Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1178 Hui Yuan Ai: I want to open up

"Yeah, thirty years ago, I was looking forward to it when I came here, but he didn't come at night. Is it because of some accident, or because I forgot about me..." Kinoshita Fushae reached out to catch it A piece of ginkgo leaf that fell down, pinched the leaf handle with your fingers, held it up and looked at it in front of your eyes, "Thinking about it, I plan to remind him in my own way, if my cards can spread to every corner of the world, he said Maybe one day I will be able to see the ginkgo leaves on it, and think of it.”

Hui Yuanai looked into Kinoshita Fusa's eyes, there was no resentment or dissatisfaction in her eyes, she was still gentle, reminding her unconsciously of her godmother, and thinking about how disappointed Fusa'e would be thirty years ago, her cold face began to speak bitterly , "Thinking about it, maybe he is already dead?"

Chi Feichi raised his eyes to look at Hui Yuanai, and continued to play the snake game on his mobile phone with his head down.

After his little sister knew that the other party was Dr. Ali, she must have a wonderful expression when she remembered what she had said.

So he chose to go to the theater.

And now there is a more important problem, the surroundings are surrounded by bright yellow ginkgo leaves, the sun's rays shine down, dazzle his eyes...

"Xiao Ai," Chi Kane bent down and smiled at Hui Yuan, "saying such things to a woman who has never given up will make her even more sad."

"Don't hurt me at this time, but if someone as warm as him has an accident, I will be even more sad," Fusae Kinoshita smiled and explained to Hui Yuanai, "Actually, I am When I was in elementary school, due to family reasons, I came to Japan to go to school. Because my hair color was different from everyone else’s and there were small freckles on my face, I was rejected by my classmates. At that time, I had low self-esteem and suffered every day. I longed to be like everyone else. , eager to be accepted by everyone, and I hope that everyone will stop staring at my hair and talking about it, so I have been wearing a hat to school, and I have kept the brim of the hat down very low, trying to cover my hair..."

"Then at the end of the summer vacation and the first day of school, I took a shortcut to go to school, but there was a family on the way who raised a very fierce dog. At that time, no one wanted to go to school with me, and I was raised by myself when I was a child. A dog bit me, and I've been afraid of small animals since then."

"That day, when I was thinking about running over quickly, a boy older than me came up and asked me what was wrong, and asked me to hide behind him. After that, he accompanied me to and from school for the next two months. He also took me to a friend's house to see the little hamster, so that I am no longer afraid of touching small animals..."

"Another time, when we were passing here, the wind just blew my hat off. I was worried that he would hate me like everyone else because of the color of his hair. Other people are fine, but if he hates me, I will sad..."

"So I cried and begged him not to look at my hair, but he said that he really likes it, it's a beautiful color like ginkgo..." Kinoshita Fusae said, her cheeks flushed, and she smiled, "But It was only that autumn, and soon I returned to England with my family, and I didn’t even have time to say goodbye to him, I just left him a code note and agreed that he would come here to meet him in ten years’ time.”

Hui Yuanai was silent for a while, and said bluntly, "But don't get too hopeful, after all, you didn't even say goodbye back then, and it's been more than forty years, maybe he's married, has children, and became a grandfather. "

"If that's the case, I'll be happy for him, even if I have a little regret..." Kinoki Fusae looked at the ginkgo leaf in her hand again, "In fact, I hope he can see this, not because he is unwilling, but because I wanted to secretly pass on what I didn’t say back then, what I wanted to tell him, and I was worried that going to him rashly would disturb his current life... I didn’t get married because I couldn’t forget it, and I didn’t come here every year. Painful, recalling the past, I am more motivated to work.”

Hui Yuanai looked up at the light and shadow of the ginkgo forest, and said with emotion, "That's right, the scenery of the ginkgo forest outside the school is very beautiful."

She also met warm people, so she probably understood.

Starting from Brother Feichi, then to Dr. Ali, and then Brother Feichi let her know the godmother, let her know what it feels like to live with her mother, and now she also knows Miss Kinoshita who is as warm in her heart. These memories are treasures .

So she understands Kinoshita Fusae's mood, the scenery of this ginkgo forest is very beautiful.

Kinoshita Fusae thought that Huibara Ai would not think too much like a child, but simply felt that the forest scenery was relaxing, and said with a smile, "It seems a little too complicated for me to tell the child."

Hui Yuanai didn't explain, looking at the golden leaves carved, suddenly thought of something, turned to look at Chi Feichi who had been playing with his phone with a cold face.

Although Brother Feichi likes to play games on his mobile phone, he is very measured. Miss Kinoshita has such a good relationship with her godmother, and she is talking about important things. Brother Feichi will definitely not keep playing with his mobile phone at this time.

The environment is special, and there is another possibility

Brother Feichi doesn't like yellow, not only yellow clothes, but also this golden ginkgo forest in autumn.

No wonder Brother Feichi didn't make a sound after getting off the car, and when they were chatting, he also stood aside and kept playing with his phone with his head down...

Billy just came back from buying drinks and gave them to a group of people.

Hui Yuanai took the drink and pulled Chi Feichi's clothes. After Chi Feichi squatted down, he asked in a low voice, "You keep looking at your phone, is it because you don't like the color of ginkgo? Just say no when you come here." Enough?"

