Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1203 Will His Apprentice Have This Kind of Friend?

"What a pity!" Mao Lilan smiled and pushed open the door, "His target doesn't seem to be me..."

In the room, Mori Kogoro was wearing a suit and sitting on the sofa with an open book on the table in front of him. He raised his head and said solemnly, "You're back, Xiaolan, it's really early today, even though you just Come back, but can I trouble you to make me a cup of coffee? It seems that if you don't make coffee, I can't wake up my brain cells..."

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko at the door was stunned.

Mao Lilan also froze for a moment, "Who are you learning from?"

Mori Kogoro took a closer look at the three people who entered the door, got up speechless, and stopped acting, and said in disgust, "What, why is only this pungent young lady from a rich family here?"

Suzuki Sonoko was immediately upset with Ban Yueyan, "Spicy?"

Mao Lilan laughed quickly, "My man will come soon!"

Conan was a little speechless, "Could it be that person wants to see Uncle?"

"Yeah," Mao Lilan laughed, "He said he was a loyal admirer of my father!"

Mori Kogoro was still complaining, "Really, I wasted so much effort, and the result is you."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Mori Kogoro with black eyes, "But, he's just a male high school student, why are you working so hard?"

"Male, boy?" Mori Kogoro was stunned, "Isn't it a high school girl who looks a lot like the hostess Rena Mizumu?"

Conan's face changed when he heard the name 'Mizuma Rena', and the figures of gin, vodka, Belmode and Lark appeared in his mind again.

"I've already told you very clearly," Mao Lilan corrected, "It's a boy!"

Mori Kogoro suddenly lost interest, "You keep saying 'that child, that child', who knew it was a boy..."

"No..." Conan returned to his senses and shouted with an ugly face, "No, uncle! You can't see him!"

"Huh?" Mori Kogoro looked at Conan suspiciously.


There was a knock on the door, and Mao Lilan had already turned around and shouted, "Please come in".

Seeing the doorknob being turned, Conan hurriedly called out to Kogoro Mori, who was sitting back behind his desk, "Uncle..."

Hondo Eisuke, who entered the door, directly bumped into Conan, and the two fell to the ground with a 'bang'.

Conan grinned in pain.

"Yes, I'm sorry," Hondo Eisuke sat up, reached out to touch the glasses that fell off the ground, "I don't know what tripped me up..."

Conan sat up with black hair.

That's hitting a kid, okay? really...

Hondo Eisuke touched his glasses on the ground with his right hand, raised it and touched Conan's face, stretched out his hand and pinched it, then quickly stood up on his knees facing Conan, scratched his head and smiled, "Nice to meet you, Moori Detective! What an honor to meet you!"

"Huh?" Conan asked with a question mark.

Hondo Eisuke scratched his head and smiled shyly.

"That..." Mao Lilan laughed dryly, "That's Conan who lives in my house."

"Huh?" Hondo Eisuke stretched out his hands, touched Conan's face, grabbed and pulled.

Conan's face was pulled, and he slurred his speech, "Stop it!"

"Huh?" Hondo Eisuke tugged at Conan's face, with a dazed expression, and stared closely, "Strange..."

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't stand it any longer, she stepped forward and picked up the glasses and handed them to Eisuke Hondo, "Here, your glasses!"

After a while of flying around, Mori Ran introduced Mori Kogoro to Hondo Eisuke.

"It's really rude, nice to meet you, Mori Detective!" Hondo Eisuke smiled excitedly, "I, my name is Hondo Eisuke!"

Mori Kogoro got up from behind the desk with a serious face, raised his head and smiled at Hondo Eisuke, "Hello."

"Please give me your advice!" Hondo Eisuke bowed deeply, hitting the back of Conan's head with his forehead.

Conan suffered for no reason again, and ran forward with his head in his arms, "It hurts..."

"Ah..." Eiyu Hondo covered his forehead in pain, straightened up and stepped back, bumping his back against the bookcase against the wall again, knocking the cardboard box on the bookcase out.

Mori Ran, Mori Kogoro, and Suzuki Sonoko were at a loss for words, with awkward yet polite smiles on their faces.

Hondo Eisuke smiled at the others in embarrassment, one of them lost his footing and fell backwards to the ground.

The crooked cardboard box fell off the cabinet, and hit Hondo Yingyou on the head with a 'boom'.

Hondo Eisuke was stunned, closed his eyes tightly, put his head in his hands and shouted, "It hurts!"

Conan held his head, looking at Hondo Eisuke with half-moon eyes.

What's the matter with this guy.

The corner of Maoli Kogoro twitched slightly, "Now I understand why Xiaolan called him 'that kid'..."

Mao Lilan laughed dryly, "He's just a little confused."

"I'm not confused!" Hondo Yingyou stood up seriously, looked at the four people who were also looking at him, and turned his head to look left and right.

Mori Kogoro was puzzled, and looked left and right, "What, what's wrong?"

"Ah, no..." Bentang Yingyou didn't look around again, and asked Mao Lilan in doubt, "Xiao Lan, didn't you say that Brother Feichi is the first disciple of Detective Maoli? Didn't he come over?"


