Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1190 Belmode wants to make trouble


Conan looked up at Judy with firm and serious eyes, "Your guess is not necessarily wrong!"

Think of the times he's run into that guy.

Once in the twin skyscrapers, Sonoko was almost shot by a sniper rifle.

Once at Xianqiao Station, he heard the other party's voice, was blocked in a locker, and was almost caught out.

After that, in Shimono Town, he was almost discovered. He failed to attach a bug to the opponent's shoe, and the opponent even guarded against children.

To sum it up, the other party might be a sniper, and he was cautious enough to be called nervous. Looking into the other party's eyes, he could feel that the guy's disregard for human life was no worse than that of Qin Jiu. It should be an abandoned child who gave up casually.

Then it points to another possibility that when confronting the F force, maintaining communication is to control part of the situation.

And there's another reason...

"It's not necessarily wrong?" Judy stared at Conan puzzled.

Does this brat have any clues that they don't know?

"Before I heard voices from the bugging device, Belmode was also involved in this operation," Conan noticed that Huiyuan Ai's face darkened, guessing that Huiyuan Ai was not happy to see Belmode running back, After a pause, he continued, "The sniper named Chianti didn't know that Belmode would be involved, but Lark seems to have received instructions from their boss in advance. Although there may be other reasons, this guy doesn't Like someone who will be given up at any time, at least not like..."

Judy listened to Conan's analysis and pondered.

This information is very important. If they have a chance to catch someone, and only one person, when choosing a target, how much organizational information the other party has is particularly critical. If it is a newcomer who can be given up at any time , then there is no need to waste the opportunity to manage it, but if...

"And I think that guy is very dangerous..." Conan frowned and said, feeling that his feelings could not be used as a basis for judgment, and corrected his expression, "In short, it is impossible to determine the specifics. Let's find out what they said about DJ and DJ first." What does ADP mean, so that you can know who they are planning to assassinate and where they are going to do it!"

The four people in the car were brainstorming what DJ and ADP really meant.

Hearing Judy say 'gambling', Conan thought that DJ refers to Diamond J, which means Tumen Kanghui.

But when they called Tumen Kanghui's office, the other party believed in Tumen Kanghui's skill and the strength of the two bodyguards, and didn't take it seriously.

"Jingle Bell……"

Conan heard the phone ringing from the bug, and immediately stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" Shui Wurenai answered the phone, listening to the sound of gin over there.

"Just to make sure... I am naturally cautious and tireless..."

"It's okay, it's all going well. Next, I will go to ADP with the photographer and the others in the car of the TV station... 呵... The rain has stopped, it is the best time for hunting..."

"Keil... 呵... It was also this morning, why is there such a loud noise on your phone..."

"Really? It's probably because it's underground. I picked it up in the underground parking lot this morning..."

On the way to Kubado Park, the Dodge Viper passed the black car in front and accelerated forward, paralleling the black Porsche 356A.

"Then Gin," Chianti said hello to Gin who was on the phone, "Let's go to the sniper site and get ready!"

In the car behind, Belmode lowered the rear window and raised his head, "Hi, Chianti?"

When Chianti turned his head to look over, Belmode raised his right index finger and blew a kiss to Chianti, blinking and smiling, "Good luck!"


Chianti snorted, gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator, accelerated the car and left, his blood pressure rose.

"Kill her! I will kill her! I will definitely kill her!"

"I hate it too, Belmode," Cohen muffled expressionlessly, "Calvados, I like her very much, and she actually takes advantage of this... That's why I hate her."

"Yeah, I should have killed her a long time ago!" Chianti said angrily, "If there is no one who takes a fancy to her!"

In the car behind, Belmode withdrew his gaze and said lazily, "I knew we had no chance to appear, so we should find a place to watch the surveillance..."

"In case you are so bored that you have to tease Chianti?" Chi Feichi asked hoarsely.

"Oh, don't you think..." Belmode said with a smile, "Solovely! And it seems that you have a good relationship with them, unlike me, it seems that you are hated..."

"They have a good relationship with Calvados," Chi Feichi said in a voice while driving, "However, because they thought you were a newcomer, someone who had just joined the organization killed someone who had a good relationship with them , without any guilt at all, anyone would think this newcomer is too arrogant, and his attitude is bad enough."

Because Chianti thinks that Belmode is a newcomer, and doesn't believe in Belmode's ability. He thinks that Belmode can do whatever he wants by relying on favor, and pulls Calvados to act. Fleeing for one's life will cause such strong dissatisfaction.

