Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1187 This discovery is too sudden

"But, isn't there another time on Tuesday?" Mori Kogoro stared at the little boy in surprise, "Are you still skipping class?"

"No," Conan helped explain, "The second Monday in October is sports day, and it is also the last day of consecutive holidays. Generally, elementary schools will hold sports games on that day, and the following Tuesday will be a holiday."

Mao Lilan bent down and asked the little boy, "So, did you put a bottle of sleeping pills at the door to let Miss Shuiwu have a good sleep?"

The little boy nodded, "Yes, because my mother said that if you eat that, you will sleep well."

Shui Wurenai stepped forward, knelt down in front of the little boy, and asked doubtfully, "But why? Why are you paying so much attention to me?"

"Because you are very similar..." The little boy lowered his head, trying to hide his sad expression, but he still couldn't help but look up at Shuiwu Rennai, his voice choked up, "Because you are very similar to my mother, my mother, she had a car accident last year died……"

Mori Kogoro and Mao Lilan were stunned, for a moment they didn't know what to say to comfort them.

Conan also looked at the little boy silently, panicking in his heart.

He thought of Mitsui Keiichi, he remembered what Haibara Ai said that day, "I feel uneasy about losing his mother", and he thought of Chi Feichi's frank admission that this boy, after his mother passed away, was probably also very uneasy, right?

Uneasy, sad, and confused, that's why I want to see Rena Mizumu who is very similar to my mother.

He suddenly felt that the uncle was really not gentle just now.

The little boy lowered his head, his eyes filled with tears, but he tried his best to hold back, " I..."

Renai Shuiwu stretched out her hands and put them on the little boy's shoulders. Seeing the boy looking up at her, she said softly, "Little brother, I can understand how sad you feel about losing your mother, but if you keep thinking about your mother like this, you My mother in the sky will be worried, since you are a boy, you should be stronger, so, don’t come here again, for your mother’s sake, and for your own sake... Do you understand?”

"Hmm..." The little boy saw that Shui Wurena was so gentle, although he still didn't understand some things, he still knew that he should be strong, nodded, wiped away his tears, and ran to the corridor, "Goodbye, big sister! "

"Goodbye." Shui Wurenai said softly and stood up, looking at the back of the little boy running away, her eyes were filled with tears.

Mao Lilan turned her head to see, a little worried, "Miss Rena Mizumu?"

Rena Mizumura wiped away her tears quickly, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, because I used to have a younger brother who was about the same age as him... Ah, yes, Mr. Mori, I should pay for your investigation, right?"

"No need," Mori Kogoro said with a smile, "We even entertained you for dinner."

Shui Wuliannai didn't want to owe others, insisted, "At least a little kindness."

"Is that so?" Mori Kogoro scratched his head embarrassingly, and then rubbed his hands with a smile, "Otherwise, it's fine, I'll email you my account number later, and you can give me your email address, okay? Ha ha……"

Conan Banyueyan, this old man who can't see beautiful women...

After asking for Rena Mizumu's email address, Mori Kogoro took his daughter and Conan away, went to the parking lot where they parked, and walked down the street, still complaining without interest.

"Really, why is it such a boring case."

"Isn't that good?" Mao Lilan smiled, "It's not malicious harassment."

"I think it's good too!" Conan turned his head and said with a smile, and found that a drop of water fell on the shoulder of his clothes, and looked up at the sky.

The sky, which had been gloomy since dawn, finally began to rain.

After Mori Kogoro and others left, Mizuruna also packed up his things and went out. When the door was closed, Conan's bug that was glued to the outer wall at the lower corner of the door fell off, and just happened to be stepped on by Minzurena. Messenger and listening devices stuck to the soles of Rena Minato's shoes.

On the street, Conan heard the sound of the bug, and then remembered that he forgot to take back the bug, and hurriedly turned and ran to Mizuna Rena's apartment, "I forgot something at that big sister's house, uncle, you go first Wait for me in the parking lot!"

"Hey——Conan!" Mao Lilan turned her head and found that Conan had already run far away, and the small figure was quickly blocked by the crowd.


Hearing the sound of the heel hitting the ground over there, Conan was a little embarrassed.

Could it be that Ms. Rena Mizumu stepped on it?


After the mobile phone started ringing, the unhurried footsteps continued, accompanied by the sound of the mobile phone's keystrokes, vaguely forming a melody.


Conan, who was running in the rain, suddenly changed his face.

The melody of the first line of "Seven Children"!

Could it be that the hostess is from that organization?

This discovery was so sudden!

In the parking lot over there, Rena Mizumura came to her car, took out her vibrating cell phone, and answered the call, "Hi... I'm sorry, I turned off the phone because something happened... Don't worry, It's not a serious problem, I just sent an email to tell that person about the matter... well, no problem, let's meet at the agreed ten o'clock, Gin."

In the rain, Conan was running and pressed the position of the transmitter on his glasses. Hearing this name, he finally stopped in astonishment, and a long-haired silver-haired figure with a rampant grin appeared in his mind.

After recovering, Conan immediately called Dr. Ali to pick him up without telling Haibara Ai, and then called Mao Lilan, saying that he wanted to go to the tropical paradise with Dr. Ali, and asked Mao Lilan and Mori Kogoro to go back first.


