Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1194 Looks a bit fierce



Gin reported the count, and saw Mori Kogoro behind the window still sitting where he was, unmoved, with a cold look in his eyes.



Chi Feichi stared at the scope, his finger on the trigger was ready to press down hard.



A football smashed against the window, sending cobweb-like cracks through the glass.

Chianti was startled by the loud noise, looking at the football bouncing high, "Football?"

"Damn it!" Mori Kogoro opened the window violently and looked downstairs, "Who did it!"

Chi Feichi failed to pull the trigger, and looked down at the street below.

Downstairs in the office, Conan smiled and looked up at Mori Kogoro, his childish voice was cute, "I'm sorry~ I kicked too hard..."

"You brat..." Mori Kogoro gritted his teeth.

Conan still raised his head, and interrupted with a cute childish voice, "How is the horse racing situation? Aren't you listening to the horse racing broadcast with headphones?"

"It's all you boy!" Mori Kogoro stood upstairs, poked his head out of the window, and waved his fist angrily, "I didn't hear clearly at all!"

Upstairs opposite, Vodka was a little confused, "Race, horse race?"

Belmode took the opportunity to laugh out loud, "It seems that it has nothing to do with him..."

Qin Jiu remembered what happened at Xianqiao Station one day, and interrupted with cold eyes, "Kill! Get rid of that brat together!"

Chianti raised his sniper rifle and laughed, "Luck, two targets, how do we divide them now?"

"Why didn't I deal with that child first, and then freeze Mori Kogoro's life at the moment when he showed a frightened and confused expression..."

Chi Feichi spoke softly in a hoarse voice, moved the muzzle of the gun down, and stared at the elementary school student who slowly appeared in the scope.

It's a pity, it seems that I can only see Conan's back, not facing him directly, and I can't see Conan's frightened expression...


"Luck, you are too greedy..."

Belmode and Chianti spoke almost simultaneously.

Chianti stopped and turned to look at Belmode.

Belmode didn't care about Chianti, and frowned at Chi Feichi who looked back, "Luck, I don't know what you have against him, but in this situation where there is no clear evidence, you just killed a follower like this." A detective with a good relationship with the police, isn't he too reckless? This is you..."


Chi Feichi interrupted, staring at Belmode unconsciously with cold killing intent.

It was only then that Belmode realized that he had almost made a slip of the tongue.

The bug is still in operation. If someone hears the words "your teacher", it is equivalent to directly exposing Lak's identity. She really wants Conan to know Lak's identity, but it shouldn't be so obvious...

Vodka looked at the cold expression on a certain blond-haired and blue-eyed Yirong's face, and couldn't help being stunned.

Although sometimes he also felt that Lak's overly calm eyes were full of indifference to human life, but he always felt that Lak's temper should be better than his elder brother, and even if Lak shot someone before, he seemed calm and calm. It was the first time he showed such a terrifying look in his eyes. It seemed that the surrounding air pressure had dropped a lot, and there was also a sense of crisis that made his scalp tingle as if a knife was scratching his back...

Uh, it seems that Lark is really angry this time...

Both Chianti and Cohen were silent for a moment.

They really wanted to see Belmode in bad luck, but the atmosphere was so depressing that people couldn't be happy, let alone making a smiling expression, it felt a bit difficult to speak.

Gin quickly regained his senses, looked sideways at Chianti, Cohen, and Vodka who were stunned, and then at Chi Feichi who calmed down, "Okay, Lark, you don't have to lose your temper..."

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze and turned to look sideways.

Gin is easy to say, but if they change it, Gin has already taken a gun...

This time Belmode showed up, and he took over the stall that should have been taken over by gin.

He sent the message to those people in Chianti that "that one has taken a fancy to Belmode" and told Chianti not to fight Belmode because of personal grievances, he did.

Gin should have doubted Belmode, and he did.

He originally didn't want to be so stiff, but Belmode was worried.

When he heard that the target was Mori Kogoro, he noticed that Belmod was breathing stagnant. Since Belmod was sitting in the passenger seat next to him at the time, he also pretended to be talking to Gin and pretended not to notice Belmod. De felt wrong to him, and helped Belmode block Gin's sight.

Along the way, Belmode was smoking and distracted, but he also pretended not to know. After all, Belmod had a sense of propriety, and he pretended to be "leisurely smoking" so as not to embarrass him, so he continued to cooperate and act stupid.

When he got here, he never thought of raising his gun to Belmode.

It's just that he didn't expect Belmode to lose his sense of proportion as soon as Conan showed up.

Yes, Belmode didn't know that something would happen to Conan this time, he should be flustered, and he should try his best to stop it, but it doesn't matter if Belmode said what he said before, let's follow the plot obediently, he will not hurt or itch at best Just say 'Why are you helping him speak like this', Belmode can round it up casually.

But he didn't expect that Belmode would throw himself into confusion and say, 'This is you...'.

If the following content is said, even if it’s just ‘this is yours’, other people here who shouldn’t know his identity and the people on the bug side will guess——

Mori Kogoro or Conan is his what?

