Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1188 How Many Organizational People Are There?


A sports car roared and roared, and drove into the parking lot, instead of going this way, it drove to another exit.

Gin didn't say any more, took out his phone and checked the time, "Keir is late..."

Chi Feichi also took out his phone to check the time.


On the eve of the operation, someone was late. If it wasn't for someone outside to watch, and the nearby roads didn't receive a 'police car warning', they might have to rejoin at another place. By the way, let's think about whether Mizuruna was planted...


On the street outside, Shui Wurenai drove a white car, deliberately took a long detour, and found that the agreed time to meet had passed, frowned, and accelerated the speed of the car.

Not far behind, the FBI car followed closely.

Behind it is Dr. Ali's Beetle.

Conan wore glasses to observe the position of the transmitter, and while showing Dr. Ali the way, he briefly explained what happened, and glanced at Dr. Ali blankly, "But, Doctor, didn't I tell you not to tell Huiyuan?"

Dr. Ali noticed that Hui Yuan Ai in the back seat was staring at them unhappily, and sweated, "I can't help it. When you called, Xiao Ai was right next to you."

Hui Yuanai suppressed the resentment in his eyes, and asked seriously, "And then? The host named Mizurunai is with them, is it true?"

Conan's expression also became serious, "Yeah, the address she sent the email to is the email address of those guy bosses, and when she received a call from someone later, she called him... Gin!"

Hui Yuanai's heart tightened, and his face instantly became ugly.

No matter how mentally prepared she was, thinking about the possibility of encountering that murderous snake spirit...she was still uneasy.

"But it's too lucky," Dr. A Li drove the driveway, "it just happened to catch their fox tail."

"No, on the contrary, the situation is too bad," Conan explained with a serious look on Dr. A Li's puzzled face, "Think about it carefully! If they find the bug and transmitter, they will definitely think that It was placed on purpose by someone, and the first person to be suspected was Kogoro Mori, who had been to the host's house! If that's the case, they're afraid..."

"I will silence Mori Kogoro," Haibara Ai took the words with a serious face, "If necessary, I will not even leave anyone around him!"

Dr. A Li finally realized that the bug and the transmitter were not harvests, but a bomb that could be detonated at any time. He panicked, "Why, how could this happen..."

In the back seat, Hui Yuanai took out his mobile phone and lowered his head to dial Chi Feichi's number.

"That is to say, the more information comes from the wiretap, the more the lives of uncle and all of us are at stake." Conan smiled, but the cold sweat on his head still showed that he was not at ease.

Dr. Ali Khan, "Then we have to get the things back before they find out!"

"Brother Feichi's cell phone can't get through. It looks like he ran out of battery because he chatted too much this morning," Hui Yuanai frowned when he heard the notification that he couldn't get through. He tried to calm down and put away the phone, "Although he I went to Kyushu in a few days, but the people in the organization will also suspect that the uncle passed the information to him. The good news is that the organization will not rush to Kyushu to kill him. We still have time to wait for him to turn on the phone before contacting him. He, Uncle and Sister Xiaolan can be contacted, if the situation is wrong, please notify them in time to hide."

"Yeah," Conan nodded, "For now, the situation is not too bad, but it's best to find a chance to recover the bugs and transmitters..."

"Also, the host's commission was to prank the doorbell, right?" Hui Yuanai wondered, "And the prankster was a child. If she is really their accomplice, how could such a trivial matter..."

"I also find this strange," Conan said, noticing that the movement of the dot above the glasses had slowed down, and he immediately listened intently to the movement on the bug, "The movement of the transmitter slowed down, and I could hear the movement of the car engine. echo, she should have entered an underground parking lot somewhere..."

Dr. A Li quickly asked, "Then is she going to meet them there?"

"Hush..." Conan signaled Dr. Li to keep quiet, and listened to the approaching sound of the engine, and murmured, "Something is approaching... Is it a car? This unique idling of different lengths sound, and this responsive boxer engine..."

Dr. A Li asked in a low voice, "Hey, could it be..."

The corner of Conan's mouth was smiling again, and there was more cold sweat on his head. The scene of gin smoking a cigarette and turning his head back in his mind was replaying in his mind, and he said with firm eyes, "Yes, generally only the public or Fuji Motor, that guy's favorite car..."

Hui Yuanai's expression turned ugly, and he also thought of Gin's Porsche 356A.

"Huh?" Conan listened to the chaotic engine sound from the bug, "There is another car..."

How many people are there in that organization?


Underground Parking Lot.

Mizuruna drove all the way in, and chose a parking space in a row without cars.

After the Porsche 356A drove out of the car room to catch up, the black car next to it also followed, braking to the left and right of Mizuruna's car.

Chi Feichi lowered the car window and said in a hoarse voice, "7 minutes and 41 seconds."

Wait another two minutes, if Shui Wurenai doesn't come, they have to consider leaving,

In the car on the road outside, Conan listened to the voice from the bug, gritted his teeth, and eased his nervousness or excitement.


