi's face...

"Try it," Chi Kane greeted, "There will be dessert later."

Hui Yuanai said 'I'm going to start', and found that Chi Feichi didn't cooperate very much and had already started to taste the dishes, so he simply started to do it too.

The steak tastes good, the grilled sausage tastes good, boiled broccoli with carrots... Cough, this one is bland, understandable.

On the whole, it is definitely not as delicious as Brother Feichi's cooking, but it is no different from eating outside, so it should be considered good.

Yes, in terms of how delicious the cooking is, it’s not Brother Chi’s cuisine \u003e the cuisine of ordinary restaurants outside \u003e the personal cuisine of not so good level \u003e the cuisine of someone who is not good at cooking like Dr. Ali.

"How?" Chi Kane asked expectantly.

"Very good." Hui Yuanai nodded in approval, then looked at Chi Feichi who was eating with a cold face and bowed his head.

So, Brother Chi is too high-sighted, right?

"How are you, Feichi?" Chi Kanai also looked at Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi nodded, "It's delicious."

"Really?" Chi Kanai looked disbelieving, "If you have any ideas, you can tell mom directly."

Chi Feichi thought about it, and felt that there was nothing he couldn't say, "Then I'll just say it straight, boil some kind of vegetables in clear water, fruit and vegetable salad, steak or sausage or both, baked ham slices, baked potatoes or fried Potatoes, roasted onions, roasted tomatoes, there are always a few, add and subtract, and combine them at will, you can get breakfast, lunch, dinner..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Brother Feichi who turned on the Tucao mode.

Chikana: "..."

Is this... a problem?

"Sometimes eggs or bread are added for breakfast, but these dishes are repeated over and over again. Simply put, there is no meal that cannot be boiled, baked, or fried. If there is, add a salad." Chi Feichi continued his tone Tucao nonchalantly, "There are countless potatoes, big baked potatoes, small baked potatoes, big baked potatoes, small baked potatoes, baked potato sticks, big fried potatoes, small fried potatoes, big fried potatoes, small fried potatoes nuggets, chips..."


Chi Kanai lowered her head and laughed, and soon, she looked up at Chi Feichi with a smile and said, "My son is super cute~!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

People's moods really don't connect.

Feichi lay down on the table, swallowed the chunks of beef, then sighed sympathetically, and said with emotion, "Master, I understand, just like I used to eat small loach and it was no fun at all."

Hui Yuanai had a hard time holding back his laughter. Brother Feichi knows how to cook so many dishes, and they are all delicious. It’s really hard to bear tossing and turning just a few dishes, and most of the boiled and baked things are tasteless. But understanding is understanding, brother Feichi who complained indifferently...

No matter how you think about it, it's cute!

"Cough," Hui Yuanai said in his heart, 'Don't laugh', 'Hold back', 'Be serious', and said with a calm face, "But the taste is really good, right?"

"Well," Chi Feichi admitted, "The steak is better than many restaurants outside."

"Okay," Chikana said with a smile, "next time I will learn to cook other dishes, there is no way, I have been doing this since I was a child, and I want to cook the best for you father and son, so it becomes That's it."

Hui Yuanai suppressed a smile, "You can look forward to the dessert after the meal, I can already smell the sweet smell."

When Chi Kane heard this, his eyes were completely crooked again.

Hui Yuanai was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"Mother's snacks are better than meals." Chi Feichi said.

Chi Kane took the words, "But, I'm not very good at salty snacks, and Feichi doesn't like too sweet foods, so I can't eat much..."

Hui Yuanai was silent for a while, "Then there is no other way."

Chi Feichi: "..."

There is no way, but fortunately, he can still eat enough if he complains.

Chi Kana laughed enough, and started to eat dinner, "By the way, Feichi, there are a lot of chocolates in your refrigerator, you probably don't like chocolate, why did you buy so much all of a sudden?"

"A gift from a girl, right?" Hui Yuan Ai also looked at Chi Feichi, "It seems that there are no festivals recently..."

"I received it last Valentine's Day." Chi Feichi said.

Chi Kane was a little surprised, "Is there so many? There are two big bags."

"Brother Feichi is very popular," Huiyuan laughed sadly, "But I really don't like to eat it, otherwise there won't be so many left..."

When dessert was served on the table, Chi Feichi poured fruit juice for Hui Yuanai, and went to the kitchen to get white wine.

After Chi Feichi left, Chi Kanai and Hui Yuan Ai lay down on the table, huddled together, looked at Hui Yuan Ai's phone, and whispered.

Huihara Ai flipped through the friend list of the UL chat software, and secretly shared with Chi Kana the girl who was currently chatting.

Probably because her godmother smiled too softly, listened too seriously, and probably had too much of a 'home' atmosphere, she couldn't stop chatting with Chikana, as if she could tell Chikana anything.

Even talking about trivial things seems to have a different feeling.

"Miss Lianxi is very good..."

"What about Hongzi? Does Xiao Ai know her?"


Holding the wine, Chi Feichi said, "Magic pretty girl, what's wrong with her?"

The two quickly sat up straight.

Chi Kanai turned her head and smiled, "It's nothing, I'll ask Xiao Ai if she knows Hongzi."

