Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1185 I feel like I've been scumbag

Belmode reached out and touched the soft hair on Wuming's back, turned around and returned to the bar, and replied to the email:

[The ransom can also be discounted, don't you want to discuss it? Ver touch]


[No need to discuss, please tear up the ticket. Raki]

Belmode: "..."

Pretty ruthless!

After eating the canned fish and drinking water, Wuming jumped off the dining table, gave a 'meow' to Belmode, and walked towards the open window.

"Aren't you going to stay with me for one night?" Belmode put down his phone and followed, and went to the window first, reaching out to hug Wuming who jumped on the window, "Tonight I'm"

Wuming dexterously avoided Belmode's hand, jumped out of the window, and happily ran into the night without looking back.

Tonight it has to take the younger brothers to grab the territory!

Belmode: "..."

Why did she feel like she was being scumbag?

Heh, pretty ruthless like that bastard Lark.


When Bellmode's mood took a turn for the worse, Chi Feichi went to read the training report and took the elevator upstairs to the sniper training ground.

Pusheng Caixiang's recent training results and cultural class scores have actually improved. Perhaps it is due to the lack of assessment pressure, or it may be because she has adapted to the learning rhythm and made up a part of her foundation, and her scores have improved greatly.

As for the other people, until now, there are three males and females left, some are cunning and cunning, some are amazingly skilled, and training in this closed environment has been controlled by the managers arranged by the organization for a long time. There is also a strong obedience or fear.

Everyone is better than Urao Ayaka, and some are even better than Midorikawa Saki and Takatori Yano. Unfortunately, these six people, like Numabuchi Kiichiro, were already targeted by the police before they were selected. .

Being on the most wanted warrant or the list of suspects, the value of oneself will be lowered by the risk. In the later stage, as long as there are problems in the evaluation of personality defects, obedience, etc., the only way is to be thrown as an experimental product.

However, most of the fate of these people had already been decided when they entered this base, so he didn't want to care about it.

On the contrary, Belmode, who came back this time, actually joked with him, and seemed to be in a good mood.

He is also in a good mood these two days. After all, he can make troubles, kill Conan, make troubles, kill Ke...

Wait, Conan doesn't seem to be able to kill...

No, it's not that you can't try to kill the Shinigami pupil...

Sniper training ground.

A simulated image is projected around, and the changing airflow in the space simulates the wind direction and speed.

Chianti aimed at the man in the video walking among the cheering crowd and pulled the trigger.

"call out!"

The man who had just stepped onto the podium had a blood hole in his forehead, and exclamations came from the crowd.

"Five hundred yards, pass the level," Chianti smiled contentedly, watched the projection dissipate, turned his head and shouted to Cohen on the platform not far away, "It's up to you next!"

When Chi Feichi walked through the aisle to the training ground, Cohen just raised his gun.

A morning park is projected all around.

The lake is green, with lush vegetation, quiet and quiet. A car is parked by the lake, and a bodyguard wearing sunglasses is standing beside the car. There are two people on the lake who are boating and fishing.

Chianti and Cohen focused on the people on the boat, not noticing that Chi Feichi, whose footsteps were inaudible, had arrived at the rear.

Chi Feichi didn't bother, walked to the guardrail and watched the two sniping.

Among the remaining people, if they have high obedience and a sniper level that can reach more than 500 yards and kill with one shot, they can still be reused.

They are too short of good snipers.

However, judging from the assessment results, the three basic points of 'sniper basic knowledge', 'calculation of wind difference influence and distance measurement', and 'lurking travel' eliminated four people, and among the remaining two people, 'choose Tactical maneuver route', 'constructing shooting position', 'covert entry and withdrawal', 'accurate interpretation of maps and photos' are all fine, but in 'observation and discovery of hidden targets', 'long-term latent endurance', 'sniper distance' ' Something went wrong.

One can reach 500 yards and kill with one blow, but has poor endurance and obedience, and is easily affected by the environment, and his performance will fluctuate accordingly.

The other has weak observation ability and also has problems with the sniping distance. If it exceeds 450 yards, it cannot hit the target with one blow.

The former has the physical fitness of a sniper, but fails to possess the psychological quality of a sniper, and the latter has the mental quality of a sniper, but fails to possess the physical fitness of a sniper. In the next test, if the two people do not improve significantly , it will be eliminated.

After all, 500 yards is just an entry requirement. No matter how much he complains about Chianti and Cohen, these two people can hit anywhere with 500 yards...

"call out!"

After Cohen pulled the trigger, one of the people rafting in the projection was pierced through the back of the head and fell forward into the lake.

Chianti observed the target with a telescope, turned to Cohen and smiled, "It's really you!"

Gin brought vodka into the training ground, and also did not disturb him. He walked to Chi Feichi's side and stood in front of the guardrail to watch.

The high-rise buildings of the late-night city were projected all around, and Chianti aimed at the passing train and pulled the trigger.

After the target is hit, the projection dissipates.

"Six hundred yards, pass!" Chianti turned and smiled at Cohen, "They say Kevin Brown will die three times!"

"Four times." Cohen raised his sniper rifle.

In front of the guardrail, Vodka smiled at Gin in a low voice, "It's pretty good, brother."

Gin didn't say a word, looking at the projection of the crowded gymnasium.

Chi Feichi didn't make any comments. After reading the training and assessment records, he now sees what Chianti and Cohen like.

"call out!"