That guy is there too!

Did his bug break into a den of thieves this time?

In the parking lot, Reina Mizumura knew that the time refers to the time when she was late, and explained, "I'm very sorry, because I found a strange car following me, so I took a longer detour..."

Overheard Conan: "..."

Could it be that their car was found? No, their car was kept at about 600 meters, so it should be impossible to be found.

"It won't be a problem, will it?"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Gin turned his head to stare at Shui Wurenai, and asked with a cold expression.

"Well, I was worrying too much," Shui Wurena looked sideways at Gin, and said calmly, "So Gin, can you take back the Beretta pistol you aimed at me through the car door? If you shoot me because of your random suspicion, won't you be able to kill DJ?"

Chi Feichi glanced at it and then looked away.

Gin was a left-handed man who drove over and parked with his right hand and one hand, and the ghost knew that his free left hand was holding a gun.

It seems that waiting quietly for these seven minutes has already strained Gin's snake spirit nerves too much. Apart from suspecting that Mizuruna was being targeted and bringing Xiao Tail here, it was also a warning and expression of displeasure.

"Huh! Forget it..." Gin looked back and looked forward, and he didn't point the gun in his left hand at Rena Mizumu, and put the gun back into the inner pocket of the windbreaker, "Anyway, this building is within 500m of our building. Within the surveillance range, if there is a suspicious car approaching, it will be discovered immediately..."

When Conan heard this sentence, he immediately asked Dr. Ali to stop, put on his coat and hat, pretended to get out of the car to check the faults of the car, and sat in the car and listened intently.

"Kiel, please confirm again..."

Gin stared at Shui Wuren and said.

"The time is 1 p.m., and the location is ADP," said Reina Mizumu seriously, "During the interview, I will lead the DJ to that position..."

In the parking lot, the Dodge Viper sports car parked on the other side also drove forward and parked on the other side of the Porsche 356A.

"That's right, I'm looking forward to it, Kiel!" Chianti smiled expectantly, "When you lead the prey to my sight, the feeling of anticipation... Hahaha!"

Chi Feichi silently lit a cigarette.

Look, there is a group of snake spirits in the organization.

"Oh? Chianti," Rena Mizumura turned her head to look over the Porsche 356A, saw Cohen in the Chianti car, and said with a smile, "And Cohen is here too, it's really reassuring."

Overheard Conan: "..."

Chianti? Cohen? How many people from the organization are there?

"It's all up to you this time," Shui Wurenai folded her hands on the steering wheel and smiled meaningfully, "No one knows about our achievements, but once we fail, it will be widely spread .”

"Hmph! Whether it is success or failure, the outside world cannot know," Gin reminded, "This is how organizations do it."

Mizuruna smiled, "That's right."

"Okay, it's almost time, let's finish the matter quickly..." Belmode raised his wrist and looked at his watch, smiled leisurely, and said to Chi Feichi in the front seat, "It seems that there is no need this time. Here we go, Rucker, do you want to think about where to go for a drink at night?"

Overheard Conan: "..."

Belmode? That woman is here too?

Sure enough, there is a nest of organized people there!

"Hey, what's going on? Why is this woman here!" Hearing Belmode's voice, Chianti exploded on the spot, got out of the car and bypassed the car of Mizuna Rena and Gin, staring at the car behind the rear window. Belmode gritted his teeth and said, "It was this woman who took Calvados out without authorization and watched him die. How could she be allowed to participate in this plan!"

Belmode sat firmly in the back seat, watching Chianti go crazy with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Chi Feichi saw Belmode's provocative expression from the rearview mirror of the car, and said hoarsely, "Chianti, this is the instruction of that person, just in case, let Belmode Come to assist."

"But, Lark..." Chianti held back his anger when he heard what that person meant, and turned around to walk in front of the Dodge Viper sports car, "Tch... I see, but with that woman, you'd better Be careful!"

"The location is actually chosen at ADP..." Belmode took out a lighter and a cigarette, and when he lit it, he looked up and saw a pair of blue eyes staring at her without emotion in the rearview mirror of the car, and said with a smile, "Could it be because there Is it the most suitable hunting ground?"

Rucker didn't think she was going to say 'multiple personalities', did he?

If the fact that she once had multiple personalities is known to other people who shouldn't know, it may expose Lark's identity. Of course, she will not do such an obvious thing.

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, and he found that Belmode was also not normal, probably the abnormality of "doing things crazy on the verge of death, I'm happy if you want to kill me"...

"Hunting ground?" Vodka wondered, "What happened to ADP?"

Belmode chuckled, "It's time for you to learn their history, Vodka."

Gin listened to the pattering rain that could be heard in the parking lot, "The problem is the heavy rain now..."

"Don't worry," Shui Wuren said, "The weather forecast says that the rain will stop soon..."

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