"Don't tell mother." Chi Feichi said.

He wasn't sure if he thought yellow dazzled his eyes, or if it was a problem with his eyes. From the current point of view, Chi Kanai didn't have any special feelings for yellow. It might also be the influence of Sanwu Goldfinger, or the sequelae of time travel.

But no matter what, it's best not to let Chikana know.

If his cheap mother knew about it, she would definitely become tense again. Maybe it wouldn't be until tomorrow before he could think about how to hold his funeral.

Hui Yuanai was a little puzzled, "Why?"

"She can chat with Ms. Kinoshita, and I don't want to spoil the fun because of my preferences," Chi Feichi said without changing his expression, "And if she knows that I don't like yellow, maybe even the design will avoid yellow."

Avoid even the design, is it so serious?

Huihara Ai quietly looked at Chi Kanai who was talking to Kinoshita Fusae, and then at Chi Feichi, "So the godmother didn't know?"

Chi Feichi thought for a while, "Maybe I will find out a little bit, but I don't know how much I hate it."

"Then do you want to visit the school?" Haihara Ai heard that Chi Kanai told Kinoshita Fusae that she was in the first grade here, and said in a low voice, "By the way, I also want to take my godmother to see me going to school. The place."

Chi Feichi nodded, and retreated first, so as to improve his eyesight, and he also wanted to go to Didan Primary School.

Hui Yuanai turned to Chi Kane for an idea.

Because Kinoshita Fusa was worried that she would miss the meeting if she left the ginkgo forest, she decided to stay by her side, so only Chi Feichi and Mori went to Teidan Elementary School.

It was a holiday, and there were not many people in the school. After hearing what Hui Yuan Ai had said about the situation, the guard on duty allowed the four of them to visit the school, but he also helped find a teacher who was in the class next to Hui Yuan Ai to lead the way.

The four of them followed along, looking at the classroom of the first grade, and then entering the classroom of Class B of the first year to see the seats of Hui Yuanai and other members of the Boy Detective Team, to see the children's handicrafts at the back of the classroom, and to see the activity class In the classroom, look at the place where small animals and plants are raised...

The male teacher also praised Xiaolin Chengzi, commenting, "Although he is a young teacher, he is very responsible and energetic."

After one o'clock in the afternoon, when the four of them left the school, they found that Fusae Kinoshita seemed to have decided to squat in the ginkgo grove all the time, and had already asked Billy to buy fast food, and also bought the four of them.

After eating, Chi Feichi returned to the car, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to continue explaining snakes to Feichi.

He was telling the truth when he said that he didn't want to spoil the fun. His mother seemed to have a lot to talk to Fusae Kinoshita, anyway, he could pass the time wherever he was.

Ike Kanai and Kinoshita Fusae stood by the car, talking about their college days, the difficulties of the first few years before the release of the Fusae card, and occasionally gossip.

Seeing that Chi Feichi hid in the car by himself, accompanied by Mori, Huiyuan stood outside the car with a glass of Coke, listening to the chat between Chi Kanai and Kinoshita Fusae.

The sun gradually sank to the west, and the light shining in the ginkgo forest also became orange.

Chi Kane looked at the sky and asked slowly, "Are we going to wait until the sun goes down today?"

"Anyway, it's just one day every ten years. If I don't wait until the last second, I'm worried that I'll miss it because I'm impatient." Fusae Kinoshita drank coffee. Fly to France... How about you? How long will you be in Japan this time?"

"The online pre-sale of Umbrella's new mobile phone in Japan has already started. It seems that there is no need to worry about it, and I don't need my help to adjust the release plan. It will probably be a day late for you to leave," said Ike Kana, turning to look at his home The two children looked calm, so that's good, "The internal affairs of the Field Group have been straightened out. After two days of rest, I will probably go to the United States..."

"See you next time, it's probably time for Mr. Shinnosuke to receive an honor," Kinoshita Fusae said with a smile, "I have to think about what congratulatory gift I should prepare."

"When the time comes, you have to help prepare the banquet... By the way," Chi Kana looked at Fusae Kinoshita, "What's the name of the person you're waiting for? Before, I hoped that you could forget him, but if If you really can't let it go and you don't want to bother him, I can ask someone to confirm it for you, is it better to have a result than to wait all the time?"

Kinoshita Fushae quickly smiled and waved her hands, "It's not necessary, actually, I don't want to face the result that he has forgotten me. If I don't know, I can still wait with the best memories. I'm already fifty years old. Now, it doesn’t matter if you wait for the last time of your life, at least you can always have something to look forward to.”

"Is that so..." Chi Kane sighed lightly, and did not forcefully ask.

"But if you don't go to him, I can tell you," Kinoshita Fushae looked at the sky, silently counting down the countdown in her heart, her voice softened a lot, "His surname is A Li..."

Chi Kane and Hui Yuan Ai were startled, and turned their heads to look at each other.

Wait, there is a person with the surname A Li who is in his fifties, they know each other, shouldn't he...

"Hey, Conan, there seems to be no one here."

"Strange, my idea shouldn't be wrong..."

The voices of Yuantai and Conan came from not far away.

Chi Feichi put away his phone, ready to watch a movie.

There's so much fun to watch these days...

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