After Cohen pulled the trigger, a bullet sank into the back of the chair next to the target's head.

"Hahaha... What a pity!" Chianti laughed and raised his gun to aim, "As long as I can pass the level, I will win!"

"call out!"

The bullet flew out, knocking off the popcorn bucket on the table in front of the target, more than Cohn.

"It seems that six hundred yards is the limit." Vodka said.

"Let's stop here." Qin Jiu turned and prepared to leave.

"Gin!" Chianti hurriedly called out to stop Gin, "Wait a minute, let's do it again!"

Chi Feichi walked out over Gin and said in a hoarse voice, "Conference Room 1?"

"Ah, you go first, Kiel is coming soon," Gin replied, looking sideways at Chianti behind him, "There is no need to try again, Chianti..."

Chianti froze for a moment, gritted his teeth unwillingly.

Gin continued, "This time the prey is at most two or three hundred yards away."

Chianti was overjoyed, "So..."

"Chianti, Cohen, work!"

As Qin Jiu said, he turned his eyes away and walked out, "Gather in meeting room 1, let me tell you about the prey."


The meeting room is not big. After setting up a long table and chairs for ten people, there is basically not much space left, but the whole is quite technological, and the wall in front of it is shining with a faint blue light.

Chi Feichi arrived at the meeting room first, saw the map of the Ichikawa Bridge area still on the table, stepped forward, and picked it up.

No one cleaned up the map I used last time...

When Mizuruna entered the door, she looked up and saw a tall figure in black standing by the table, looking down at the map in her hand.

While calmly walking towards the table, Shui Wurena looked at the pair of indifferent blue eyes under the blond hair on the other's forehead, moved her gaze down, looked at the map in the other's hand, and smiled, "It seems that you I'm not reconciled to that action, Lark."

Chi Feichi put the map back on the table, his hoarse voice was like iron sand grinding rusty metal, "It's a pity."

Shui Wurenai found a seat and sat down, put her right hand on the table casually, and looked at Chi Feichi with a smile, "So, will you participate in this action as well?"

Chi Feichi also pulled away the chair next to him and sat down, "I'm just watching the fun."

"You don't want to stand by and watch..."

Gin came in with vodka, "You need to confirm what is needed for the action."

"That seems to be about Rum." Chi Feichi said.

The electronic voice that used the voice changer sounded: "Don't think of me as the head of the logistics department..."

"Isn't it?" Chi Feichi replied immediately.

Vodka couldn't help grinning like a fool.

Rum: "..."

In some respects, he seems to be in charge of logistics, but he is the No.2 of the organization...

Lak's attitude that should be taken for granted has misunderstood him quite deeply!

The microphone was silent for a second, "I have something to confirm recently, and the information on your actions has been confirmed, and you should be able to handle the rest."

"Yeah, you don't have to worry about it now," Gin Jiu said calmly, pulled out his chair and sat down, then turned to ask Chi Feichi, "Luck, you went to see the training situation, how do you feel?"

"There are six people left," Chi Feichi hissed, "After watching, the intracranial pressure increased a little."

"Increased intracranial pressure?" Vodka was puzzled, pulled a chair and sat down.

"One of the obvious symptoms of increased intracranial pressure is a sudden, severe headache that continues to worsen." Rena Mizumura took up the topic with a smile, "It seems that those people's training effects are not very good, but Lark, what you said today is really good. It's bad enough, shouldn't it be in a bad mood?"

Vodka really wanted to say, "Lack is usually damaged, but you don't know it", but after thinking about it, he remained silent.

Gin lowered his head and took out a cigarette, and said, "It should be said that you are in a good mood?"

Chi Feichi didn't deny it, looked at the map on the table, his expression didn't change, and said softly in a hoarse voice, "After all, people who meddle in their own business are annoying."

He doesn't expect to assassinate Tumen Kanghui, what he expects is to kill Conan, but that expectation is only, and only he knows, there must be some special reason.

Domon Kanghui and Adrian are the same kind of person, with a strong sense of justice, a lot of influence in politics, and likes to meddle in business. Adrian once sabotaged his action of besieging and killing Akai Shuichi. He hates Adrian and Tumen It is normal for Men Kanghui to expect Tumen Kanghui to die soon.

"Hmph..." Qin Jiu laughed in a low voice, lit a cigarette, and when he turned to look at Chi Feichi, there was still a hint of a smile on his lips, "Then shall I give you the chance to shoot?"

Chianti, who had just entered the door, was in a hurry, "Hey, Gin, didn't you agree to let me and Cohen come this time?"

Cohen looked at Chi Feichi who was sitting behind the desk, and began to think about it.

Judging from the situation of Lak's simulated sniping last time, Lak's sniper level is generally better than theirs. Not only is the fatal distance of a single blow farther than them, but also the speed of aiming and calculation is faster than them.

If it is more than 600 yards, he and Chianti have no hope of grabbing the head, but if it is two or three hundred yards away, they can still try...

"No," Chi Feichi refused without much thought, "That's not the goal I'm most looking forward to."

Chianti thought about his impatience just now, and felt a little embarrassed, but he still didn't say anything, stepped forward and pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Since everyone is here, let's talk about the action..." Gin didn't continue talking, looking at Rena Mizumu, "Keil, the time has been set, right?"

"That's right," Mizuruna said, "The meeting time is definitely on December 3rd, which is the day after tomorrow, at 1:00 p.m., at Kubado Park..."

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