Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1183 The real reason for helping

"I see," Sato Miwako stood up, and smiled at Mitsui Keiichi's head teacher, "Thank you for the trouble."

"Where?" Mitsui Keiichi's homeroom teacher let go of Mitsui Keiichi's hand, lowered his head and said calmly, "You can go back."

After Mitsui Keiichi left, Mitsui Keiichi's head teacher also left.

Conan and the others outside the door saw Chi Feichi and the others come out, and hurried forward.

"How is it?" Mitsuhiko asked.

"Did Keiichi see the murderer's face?" Yuantai looked expectant.

Miwako Sato looked puzzled, "Well..."

Hui Yuanai understood at a glance, "It seems that there is no gain. Didn't he see the prisoner's face?"

"It should be said that he completely denied it, saying that he stayed at home yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the night before yesterday." Miwako Sato turned to look at Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi actually said that maybe he was wrong..."

"Huh?" The five children looked at Chi Feichi in surprise.

Gao Mushe glanced helplessly at Chi Feichi, with inexplicable resentment, "Obviously, he nodded to confirm that it was Keiichi's."

Conan suddenly became interested, and his little friend changed his words temporarily, it must not be that simple...

"Height, body shape, right hand will be hidden when walking with head down, the blue-green edge of the white baseball cap and the letter 'M' all match up, he is right," Chi Feichi looked at Miwako Sato and Takagi Wataru, "but He obviously didn't want to say it, and he resisted a little nervously, if I confirmed it was him at the time, would you still ask me?"

"Of course it's to persuade him..." Gao Mushe paused hesitantly, a little afraid to look at Chi Feichi's calm gaze.

Miwako Sato was silent for a while, and said seriously, "But Mr. Chi, if Keiichi saw the murderer's face, he might be threatened by the prisoner and change his words, and he might be in danger!"

Chi Feichi looked at the two speechlessly, "You all already know, if you still put him in danger, then you might as well hand in your resignation letter as soon as possible."

Miwako Sato was taken aback, and quickly laughed, "Please! Mr. Chi, don't say that, and if you can be kinder, you will be more pleasing to girls!"

Conan also smiled, his little friend is really gentle in his heart, "That's right, we can protect Keiichi secretly, not only to prevent him from being in danger, but maybe we can also take the opportunity to catch the murderer."

"This is indeed better than using pressure to force Keiichi to speak out." Hui Yuanai's eyes were soft, with a smile on his face, and he quickly touched his chin seriously, "He looks like the kind of shy and timid boy , if you know that the person you met last night may be a bad person, you should feel very safe in front of the police..."

"Could it have been threatened by the murderer?" Takagi She speculated.

"He is resisting and nervous, but he has no fear." Chi Feichi said.

"Hasn't the prisoner threatened him yet?" Conan was also thinking.

Yuan Tai guessed, "Could he be worried about being retaliated if he speaks out?"

"In short, while we are protecting Keiichi, we must not give up on the investigation," Miwako Sato said to Takagi. "The taxi driver said that the suspicious man was covering his left shoulder with his right hand. This is also a clue..."

"Ah!" Mitsuhiko exclaimed in surprise, "Mr. Matsuura we met this morning had this kind of action!"

Five children from the Boy Detectives provide clues.

The man surnamed Matsuura opened a coffee shop called 'Olive Tree' in front of Mihua Station. He said that he liked olive trees very much. He lived in the same area as Mitsui Keiichi, and his home was not far from the crime scene.

In the morning, Ayumi took the other members of the Boy Detective Team to see the caterpillars. The four caterpillars happened to grow on the olive tree of Matsuura's house. Matsuura used his right hand to cover his left shoulder at the time, saying that it was because he had frozen shoulder.

"Actually, there is another suspicious person." Seeing Takagi taking notes, Conan simply said directly, "Mr. Yoshikawa, a clerk at a convenience store near the school..."

"Mr. Yoshikawa?" Takagi was puzzled.

"Haihara would go to that convenience store to read magazines after school, so I knew him, and he rented a house at Mr. Matsuura's house," Conan explained. "When we saw him in the morning, he had just returned from the convenience store. Knowing that the police went to Mr. Shimura’s house, that’s what he said, but when going back to Mr. Matsuura’s house from that convenience store, he never passed by Mr. Shimura’s house on the way, which means that he went to see Mr. Shimura’s house specially.”

Takagi She recorded it and guessed, "Could it be that someone on the road said that something happened there, so I went to have a look?"

Conan nodded and didn't say any more.

It was possible, but he still felt that Yoshikawa was not without suspicion...

"Anyway, let's ask people to find out about the situation of those two people first, and protect Keiichi by the way," Sato Miwako said to Takagi, "The murderer may remember the looks of our two policemen, we'd better do a disguise ..."

"And us!" Yuan Tai said hastily.

Mitsuhiko nodded immediately, "Yes, we can protect Keiichi too!"

"Hey, hey," Takagi She saw that the three children were so active, and waved his hands sweatingly, "You don't want to get involved..."

"Don't underestimate us, we are the Boys' Detective Team," Ayumi insisted, "and with the help of Brother Chi, there will be absolutely no problem."

Takagi She: "..."

If Mr. Chi can help...

Miwako Sato: "..."

If the murderer dared to attack Gui, he would definitely lie in a miserable bed... No, no, Mr. Chi is not a policeman, why should he help them take risks.