If you know that Belmode is an old member who has a lot of important information about the organization, and Gu Quan himself is keeping secrets for the organization, then Chianti probably understands a little bit, and won't question Belmode's lack of ability too much, let alone feel that Belmode De should feel guilty, so even if Chianti is dissatisfied, he will not be so angry.

"That can't be helped. Don't always make some people give up everything and go crazy. If it really spreads, it will definitely cause trouble. I can only pretend that I am a newcomer who is favored by that one," Belmode said between his right fingers. With a cigarette in his hand, he leaned back on the back of the seat, and smiled indifferently, "If I make them feel dissatisfied, I can only say sorry... But, it was you who came forward for me. Have you negotiated a drink yet?"

Chi Feichi acquiesced to Belmode's guess, and said in a hoarse voice, "I will shoot anyone who makes trouble, it's as simple as that."

In order to prevent Chianti from quarreling with Belmode, the one who asked them to pass on the meaning of "Bermod is valued by that one" to Chianti is also using himself to suppress others.

This time Belmode reappeared and let Belmode follow him, which was the tacit agreement between him and Gin. After all, Chianti is a member of Gin's action team.

Although Qin Jiu didn't care, it would be better for him to come out and avoid a lot of trouble.

If he can't hold back...

No, it's impossible to be unstoppable. If Chianti insists on making a fuss over that person, Gin will give him a warning, and after that, he will shoot directly.

Whether Chianti or Belmode is injured, it will not affect this operation, and he can position both the sniper and the disguiser.

"So it's the same for you, give me enough time." Chi Feichi reminded.

Now it's not Chianti's problem, but Belmode wants to make trouble!

"Okay, I get it, I'll give up Chianti," Belmode smiled ambiguously, "At any rate, we've lived together, although it's not cute that you said such things not long after we reunited, but I'm still very happy." Oh nostalgia!"

Chi Feichi understood, gave up Chianti, and then turned to him as the object of molesting and pastime, very good, very Belmode, I am sorry for not going back, "Are you an old love of cooking?"

Belmode choked for a moment, and quickly said with a smile, "I won't deny that, Lak's cooking is top-notch!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Chi Feichi replied calmly.

Belmode: "..."

She thought that Lak would be angry and silent, so she would continue to tease, 'Are you shy, or are you acquiescing? ’… As a result, people directly said ‘thank you for the compliment’, which was a bit difficult.

She didn't want to say nonsense like 'Where, I'm seriously praising you'. If she really said it, it would make Lak laugh, because it would prove that she had nothing to say.

The point is that this guy Lak's face is really cold, really cooling down.

Not angry or shy, the flirtatious person is the worst kind of fun destroyer.

After being quiet for a while, Belmode sighed, "Really, you should be cute at an age, but you look like an old man..."

This time, Chi Feichi didn't answer the call. was completely cold.

There is no scene in this world where he can't be cold!

The two cars drove along the road, turned into the parking lot of Kudo Park, and stopped before and after the car.

Belmode extinguished the exhausted cigarette and threw it out of the car window, and said in a relaxed tone, "Is this the way you use when you don't want to chat with someone?"

"It is." Chi Feichi replied.

Yes, he admitted again.

Belmode was mentally prepared, and smiled, "It's too much, unilaterally terminating communication...but it made me more motivated."

Isn't it very capable? The more she can do it, the more energetic she will be, it depends on whether Lak admits defeat, or...

"As long as you're happy." Chi Feichi said hoarsely, and lowered the car window.

He really wanted to make Belmode happy for a while, because if he waited a little longer, Belmode might not be happy anymore.

Next to it, the window of the passenger seat of the Porsche 356A was also lowered. Vodka handed a tablet to Chi Feichi, and said with a smile, "Chianti and Cohen have arrived, and we will wait for Kiel to take their seats next!"

After Chi Feichi took the tablet, he pressed the power button, debugged the video screen, placed it in front of the dashboard, and shared it with Bellmode.

This is a picture taken by the invisible camera in the brooch of Rena Mizuna.

It seems that the TV station's OB van has just arrived, the machine has just been ready, and Rena Mizumu has just met Kanghui Tumen...

Outside the parking lot, the Beetle driven by Dr. Ali also turned into the parking lot.

Conan waited anxiously for Dr. Ali to stop.

That's right, that organization is going to do it at Kubado Park.

In addition to 'Edward-Hyde' = AD-Cuphu, the hunting grounds and history mentioned by Belmode on the wiretapping device also reminded him of the real Hyde Park.

The real Hyde Park is in London. At the end of the 16th century, many deer and wild boars were raised there, and it was a hunting ground for nobles.

However, they were in a hurry, and it was still a bit late, and the dot displayed on the transmitter had already arrived at Kubado Park!

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