Kuboto Town.

When Chi Feichi came home, Feichi, Feimo, and Xiaomei were playing games in front of the computer.

Fei Chi and Fei Mo share one, and Xiao Mei occupies one, playing the beta version of the new game that Umbrella has not yet released, and Hiroki Sawada talks a few words from time to time, or asks about the game of three abnormal creatures experience.

Yes, although he said that Feichi didn't want to go out because of the cold weather, but in fact it was because he was addicted to games...


The phone rang.

Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone and found that it was Suzuki Sonoko who sent the uL message.

Brother Feichi, Xiaolan is going to Mihua Park to meet the person who wrote the love letter after school this afternoon, don't you want to secretly go and see who the other person is?

In no mood.

Sonoko Suzuki secretly playing with his mobile phone in class: "..."

it is as expected.

Here, after Chi Feichi responded to a few messages with no reply, he put away his phone and went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Compared with gossip, he is more willing to think about Hondo Yingyou.

Thinking about it now, even if Rena Mizumu didn't know the truth about the prank doorbell incident, even if Yoko Okino enthusiastically introduced Mori Kogoro to help Rena Mizumu solve the incident, if Rena Mizumu really wanted to shirk, she could still make excuses and delay, or Refuse directly, there is no need to agree before taking action.

Is it because he realized that he was suspected, worried about being cleared by the organization, or because he was worried that the assassination would put him in a difficult situation, so he wanted to secretly leave some information for Mori Kogoro, such as that he had a younger brother?

Anyway, Hondo Eisuke has already appeared around them, but after the incident, Hondo Eisuke will go abroad to study, with the goal of joining Ia.

Today, he analyzed Hondo Eisuke's problems in front of Hondo Eisuke, not only because he thinks Hondo Eisuke is worth studying, but also for this reason.

On the surface, for a confused and reckless person like Eisuke Hondo, it is almost impossible to join Ia, but Eisuke Hondo has a clear mind and is also very sharp. In addition, he has a father who died in the line of duty for Ia's investigation of lurking, and an on-the-job lurker Sister Ia, an agent of a dangerous organization, as long as I can get in touch with Ia, the other party will be happy to give her a chance.

When they come into contact with Ia, the people in Ia are likely to find that Eisuke Hondo has problems in the perception of space and distance. They will carry out training for them, and with Eisuke Hondo's willpower and determination to join Ia, they will definitely be able to persevere.

It would be better for him to speak first before the people in Ia discover the problem.

It doesn't matter if his judgment is wrong, anyway, he is just guessing, and he can say that he is kind enough to help.

If his judgment is correct, Hondo Eisuke may have a sense of crisis and insecurity that is seen through, but he still has the title of "Guide". As long as Hondo Eisuke does not receive hostility from him in the future, then Anxiety will disappear as Hondo Eisuke's own abilities become stronger, but gratitude will increase day by day.

In short, even if he doesn't say it today, there is a possibility that Ia will discover, remind, and help correct it in the future, so it's better for him to remind.

It's uncertain what the future will be like for the time being, so he left an invisible connection line on Hondo Yingyou first, so he doesn't need to think about whether he can use it or how to use it now.

However, during this time in Japan, Hondo Eisuke, as long as his senses are biased towards "good people", he can send some corresponding signals to the red party and these people, which is conducive to his current identity concealment, and will not let Conan or others easily Being suspicious of him might also make it easier for him to do certain things.

There is no reason not to do something that may bring benefits if you do it casually.

What Chi Feichi didn't know was that Hondo Eisuke's uneasiness towards him had been subconsciously eliminated by Shinde Tomoaki, and his impression had been plated with gold. While chopping vegetables, he was still thinking about Hondo Eisuke problems that will arise.


Fei Mofei entered the kitchen and stopped by the cutting board, "Noah said that your contact lenses have been adjusted. Your father thinks that such important things are not safe enough to send by mail. It is best to send them by someone you trust. It's a pity that Darcy couldn't leave, he asked Joshua's godson named Charles to send it over, that person should be trustworthy."

Chi Feichi gave a 'hmm', and was about to continue cutting vegetables when the knife in his hand was suddenly held down by Xiaomei who followed.

"Sorry, master, I accidentally overplayed it," Xiaomei said in a gloomy voice, her dark eyes under the messy black hair were firm, "Let me do it."

Chi Feichi saw Xiaomei's attitude of "I won't let go if I don't let me come", he chose to let go, turned around and went to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator to find a blood bottle.

"Also, master, I have almost mastered the human language, but I don't plan to tell other people until an emergency. I am worried that I will scare those humans. If I am captured as a monster, it will be very troublesome," Fei Mo said. Then he flew to the table next to him, glanced at Chi Feichi quietly, and continued to squawk, "Aren't you worried that after I learn to speak, I will run away with other humans?"

Chi Feichi dug out the last small bottle of blood from the refrigerator, and turned to get the cup again, "Feimo, careerists and careerists are more in tune, and do you think human life span is very long? Assuming that human life span is 80 years old, what do you think?" Find a baby and bring it up from an early age, and with your lifespan, you can easily send him three generations away."

Fei Mo flew, following Chi Feichi in circles.

It feels that their body has not yet reached old age, they can be more daring to count...

