Outside, Conan found that the noise from the bug was getting louder and louder, and at the end he couldn't hear the conversation at all. He was a little anxious, and turned around and asked, "Huihara, do you know what DJ means? ADP is in where?"

Hui Yuanai didn't hear the content of the bug, and looked up in bewilderment, "Huh?"

"Those guys' code!" Conan asked again anxiously, "Do you know what it means?"

"I don't know what DJ means," Haibara Ai was thinking, "but P should mean a park or a parking lot."

"Then do you know people named Kiel, Chianti, and Cohen?" Conan asked again.

"I've never heard of Keir, I've only heard of Chianti and Cohen," Haibara Ai recalled, "He's a very powerful sniper."

Conan was in a hurry, listening to the noise from the bug, adjusted the position of the transmitter, and judged where it came from.

If the organization wants to kill the man called DJ, it must find a way to stop it.

The location of the transmitter is north-northwest, a distance from...

"What's going on?" Hui Yuanai saw Conan's face was ugly, and asked, "Are they there too?"

Conan didn't answer, looked at the tall buildings outside the car window, locked one of them, opened the car door hurriedly and jumped down, "Hui Yuan, Doctor, wait for me here!"

Hui Yuanai hurriedly stretched out his hand, "Wait, wait a minute! Where are you going?"

Outside the car, Conan didn't answer. Seeing the muzzle of a pistol that seemed to be in his pocket and aimed at him, he was startled and looked up in amazement.

"That's it!"

Judy stood in front of Conan holding an umbrella, and greeted Conan with a smile, "Hi! Cool kid!"

Dr. Ali, who was looking at the probe, was a little confused, "Mr. Zhu, Zhu Di?!"

Judy stretched her hand out of her pocket, gestured for a pistol, pointed at Conan, "biu~!"

Conan: "..."

Everyone likes to scare him, is it fun to scare him, too much.

Judy poked her head to see Hui Yuanai in the car, and greeted with a smile, "Hi~!"

Conan regained consciousness, still surprised in his heart, looked at Judy and asked, "You, why are you here?"

"Our FBI has been paying attention to that woman," Judy explained, "When Belmode was pretending to be a new doctor, the hostess named Rena Mizumu frequently visited that doctor, but really It's very surprising that when we were monitoring that woman, we actually saw Mr. Maori entering her house."

"Then..." Conan remembered that someone seemed to be looking at him from the opposite building yesterday, and it didn't seem to be his illusion.

"Yes, it's us!" Judy admitted with a smile, "Then we found out that it was because of a child's prank incident, and when we were about to release her from monitoring, we saw you running back in a panic, so we thought There must be something wrong with her, so she decided to continue following me, but she seemed to have discovered my stalking, so she had no choice but to give up following me..."

Conan thought of the wiretapping device before, and Rena Minami said that there was a strange car following her, and that should be Teacher Judy's car.

"You also lost her car, right?" Judy bent down and said to Conan, "Let's leave it to the FBI, you guys go back quickly!"

"Do you have an action plan?" Conan raised his head and asked.

Judy straightened up with a serious expression, "I can't tell you the details, but she wants to interview three people, and one of those three people may have some connection with those people, maybe it's a deal or an exchange of information..."

"No, it's not a deal," Conan said hurriedly, "They plan to assassinate one of those three people at one o'clock in the afternoon!"

Judy was surprised, "You, how do you know?"

"My bug and transmitter accidentally stuck to the sole of that hostess's shoe, and then passed through this pair of tracking glasses..." Conan pressed the tracking glasses, wanting to show Judy, but found that the flashing dots of the signal were moving rapidly. Approaching them, he quickly reached out and grabbed Judy's left hand, pulling him into the car, "Get in the car!"

Judy's expression froze, she felt a pain in her left shoulder, and then it became warm and cold, and got into the car without much hesitation.

The gunshot wound on her left shoulder, which was almost healed just now, seems to be a little cracked...

As soon as they got into the car and sat down, Rena Mizumu's car drove by.

Judy got hurt again when she took out her mobile phone. She paused, held back the pain, and dialed the phone, "I'm Judy! The target is heading south along Toriya Street! Follow up immediately!"

Dr. Ali sat in the driver's seat, turned around and asked Conan, "Shall we chase too?"

"No, if you keep on tracking like this without thinking, you will only follow the other party around," Conan said, lying on the front of the car window, watching Rena Minato's car go away, "If the stalking is discovered, the situation will be even worse. "

"And compared to that..." Hui Yuanai, who was also in the back seat, approached Judy's left shoulder, sniffed it like a kitten, and raised her head to ask Judy, "It smells like blood, are you hurt? Is it okay to take part in such a dangerous operation?"

Judy was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and subconsciously covered her left shoulder with her right hand, "Ah, it's okay, something happened a while ago, I was slightly injured, and it's almost healed, just a little cracked..."

