Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1195 Belmode: Sudden Heart

Chi Feichi only had Akai Hideichi as his target, but before he shot, Akai Hideichi shot him first, regardless of whether he would deviate a little bit, and then moved. After shooting, there was no hope of hitting Akai Hideichi.

Akai Shuichi is such a troublesome guy, he actually adjusted his tactics, not talking about killing and fighting for speed...

However, Akai Shuichi didn't come here to kill people. He lowered his accuracy a little, but took advantage of the time advantage of being one step faster to suppress him. It would not be easy for him to hit Akai Shuichi.

"call out!"

Since Akai Hideo avoided every shot, the bullet shot by Qin Jiu also missed.

After three shots, no one was able to hit anyone, but the railing and the ground were cracked.

After that, there was another round without hesitation, and they were all empty again.

Akai Shuichi's face darkened.

It doesn't matter if there is a troublesome opponent, but the opponent still doesn't talk about martial arts two-on-one, and can't get a little advantage... This feeling is really annoying!

Chi Feichi's face darkened.

One step faster, each step faster, Akai Shuichi is grasping the time advantage at the beginning, isn't he, being suppressed by that initial disadvantage... This feeling is really uncomfortable!

Gin's face darkened.

Shuichi Akai doesn't talk about precision, he dodges with one shot to Lark, and the dignified sniper actually plays a speed battle, and both shots are seriously biased... This feeling is really uncomfortable!

Chianti, Cohen, Vodka, and Belmode looked at the guns on both sides, and they were stunned for a moment. They began to think about whether they should retreat first or find a cover to avoid being accidentally injured by missiles. By the way, their bodies were also very fast...

Not waiting for a few people to reach the target bunker, Qin Jiu put down his gun and said calmly, "Let's retreat first!"

He also saw that Lark couldn't suppress the opponent for a while, and they couldn't hold on anymore.

Temporarily changing the target today is already unplanned. Akai Shuichi also occupied a place in advance that is convenient for sniping here and has an advantage in sniping here. It is hard to prevent him from suspecting that this is an FBI conspiracy!

"But what about the detective and the kid?" Chianti asked hastily.

"Don't worry about it!" Gin Jiu said violently, and walked towards the entrance of the rooftop, "Retreat first! Lark, speed up!"

Chi Feichi dodged the bullet, and finally fired a shot towards the building, disturbing Akai Shuichi, and then retreated.

Akai Hideichi looked at the empty rooftop, silently alleviating the unhappiness in his heart.

Although the opponent withdrew as he expected, he was still very upset.

He really wanted to shoot Gin Jiu, but if he really wanted to turn his gun to aim at Gin Jiu, his previous short time advantage would be gone, and the other party could lock on to him first and shoot. It will be dangerous at that time.

That is to say, he had no chance to change his target at all, he was entangled by that guy, every shot was fast, it seemed that he shot first every time, but there was no way to do anything to that group of people.

Unhappy × 10!

Unhappy × 20!


When Chi Feichi withdrew downstairs, he felt somewhat unwilling.

If there are two more rounds, even if Akai Shuichi grasps that little advantage of time difference, he can find a way to destroy Akai Shuichi's little advantage.

After that, no matter whether it's low versus high, or how many yards away, he is not afraid to pair up with Akai Hideo.

But he had to withdraw. Even if he knew it wasn't a trap by the FBI, the FBI people were all around now, and there would definitely be a wave of gun battles, and his teacher would have to finish first.

Unhappy × 100!

Unhappy × 200!


It was only when Gin went downstairs that his expression eased.

The two shots missed, it was seriously missed, and I had to withdraw as soon as possible...

Unhappy × 10086!


When they met this time, the three of them felt inexplicably aggrieved, but they were soon relieved and withdrew quickly.

Only Kogoro Mori looked at the rooftop of the opposite building from the window in doubt.

There seemed to be someone up there just now, and there was that strange voice...

Downstairs, Judy hid behind the car, watched the three cars turn around the intersection, and whispered the situation to the phone, "Their car started west from Mihuacho 5-chome, and continued to follow..."

James Black opened the car door and got out of the car, looking at the car going away, "Although it is very likely that they got rid of it halfway..."

Conan watched the car leave with a solemn expression.

This time it was really dangerous, almost dragging the uncle to his death.

And he doesn't think the FBI can track the other party, which means that those guys will hide again...


The three leaving cars did not separate. After finding a small tail behind them, they drove to a place familiar with the terrain, preparing to look for an opportunity to get rid of the cars behind.

Four people sat in the front black Porsche 356A.

Chi Fei got into the car late because Qin Jiu had something to tell him.

Belmode followed the car, apparently because he had something to ask Chi Feichi, but in fact he wanted to listen to the news and confirm the current situation while Chi Feichi was talking to Qin Jiu.

As for the car that Chi Feichi drove before, it was just the car of the member who drove him to No. 0331 that day, because Zelas was driven by Yan Nan Takatori to watch the smuggling line near the pier, and that car was temporarily requisitioned by him. Alright, let Cohen drive, get rid of the following car and find a safe place to stop at will.

Not long after the car left the Maori Detective Agency, Belmode watched Chi Feichi wipe off the blood on his face with a tissue, and asked directly, "Luck, what's going on with your face?"

