Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1200 Eisuke Hondo: Really Amazing

"Sensory integration disorders are more common in infants and young children. Children with audiovisual and language impairments have slow language development, weak expressive skills, often talk to themselves, and also have inattention and restlessness," Shinide Tomoaki continued, "Adults There may also be sensory integration disorders, and the symptoms and causes are somewhat different from those of children, but your situation is indeed not like an audiovisual language disorder, and it is not a tactile defense disorder."

Hondo Eisuke was brought into the atmosphere of discussing medical issues, and recalled, "Although I don't know what the tactile defense disorder is, my sense of touch is still sensitive, so it shouldn't be a tactile defense disorder."

"The tactile defense barrier is not only a dull sense of touch, but also an oversensitivity," Shinide Chiaki looked at Hondo Eisuke, "Do you have any tactile oversensitivity?"

Hondo Eisuke thought about it carefully, shook his head, "No, no..."

Shinde Zhiming nodded, and said again, "Children with physical movement coordination disorders will often fall down, and they will be slower to do fine movements such as tying shoelaces and buttons. slow."

"I often fall down," Eisuke Hondo sighed, and said helplessly, "I've had hands and feet since I was a child."

"Structure and spatial perception impairment should be considered," Chi Feichi said, "The perception of spatial distance is not accurate. Even if you see things like tables, chairs, people, pillars, door walls, etc., you will still often collide with them. Some people can't distinguish left and right, their sense of direction is relatively weak, it is difficult to remember the way when going out, and it is easy to get lost."

"Ah..." Hondo Eisuke let out a low cry, nodded quickly and said, "That's right, I am indeed like this, even though I saw something, I still bumped into it!"

Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Xinde Zhiming, "Maybe he had structure and spatial perception impairments when he was a child. Since the symptoms were not obvious or the condition was not very serious, the family members probably regarded his collisions and injuries in infancy as a He is born with a reckless personality, restricts or pays too much attention to him, for example, he was not allowed to climb high places since he was a child, and gradually, due to the long-term restriction of body movements by external or obstacles, his body balance and flexibility of hands and feet were also affected."

Shinde Tomoaki probably thinks that Eisuke Hondo is the kind of introverted, dull, and sensitive person. To put it simply, Eisuke Hondo is too much like a weak little girl.

But he knew that Eisuke Hondo was determined and not bad at thinking, so he suspected that Eisuke Hondo had a sensory integration disorder.

Even if it's not a sensory integration disorder, it's just a problem with the perception of spatial distance, which makes the whole person look dull and behave recklessly.

Hondo Eisuke was dumbfounded.

In other words, he was easily injured by collisions when he was a child, and he has been taken care of since then...

"Children with structural and spatial perception impairments are prone to danger. The protection of his family members is correct, but they did not realize the real reason, so they did not guide and adjust in time," Shinide Zhiming thought, "If it is This reason can indeed be adjusted through targeted sensory integration training, but the critical period for the development of sensory integration is at the age of 6, and the adjustment period is at the age of 7-12..."

"It's not hopeless after the age of 12, but it needs stronger willpower." Chi Feichi added.

"That's right, but this is just our guess," Shinide Tomoaki said with a smile to Hondo Eisuke who was stunned, "If you want to confirm, you should go to the psychiatric department of the hospital."

Chi Feichi: "..."

In addition to pediatrics, sensory integration disorder can be linked to psychiatry.

Does he help the psychiatrist get a registration form?

"Okay..." Bentang Yingyou smiled after regaining his senses, and said with some relief, "If this is the reason, it means that I am not reckless or naturally slow, right?"

Xinde Zhiming nodded, and got vaccinated in advance, "However, even if it wasn't for this reason, there is no need to be too upset. The students in this class are also very cute."

"I know," Bentang Yingyou looked serious, but he still looked harmless, "Because it can't be worse than it is now, and Mr. Chi and the new doctor are helping me so seriously, so I have no reason to be upset gone."

"As for luck," Chi Feichi continued, "people's focus will control their thoughts. For example, one day you met a fortune teller on the road, and the other party said that you will be unlucky in the next few days. The more you care, the more you will pay attention. The unlucky things that happen to you, and then you will think that the other party is right, you have been unlucky recently, and it is the same if you think you are unlucky, probably because you paid too much attention to it.”

"Ah?" Hondo Yingyou was taken aback for a moment, and quickly laughed, "I see..."

"Of course, maybe you are indeed a little unluckier than the average person, and this is not a conflict." Chi Feichi said, picked up the document bag containing the letter, got up and prepared to leave.

Hondo Eisuke: "..."

"But you're not as unlucky as you imagined. What he wanted to say was this," Shinde Zhiming explained with a smile, and then turned to ask Chi Feichi, "Feichi, are you leaving?"

"It's cold, Feichi and Feimo are at home," Chi Feichi explained, "I'm going back to feed them at noon."

"No wonder I didn't see Feichi today..." Xinde Zhiming laughed.

Bentang Yingyou watched Chi Feichi go out with thoughtful eyes, and after Chi Feichi left, he asked curiously, "A new doctor, is Mr. Chi a psychiatrist?"

No wonder he thought so.