"It turns out to be a beautiful magical girl." Hui Yuanai calmed down for a second, quietly put away her phone, and explained to Chi Kanai, "I knew her a long time ago when I played online games with Brother Feichi, and there is UL friend, most of the chats are about games. I met her once. She is a girl with long red hair. She looks a little cold, but she is not bad. She gave me gifts. In a hurry, I didn't prepare any gifts for her..."

Chi Kanai took the wine bottle in Chi Feichi's hand and poured wine into the glass, "Hongzi, she will give gifts to whoever she wants, and she never cares about giving gifts in return, and you don't have to worry about it. You will find something interesting someday. Things, just give them to her, by the way, Xiao Ai, you guys go to check, how is the situation?"

"Because I made this matter clear, Yuka accepted her mother's boyfriend," Haibara Ai's tone slowed down a lot when she heard Chi Kanai's soft voice, "In this way, everyone in her family will be happy .”

"Is that so? Then you have done a wonderful thing," Chi Kanai smiled, and poured half a glass of wine for Chi Feichi, speaking at an alarmingly slow pace, "Feichi, tomorrow Do you want to sit in your teacher's office for a while? I didn't seriously greet Mr. Mao Li last time. It happens that Xiao Ai has two days off tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. To visit, you can take Xiao Ai and Conan to the amusement park to play, and go out for dinner together at night."

Hui Yuanai drank his juice and listened to Chi Kanai's words, and then said, "I heard from Edogawa today that Mr. Mori received an entrustment from a rich family called Kunitomo in Shizuoka Prefecture. Tomorrow he and Miss Xiaolan will be with uncle Go to Shizuoka Prefecture, and I won’t be back until the night after tomorrow.”

"It's a pity. Since Mr. Mori has something to do, it's better not to bother him," Chi Kanai thought about it, "but the Kunyou family in Shizuoka Prefecture... I seem to have heard Vincent mention this family."

"Is it famous?" Hui Yuanai asked.

"No, but Vincent said that his housekeeper is very good." Chi Kanai smiled and took a sip of his wine, "I heard that he is a housekeeper who can't even stand the tablecloth being crooked by two millimeters."

Hui Yuanai was a little speechless, "Is that obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

Chi Kana put down the glass and explained to Hui Yuan Ai, "Such housekeepers are generally more serious, careful, and responsible. When holding a banquet at home, they can also lead people to make almost perfect preparations. How about their house housekeeper? I don't know, but that housekeeper is an old friend of Wen Sen's father, and Wen Sen still has contact with him. I heard that their driver has a cleanliness freak, and the maid seems to have a fear of heights or apex phobia or something..."

Huihara Ai felt inexplicable gloating in his heart, "Really, then Edogawa and the others should have a very exciting holiday."

Chi Feichi, who was drinking with his head down, said, "The life of that family will be more exciting."

Hui Yuan choked, and had to admit that Chi Feichi hit the nail on the head, "That's right, after all, Edogawa and Uncle Mao Li are both plague gods..."

Chi Kanai thought of the eight generations of fathers and daughters who said they would die, and didn't know whether to join in the complaints. After all, her son seemed to be a plague god, "Then... what are you going to do tomorrow? Xiao Ai only has two days off, run away If it's too far away, the itinerary will be rushed, if you go to the amusement park..."

Seeing that Chi Ganai was about to enter a state of entanglement, Chi Feichi broke his mouth and mentioned a place that all three of them could be interested in, "Would you like to go horseback riding at the racecourse?"

"Okay, I haven't ridden a horse for a long time," Chi Kanai became interested, and turned to ask Hui Yuan Ai, "What do you think of Xiao Ai?"

Hui Yuanai nodded immediately, "It's just a matter of time to visit Sankaiyue."

After the meal, Chi Kana cleaned up the dishes, and chatted with Hui Yuanai endlessly, watching TV and chatting about everything from the weather to celebrity gossip.

At night, Chi Kanai held the storybook and told Hui Yuan Ai a bedtime story, and then sneaked into Chi Feichi's living room.

Chi Feichi had just washed up and was about to go to bed when he saw Chi Jianai coming over with a drink and stopped in his tracks, "Mother?"

Chi Kane put down the wine glass, looked up and smiled, "Let's have two more glasses."

Chi Feichi didn't object and sat on the sofa.

"Actually, I was waiting for you to ask me yesterday, for example, if you asked me if I secretly paid attention to you outside the school, I can tell you, yes, before you go to college, I will come back to secretly see you every year," Chi Kanai poured the wine, sat down, handed one of the glasses to Chi Feichi, and said softly, "Mom knew that when you were in the third grade of elementary school, you would throw a small stone into the water when you passed by the river..."

Chi Feichi took the cup, "It's been so long."

Chi Kanai raised his eyes to look at Chi Feichi, with a soft but shallow smile in his eyes, "Yesterday I was waiting for you to ask, and then you can ask me why I just watched, you can blame me, you can blame me, you can quarrel with me, But you never…”

Chi Feichi did not avoid Chi Jianai's gaze, "There is no point in arguing."

Chi Kanai was taken aback, and took the lead to look away, looking down at the wine glass, "I'm sorry, every time I see you, I say this kind of thing that makes you feel bad, but, tonight, I heard from Xiao Ai that Yuka accepted her mother's boyfriend. Friends, this way their family will be happy, I suddenly understood that Feichi chose the way that everyone would be happy, but our family’s situation is different, I still want to come here and ask you... Are you really not wronged?"

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