Conan then turned to look at Judy.

He didn't even notice that Judy was injured, but when he hurriedly pulled Judy into the car just now, it caused Judy's wound to open?

Judy is an FBI agent with good skills and marksmanship. There are also a group of colleagues. Generally, criminals can only choose to be caught or run. The last time the wounded by Belmode should be It should have been better long ago.

Who could make Teacher Judy hurt her shoulder?

He suddenly thought of Lark he met in Shimono, the bombing and shooting that happened shortly after that, the American diplomat who left...

Could it be that the FBI actually confronted the organization that time?

Thinking of the thrills of that night and the five people standing in front of her who shot, Judy still felt terrified and her face was not very good, but she quickly put down her hands covering her shoulders, raised her head and smiled, "It's just cracked." A little bit, not very serious, the wound was bandaged before I came out, so it will be fine if the bleeding stops in a while..."

"Is it the explosion and shooting incident in Shimono Town?" Conan interrupted and asked seriously.

Judy's eyes widened, and the smile froze on her face, "Why, why do you know?"

The FBI and that organization were fighting in the dark, and Adrian stepped forward to take the stand, so it was impossible for the public to know.

Conan can get the news, and he can accurately tell about the explosion and shooting incident in Shimono Town. Isn’t the information way too wild?

"A few days before the explosion and shooting, I saw their companions in Shimono Town," Conan said with a serious look, "but I lost track of that time, and then I saw that kind of incident in Shimono Town on the report, so I thought of them."

"Sure enough," Hui Yuanai sat up straight, folded her arms, and glanced at a famous detective who had been hiding from her, "That day you suddenly asked Dr. Ali to drive to Shimono Town, and then asked me if I knew Rak, it’s because you saw it there that day, right?”

Seeing that he couldn't hide it anymore, Conan confessed, "Yeah, at the time at the Twin Skyscrapers, he was beside Gin, and he was also involved in the sniping, so I want to ask you if you know, after all, his A hoarse voice like a damaged vocal cord is very special..."

"Huh?" Judy looked at Conan in surprise again, "Is the person you're talking about... a foreign face with blond hair and blue eyes, very young, and some freckles on his face?"

Conan was also surprised to hear Judy's characteristics, and quickly asked, "It's him, does the FBI know about that person?"

"When we confronted that organization some time ago, he was the one who led us into the trap, but we didn't have much information about him, we just met him and remembered his special voice," Judy glanced at Conan, "Before you said it today, we didn't even know his code name."

This makes people very puzzled.

The FBI has grasped the clue of Mizuru Renai, and a Yeluzi elementary school student has also grasped it. They had a fight with that organization, and this child also grasped some clues and guessed. The information they did not know, this child actually knows ...

Seriously, can some respect be given to them FBI investigators?

Is it really their FBI that can't do it? Or is this brat quite talented as an intelligence investigator? Then do you want to kidnap... Uh, no, absorb it?

Conan didn't avoid Judy's gaze, staring.

Guilty? No, he is not guilty at all. The one who should be guilty is the person who stole the information. He has told him what he knows, or is it that the FBI does not have information, and Teacher Judy will not express it?

"Cough," Judy felt uncomfortably stared at by Conan's resentful gaze. After thinking about it, she felt that she should be more honest. "We really don't have much relevant information, but Xiu... Akai said he was strange..."

"Mr. Akai?" Conan asked suspiciously, "Why do you think raki is strange?"

"Because of communication..."

Judy recalled what Shuichi Akai said after the confrontation, "He led us into the trap, and then his companion directly blew up the fuel tank of our car, regardless of whether he was still in the car at the time. I guessed that he It should be a newcomer who has just joined or is not very trustworthy, but Akai said that he was wearing a communication headset at the time, and before the fuel tank was punctured and the car exploded, he might have been reminded that if he was close to us When he was in contact, he was still communicating with other people, which means that he can observe the overall situation..."

Conan thought, "In other words, it's not a bait to be thrown out to sacrifice, but a key point to have control over at least part of the situation, right?"

Judy glanced sideways over her left shoulder.

In fact, there is another reason.

That person might have a false voice, and his acting skills are quite good. Akai Shuichi suspected that even if the other person didn't know how to disguise himself, he at least had a good relationship with Belmode.

However, they were not sure whether the person who was pretending to be her was Belmode or that rake wine. It was all based on Akai Shuichi's saying "it feels like him", so they couldn't be sure at all. I was so interested that I thought about it more.

If this kind of uncertain information cannot be expressed, it will only mislead other people's thinking direction, so it is better not to express it.

After regaining consciousness, Judy waved her hand with a smile, "Of course, this is just speculation. Maybe the person on the communication side needs to give him instructions to maintain communication? At that time, we didn't hear any instructions from him. So we think it's unlikely, it just feels a little weird..."

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