Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1202 Giant Pandas and Kung Fu Really Match

On the side, a staff member looked at the adult cat that looked so petite in front of the physique of the dumpling, and said worriedly, "Doctor Chi, the dumpling is fine, it looks like its fur can block the kitten's claws, But your kitten will be all right?"

"Duanzi has a sense of proportion..."

Chi Feichi took out his vibrating phone and took a look, then sat on the swing where Tuanzi usually played.

The others looked at each other.

The big battle over there can't be controlled, and I don't dare to control it. Tuanzi's slap is too scary, so they...

"Mr. Chi, are we safe here?" A girl asked weakly.

Yes, the question now is, if a group of them stand here, will they be accidentally injured?

"It's okay, stay by my side if you want to see it, don't run over there...Sorry, I'll answer the phone first." After Chi Feichi instructed, he answered the phone.

A group of staff hesitated for a while, seeing that Tuanzi and Wuming really didn't want to run this way, and didn't want to leave just like that, so they squatted in a circle beside Chi Feichi and were forced to watch the wonderful fight of "Giant Panda Vs Little White Cat" .

"Feichi, it's me..."

Over there, Xinde Zhiming opened his mouth, and the dumpling yelled, "Look at me splitting the palm of the mountain", Wuming also growled with a sharp meow, "Eat my claws with a dark glasses face", and suddenly heard the roaring and roaring of animals Zhiming was stunned and kept silent.

Seeing the silence on the other side of the phone, Chi Feichi said, "I'm at the zoo."

"No, are you okay?" Shinde Zhiming hesitated, "Is it because some animals in the zoo got emotional and got into a fight?"

"It's not out of control," Chi Feichi looked at Wuming and Tuanzi who were huddling together over there, "Do you need me?"

"Yeah, a man who had a car accident came to the hospital this morning, and he brought a little girl who was so frightened that he passed out. Not long after I helped the man healed the injury, Conan and the others came to find him," Shinide Zhiming Explained, "I heard from them that the girl was their classmate. On the way to school to take care of the little milk cat without a mother, she encountered a car accident. Fortunately, the little girl was not injured, but was frightened, but the little girl they brought The three kittens were left unattended. Xiaoguang seemed to like kittens very much. I left one for her and planned to give away the rest. I wanted to ask the patients who came to the hospital if they would like to take them in, but Machi The pet hospital seems to have set up a special shelter, if no one takes it in, I can send it there and explain the situation, right?"

"Just send it there." Chi Feichi said.

Some cat owners don't sterilize their cats and don't control them. After the cats give birth to kittens, they send them to the shelter.

This kind of kitten must also be collected, otherwise the kitten will be thrown outside, and the staff will have to go out to pick it up.

In fact, being able to send them to the shelter is pretty good, and some people don't even bother to go to the shelter, and just find a nearby place and throw the kittens away.

His policy on the shelter is also 'no rejection'.

Anyway, if we adopt hundreds or thousands more cats, the income of Machi Pet Hospital will be able to afford it, and there are only a few people who do not sterilize their cats, and the burden is not big.

Those well-behaved kittens will be adopted from time to time, and the remaining cats who are naturally rebellious and not close to people, even if he helps Wuming raise them.

This kind of cat is wild in its bones, and it is also fierce in fights. It is very suitable for Wuming's appetite. As long as Wuming can tame it, it is simply a natural land grabber.

Wuming will also send free cat mothers to various shelters to help take care of the smaller kittens. Even if they can’t feed them, taking the kittens to sleep occasionally can make up for the sense of security that people can’t give the kittens. The initial "class thinking" was established in front of the kittens, and the staff at the shelter already knew Wuming, and they joked as "the inspector of the big boss's house".

"Okay, then I'll send it over tomorrow," Shinde Zhiming listened to the roaring background sound on the phone, paused, and urged, "Be careful, I won't bother you."


Chi Feichi hung up the phone and continued to watch Wuming and Tuanzi fight.

One moves dexterously and takes the opportunity to shoot, and the other is not clumsy, just a little slower, and occasionally can pounce to catch up, and will not be played around. Coupled with the lethal bear slap, it is evenly matched .

It was a very interesting fight, but the two fighting goods were too noisy.

"Three consecutive palms of the blast!...Running thunder strike!...Transforming calamity flash!...Golden Yang flying kick!..."

"Big fat idiot with dark still sneak attack? I'm tired of this trick!...I'll pat pat..."

Don't care if the other party understands or not, just yell.

Chi Feichi saw two 'large' books with many claw marks on the side of the swing, and reached out to take them.

What kind of books has Tuanzi been reading recently...

Seeing Chi Feichi taking the book, the staff members who were squatting and watching the fight turned their heads and smiled, "Tuanzi seems to like Chinese martial arts very much, so we found a copy for him and reprinted it in a large font that he can read. I bought some printed pictures, and it turns over and over again when it has free time."

Chi Feichi opened a 'big booklet' and looked at it.

In addition to not being free, there is really nothing to say about the treatment of Tuanzi here.

It's actually Jin Yong's "Dragon and Ba Bu". It turns out that "Giant Panda" and "Kung Fu" can really go together...

Another staff member didn't bother Chi Feichi, and turned to discuss with his colleagues.

"By the way, Sakikawa, are you ready for the new content?"

"It's ready, there are still a lot of paintings, I will give it to Tuanzi when she gets tired of looking at them."

