Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1172 The process is not important

Near Maori Detective Agency.

Ayumi led the way and stopped in front of a small three-story building.

"This is the house..."

Genta and Mitsuhiko looked up at the window on the second floor of the house, imagining the picture of marrying Ayumi.

Ayumi said that if she can live in this house after marriage, she must be very happy.

In the next second, Chi Feichi appeared on the screen with an indifferent face, like a big devil, with black energy emitting from behind, kicking them away...

The longing expressions of the two froze.

However, Ayumi actually asked Huiyuan to contact Brother Chi to come and look at the house...



Brother Chi is so many years older than them, why do you want to grab cute girls from them!

On the side, Chi Feichi noticed that the phone was vibrating, and took out the phone to take a look.

Mail from the Mexican Legion stronghold.

It was Yusaku Kudo and Yukiko Kudo who were caught by Vincent. After the three talked, Yukiko Kudo left and followed them, and is still behind them, and Yusaku Kudo met his mother...

The couple of the Kudou family are back to play with their son again?

It seemed that he wanted to trick his mother into helping him cover. His mother acted very calmly just now, and she seemed to be very talented in acting.

"Is there something urgent?" Hui Yuanai raised his head and asked Chi Feichi.

"No," Chi Feichi deleted the email without changing his expression, and put the phone back in his pocket. "It's just a promotional email for a funny show."

Hui Yuanai did not doubt that there was him, and looked at the house in front of him again, "This house is really cute."

"Really?" Ayumi smiled and turned to ask Chi Feichi, "What do you think, Brother Chi?"


Looking at the house in front of him, Chi Feichi recalled the plot of the couple in the Kudo family playing with their son, and quickly settled on a general content

The Kudos ran back and rented a house where they could see the Maori Detective Agency, pretending to monitor the Maori Detective Agency, which aroused Conan's vigilance and suspicion.

Another story about scaring my son.

Then, the house that Kudou and his wife rented should be the one in front of them.

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko looked bitterly.

"Ayumi, why do you only ask Brother Chi?"

"Yeah, after ten years, Brother Chi will definitely be married, maybe he will have children."

Chi Feichi looked at a group of brats.

Wait, what is the beginning of this plot?

"No, it's nothing, I was joking with them before, I saw a cute house and wanted to share it with everyone," Ayumi waved her hands quickly when Chi Feichi looked at her, and after explaining, she turned to look at Conan and Haibara Ai, "I also want to ask everyone how they feel."

"It looks pretty good." Conan said.

Mitsuhiko breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out he was joking, "Of course Ayumi's vision is better!"

Haibara Ai leaned closer to Ayumi's ear, "Are you giving up?"

Ayumi sighed, with a small child's face and a melancholy expression, she said softly, "I don't know if I like it, but Brother Chi is amazing, if I can be his bride, I will be very happy, but It will take many years for Brother Chi to wait for me to grow up, he will definitely meet many lovely girls in advance, I also think it is impossible..."

"What about Edogawa?" Huihara Ai asked doubtfully.

Ayumi became even more melancholy, "Conan likes Sister Xiaolan, he must prefer mature girls, those girls who have grown up obviously have many people who can choose and fall in love with, why do they want to snatch our girls who haven't grown up?" What about the child's choice space?"

Haibara Ai:"……"

Primary school students these days really... don't understand.

Brother Feichi is 20 years old, and Edogawa's real age is 17 years old. He should have found someone of the same age. In comparison, Ayumi's age is inappropriate, right?

"Besides, Conan still sees pictures of girls in revealing clothes. At his age, he is too precocious. I think this is not good, and it can be regarded as Conan's shortcoming." Ayumi sighed again, "Actually, I don't quite understand. What do I think, so until I figure out what I want, I won't talk about marriage."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Speaking of precocity, at this age, Ayumi has already started to worry about relationships and consider marriage, which is almost the same.

I'm ashamed to say that she didn't think about it so much when she was in the first grade of elementary school...

When the two girls were muttering, Mitsuhiko suddenly turned his head and asked, "Let's all go in and have a look, how about it?"

"Yes," Yuan Tai nodded in agreement, "I can't see clearly from the outside!"

Hui Yuanai looked at the two of them and decided not to think about it anymore.

There are many uncertain factors caused by a group of little ghosts, complex ones, people who don’t know whether they like it or admire it, weird polygamy, age and immature concepts. If you want to figure it out clearly, it is much more complicated than studying drugs.

Conan stepped forward and asked the man who was dozing on the table in front of the building, "Excuse me, can we go up and have a look?"

"Huh?" The man raised his head in a daze, looked at Conan, and said listlessly, "Are you kidding, if I let the little devil go messing around in the house..."

Chi Feichi walked to the table, looked at the man, and considered how to negotiate.

The attitude of the other party is a bit bad, but it makes sense.

The house that has just been built and is ready to be sold will be scolded by the boss if you let a group of children play around in it, or accidentally leave paint marks or other marks, so don't overdo it, and have something to say...

The man noticed a cold gaze staring at him, looked up at Chi Feichi's extremely indifferent face, felt like a black cloud covered his face, sweated, stood up and said seriously, "Please, please come with me! "

Conan, who was about to speak, choked and could only laugh dryly.

