Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1177 Memory of Ginkgo Leaf

Since the plan failed, the Kudou couple did not continue to live in the small house, and asked people to remove the few furniture and clean the house the next day.

Chi Feichi was not in a hurry to move things in, and asked Da Shanmi to make some changes.

In terms of decoration, there is nothing to change. Although there is a room with a girlish style, it is either used as a database, warehouse, or used for other people to live in, so there is no need to start redecorating.

He just felt that the original locks were unreliable, so he planned to change all the locks on the doors and windows, including the glass doors, to the best anti-theft locks at present, and replace the glass with reinforced and sound-proof tempered glass.

When the three children of the Detective Boys passed by on their way to school, they paid special attention to the house.

"The old couple moved away, it seems that they have changed to a new house."

"It's no wonder that this house is not suitable for elderly people to live in."

"I don't know what kind of people the new movers are like, we'll have a look when the time comes!"

Conan laughed dryly in his heart, and didn't intend to tell the truth.

If they knew that it was Chi Feichi who bought this place, the three brats would definitely be surprised.

It's a pity that it's impossible for people to move in in the near future. According to his mother, Chi Feichi didn't plan to move here. He said it was a foothold. It's probably like the guy in Yuanzi who suddenly became interested in something. Experience it. Interested.

Sigh, these young ladies and young masters are really capricious...

Hui Yuan Ai heard Chi Kanai talk about the house, and didn't intend to tell the three children in advance, looked at the people busy in the yard and the house, walked to the school, and reminded, "If we don't hurry up, we will be late oh."

"Ah here it comes!"

The three children hurriedly followed.

In the next two days, Chi Feichi and Yusaku Kudo made two trips to Yokohama Chinatown, bringing some recipes of Chinese cuisine to Chi Kana, and asked his mother to toss new dishes.

Chi Kanai's talent in cooking is not weak, and he can cook home-cooked dishes in two days, but he is definitely not as experienced as Chi Feichi in controlling the heat and seasoning, and the taste is a bit off.

After the student party entered the holiday, Mori Kogoro took Mori Ran and Conan out again to harm other places.

Chi Kanai originally wanted to take Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai together to learn more about his son's teacher, but Chi Feichi lost interest when he heard about the shrine where he was going to seek marriage.

Hui Yuanai also agreed not to travel with the God of Plague Group.

Brother Feichi is okay, although he is also a plague god, but at least there is still a 'gap period', Edogawa has been traveling for a few times and comes back without trouble.

It is rare for her godmother to come back, so it is better not to let the incident affect their time together.


In early November, the weather is getting colder day by day.

The three of them went to the Toushen Forest with the statue of "Forest Princess" for a while, and Chi Kanai happily talked with the local about funding to take over tourism development.

The day after the three returned to Tokyo, the date jumped from the beginning of November to the end of November.

"Brother Feichi's birthday is in November." Hui Yuanai was changing shoes at the door.

"That's right," Chikana held a dark gray coat with soft white fur on the edge of the hat, and knelt down in front of Haibara Ai, "It's a pity that this year has passed."

On the side, Chi Feichi changed his shoes in silence.

Now it is November 24th, that is indeed in the past, he has nothing to say and cannot refute.

Can it still be said that yesterday was only November 6, and he never lived through the period of mid-November at all?

Chi Kane put the coat on Hui Yuan Ai, looked at it, sighed dissatisfied, and helped Hui Yuan Ai take off the coat, "It doesn't fit as expected..."

Hui Yuanai looked down at the skirt on her body, and said in a daze, "I think it's very good."

"She chose the one with fluffy edges, obviously because she wanted to wear a cute and warm style." Chi Feichi glanced at Hui Yuan Ai, and put on his own dark blue windbreaker, "Swap it for the red coat I bought for Xiao Ai."

"Red is very cute, right..." Chi Kane tapped his right index finger next to his chin, imagined the matching picture, and stood up holding a gray coat, "You can try it, Xiao Ai, just wait for me."

Hui Yuanai looked up at Chi Feichi speechlessly, and asked softly, "Then, what's going on today? Who is Godmother going to meet at the airport? She's so important."

Chi Feichi looked in the direction of the bedroom, "Mom's design class teacher in college..."

"It is also the chief designer of a big name invested by the Field Group. Feichi, when you went to England to attend the celebration banquet of the Field Group a few years ago, she spoke on stage." Chi Kanai came out of the bedroom with a red coat, and took He picked up a bag printed with ginkgo patterns, and said with a smile, "For Xiao Ai, maybe you don't know her, but you should have heard of the card she designed."

When Chi Feichi saw the bag, he immediately thought of someone, "Miss Kinoshita?"

"Fusha painting card?" Hui Yuanai said the name of the card at the same time.

"That's right, she went to Tokyo last night. It's rare that we are all on vacation, so I just want to take you to meet her..." Ike Kana squatted down with a smile, and put the red coat on Haibara Ai, "Although the feeling is still not enough Warm, but really cute and energetic, very suitable for Xiao Ai."

Hui Yuanai tidied up his clothes, and said softly, "Brother Feichi has always had a good eye."

Chi Feichi: "..."

If he stays with his mother for a while longer, his little sister will probably be a lot more gentle...