Vodka just wanted to ask, but after hearing Belmode's question, he kept listening.

"He's tinkering with things some time ago." Gin Jiu's unhappiness had dissipated long ago, and he was in a state of concluding, "I didn't expect it to come in handy this time. People from the FBI will think this is his real face in the future." Bar……"

"It's really amazing, the fake face can bleed like the real face, and it doesn't look flawed," Vodka couldn't help but sigh, "In the future, they will only chase after this fake face, and Lak can just change his face. Fooled them."

Belmode suddenly felt a little bit warm.

She didn't expect that Lark would keep such a trick and let the FBI get a wrong information.

Conan mixed with people from the FBI, and most likely he would also grasp this false information.

In this way, both the FBI and Conan will focus on guarding against a fake face, but they don't know that they are dangling around them.

Lark is really a big trouble, she was thinking, should I try to get rid of this guy first...

Thinking about it, Belmode looked sideways at Chi Feichi.

Completely disregarding the safety of acquaintances, even a teacher who has a good relationship, and looking forward to it so much, even Conan, who is still a child, can be put at gunpoint without hesitation...

Cold-blooded is not enough to describe it, it should be said that the heart is completely distorted, insane and inhuman.

But Lak was not normal at all.

This kind of person is placed next to Conan and Mao Lilan, and there is a possibility of accidents for one more day.

On the other hand, she couldn't help but think of that song again, thinking of Luke who was on the bus that was about to explode, throwing the criminals out of the car, and then turned around to save Conan and the shrunken Shirley, and remembered that Luke would also save the sick The cat was sent to the hospital for treatment, and then brought home to take care of her. The day she arrived at Lak's house with a broken rib, the wound on this guy's wrist could still be seen from scratches...

If she hadn't known her, she wouldn't have believed that it was the same person.

She is such a contradictory person. She mentioned the information about 'Edward Hyde' before, which was somewhat tentative. She felt that Lark was like the protagonist of "Dr. Jekyll", constantly switching between Jack and Edward Hyde. It's just that the change between Jack and Edward Hyde, even if there is no change in appearance, the personality and performance will be different, which can be distinguished.

Lark is completely invisible, people don't know if the dual personality has not been healed, people don't know which side is real, and people can't even see what situations will switch or change their minds.

That being said, the old man Pisco is really accurate in seeing people. Even if Lark usually behaves as usual and consistent, the evaluation of 'moodiness' is still accurate.

But then again, this kid poisoned her the first time he met her, and she offered to reconcile afterwards, not only because of the situation and the importance he attached to Lark, but also because of some guilt.

Similarly, not only when I saw Lak fall into the organization and wanted to use it, but also earlier...

Chi Feichi noticed that Belmode was staring at him, and turned his head to look.

Belmode turned his head sideways first, to hide the complicated look in his eyes.

Forget it, she appeared at Luke's house before, and even sent an ambiguous signal to make the kid and Shirley more vigilant. Now that she is in Japan again, those two should try their best to avoid Lak finding out, at least not Foolishly tell the whole thing about getting smaller.

This time the luck was not bad, at least the bug was destroyed before it fell into the hands of Lak, and Lak could not suspect Conan through the bug.

Then take one step at a time, she is back, and she can control the situation at a critical moment.

In the front seat, Vodka finished feeling, and then asked, "But, brother, was the FBI the one who shot?"

"Yeah, we were tricked," Qin Jiu said with a cold face, "If we hadn't predicted where we would go, we wouldn't have been able to occupy that building in advance, it's simply the best place to snipe us .”

Vodka looked at Chi Feichi's disguised face reflected in the rearview mirror, and guessed, "That's Kogoro Mori and the FBI teaming up..."

If he guessed it like this, it's really not easy for Lak, who usually moves in such a dangerous place.

Chi Feichi didn't look at Belmode anymore, but looked at the street scene outside the car window.

Leaving aside why Belmode stared at him with weird eyes for a long time, what happened to Vodka's "I sympathize with you" eyes?

"Is this unlikely?" Belmode in the back seat said leisurely, "For the FBI, he is just a bait to lure us in the past, otherwise how could they put their companions in a dangerous situation? After they knew that Kiel had contact with Mori Kogoro, they stuck bugs on the soles of Kiel's shoes when the two were separated. As long as we found the bugs, we would suspect Mori Kogoro, and they could do it there in advance. Arrangement, waiting for us to be led over."

"Bermod, it's been like this since just now," Gin turned to look at Belmod, "You seem to be particularly protective of Mori Kogoro?"

"I have a good impression of him." Belmode smiled, and then glanced at Chi Feichi again, "Although I was wrong about the almost slip of the tongue before."

"It's good that you know," Gin looked back and sat down again, "If Lark's identity is exposed, even that one will not forgive you easily, but since you said so, I'll take it for granted It's one thing..."

"Thank you," Belmode smiled, and asked again, "What about you, Lark? Do you still insist on Moori Kogoro joining forces with the FBI?"

Chi Feichi was silent for a while. If you don't know the inside story, just judging from the development of the situation, Belmode's analysis just now is indeed reasonable. "It is very unlikely that the FBI will use their companions as such bait."

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