Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1196 The Buddha is lurking and refuses to investigate

Belmode got the desired result and heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as these two people give up the assassination for the time being, it is enough.

Of course, a force got involved. The current situation is unclear, and it is impossible to confirm that Kogoro Mori is really suspected. Kogoro Mori has a good relationship with the police, so that one will not let these two people kill people at will.

These two should know this too.

"Will Fuck have any thoughts of revenge?" Vodka guessed again, "Because Lak plotted against them before, this time the sniping was also directed at Lak..."

"No, there were not many people who knew how much Lark had thought about the trap last time. It is impossible for the F. to know, and it is even more impossible to target him because of this," Qin Jiu said, "The first shot destroyed the wiretapping." To prevent us from checking out the fingerprints related to them, the second shot was aimed at Lak, to confirm whether Lak’s face is real. Fortunately, they should also suspect that Lark will be able to disguise himself, thus doubting whether the appearance of Laque to the outside is real, and then they have been shooting at Laque, just because he was entangled by Laque, if he turned his gun to target other people , Lark can take advantage of the slight time difference and shoot first, posing a fatal threat to him..."

"So that's the case, then their calculations have come to nothing." Vodka just felt that they were not at a loss, but suddenly thought of Mizumu Renai, and felt that they were still at a loss. "Then Keir is being forced by F to those people..."

"Yeah, it must have fallen into their hands." Gin picked up the cigarette lighter and lowered his head to light his cigarette. "But Kiel is not such an easy-talking person. We must find her out at all costs."

"Oh?" Belmode asked, "Could it be that you already have a clue?"

"There are clues everywhere," Gin handed back the cigarette lighter, "and I don't think Mori Kogoro is completely innocent."

Vodka: "..."

Didn't the eldest brother still say the letter before?

So is this doubting Kogoro Mori or not Kogoro Mori?

Chi Feichi took the cigarette lighter, lit the cigarette he was biting, and handed it back, "My thoughts are always the same."

In fact, what Gin meant was that what Belmode said this time made sense, so let's first assume that this time was a trap planned by F, and that his teacher had no collusion with F, but it does not rule out that his teacher has no problem.

If you don't hook up with a F-pussy, will there be problems of your own? Or colluded with other forces?

He and Gin experienced the incident at Xianqiao Station. Before Itakura Taku's accident, someone entrusted Kogoro Mori to investigate. Rubbing, but no bomb was placed in the station. Although it is also possible that a watch was placed there, Gin guessed that the person did not go far based on the body temperature left on the disk. He probably suspected that there were children who could hide in the locker. The existence of living things, thus suspecting that Mori Kogoro asked children to put disks or something...

When he said 'the idea is always the same', he also meant that it was not easy to continue to doubt his teacher.

Vodka thought about it for a while, and found that he still didn't understand what Chi Feichi said about "the idea is always the same", which means sticking to the idea just now that "Fai will not use his companions like this, Mori Kogoro is not a companion", or insisting on other ideas, and simply gave up think.

Sometimes the content of the conversation between the eldest brother and Lak is really confusing, and it is very hard for people to listen...

Gin took the cigarette lighter and put it away, "So, are you planning to go back and continue contacting, or avoid the limelight first? The situation of the Maori Detective Agency is unknown now, and he or the perverted person may not be unprepared for you. Maybe there will be trouble, and we are not sure that there are no other preparations for the F-forced people around there, and no one will come near them in the near future. If something happens to you, there will be no one to support you at that time, but if If you suddenly alienate, you will appear very suspicious... I want to hear your thoughts, if you want to avoid it, you should be able to find a suitable reason and try not to arouse their suspicion, right?"

"No need to avoid it," Chi Feichi said resolutely, "Except for the case investigation record of the detective agency that I sent you that time, I didn't specifically investigate him..."

Belmode: "..."

I went to check the investigation records of the case. Isn't this considered a special investigation?

Also, what did Luke and Gin do secretly without her knowing? Have you started checking Maori Detective Agency?

Always feel that the situation is not good.

"...I usually just see what I see. I haven't even been tempted or asked curiously, so they shouldn't suspect that I have any problems. I will continue with the old way of life. I don't deliberately contact or avoid it. , on the contrary, it is the least likely to be suspected," Chi Feichi continued calmly, "But relatively, even if there are clues about Kiel, I will not deliberately inquire and track them down. I will tell you if I find anything. If not, we will investigate Kiel's whereabouts from another direction."

He will also tell that person about this plan.

In this way, he has no problem with Mori Kogoro for a long time, which can also explain that he didn't deliberately pursue it, and he doesn't intend to deliberately pursue it in the future.

The Buddha is lurking and refuses to investigate.

" really can hold your breath," Qin Jiu laughed in a low voice, and then admitted, "That's fine, as long as you can continue to hold your temper..."