9:45 am.

In the area where there are many buildings in Kudocho, a black car turned around the intersection and drove into the parking lot.

In the back seat of the car, Belmode, wearing sunglasses, lowered his head, answered the email on his mobile phone, and dialed the phone again.

"Gin Jiu, we have arrived... Yes, the layout outside has been confirmed, and there is no problem with safety... Ok, come here quickly..."

In the front seat, Chi Feichi looked down at the video with his mobile phone while facing Lak's disguised face.

This is the video that was shot and sent by the peripheral member he arranged to go to Kyushu.

Since he said that he went to Kyushu, he should know the situation in Kyushu these two days, even if no one will ask, he must be prepared.

Early this morning, during his chat, he sent a video of a crowd of people at the sale site yesterday to acquaintances such as Hui Yuanai and Dr. Ali. It took less than 10 seconds, but it was considered to be a forged evidence of him in Kyushu...

In addition, the mobile phone used to communicate with those people outside was turned off by him after 7 o'clock this morning, and he has been using the mobile phone used to communicate with other organization members.

Those who know his identity, Gin and Belmode, have two numbers, so there is no need to worry about not being able to get in touch, or that people like Conan will call suddenly.

After Belmode hung up the phone, he looked up at the front seat, "Gin and the others have come, as agreed before, we will meet at ten o'clock to confirm the plan, but the mobile phone... is their property anyway, you don't plan to support it ?"

Chi Feichi changed into a hoarse voice, "I'll talk about it later."

At the beginning of time travelling, he disliked touch-screen mobile phones, but now that he is used to them, he began to dislike touch-screen mobile phones.

Blind typing with a touch-screen mobile phone is not as convenient as a key-press mobile phone, but the times are developing, and it is impossible for him to reject it. It is better to change it after a while when touch-screen mobile phones are almost popularized.

"The mobile phone looks good, but it may not be easy for some old antiques to get used to..." Belmode crossed his legs with a smile, leaned forward, and asked mysteriously, "Luck, don't you ask?" Me, is your cat still alive?"

From the morning before yesterday until now, she had been working with Lak every day, but Lak hadn't said a word about Wuming's situation.

With the master being so cold, it's no wonder that Wuming left after eating, probably because the master usually has the virtue of 'feeding and driving away'.

Yes, definitely not the nameless scum, but the nameless master scum.

Chi Feichi exited the video and put away his phone, "Then is it still alive?"

He knows best whether Wuming is alive or not. Last night, Wuming's group of cats called Feimo to take a team of crows to grab the territory. As a result, they fought and the two groups of cats started playing by themselves, and Feimo called out in anger. The three golden eagles went up to have a meal. Early this morning, Feimo personally ran outside the door of No. 119. When he went out, he screamed and scolded the cat clan for being unreliable. Let the golden eagle solve it quickly.

"I don't know if I'm alive or not," Belmode said speechlessly to someone's attitude of "since you mentioned it, I'll just ask casually", straightened up, and leaned back in the seat, "But I don't Whatever you do, we have taken care of each other..."

Hearing the sound of a car driving into the parking lot, both of them stopped.

A moment later, the black Porsche 356A parked in the vacated space next to it without turning off the engine.

"Have you confirmed the situation near ADP?" Qin Jiu asked aloud.

"Don't worry, everyone has already passed. If the police suddenly ran over during the operation, we will receive a message to evacuate in advance," Belmode took out his mobile phone to look at the new email, and continued, "Chianti and Cohen It's here too, but, having said that...the abbreviation of ADP, shouldn't Lak come up with it?"

Chi Feichi knew why Belmode asked such a question.

ADP means Kudo Park, P means park, and AD is the abbreviation of Edward.

The reason why Belmode said this is because the Japanese pronunciation of Kudo Park is the same as that of Hyde Park. The combination of AD and Kudo is Edward Hyde, which is the short story "Dr. Avatar" by the British writer Robert Louis Stevenson. protagonist in .

The content is roughly that the scholar Henry Jack has long been trapped by the duality of his personality. The kind and self-disciplined self is often ashamed of the evil and indulgent behavior, while the evil and indulgent self is often dissatisfied with the restraint of the kind and self-discipline. In order to alleviate this contradiction Psychologically, Jack tried to separate the two with drugs. After the experiment was successful, the evil self had a way to take over the dominance of the body and became a villain named 'Edward Hyde'. He also continued to transform between the two forms, and finally Suicide in pain and despair.

Simply put, Jack and Edward Hyde are the same person, and the protagonist is a multiple personality patient.

Gin gloated inexplicably, "I didn't mean to."

Chi Feichi looked calm, "I'm different from that guy."

angry? Feeling ridiculed? nonexistent.

He and the original consciousness are not the same as multiple personalities. Besides, let's just treat it as multiple personalities. The original consciousness and him have never hated each other, and he has never been dissatisfied or ashamed of himself.

There is nothing wrong with him, and these two guys who put on sneering faces can't allude to him.

Vodka was confused, "What's wrong with ADP? And Luke, who is that guy you're talking about?"

Gin: "..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Belmode: "..."

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