Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1205 Pseudo Super Memory and Pseudo Super Vision

Next comes the energy usage instructions...

Just like what Hiroki Sawada said before, charge for ten days and last for thirty hours.

This is still in the case of no other objects blocking the light source during charging, the charging speed is really slow.

Moreover, 30 hours is only the standby time of 0 operation, if the operation is performed, the energy consumption will be even faster...


Chi Feichi suddenly thought of a question.

Now that the lens is fused with his left eye, what should I do to recharge it in the future?

You can't let him take off his eyeballs, put them in a metal box, and put them under the light source?

After patiently reading the rest of the explanation, Chi Feichi said, "Show energy usage."

The energy display has 30 grids, corresponding to 30 hours of battery life, and it takes 8 hours to fill one grid.

But in front of him, the displayed energy is less than one grid, only 0.94.

Hiroki Sawada was silent when he heard 'energy', "By the way, how should I recharge now?"

A small umbrella appeared above Hiroki Sawada's head, and Ark's voice came from the computer, "You can continue to research, such as making a pair of glasses, let the glasses collect light sources, convert them into energy, and then transmit them to the eyes through the glasses. , but I'm not sure if it's useful, and I'm not sure if it will cause damage to the owner's eyes, I suggest to tie the owner up and study it..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

He suddenly wanted to kick Fang Zhou out of the chat group.


On the computer screen, the umbrella disappeared and the sound was interrupted.

"Ark?" Sawada Hiroki raised his head in doubt, and then his expression froze, "The highest authority prohibits Ark from device 010 and the highest authority device...Godfather, you kicked Ark out."

Chi Feichi let out an 'um', feeling good.

He, the person with the highest authority, is finally not a decoration.

"Wait, Godfather," Sawada Hiroki was a little surprised, "You were able to control the Ark just now without making a sound, which means..."

"Contact lenses no longer need to record sounds and correspond to brainwaves," Chi Feichi thought about lifting the restriction on Ark, and looked at the computer screen, and a small black umbrella appeared on the screen again, "probably because the lenses and eyes are completely integrated." , my brain has a direct link with the core of the ark, and I can directly control it with my thoughts."

"Is that the same as me?" Sawada Hiroki was a little happy, and suddenly became playful, turning the little black umbrella on his head into purple.

Chi Feichi thought in his mind to turn the image of Ark's small umbrella into blue, and then make it bigger to wrap Sawada Hiroki...

On the computer screen, the little purple umbrella turned blue and then expanded, enveloping Hiroki Sawada.

Hiroki Sawada shrinks and closes the small umbrella, turning it into green and white.

Chi Feichi continued...

Ark's small umbrellas are enlarged for a while, and shrunk for a while, and the colors are constantly changing. Slowly, the handles of the umbrellas are also changed into various weird styles.

Chi Feichi printed a pattern of a cat's paw on the umbrella surface, and Hiroki Sawada added another crack...

Feichi, Feimo, Wuming, and Xiaomei didn't look at Chi Feichi anymore, they lined up and turned to look at the computer, watching with relish.

Fang Zhou, who was ravaged for a long time, said in a childish voice, "Human beings are so boring and completely incomprehensible."

"You don't understand." Hiroki Sawada said, pausing temporarily, "It seems that the godfather's control of the ark is as flexible as mine at present."

"Yeah." Chi Feichi turned the impression of the ark into a sword, and nailed it into the heart of Hiroki Sawada.

I am addicted to playing Ark and can't extricate myself.

Hiroki Sawada was speechless for a while, imitating the appearance of blood spurting on his heart, and then showing a terrifying grimace.

Xiaomei uttered a cold and frightening cry, and shrank behind the table, "Noah is so scary!"

Sawada Hiroki: "..."

Almost forgot, there is also a ghost-fearing soul here.

Not red, not ink, nameless: "..."

Doesn't Xiaomei feel that her scream is much more terrifying than Noah's appearance just now?

Chi Feichi stopped playing, "Don't worry about the operation now, the problem is energy consumption and recharging. Currently, the energy is less than one bar, only 0.88."

I just played the image of Ark Umbrella for a while, and before connecting to the network, the energy has dropped by 0.05 directly, which is not a small amount of consumption.

"Not even one grid?" Zetian Hiroki was a little puzzled, "After the test is completed, the energy in the lens should be full, and the power is turned off on the way to deliver it. Even if part of the energy will be lost, there should be at least 20 energy left. Grid energy is right."

Xiaomei poked her head from behind the table, staring at the metal box on the table, "Master, do you want to try putting the box on your eyes?"

"No," Fang Zhou said in a milky voice, "This is the charging method of the removed lens. It may damage the eyes, so it cannot be directly placed on the eye to charge."

"Noah, does Umbrella still have spare contact lenses?" Chi Feichi asked.