"You are not a crow that loves the new and hates the old. Even if you are, after 80 years of getting along, you will get used to it without friendship. It is very painful to let go." Chi Feichi poured blood into the cup, "My life span is longer than those humans, no more suitable than us."

Men are greedy, and so are crows.

When there is not enough to eat, Feimo’s dream may be to eat enough; when wisdom can make him eat and drink without worrying about food and drink, and not be troubled by wind and rain, Feimo will want an existence that can communicate and meet spiritual needs; When Mo is able to communicate with many intelligent creatures, he will pursue whether the two parties are in harmony and whether they are comfortable and happy together, not just 'able to communicate', but also greedily hope that this companionship will last long, until the end of life.

He was never worried that Feimo would leave him. He went abroad before, nor was he worried that Feimo would not come back. He just hated the feeling of being out of control when he couldn't be sure what Feimo was doing.

Seeing Chi Feichi approaching the table, Feimo flew to follow him. Just as he landed on the table, he found Chi Feichi's right index finger stretched out towards it, "Huh?"

"And it's bound."

Chi Feichi tapped Feimo's heart with his finger.

Under the feathers there is the black eye brand of the Holy Spirit Gate. Although I don't know what will happen to Sanwu Goldfinger, but as he said, they are already bound together.

"Alas..." Feimo sighed melancholy, "Master, can't you say something to move me a little bit? For example, if you miss me, I also miss you."

Chi Feichi withdrew his hand, "I believe you will not leave, have you felt this way from the beginning?"

Fei Mo silently reminded, "Master, don't use a questioning tone like asking me if it's okay, be firm, use a little emotion in your tone, look at me, and look softly, it will be perfect."

Chi Feichi glanced at Feimo.

There are so many non-ink things today.

Feimo: "..."

Look at its owner's terrible attitude, but... it really doesn't want to run away!

Chi Feichi picked up the cup and took a sip of blood.

Wind is something that is difficult to control completely, but as long as you admit it, you can accompany yourself to the last second of your life.

"Okay, the game is all saved~!" Fei Chi swished and ran into the kitchen with 's' snake-like gait, "Master, Xiaomei, what's delicious this morning?"

Xiaomei turned her head and replied quietly, "I'll cut the eel pieces for Fei Chi."

Soil and wood are things that don't bother to move the pit when they stay somewhere...

Chi Feichi gave an evaluation in his heart, continued to drink the last blood, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to ask Koizumi Hongzi if there was any new stock.

"By the way, Feimo, find Niao to go to Didan High School, and follow and monitor a boy named Hondo Eisuke. He looks very similar to Mizumu Rena, so he should be easy to identify..."

That afternoon, a group of little sparrows were sent to Hondo Eisuke, commanded by a crow. After following them, they locked on Hondo Eisuke's residence, and began to monitor Hondo Eisuke all day long.

The next day, Chi Feichi called the zoo and went to the zoo in the afternoon with Feichi, Feimo, and Wuming who was wandering outside. went.

Although the staff of the zoo expressed uneasiness about Chi Feichi bringing the cat, considering Chi Feichi's influence on the dumpling and the fact that the dumpling was able to get along well with the snake before, they let it go.


The war begins.

The reason is that Tuanzi yelled "Love's Flying Pounce", and the fierce bear pounced on Chi Feichi every day.

Wuming was startled by the roar, and then saw Feichi jumping out to avoid the impact. When he was speechless, he felt ashamed that he was so frightened that his hair exploded, so he slapped him half-jokingly and half-venting his anger.

And this slap happened to land on the ass of Tuanzi who came down from Chi Feichi's arms.

Tuanzi was protected by fur, and Wuming's slap didn't even touch the flesh, but Tuanzi felt what it was like to be "not hurtful but too insulting", so he turned around and threw himself at Wuming, feeling the need to show off his abilities .

In this way, the nameless excitement of feeling uncomfortable all day without fighting...

Except for the place near the door where Chi Feichi sat, the entire panda house became a fighting field for the two guys.

Tuanzi's hair is a natural protective layer, relying on Wuming's claws to do almost no damage to him, chasing Wuming and running wildly, flying.

Wuming jumped and dodged nimbly, and occasionally jumped on the back of the dumpling. Even if he found that his slaps were useless, he still found the right time to slap them.

"Hoo Hoo"

"Meow woo woo!"

Before the staff who brought Chi Feichi into the Panda House had time to leave, the other staff were also alarmed. They stared at the battle in front of them and stayed for two seconds, all looking at Chi Feichi who was watching calmly.

"Chi, Mr. Chi..."

"It's okay," Chi Feichi said calmly, "Exercising is good for Tuanzi's body, and it's the same for his mind."

The alarmed zookeeper choked and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Chi, will this make the cute little dumpling more and more irritable? For example, stimulate the wild nature in its genes?"

Chi Feichi raised his eyes to meet the manager's gaze, with a smile on his face, "Don't worry."

Anyway, it won't be long before the dumpling will no longer belong to the zoo. The restraint is his responsibility and has nothing to do with the zoo.

The manager was taken aback, seeing Chi Feichi smiling at him comfortingly, he had an inexplicably flattered feeling of 'today's weather is so nice', "Hold, I'm sorry, I was too impatient..."


Wait, what nonsense is he talking about, is it right to be impatient at this time?

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