Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1171 The Stalker in the Dark

"No," Chi Feichi said, "I don't want to dwell on the past."

"That's it," Chi Ganai smiled at Chi Feichi, lowered his head to drink, "It's fine if you don't feel wronged..."

She was already mentally prepared when she came here tonight. Now this kind of relationship, which is full of perfect illusions on the surface, is actually full of cracks, makes her want to confirm the truth, and confirm Chi Feichi's true inner thoughts.

If Chi Feichi just pretended not to care, but he still couldn't let go, then there would be a big fight, and it doesn't matter what Chi Feichi said was too much. After venting, he would feel a lot more relaxed, and the conflicts and barriers would also disappear. few.

If it is the answer now, it means that her mother has been completely abandoned. Although the child cares about her more or less in his heart, better than strangers, but that care is probably not much, so he doesn't care at all. , Don't ask if you don't want to, so free and easy.

In fact, such a result is not too bad. She can take it as returning to the beginning and try to re-establish the connection that mother and child should have.

Although it will be difficult, her son is much more defensive than when he was a child.

Over the past few days, Chi Feichi has no intention of sharing the trivial matters of life with her, whether it is the past or the recent ones, it seems that it is because there is nothing to say, but for those who really trust, everyone should be happy to communicate It is right to share some trifles and ideas, just like Xiao Ai did with her.

But it doesn't matter how difficult it is, the family's secrets were exposed, and the child didn't resent her life experience as much as she imagined. She relaxed a lot. Thinking about it again, her previous thoughts were indeed outrageously wrong, and now she just wanted to do something.

And it wasn't that she didn't gain anything at all. Tonight, when Chi Feichi complained about her cooking, she was really happy.

Thinking about it, Chi Kanai relaxed a little, and suddenly remembered another thing, "Feichi, someone sent me a disk before, which contained a video of you biting a mouse and a rabbit, could it be someone from that organization? "

"It should be," Chi Feichi frowned. The only one he knew of who could get the video, Belmode, Gin, and Rum, was recorded by Pisco. Pisco Know, but dead, plus Irish whiskey might get the video from Pisco, "Is there anything else sent to you?"

"No," Chi Kanai shook his head lightly, "There is no follow-up action. I mentioned it to your father. We really don't understand what the other party's purpose is, so we decided to take a look first. There are other actions."

Chi Feichi first ruled out Ireland. If it was Ireland, it was either out of temptation or an attempt to threaten, and there should be no follow-up actions. As for the others, it is temporarily impossible to confirm who they are. mentioned it to me."


In the next two days, the three of them went to the racecourse to watch the crescent moon, ride horses, visit the shrine, hang painted horses, and hang out by the Timotsu River at night.

Without the involvement of elementary school students from the god of death, life was very peaceful.

After Huiyuan Ai went to school, Chi Kanai and Chi Feichi went to the Mori Detective Agency and visited. They invited Mori Kogoro to have a cup of coffee at the Polo Cafe downstairs, and listened to the news of the previous two days. The case of a friend.

Two days ago, life at Guoyou’s house was really wonderful. Master’s friend was hanged on the railing. Master Guoyou was frightened to have a heart attack, the medicine was crushed by the murderer, and he died. The driver and the driver have been hiding in the dark. The twin brother was the murderer and was taken away by the police.

After parting with Mori Kogoro, Ike Kana couldn't help sighing softly, "No wonder your father doesn't like dealing with detectives."

"Father is very foresight." Chi Feichi agreed.

Before the death team left, there were eight people in Guoyou's house plus the old friend who was a guest and the twin brother who was hidden by the driver. When the death group left, there were only four left, and half of them disappeared.

Although the other detectives are not as plague-god as Conan, they are not much better.

Chi Kanai looked at Chi Feichi and said thoughtfully, "It seems that Feichi has the talent to become a famous detective..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Let's not talk about whether the famous detective has anything to do with the aura of the "Plague God", maybe it has something to do with it, but he is just the one who is innocent.

Before the car had time to leave 5-chome, Chi Feichi received a call from Hui Yuanai, and the car stopped again.

Not long after, the five-member boy detective team from school ran over and greeted Chi Feichi and Chi Kanai who were waiting in front of the car.

After Chi Kanai responded one by one, he asked with a smile, "What exactly is it that you want to take Feichi to see?"

"It's a very cute house," Ayumi said with yearning in her eyes, "It's just around here. Although it's not big, it's small, and it looks very cute. I want Brother Chi to take a look... "

Mitsuhiko and Genta's faces were a little dark.

"A house?" Chi Kane was a little surprised.

Chi Feichi noticed that someone was staring at them all the time, looked in the rearview mirror of the car, and vaguely caught a figure flashing into the alley.

"Yes," Ayumi suddenly twitched, "I just want Brother Chi to take a look."