"There is still one lens, and there is only that one." Hiroki Sawada paused, "Does the godfather want to use the lens as a disposable product? I'm afraid it won't work. The synthesis of materials requires some hard-to-buy materials and a lot of time. , and cannot be mass-produced with equipment, and it will take a long time to remake, and the cost of a single lens is almost enough to manufacture a satellite, and with the current level of funds and technology, it cannot be provided as a one-time consumable.”

"And I'm not sure if my eyes can fuse with other lenses..." Chi Feichi thought for a while, but couldn't help it, "Forget it, let's test other functions first."

When he wanted to know the information about 'Kudo Shinichi', two pages appeared in front of him, one was the reports searched from the external network, and the other was the information about Kudo Shinichi from the internal network.

When he wanted to know something that he might not know at the moment, most of the information disappeared, and what remained were the photos taken by Kudo Shin when he went to Kudo Yusaku's signing party when he was a child, and the photos shared by Kudo Yukiko seven years ago Parent-child photos, information about Conan buying a mystery novel at the bookstore before returning home last night...

Full marks for search speed and full marks for operation speed.

However, when a large amount of information needs to be transmitted and eliminated, the power consumption will be faster than playing Ark.

Chi Feichi estimated that if it is used to look up information in this way, one grid of energy can be used for at most half an hour.

Next is the network communication function. First, I thought about finding an email account that no one used all the year round from the Internet, and sending messages to my email address.


The phone on the table vibrated.

Chi Feichi picked up the phone and glanced at it.

The transmission speed is the same as the network transmission speed, and the power consumption is similar to that of using information search, but since there is no need to type, it is obviously faster to input content with ideas.

In other words, if he can log in to his UL account, can a grid of energy support him to chat with others with his brain for half an hour...

After that, there is the recording function.

What he sees in front of him can be recorded, the living room, the animals, Xiaomei...

After recording, the image can be played back on the retina of his left eye.

But in the rebroadcast video, there is no figure of Xiaomei...

"Huh?" Xiaomei noticed that Chi Feichi was looking at her, and stood up actively, "Master, are you hungry? I'll make dinner!"

Chi Feichi nodded, seeing that Feichi and the others were still looking at him, he explained, "After the replay of the recorded video, there is no Xiaomei."

"It turns out that the lens can't record the soul..." Sawada Hiroki explained, "I can see Xiaomei through the camera, but after recording Xiaomei through the camera, I can't see Xiaomei when I replay the video again. However, if the camera can detect magnetic fields, it will probably be able to capture soul bodies like Xiaomei."

Just as Chi Feichi was about to continue watching the recorded images, he suddenly thought of something. He bent down and took out a stack of poker from under the coffee table, "Noah, I proposed to add the video function at the beginning because I wanted to use glasses to steal research. information, but..."

Sawada Hiroki watched Chi Feichi's movements through the camera.

Chi Feichi thought to 'see his actions clearly' in his heart, looked down at his hands, and while shuffling the playing cards, he quickly hid three cards with magic tricks.

In the next second, a slow-moving video appeared in front of his left eye, reverting all his card hiding movements in slow speed.

When he thought of "displaying with pictures", the video in front of him turned into pictures again, which also restored his entire process of hiding cards.

When he thought of the 'current position of the card', there were only three pictures left, all of which were the final screenshots of the card hiding action. He moved his fingers under the table.

This does not mean that there is a problem with his card hiding skills. In fact, those small movements may have been completed in less than 0.1 seconds. If you look at it with human eyes, you can't catch it at all.

But after recording, it can be viewed and analyzed frame by frame like a camera.

And it's high definition.

Although there are afterimages in the cut-out pictures due to the speed of his hands, his hands and the entities of the cards can be clearly seen.

Chi Feichi sent the pictures and videos to Hiroki Sawada, "Do you understand?"

Hiroki Sawada looked at the video and pictures and understood, "Is this a double combination of super memory and super vision?"

"To be precise, it should be pseudo super memory and pseudo super vision."

Chi Feichi looked at the new picture that appeared in front of his left eye, all of which were the appearance of Hiroki Sawada on the computer screen. For 0.5 seconds, Hiroki Sawada showed a look of 'surprise' on his face.

When he thought of "Is Hiroki surprised?", Sawada Hiroki's momentary expression change was also captured.

This is equivalent to that when he sees something, he can use the video to achieve the effect of "super memory" with fast memory and never forgetting, and then he can analyze the recorded things frame by frame, Similar to those who are naturally gifted with excellent dynamic vision.

The fast speed in the eyes of ordinary people is not so fast in the eyes of those people. Therefore, those people can easily catch things that others cannot catch in the dynamics.

The effect he achieved by using the video recording function is probably better than that of a person who is born with excellent dynamic vision talent. He can easily detect some small changes in the environment, and can easily capture the instantaneous expression changes of someone, some things that are too fast to see clearly. Changes, he can also watch the slow-motion video or captured key screenshots later.

However, the lens has an energy limit, and when the energy is exhausted, it will be useless, and no matter how fast the video analysis is, it will be slower than the analysis speed of the human eye and brain. It is 'pseudo'.

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