Afterwards, it was only a matter of time before anyone guessed his identity based on the clues such as 'Chi Feichi' who had no one to prove his whereabouts at this time.

At that time, not only will he be stared at by the red team before the plot is halfway through, but there will be a lot of resistance in doing things for nothing. Belmode, who makes such mistakes, will not be in a better situation in the organization.

Even because they couldn't figure out how Belmode would make such a mistake for Mori Kogoro, they would organize other people or that one to investigate the relationship between Belmod and Mori Kogoro, and there would be groups of intelligence spies around the detective agency near.

In that case, all the plots will be messed up.

Therefore, he had to interrupt before Belmod spoke, and at the same time let Belmod calm down as soon as possible.

Even if the plot doesn't collapse, Belmode can't have an accident so early, otherwise, who will help him make up for those gaps when he messes up in the future...

And he was indeed taken aback by Belmode, and unconsciously wanted to give a stern warning.

It looks... maybe maybe maybe a little fierce.

Belmode didn't say a word either.

This time she was wrong, she almost lost her word.

There's no way to taunt this guy Lak, just... suddenly angry!

Seeing that the two of them were not arguing anymore, Qin Jiu picked up the bug with his gloved right hand, looked at Kogoro Mori who was looking through the window, and explained, "The guy who installed the bug left fingerprints carelessly. After killing this guy, as long as Investigate the people around him, and you will know who did it..."

When Qin Jiu looked down at the bug, the bug suddenly shattered, and the bullets that flew suddenly hit the railing beside Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi immediately picked up the sniper rifle and aimed in the direction of the bullet.

Cohen was also taken aback, and immediately turned around, "The rear, at eight o'clock!"

"It's that building!" Chianti also locked the building.

Chi Feichi observed the roof of the building through the scope, and locked on the figure of Shuichi Akai.

It was a bit unexpected, looking at the direction Akai Shuichi was aiming his gun at now, it was him...

"How is it possible?" Vodka looked surprised, "at least seven hundred yards away..."

"call out!"

When Chi Feichi pulled the trigger, Akai Hideichi had already aimed at the side, and the bullet flew out of the muzzle a little faster.

The bullet flies along the trajectory in the air and arrives in the blink of an eye.

There wasn't much time to dodge. After Chi Feichi confirmed the trajectory of the bullet, he only had time to turn his head slightly and listen to the buzzing in his ears for a moment.

The cheek that was grazed by the bullet quickly splashed elongated blood, a few golden hairs broke, and a slight burnt smell came from the crack.

Belmode's eyes were bright red, and his pupils shrank in surprise.

Blood? But isn't this a fake face? Why……

Gin also subconsciously stared at the bloodstains on that fake face.

Lark this guy...

With these two like this, the others looked at Chi Feichi in a daze.



Here, the bullet grazed Chi Feichi Yirong's face and hit the ground.

On the other side, after Akai Shuichi shot, he quickly lowered his head to avoid the bullet aimed at his head. After feeling a moment of warmth on the side of his face, he heard the sound of the bullet hitting the railing on the other side behind him.

Akai Shuichi didn't look back, he quickly re-aimed, his gaze sank thoughtfully.

Originally, he just wanted to see if that guy's face was real, or if he could disguise himself, so he chose to shoot that guy, but he didn't expect to try something else.

The opponent was in the headwind, and he aimed and pulled the trigger one step ahead of the opponent, and then dodged with his head sideways, but the opponent's bullet could still hurt him, and the opponent also dodged after shooting, and the bullet The damage caused to the opponent was much smaller than he imagined...

Then, judging from the timing, it took less than two seconds for the opponent to aim at him, calculate and confirm the snipe, and then quickly made the decision of 'shoot, then dodge' and executed it.

Amazing speed of response.

If the other party hadn't insisted on giving him a shot, his shot might have been dodged.

What is this? If you are confident that you can't die, how can you give him a shot?

This mad dog characteristic...

If he had been more confident just now and felt that the opponent couldn't hit him, or that he didn't have such a strong sense of crisis when staring at the opponent's muzzle and made a mistake in his judgment, so he didn't make an evasive action, he might not have just been grazed by the bullet.

From the perspective of sniper level, the distance between them is at least 700 yards. He is at a high place and the opponent is at a low place. The wind direction also has an advantage for him. The opponent seems to have not reached the limit. The level of human sniping produces a strong sense of crisis.

And what happened just now?

At the moment before dodging, he seemed to have caught the subtlety of other people's expressions, and reacted a bit, as if... that guy's injury was a big surprise.

When the others were surprised, neither of the two snipers hesitated, and quickly re-locked on each other.

"Give me the gun!" Qin Jiu reached out to take the sniper rifle in Chianti's hand, and aimed at the opposite building.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Akai Hideichi didn't care about pipe gin, and after aiming at Chi Feichi, he found that the people over there were also aiming at him, shot quickly, and then dodged.

No way, although his plan was to shoot Gin twice, but this guy is too troublesome.

And it is enough for him to force those people to withdraw...

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