Belmode crossed his arms, lowered his head and lowered his eyes, with a smile on his mouth, as if he was listening intently, but in fact he was hiding his contradictory and complicated eyes again.

This is not good at all.

If Lak investigates aggressively, she will feel a lot more relaxed, the more aggressive the better.

There will be flaws when they move, Conan will definitely be able to vaguely detect and counter-investigate, and she can also grasp the progress of Lark, and when necessary, help Conan round the flaws, let Conan discover Lark's identity, and directly treat Lark as a scourge The hidden dangers are eradicated cleanly.

Conversely, if Lak suddenly distanced herself at this juncture and chose to avoid it, with the child's sensitivity, as long as she got a little clue in the future, she would be able to suspect Lak. He swayed around, freeing his hands, and prepared a big pit for Lark to reveal his identity.

However, Lak chose not to take the initiative or evade, just squatting and guarding, covering up his flaws and fangs, knowing how much he counts.

It seems that it will be much slower, but when there is no need to rush to confirm whether Kogoro Mori has any problems, and there are other investigation directions for Kiel's whereabouts, Lark's hiding is the most terrifying. At least she thinks that Conan will not be more defensive than Lark. Heavy.

Luke was so difficult to deal with, and she was hesitating whether to take a risk and stab Luke directly in the back...


After throwing off the car that was being chased by F, the group of people dispersed separately.

Chi Feichi was not in a hurry to go home, so he went to No. 119 Kubotocho 1-chome to find Feichi, who he had put on the training ground before.

In the evening, the instructions of that one were officially conveyed.

Belmode tracked down Kiel's whereabouts. He moved according to his previous life trajectory, so he should maintain his identity on the surface. But if there is a particularly urgent situation, he will investigate and assist according to the situation, or directly do it by surprise. to kill.

This result was within Chi Feichi's expectations. After all, his choice was really good, so there was no reason for that person not to support it.

On the second day, Chi Feichi was not in a hurry to take Feichi back. He stayed at the No. 119 training ground to read the news reports and pay attention to the follow-up.

At the same time, the core figures of the F-force gathered at Kuwado Central Hospital. Judy walked towards the ward and turned to James Black, "Have you watched it? This morning's TV news report."

"Look, Mr. Tumen is suspending the election of this councilor, right?" James Black said seriously, "The reason is that he discovered his father's extramarital affair, or it was twenty years ago...Nichibu TV is using this as a condition , Mr. Domon agreed to participate in the interview, of course, this was arranged by Rena Mizuna, and the people in the TV station didn't know about it, but if he would give up the election in this way, those guys don't have to work so hard."

Judy thought, still a little unwilling, "But those guys...if we can catch two or three more..."

"Hey, don't make it so easy," Akai Hideichi smiled helplessly, "At that time, it was already the limit to be able to hold them steady. That person can contain me, and their other snipers can intercept them from a high place. , Sniper killing, don’t underestimate the snipers. If a large number of people surround the past and are discovered by them, our people will have no way to get close to the building. Make other arrangements, and at the same time, it is also because you are worried about being exposed to the eyes of too many people..."

"That's fine, if they really push them into a hurry, innocent people will be involved in a shootout in that kind of place, but Akai, you say that person..." James Black looked at Akai Shuichi, "That's right The man code-named Lak in that organization, can't you suppress him from sniping?"

"That's right," Akai Hideo said with interest in his eyes, "When both sides are in normal condition, I can't tell the difference between him and me in a contest of about 700 yards."

James Black frowned, "He's really a troublesome guy."

"At least it's confirmed that his face is real, and with the information that the little boy has, we also know his code name," Akai Shuichi stopped at the door of the ward, reached out to open the door of the ward, and looked at the unconscious man on the bed. Rena Mizumura walked in, "And the connection with them hasn't been severed yet..."

The aggressive agent guarding the ward saw the three of them entering the door and nodded in greeting.

"Not life-threatening, but still in a coma." James Black said.

Judy looked at Reina Mizumura on the hospital bed, "We can only talk about it when she wakes up. The fact that she was hospitalized here is also a secret. I have blocked the news."

"However, the TV station will not ask about the disappearance of the host?" James Black asked.

Judy walked to the window, opened the curtains a little, and looked at Conan downstairs who was calling on his mobile phone, "Don't worry, the kid said he would take care of it for us."

"It's that little boy again," Akai Shuichi looked at Conan's figure, "Who the hell is he?"

"He's a detective," Judy said with a smile. "At first I thought he was Holmes' little assistant, but after getting to know him, he is also an excellent little detective himself. I personally like him very much."

James Black smiled, "I'm still wondering if I can let him join us."

Downstairs, Conan dialed the TV station's phone with Rena Mizumu's mobile phone, and imitated Rena Mizumu's voice with a voice changer.

"Ah... is it the head of the personnel department? I'm Rena Mizumu, I know I'll cause you trouble, but I want to rest for a while..."

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