Conan looked at Eisuke Hondo in surprise.

Why was Chi Feichi suddenly mentioned? Does this guy who looks a lot like Rena Mizumu also know Chi Feichi?

Also, why is it called 'Brother Feichi' like Xiaolan and the others, really!

"You know Feichi?" Kogoro Mori looked at Eisuke Hondo, and the indifferent face of his apprentice with black bangs and indifferent purple eyes appeared in his mind, and he was agitated.

Would his apprentice have such a friend?

"When Yingyou just transferred to the infirmary to fill out the form, Brother Feichi happened to be at the new doctor's place," Mao Lilan explained to Mori Kogoro, "They met."

Bentang Yingyou scratched his head and smiled, "When I almost fell or bumped into something in the infirmary, Brother Feichi helped me to hold me, I am very grateful to him."

Conan thought that Chi Feichi had indeed gone to Xinde Zhiming to get the letter two days ago, and Chi Feichi sometimes reacted very quickly. When they almost bumped into something without looking at the road, they could "swish" them back...

Mori Kogoro looked at the cardboard box that fell on the ground with all the things spilled out, and said speechlessly, "If Yufei is here later, it will probably be better."

"No, Dad! I told Yuanzi, don't let her call Brother Feichi," Mao Lilan said seriously, then turned her head and smiled apologetically at Bentang Yingyou, "I'm sorry, Yingyou, I didn't know you I want to see Brother Feichi, but Brother Feichi fell into the sea before. When the weather was cold, he had a cold for more than ten days in a row. Because the high fever persisted, he was admitted to the intensive care unit. The doctor said that it might be the time when he fell into the sea. If it is too cold, there may be lung and respiratory infection symptoms such as fever. Today is too cold, and I am worried that he will get sick again when he runs out and blows the cold wind..."

"So that's the case, then don't ask him to go out, I'll have nothing to do with him," Bentang Yingyou paused, and sighed softly, "Brother Feichi is really not easy, it seems that he needs more care than me."

Mori Kogoro choked, and really wanted to ask, "Young man, who gave you the illusion"?

Mao Lilan smiled awkwardly, "It's not so much that Brother Feichi needs to be taken care of, it's better to say that he takes care of us more."

"His skill is even stronger than Xiao Ran." Suzuki Sonoko looked at Hondo Eisuke's small body, "He can easily hit you ten times, who needs to be taken care of?"

Eisuke Hondo was stunned, "Yes, is it..."

Talking about Chi Feichi's mental illness, he also plans to go to the psychiatry department, saying that Chi Feichi will get sick in cold weather, he should be sicker than Chi Feichi, and he will bump into things... It seems that there is nothing to say up.

Conan secretly observed Hondo Eisuke.

The other party is not necessarily unrelated to that organization, so is it a surprise that Chi Feichi was mentioned?

Or, the other party wanted to explore Chi Feichi's high fever last time, what did they think?

That's not impossible, because when it comes to taking care of him, he remembered that when Chi Feichi had a high fever, Belmode took care of him at Chi Feichi's house.

"Sorry for disturbing you……"

At the door, a man in thick cotton clothes raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Huh? Is it the client?" Hondo Yingyou's eyes lit up, and he ran forward again recklessly.

Then, there was another flutter.

Conan who was implicated: "..."

He must have thought too much, how could this guy be a member of that organization.

If you want to paralyze them by pretending to be confused, it is too much to pretend.

After hearing what the man said, a group of people accepted the man's commission and drove to Gunma County.

Sparrow, who was guarding the detective agency, followed the car for a certain distance, stopped at the intersection of the road leading to Qunma, turned around and went back to exchange information with his companions, and then passed the information to Chi Feichi.

Kuboto-cho apartment building.

Chi Feichi sat on the balcony, drank the fresh blood from Koizumi Hongzi, and looked down at the information on the phone.

Are you not taking him because you are worried about his respiratory tract and lung infection...

Speaking of which, that person also sent him an email, saying that the weather has been cold recently, and his actions have nothing to do with him, and asked him to stay at home honestly.

Chi Feichi put down his phone and poured some wine into his glass.

Don't go out if you don't go out, he doesn't bother to go out secretly, it's better to have a wind on the balcony than on the balcony.

"Master, the things are back!"

Feimo grabbed a blue-black metal box the size of a ring box, said hello, and quickly passed the balcony. After entering the room, he put the metal box on the floor. Feeling the heating temperature in the room, he shivered. Mao was shocked, "It's really cold today."

Wuming jumped off the sofa, ran to the metal box, and sniffed it.

"Wu Ming, don't touch that box," Sawada Hiroki's voice came from the computer, "The box has dangerous mechanisms."

Wuming didn't get any closer, and took a step back. After squatting down, he expected to look up at Chi Feichi who came in.

After Chi Feichi put the mobile phone and wine glass on the table, he bent down and picked up Feimo's box on the ground, "Noah, start entering information."

"Yes, Godfather."

The computer screen lit up, and the figure of Hiroki Sawada appeared on the computer screen, "Since Wuming, Feimo, Feichi, and Xiaomei are all there, let them confirm the identity of the godfather first."

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