Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1184 Is this confirming information?

Chi Feichi didn't think much, and looked at Mitsui Keiichi.

Be it flustered or nervous, it's all the past of the original consciousness, it has nothing to do with him, and it's been so long, and there is no one here who can make fun of him, so let's admit it.

If there is someone who makes fun of him, he will let that person disappear, which is equivalent to no one.

So don't worry about it.

The original consciousness gave him the memory and most of the emotions in the memory, which is also special in his heart. Maybe it can be called another self in the world. After seeing Keiichi Mitsui, a child who is somewhat similar to the original consciousness , as long as it does not affect some of his own interests, he is willing to take care of it.

"I want to ask big brother, why did you lie for me?" Mitsui Keiichi looked up at Chi Feichi, then quickly lowered his head, "I heard something just now, although I don't understand it, but I also understand that big brother Brother should be thinking about me."

Hui Yuanai continued to fall into confusion, still thinking about whether she was abnormal or everyone else was abnormal.

"I... I'm really guilty," Keiichi Mitsui stammered, "I'm sorry, I lied because I was worried about being retaliated."

"No one blames you. There are many adults who dare not tell the truth to the police because they are worried about being retaliated by criminals. Didn't there be reports in the newspapers two days ago?" Conan smiled and comforted, even pretending that children took it for granted He said in a calm tone, "We are children, so it's normal to worry about being retaliated by prisoners."

Hui Yuan mourned, and decided not to think about it, the matter in front of him was important.

Also, she discovered that it is risky to explore Brother Feichi's thoughts, just like discussing philosophical issues with Brother Feichi, so be careful not to go crazy first.

Keiichi Mitsui looked up at Chi Feichi, then at Haibara Ai and Conan, and found that the three of them did not look at him strangely, and felt a lot more relieved, "Thank you, before my mother passed away, let me live a good life." , I also promised her that I would help her take care of her favorite olive trees and rose flowers, take good care of my father, and visit her every month. I was very worried that I would die, so I couldn't complete my promise to her. Promised."

Hui Yuanai felt emotional when he heard it, couldn't help lowering his voice, and patiently persuaded, "But the murderer has never been caught, and you will be in danger if you see him. If the police think you are irrelevant and don't think about it If you protect you, your situation will be more dangerous."

"So I'm hesitating," Keiichi Mitsui hesitated for a moment, but still confessed, "Actually, I did another bad thing. Some time ago, I found caterpillars growing on the olive tree my mother left behind. It was very small, if it was eaten by caterpillars, it might not survive, and I couldn't bear to kill those caterpillars, so... I cut off the branches where the caterpillars were. From the night of four days ago, a One moved to the olive tree of Mr. Matsuura’s house, I thought, his olive tree is so big, it doesn’t matter if the caterpillars eat it at all, but I feel very sorry for Mr. Matsuura.”

"No wonder Mr. Matsuura said that he didn't see any caterpillars when he watered four days ago," Haibara Ai said thoughtfully, "Ayumi also said that he found caterpillars four days ago, and every day he found one Smaller ones, very regular."

"Then last night, you appeared on the street so late, was it also to move the caterpillar?" Conan said, "So you denied to the police that you went out, and said that you did not go out yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the night before the day before yesterday .”

"Hmm..." Mitsui Kei nodded, "I just moved the caterpillar over last night and planned to take a detour to go home. When I arrived in front of the old grandfather's house, I bumped into that man, and then there was another car Come here, I ran home in a hurry because I was worried that people would find out that I had done something bad."

"Then, have you seen that man's appearance?" Conan asked quickly.

Mitsui Keiichi looked around and saw no one was around, so he said, "It's Uncle Yoshikawa who works in a convenience store."

"It's him," Haibara Ai was a little surprised, and imitated the childish tone of a child to Kei Mitsui, "It's best to tell the police, he is the worst villain, if the police can catch him If so, Keiichi is like the righteous Kamen Rider!"

"Yes, is it?" Mitsui Keiichi was a little embarrassed, "Mr. Police Officer and the others..."

"I called them to sneak over." Conan smiled, took out his phone, and said seriously, "Brother Chi, Huiyuan, Keiichi's safety is in your hands."

Ten minutes later, Takagi and Miwako Sato made a disguise and quietly went to the alley to meet a group of people.

Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko also came with me.

"It's really disgusting, Brother Chi, you are acting alone again!"

"Conan, it's the same with you and Haibara, we are the boy detective team."

"Sorry," Hui Yuanai yawned insincerely, "but today is just a coincidence."

Chi Feichi really didn't want to dawdle anymore, so he said to Takagi Shepherd and Sato Miwako, "Officer Takagi, Officer Sato, then I'll leave this place to you."

"Ah, yes!" Gao Mushe nodded quickly.

"Go and do your work," Miwako Sato smiled and waved her hands, "We are professionals in catching bad guys!"

Conan watched Chi Feichi leave with a smile on his face again.

Haibara looked at Conan, "You seem to be in a good mood today?"

Conan withdrew his gaze and smiled gloatingly, "Of course, Brother Chi has gone to Kyushu, so you don't have to worry about him always bringing disasters to Mihua Town!"

Actually not.