Before that, he never thought that he had a problem with spatial perception, but he just couldn't figure out why he would bump into something even though he saw it, and he always thought that he was born reckless and careless.


Hearing what Chi Feichi said, he discovered that he did have problems with distance and space perception. He was often injured when he was a child, and he was also forbidden to climb high and low. In other words, it was impossible for him to climb high and low. There are no dangerous things. He will always be injured by bumping, falling or falling down. He doesn't want his family to worry, and he is rarely as active as other children.

Then, his poor body balance and clumsy appearance may also be caused by the accumulation of time.

In short, he could vaguely feel that what Chi Feichi said was probably the truth.

Really a great guy.

Even though he was just getting in touch, it seemed that he had already grasped a lot of his situation. Regardless of whether he had structural and spatial perception impairments or not, at least the other party's guess about his childhood situation was probably correct.

Although sometimes he has a headache for his 'recklessness' and confusion, but it is also his natural protective layer. He does not deliberately pretend to be confused to deceive people, but he is not stupid, so he can always see many things clearly.

And in front of this person, this natural protective layer has failed, even if the other party can't be sure whether he is really confused, but he has already guessed, so he won't be regarded as a real confused person...

Uh, of course, the other party might just be comforting him and making him more confident.

Xinde Zhiming said in a helpless tone, "He is an animal doctor."

"Huh?" Hondo Eiyu was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had just asked Xinde Zhiming, "Is Mr. Chi a psychiatrist?", and was stunned again.

Wait, Mr. Chi is an animal doctor?

"He graduated from the Veterinary Medicine Department of Dongdu University in advance. Among the graduates of the same period, his grades can be ranked in the top three, and the level of surgery is better than the students who just graduated. Maybe he graduated early because he thought he could graduate. Yes, it may be because he is sick and wants to end his studies early, go home and rest," Shinde Tomoaki explained with a smile, "The conditions recorded in his medical records are quite serious, such as depression, multiple personality, and maybe schizophrenia..."

"Huh?" Eisuke Hondo was confused again.

"This is also the reason why he started to read books about psychiatry. In addition, he also had contact with human medicine. When my father was still alive, he stayed at my house temporarily, and my father often gave us lectures," Shinide Tomoaki said with a smile , "So don't worry that he said it casually, he is very serious in helping you analyze..."

"Ah, no, I was just too surprised." Hondo Eisuke said hurriedly.

He understands his situation himself, and it's not that he has no judgment. No one can feel better than him whether the other party is talking nonsense.

And it was surprising.

A person who graduated from the Department of Veterinary Medicine ahead of schedule and has also been exposed to psychological medicine and human medicine has strong judgment ability, which makes him feel terrible. He belongs to the category of geniuses, but he is also trapped in diseases.

It also makes people feel very sorry.

Slowing down, Hondo Yingyou said cautiously again, "But I think Mr. Chi... seems to be fine."

"I also think his situation is not that bad," Shinde Tomoaki agreed, "Although he would hallucinate some strange voices before, but I have contacted him so far, and I have never seen him lose control of his emotions and look cold , that’s just a personality reason.”

"Mr. Chi has been working hard..."

Hondo Eiyu subconsciously thought that this person who was not a few years older than him studied hard and fought against the serious illness, and he had repeatedly prevented him, a reckless person, from getting hurt. Although his words were choking, he was actually telling him, He is not stupid, not reckless, not unlucky, and he is quietly comforting him. He suddenly feels that he should not feel sorry. This is the kind of tough and powerful person he wants to be, and he is also a very good person. I respect him sincerely, "It's really amazing."

"Speaking of which, he seldom shows such enthusiasm in front of strangers." Tomoaki Shinide smiled and looked at Eisuke Hondo, "Not only is he interested in your situation, I think he probably regards you as a person who is more worrying." child."

Hondo Eisuke scratched his head and laughed, unable to refute.

He is really easy to be regarded as the one who needs to be taken care of. Thinking about Mr. Chi's previous actions, such as staring at him for fear that he would fall or hit him, he really seems to treat him as a confused child...

"A new doctor!"

Suzuki Sonoko poked his head outside the infirmary, looked around, and asked suspiciously, "Where's Brother Feichi? Isn't he coming to get the letter today?"

Shinide Chiaki looked out the door, "He has already gone back just now..."

"Hey?!" Suzuki Sonoko stood up straight, turned his head to look behind him, "Go, go back? Really, I want to ask him if he wants to follow Xiaolan together."

"Following Xiaolan?" Xinde Zhiming was at a loss.

"Yes, Xiaolan received a love letter yesterday, and the other party asked her to meet at Mihua Park, and she planned to go to the appointment alone," Suzuki Sonoko said with a look of regret, "I originally wanted to call Brother Feichi, and we would secretly follow him to see Look, maybe we can see a romantic confession..."

Xinde Zhiming laughed dryly, "Feichi shouldn't be interested in such things."

"That's right," Suzuki Sonoko thought for a while, and Chi Feichi would reject him indifferently if he mentioned it, and then said gossipingly, "What about you? Doctor, do you want to go and see?"

Xinchu Zhiming broke into a sweat, "No, I'll let it go..."

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