Fei Chi and Fei Mo lay on Chi Feichi's shoulder and watched the martial arts, while Xiao Mei also stood aside, watching with relish.

The booklet prepared by the zoo for Tuanzi was so thick that the pages were almost cardboard, and the characters were printed very large, plus there were pictures, so there were only three chapters in one book.

When Chi Feichi finished flipping through the book, the battle on the field was over.

Wuming was tired lying on the ground, lying motionless.

Tuanzi's physical strength is better, but he sat down beside him.

The staff quickly turned to look at Chi Feichi, "Doctor Chi?"

Chi Feichi put down the big booklet, got up and stepped forward to help check, worried that the two goods would be exhausted.

Tuanzi sat for a while, and after recovering, he went to carry the fruit as usual, and even brought an apple to each of the staff who had been watching the fight before, which made the group of people very happy.

Wuming sat up lazily, glanced at the fruit, then glanced at the head in disgust, and meowed repeatedly, "I'm not a vegetarian!"

Tuanzi looked at Wuming, turned around and ran out again, came in with a bag in his arms, shook the bag, a processed fish fell out, and was pushed in front of Wuming by Xiongpao.

"Ah..." The middle-aged woman who gnawed on the apple whispered, "I want to bring home ingredients tonight."

Tuanzi looked at the woman, two black fore paws were still holding the bag, and placed it under Yuanyuan's head. He tilted his head in doubt. The combination of his fluffy face and dark circles under his eyes made him look cute and harmless.

Wuming raised his head, his round blue eyes were watery, seeming to reveal innocence and grievance, he looked at the woman and softly called out, "Meow?"

"Okay... okay," the middle-aged woman couldn't help grinning, showing her aunt's smile, and her voice softened a lot, "I don't blame you, I'll give you fish to eat, I'll buy it if it's not enough~"

Feichi didn't need to eat, and just stared blankly at Wuming and Tuanzi's well-behaved appearance for a second.

Report, there are two guys here who are acting cute and cheating!

Feimo looked up, then lowered his head and continued to peck at the apple, sighing inwardly.

Does this mean that Wuming just scratched and scratched at Tuanzi with bared teeth, furry hair, and cursing?

Or did you forget that Tuanzi just grinned, yelled, slammed like a wall, and punched a crack in the wood with a slap?

But if you think about the brutal and violent appearance of these two guys just now, you shouldn't be deceived.

Alas, human beings are so forgetful.


After eating, Wuming and Tuanzi went to the glass window to bask in the winter evening sun for a while, and after the sun had completely set, they ran back to the swing to find Chi Feichi.

Feichi huddled under Chi Feichi's collar, staring at the big booklet with his head out.

Feimo also stopped on Chi Feichi's shoulder, watching intently.

Wuming walked up to take a look, jumped onto Chi Feichi's lap, stuck his head out from behind the booklet, yawned, and joined the reading team.

Tuanzi ran behind Chi Feichi, stretched out his claws, and when Feimo flew up, a bear hug came, and he hung on Chi Feichi's back lying on his stomach. Since the swing was not high, he just put his head on Chi Feichi's shoulder, Look down at the big booklet.

Feimo glanced at Tuanzi, who was occupying too much space, and landed on Chi Feichi's arm, grasped it firmly, and stopped.

Chi Feichi: "..."

Talk about what it feels like to be covered with animals all over your body.

The staff not far away are all watching.

This is a hug from a giant panda.

Tuanzi is so cute, and it's another day I envy Dr. Chi.

Chi Feichi led a group of animals to finish reading two large booklets, and had a working meal at the Panda House before retreating home with a group of small animals and the invisible Xiaomei.

It was cold in winter, and Feimo was too lazy to go outside, so he stayed in Chi Feichi's apartment for the night.


The temperature dropped a lot the next day, and the sky was completely white. It seemed that there was a snow that was about to fall.

Mao Lilan went to the detective agency with Suzuki Sonoko and Conan after the karate club training.

"Have the remaining two kittens been sent to the shelter?" Mao Lilan asked.

"Yeah," Conan walked along the road, "Yesterday was too late, the new doctor sent the kitten over early this morning, and it has been settled down."

Suzuki Sonoko said indignantly, "However, I don't know if those wicked guys who abandon their pets will restrain themselves."


Conan suddenly remembered a wicked organization.

Since last time, those guys haven't heard from them at all.

But even if those people are spying on Uncle secretly, and seeing Uncle's downcast and out-of-the-ordinary appearance, they should quickly exclude him from the suspicious list...

Suzuki Sonoko saw that he had reached the downstairs of the detective agency, and turned to Mao Lilan, "So, when will he come?"

Mao Lilan laughed, "He said he would come home and change his clothes first."

"Ah?" Conan asked suspiciously, "Who is it?"

"I told you, it's the new transfer student in our class, he said he wanted to come to my house to play," Mao Lilan walked upstairs, "ah, by the way, you were too tired last night, I told you At that time, you seemed to have fallen asleep."

Conan was upset to keep up, "Why did he come to our house?"

"Hey, you brat..." Suzuki Sonoko turned to stare at Conan, and smiled, "You don't think it's Xiaolan's new boyfriend, and you start to get jealous, right?"

Conan blushed with guilt, "No, it's not..."

"Oh?" Suzuki Sonoko continued to stare at Conan, "So you want to inform that guy Kudo?"

Conan: "..."

Tell me what? He is Kudo Shinichi!

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