The three of them packed up and went out. Sen was also responsible for driving the three of them there, but the destination was not the airport or the hotel, but the woods beside the boulevard of Didan Primary School.

After getting off the car, Hui Yuanai looked around, "I didn't expect to come here this morning, and now I'm here again."

Chi Kanai got out of the car, smiled and said softly, "So Xiao Ai came to school early this morning."

"Because I heard that the rabbits raised in the school are uncomfortable, so I made an appointment with Ayumi to come to the school to have a look." Hui Yuanai suddenly felt a little embarrassed, trying to maintain a calm face and tone, "I don't care about small animals like rabbits. I am quite familiar with the common diseases... But, has that Miss Kinoshita ever attended Teidan Elementary School?"

"That's right, I went to school in Japan when I was in the first grade of elementary school..."

Under the ginkgo tree, a woman with short blond hair was wearing a white windbreaker and a gray-purple hat on her head. Her face had the soft contours of an Asian, her pupils were black, and the corners of her eyes had fine lines left over from time. Walking forward, speaking with some baby voice, he greeted with a smile, "Kanai."

Hui Yuanai looked at the woman's delicate facial features and felt a little emotional.

Another big beauty, and like her godmother, she has a super good temperament, which made her start to wonder if all the designer groups of the Field Group are very good-looking.

"Fushae, long time no see," Chi Kanai responded with a smile, then turned to Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai and explained, "When I first entered college, Fushae had just become a teacher of the design class. When I graduated, I kidnapped her from school, Fusha painting cards became more and more popular in the past few years, we were also busy running around, and we spent less and less time together."

Kinoshita Fusha looked at Chi Feichi and said with a smile, "Master Feichi has grown up so much."

Chi Feichi nodded towards Kinoshita Fushae, "Miss Kinoshita."

"A few years ago, I thought that it would be great if you were as gentle as Kana. Gentle and handsome boys are the most attractive to girls. I didn't expect you to be more like Mr. Shinnosuke." Fusae Kinoshita laughed and teased.

"Brother Feichi is also very popular with girls now." Hui Yuanai couldn't help but speak for her indifferent elder brother.

"Huh?" Kinoshita Fusae bent down, leaned closer to Haibara Ai, and looked curiously, "Kana, could this be the youngest daughter you secretly raised in Japan with Mr. Shinosuke? The hair color and eyes are different from yours, but This look is very similar to that of Young Master Feichi when he was a child."

"Yes," Chi Kanai said with a smile, "This is Xiao Ai, Alice, the youngest daughter in our family."

Kinoshita Fushae straightened up, and teased, "I remember when you were in school, you said that you didn't want children at all in the future. I didn't expect you to be the second child."

"I've changed my mind now," Chi Kane wanted to put on a willful look, but the too soft tone and the soft smile on his face were not harmful, so he had to give up and looked at the tall man who walked behind Fusae Kinoshita, "You What? Have you been married in the past two years?"

"No," Fusae Kinoshita interrupted with a smile, turned her head to look at the man, and introduced, "This is Billy, my mother's remarriage partner, Billy, this is Mrs. Kanai, and her child Feichi Young Master, Miss Xiao Ai."

"Hello." Chi Kane greeted with a smile.



Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai followed, with the same calm faces, Kinoshita Fusha burst into a smile.

"Hello, Mrs. Kanai, Miss Fushae has been taking care of you for the past few years, and she has mentioned you to me many times." Billy greeted the three of them, then turned to ask Fusae Kinoshita, "Do you want me How about some drinks?"

"Then please bring me a cup of coffee, Billy." Fusae Kinoshita looked at the three of Chikana, "Kana, how about you?"

None of the three chose coffee.

Billy asked Sen who was waiting in the car what he wanted to drink, and asked Hui Yuanai if he wanted some snacks, before turning around to go shopping.

Chi Kanai watched Billy leave, turned around and walked to the fence at the back gate of Didan Primary School, "Fushahui, it's time for you to find someone to accompany you? Are you still waiting for your first love?"

Kinoshita Fushae followed, and said with a helpless smile, "I can't help it, I just feel that no one else can compare with him, and I won't be reconciled until I get the answer."

Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai also followed without blocking the road.

"Come here every ten years, expecting that man to come here to meet him as agreed, you are too stubborn," Chi Kanai said, looking at Kinoshita Fusae, "I remember From thirty years ago?"

"That's right," Kinoshita Fusae looked up at the golden ginkgo leaves on the tree, and said with a smile, "It's been more than forty years since I met him."

"You made an appointment to meet here, but that person hasn't come yet?" Hui Yuanai couldn't help but asked softly.

"More than 30 years ago, Fushahui was still my teacher. When I first asked her if she wanted to start her own brand and the Field Group could provide her with funds and contacts, she refused," Chi Kanai looked at the two of her family. The child, explained softly, "She said that after another two years, she will return to Japan to meet someone. If all goes well, she will probably stay in Japan to be his wife, maybe she will find a school and continue to be a teacher, maybe she will Thinking about your own cards, in short, we have to wait until the time to see, there is no way to make a promise to me for the time being... And 30 years ago, she came back from Japan alone and agreed to my proposal. At that time, I knew she didn't wait for that people."

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