Genta and Mitsuhiko had frustrated faces.

"Huh?" Chi Kane looked at the two children.

"Madam, you'd better take the children into the car first," Vincent in the car said in a deep voice, "Someone was secretly staring at us in the alley at the rear right just now."

"Is anyone there?" Mitsuhiko just wanted to turn his head to look, but Chi Kanai reached out to hold the side of his face.

"Don't look, you might have an accident if you startle the other party." Chi Kanai smiled at a group of children, his voice still soft, and pulled the five children to the side of the car, "Now let's get in the car first..."

Yuan Tai: "..."

Shouldn't you be nervous at this time?

Ayumi: "..."

Why is Mrs. Kanai still smiling so softly?

Conan: "..."

It's awkward, so Chi Feichi's calmness is hereditary?

Chi Kanai opened the car door, let the five children into the car, turned around and asked, "Vincent, can you be sure who it is?"

"The other party has been huddling in the alley, I didn't see clearly," Wen Sen hesitated, and looked at Chi Feichi outside the car, "Master Feichi can drive, right? Let me check, if there is any danger, you can drive immediately." Take everyone away, the window glass has been treated with bulletproof, and ordinary pistol bullets are indestructible, but please be careful."

"no problem."

Chi Feichi nodded, and after Vincent got out of the car, he took over the driver's seat, took out a folded map from his pocket and handed it to Vincent, "Map of Mihua Town and Kuboto Town."

Wen Sen took it and looked at it, then folded it and put it away, "I'll return it to you later!"

Chi Feichi closed the car door, saw that Wen Sen did not go into the alley to the right rear, but went to the front, and guessed which alley Wen Sen planned to turn around.

That alley is a dead end, but if you climb over the fence, you can go directly behind the opponent.

In terms of reaction ability, Wen Sen's level is not weak, his parents have good eyes...

"Who could be secretly staring at us?" Mitsuhiko frowned.

Ayumi was also a little worried, "Is Uncle Vincent okay?"

"Don't be nervous, maybe it's someone who wants to ask me for something, or a private detective or something," Chi Kanai smiled and reassured, "It may also be a scout, seeing you are cute, I want to find you to be a star."

"Ah?" Ayumi was distracted, "Is this okay?"


Vincent didn't go for long, turned out from the alley behind, got to the car, waited for Chikana to lower the window, and leaned close to Chikana's ear and whispered.

"Huh?" Chi Kanai was surprised for a moment, then quickly turned around and smiled at a group of children, "Okay, the security is off, it's someone I know, because the other party wasn't sure if it was me, so I took a peek at it for a while."

The three children breathed a sigh of relief.

"So this is ah."

"It seems that we are too nervous."

"It's also to blame for that person watching secretly..."

After the children and Chi Feichi got out of the car, Chi Jianai smiled again, "Go and see the house, I'll catch up with my friends, so I won't accompany you there, Xiao Ai, are you going to my place at night?"

"I promised the doctor, I will go back tonight." Hui Yuan said sadly.

"See you tomorrow then," Chi Kanai said to Chi Feichi without forcing, "Feichi, call me after you finish watching, we'll go to the restaurant for dinner later."

Conan looked at the alley behind him, feeling puzzled.

Is it someone Mrs. Kanai knows? However, when he came out of school, he felt that someone was staring at them, and he thought that the other party was coming for them...

Vincent drove away. After turning the corner of the street, he stopped at the entrance of an alley when he saw no one following him.

In the alley, a tall, thin man in a brown jacket came out, took off his baseball cap with the brim pulled down after getting into the car, and apologized, "I'm really sorry, Mrs. Kanai, for frightening you."

"Where, I didn't expect to meet a world-renowned mystery novelist here," Ikekana looked at Yusaku Kudo with a hint of doubt in his tone, "But Mr. Kudo told Vincent before that Conan's parents...?"

"Yeah, his parents are my good friends, because they don't have time to see him, but they want to know how he is doing, so please come and see me and my wife, if possible, I hope we can shoot two A photo," Kudo Yusaku moved out the words he had thought up before, and scratched his head with an embarrassed smile, "We discussed that if we want to know how the child is doing, it's better to observe secretly. It's probably a bit strange to say that... "

"No, I understand," Chi Kana said with a considerate smile, "I also did this kind of thing when I came back, because Xiao Ai's personality and way of speaking are more mature than those of her peers, and she has a different hair color and color from many Japanese children. Tong Shi, I am more worried that she will be isolated, although she kept saying that she is fine on the phone, but she still wants to secretly see her real situation."

"It's great that you understand," Yusaku Kudo smiled, "That kid Conan is the same, his personality is precocious compared to his peers, which is also very worrying."

"Then your wife...?"

"Ah, she secretly followed..."

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