Before he became small, he was known as "a famous high school detective" and "Sherlock Holmes in the Heisei era". suicide.

Thinking about it now, he is still annoyed. Before that, he ignored other people's feelings.

It was the same that time, if he could have noticed Asai Makoto's hesitation and contradiction earlier, if he could have seen the sadness in Asai Makoto's eyes earlier, he would have been able to prevent all that from happening.

He always felt that there was a guy walking ahead of him, who was still a 'heretic' who didn't worship Holmes... Then it was normal for him to be upset.

Haibara Ai looked at Conan who was smirking speechlessly, "You can encounter murder cases everywhere you go, and you almost won the perfect attendance award, it seems that you have no right to criticize others, right?"

Conan: "..."

He is the case calling!


At six o'clock in the afternoon, a flight departed from Narita Airport to Kyushu.

On the plane, a man wearing a cap sat by the window and wore a mask, coughing from time to time.

Outside the airport, Chi Feichi, who had changed Lark's face, raised his eyes to watch the plane take off, turned around, got into the car behind him, and headed for Shibuya District.

Base No. 0331, the guards received the news in advance and let the black car go to the tall building without hindrance.

"Thank you, drive the car to the parking lot for inspection, you go to the fifth floor."

Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice, opened the door and got out of the car.

"Okay!" The man in sunglasses who was driving nodded, and drove to the entrance of the parking lot next to him.

After Chi Fei entered the building late, he took out his mobile phone and dialed, and went to the passageway left by the core members.

The phone rang twice and was answered.

"I have arrived."

Chi Feichi said something straight to the point, stretched out his hand and pressed the detection screen of the electronic door, scanned his palm prints and walked in the door.

The door closed quickly behind him with an indistinct click.

"Bermode is confirming the information and will not join us. Chianti and Cohen have arrived in the morning, and they should be at the sniper training ground." Gin on the phone also said the situation directly, "Vodka and I will be in half an hour Now, Keir will have about forty minutes, are you going to go free or go to the sniper training ground to find Chianti and Cohen?"

"I'll go to see the recent training results, and then go to the sniper training ground."

"We'll meet at the training ground later."


Chi Feichi hung up the phone, got on the elevator, and looked down at a newly received email on his phone.

What Belmode sent was a picture of a nameless squatting on the floor, and there was another sentence:

[Your cat was kidnapped by me, and a ransom of 100 million yen will be paid within three days, otherwise I will not guarantee that it will leave alive. ——Vermouth】

This is Belmode who was confirming the information in Gin's mouth.

[Please tear up the ticket. ——Raki]

After Chi Feichi replied the email, he put away his phone.

You don't need to think about it, probably Wuming, who was basking in the sun on the street, discovered Belmode. Considering his friendship, he went to eat and drink with Belmode, otherwise Belmode would never have found Wuming who was wandering around.

Now that Wuming has found a free meal ticket, if he doesn't eat it for free, maybe he can let Belmode help take care of it by the way.

Although cats don't need to bathe frequently, and frequent bathing is not good for cats, but Wuming fights outside every day, and there are places that he can't take care of, so he still has to clean them up after a long time.

It's great that Belmod came, but then again, with his unknown skills, he can find someone who can help him when he needs it, and he slips away after cheating, eating, drinking or taking care of him, showing his true qualities as a scumbag.


In Shinjuku District, in the living room of a European-style building, Wuming squatted on the dining table, eating canned fish slowly.

In front of the single-person bar on the side, Belmode had just taken a shower, sat on a high chair in a bathrobe, poured himself a glass of wine, picked up his mobile phone, read the reply email, got up and walked to the dining table, and put Putting the phone in front of Wuming, "Wuming, your master has no intention of paying a ransom at all!"

"Meow?" Wuming looked at the reply on the phone, lazily continued to eat canned food with his head down.

It didn't feel any malice from Belmod. We were still a member of the injured mutual aid, and even it didn't think that Belmod would hurt it. Belmod still wanted to scare its big demon master? impossible.

Seeing that Wuming didn't respond, Belmode didn't find it strange. It would be strange if the cat reacted.

She didn't expect to meet Wuming in the alley outside when she came back from the investigation tonight.

Although she put on a face-changing face and made a disguise, the smell obviously couldn't hide from animals like cats.

Seeing Wuming squatting on the top of the wall and watching her, she brought Wuming back. After all, it was a cat she knew. He also provided her with 'grunt' therapy when her ribs were broken, and it had to be eaten.

Afterwards, she checked whether the wound on Wuming's abdomen was healed, and she also found that the hair on Wuming's neck was a little sticky, so she had to help him take a bath.

She was worried about Wuming scratching her at first, but the bathing process was unexpectedly easy, Wuming didn't show any resistance at all, which made her feel trusted.

That guy Lak is really serious about throwing such an obedient cat outside, saying it is a free range, but she feels quite irresponsible anyway, and she is not worried that the cat will be hit by a car if it is hungry or sick...

When she was still wearing the identity of Sharon Wynyard, she would have no problem raising the cat until the end, but now she can't do it anymore. She investigates everywhere by herself. Taking a cat is easy to be exposed, and it is not safe to be anonymous. Once someone finds her Pay attention to Wuming, Wuming may be captured and used as bait.

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