"I plan to go to the airport to book a ticket to Kyushu." Chi Feichi found a reason to refuse.


The three children of the Boy Detective Team were surprised, and even Hui Yuanai was a little surprised.

Gao Mushe was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's right, I've troubled you all morning."

"Mr. Chi, if you have something to do, go and do it first," Sato Miwako also said, "Thank you for coming to help!"

Chi Feichi nodded, turned and left.

He remembered this case, the murderer was that Yoshikawa, so there was no need to follow the elementary school students through it.

If you have that time, wouldn't it be nice to meet up with gin, or go to the training ground to play with guns...

Seeing Chi Feichi leave without looking back, the three children sighed with regret.

"Brother Chi, isn't he going to help..."

"It's okay, we can do it ourselves!"

"That's right, you can't always rely on Brother Chi!"

"No!" Miwako Sato bent down to look at the three children, and said with a straight face, "Just leave this matter to the police!"

Conan took the opportunity to look around, and suddenly found that Hui Yuanai was gone, and Ban Yueyan followed suit.


Outside the school, just as Chi Feichi walked onto the street, Hui Yuanai chased after him.

"Are you really going to leave it alone?" Hui Yuanai looked up at Chi Feichi, "For the sake of that child, you can deny that it was him you saw. If you continue to help, he and everyone else will be safer, right? ?”

"Officer Sato and the others underestimated the seriousness of the matter." Chi Feichi continued to walk forward, "That child is introverted and sensitive. If he sees the murderer but doesn't speak out, he will hate his timidity or selfishness in his heart, and he is guilty of the crime himself. If you are told that you are lying on the spot, it will not only be a very embarrassing thing, but you will also feel that you are despicable. Once you say it under pressure, you will be relieved, and you will hate your own cowardice even more. Self-denial is a person. Strange circles, depression is also, sometimes stuck in, it will be difficult to get out..."

Hui Yuanai followed Chi Feichi, surprised that Chi Feichi had thought so much. She and everyone else thought that Chi Feichi just didn't want to see Guiyi being questioned, but after thinking about it, what Chi Feichi said made sense. Things could really be that serious.

"If I had insisted that I saw him at that time, maybe he would have been ruined for the rest of his life," Chi Feichi said in a low voice as he walked, "Although it is only a possibility, it is only a matter of saying that I was wrong. It’s better to cut off that possibility directly.”

Hui Yuanai followed, but decided to tell the truth directly, and turned to look at Chi Feichi, "The child's mother passed away half a year ago, and it's because you understand better how disturbed a child will be without a mother around, and it's not a short-term separation. ?”

Chi Feichi paused, and turned to look at Hui Yuanai.

He didn't think much about it just now. After all, it was just a matter of one sentence. He might think about that child on a whim. That child is quite cute.

Hearing what Haibara Ai said, when he saw Mitsui Keiichi's introverted look and concealed nervousness, he seemed to think of the original consciousness body.

During the period of six months to a year after the parents left, the original consciousness did not look as timid as Mitsui Keiichi, but deep down there should be a figure exactly like the original consciousness.

Every time he faced the outside world and faced changes that he had never seen before, that figure clenched his hands as Keiichi Mitsui did at that time, suppressing the panic and anxiety in his heart, helpless, but he still had to deal with it bravely.

Probably because of this, he wanted to take more care of Keiichi Mitsui.

Hui Yuanai was nervous, but did not avoid Chi Feichi's gaze, and stared at Chi Feichi seriously and stubbornly.

Soon, Chi Feichi glanced over Hui Yuanai, and looked at the alley behind, "When are you going to follow?"

Hui Yuanai immediately turned his head to look.

Conan came out and said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I didn't eavesdrop on purpose, but I saw Huiyuan sneaking up behind me, so I wanted to follow up to see..."

At another alley, Mitsui Keiichi walked out timidly with his head down, "I, I didn't eavesdrop on purpose."

Conan looked at Keiichi Mitsui: "?"

So he wasn't the only one following up?

Hui Yuanai sighed speechlessly, "It seems that relying on them for protection is really not very reliable."

The protection targets followed them out quietly, but the protection team didn't notice it?

Chi Feichi didn't look at the two who followed secretly, and said sadly to Huiyuan, "That's right."

Hui Yuanai didn't react for a while, she was a little confused, "That's right?"

"The answer to the question you just asked." Chi Feichi explained.

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi's calm face and felt that his brain was even more chaotic.

Brother Feichi's speed of turning away and back is really fast and abrupt, but that's not the point.

The point is, Brother Feichi actually admitted it?

She thought that Brother Feichi would not admit it, even if he did, he would show a sad and emotional expression, and talk to her about his feelings seriously, but Brother Feichi actually admitted it so calmly?

She felt so unreal.

Could it be that Brother Feichi really doesn't care now?

Conan thought about it, and felt that it was not surprising that Chi Feichi was calm, and that children would feel uneasy when they were away from their mothers, so that seemed nothing strange. He just followed behind and thought it was a big secret, which seemed a bit hypocritical, "Kuiyi, why don't you follow along? gone?"

Haibara Ai:"……"

Could it be that Edogawa couldn't empathize, or was he influenced by Brother Feichi's calm and unrestrained appearance?

No, wait, isn't it her who is abnormal? In fact, she has been too sentimental recently?

... thinking gradually confused.

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