In this situation, how does it look like he brought Chi Fei late to bully and oppress good people?

Chi Feichi looked away.

This man is really...

Forget it, the process is not important, what matters is the result.

Under the suspicious eyes of the three children, the man was forced to open the business, but he was still quite dedicated. After bringing a group of people into the house, he introduced them seriously.

"On the first floor, there are two Western-style rooms with a size of six tatami mats, as well as a washstand, bathroom and toilet..."

Five children came in and watched.

Chi Feichi also took a general look.

The two rooms are fairly spacious, with western-style wall decoration and wooden floors.

One room is decorated with a combination of white wall panels and purple wallpaper, with a window, the style is more suitable for girls.

Another room is white-paneled and brown-wallpapered, and has a glass door that opens out to the yard in addition to the window.

"Are the two western-style rooms children's rooms?" Hui Yuanai asked.

"It should be," the man explained, "because the builder designed and built it based on a family of four with a couple in their thirties and two children..."

Chi Feichi took a look at the bathroom under the stairs, it was narrow and dark, and the bathroom was opposite to the bathroom, which was better than the bathroom.

He is still interested in this house, and he is considering whether to buy it. He wants to see the Maori Detective Agency if nothing else.

After a group of people looked at it, the man led the way up the stairs again, "The second floor is a living room and kitchen with a size of 16 tatami mats."

The stairs are relatively narrow and steep, but the living room on the second floor is large, and the windows and balcony glass doors let in the sunlight.

"It's so big!" Yuan Tai sighed.

Mitsuhiko also looked at it, "The lighting is pretty good too."

"Beside the road, there is a large western-style room with eight tatami mats." The man introduced.

Outside the living room, Hui Yuanai looked towards the stairs leading to the third floor, "Is there still a third floor?"

"Yes, this is the selling point of this house," the man led a group of people up to the third floor, "The sloping attic!"

The lighting in the attic is still very good. In addition to a large window, there is also a small skylight window installed on the sloping roof.

Yuan Tai immediately ran over, "There are still windows here!"

"You can see the sky." Ayumi exclaimed.

The man stepped forward to open the window and said with a smile, "You can observe the stars at night."

Chi Feichi stepped forward and looked out the window.

The line of sight can indeed pass through the gap between the houses in front and see the Maori Detective Agency directly opposite.

The Poirot Café on the first floor is blocked by houses and trees, but the detective agency on the second floor can be seen clearly. You can see his teacher sitting at a desk with his back to the window reading a newspaper. You can also see it on the third floor. ...

This small skylight window is not big, and it has a slanted design. As long as you don't lean out of the window and look from the Maori Detective Agency, you can hardly see whether there is anyone in front of the window.

Conan also discovered that the Mori Detective Agency could be seen here, and came to the window curiously.

Chi Feichi turned around and walked towards another large window.

This window faced a small park where children played, and there was no place nearby to snipe here.

If Conan hadn't noticed it, he would have bought it without hesitation, and came to monitor the Mori Detective Agency one day if he had nothing to do.

Although he didn't have much time to run over, he could also install a video recorder or something...

Let the crows monitor, but it is not enjoyable to hide in the dark and watch Conan's activities every day.

Before a group of children left, they were still commenting and discussing.

Ayumi: "The living room and attic on the second floor are not bad..."

Hui Yuanai: "However, the two rooms on the first floor are very dark."

Yuan Tai: "It would be great if the yard could be bigger."

Mitsuhiko: "The stairs are so steep, it makes people very concerned."

Conan: "However, it is not bad to be able to build such a small land."

The man who came out had black hair, and secretly glanced at a young man in black beside him.

If he didn't feel threatened, he wouldn't bother with these brats.

"Okay, I've already seen it," Hui Yuanai turned to Chi Feichi and said, "Brother Feichi, let's go back first!"

"Be careful on the road."

Chi Feichi calculated silently in his mind.

Land price, the overall cost of the house, the price of various decoration materials, labor costs...

Although Mihua Town and Kuboto Town are the core areas of Tokyo in this world, there is no business circle nearby, and the traffic is not close to subway stations, stations or roads, so the premium part will not be much...

On the whole, the selling price would not be too high, not even one-third of the price of his apartment.

The cost of owning a house in Japan is very high. Various management, maintenance, and taxes start at 10,000 yuan a month. His apartment is ridiculously high, but it is not so high here.

It was only noticed by Conan, and the value dropped by at least four-fifths...

The five children happened to be able to go home together, and after greeting Chi Feichi, they were still talking about housing issues on the way out.

"The cubicle is actually not satisfactory."

"It's more comfortable to live in my house!"

The man stared at the group of little devils walking away speechlessly, and suddenly found that Chi Feichi hadn't left yet, "This gentleman..."

Not far away, Yukiko Kudo wore a short wig, sunglasses, earrings, and punk-style clothes, and dressed up like a trendy underground rock singer. She pretended to be standing on the side of the road and made a phone call, secretly looking at Chi Feichi.

Why isn't Mr. Chi leaving?

She is still waiting to step forward to inquire about the situation!

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