Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1206 New charging rules and upper limit

"During the testing process of contact lenses, I preset this kind of usage plan," Fang Zhou said, "But because the signals released by the human brain are too complicated, the hardware equipment is not sensitive enough to detect and analyze brain waves, so it cannot be detected. Even if there are some subtle changes in brain waves, I can't fully understand the changes in human brain waves, so when this method was first tested, I estimated that the probability of realizing it was less than 1%."

"That's because the Godfather's left eye and the lens are fused, right?" Sawada Hiroki analyzed, "The lens and the eye are completely fused, as if it has become an organ of the Godfather. The brain receives information, processes information, and makes decisions. , The speed of giving instructions will be very fast, just like human beings manipulate their hands to make movements, without too detailed instructions, when they think of reaching out, the hand will be stretched out, so the lens can be used in this way."

Chi Feichi silently agreed with Sawada Hiroki's judgment. After feeling it, the function of the lens is indeed like the function of an extra organ in his body, and he is very keen to capture his thoughts.

And using the lens function in this way consumes much more energy than browsing the web and communicating via the Internet.

He used it twice, once to capture the movement of himself hiding cards, and once to capture the micro-expressions of Hiroki Sawada. The combined recording time did not exceed 30 seconds, and the remaining energy dropped to 0.62, which took about 0.19.

However, energy consumption is not only determined by the length of recording, but also related to the amount of information received and the amount of calculations during analysis, so the specific energy consumption cannot be determined.

After thinking about it, Chi Feichi decided to continue the test.

"Noah, help display the large information document on the computer."

"What kind of document do you want?"

"Anything will do, the bigger the better."

"Yes, Godfather."

Noah's figure disappeared from the computer screen, replaced by a large amount of literature.

Chi Feichi reached out and took the computer, put it on the coffee table in front of him, and took a rough look at it.

The information is the open class of Dongdu University, and there are all kinds of courses.

Chi Feichi flipped through it for a while, staring at the computer screen, thinking of 'the name of the drink' in his heart, and at the same time, quickly swipe the document with the mouse.

The progress bar on the right moved down quickly, and the rows of text on the screen turned into straight lines moving up quickly.

At the same time, energy is also being consumed crazily.

0.60, 0.54, 0.47, 0.41, 0.35...

In just over ten seconds, the remaining energy has fallen below 0.30.

When the remaining energy was only 0.27, Chi Feichi stopped, closed his eyes, and looked at the screenshot displayed in front of his left eye.

All the content related to the name of the drink has been truncated, and they appear in the 31 introduction classes of a certain country and region, and the 17 etiquette classes...

The specific content can also be seen clearly.

Seeing that Chi Feichi hadn't operated the computer for a long time, Sawada Hiroki asked aloud, "Godfather, is it alright?"


Chi Feichi flipped through the intercepted information.

He just suddenly thought of the operation of stealing the undercover list from the Curaçao lurking police department. In the final analysis, it was to quickly browse through a large amount of information and retrieve the required information from it, and it was accompanied by a certain amount of memory storage.

Only by experiencing it himself can he know how powerful Curacao's ability is.

No wonder Curacao was protected by Rum and trained as a confidant, who can be released to steal information, and can help him quickly pick out the information he needs from a large amount of information. It's a pity not to be a secretary...

"Master, I fried steak for you, would you like some red wine?" Xiaomei asked in the kitchen.

Chi Feichi felt a little sleepy in his brain, so he didn't try any more. He picked up the cup and drank the blood, then got up and went to the kitchen to choose the wine to go with.

After the meal, Michelle Zizi took over the tasks of washing dishes, cleaning, and taking care of pets.

Chi Feichi sat aside and began to understand and try to manage the inner network.

He has not been verified as the owner of the highest authority before, and he has not been able to see the specific authority classification. He just listened to Hiroki Sawada briefly, and he can just get acquainted with it tonight...

Feichi, Feimo and Wuming stopped surrounding Chi Feichi and ran to the side to play games on the computer.

Their owners sit motionless on the sofa for a long time, as if in a daze, and they can't see what the owner is watching or doing, so they might as well play online games.

As time passed by, Chi Feichi looked at the management authority with the highest authority, and suddenly stopped.

The remaining energy is only 0.19, which made him suddenly pop out the prompt of 'battery is less than 20%', and really want to find a charger to charge it... Cough, that's not the point, the point is that he is still sleepy, and getting sleepier.

Before experimenting with fast retrieval, he felt that his brain was tired and thought it was caused by too much calculation at that time, so he took a break and continued to study the function of the lens after dinner. function.

Logically speaking, if the brain received too much information at once and couldn't bear it, it should have recovered by now, but until now his sleepiness has not eased at all, and the tiredness is getting stronger and stronger, just like last night Didn't sleep well.

Looking at the remaining energy, Chi Feichi did not jump to conclusions, and continued to study his own management rights, using functions that required calculations from time to time, and paying attention to his sleepiness.

When the energy consumption plummeted by 0.2, his feeling of drowsiness was indeed much stronger in an instant, and he could feel that he was much more tired than the last second.

And when the energy was slowly depleted, his drowsiness increased little by little.

After stopping, there is no obvious change.

That means……

Hiroki Zetian was originally watching the game PK between Wuming and Feichi and Feimo. Suddenly, from the camera, he caught Chi Feichi sitting on the sofa with tired eyes, a little surprised, and cautiously called out, "Godfather?"

In his impression, no matter whether the godfather has stayed up for two days or just woke up, his eyes are never a little bit sleepy, and he is never tired.

This is the first time.

He had guessed before that the godfather should be used to quickly dispelling the "confusion" in his brain, because it would affect personal judgment and coping ability. At the same time, fatigue and confusion may also send "attack" signals to the enemy, so the godfather even If you feel sleepy, you won't show it on your face.

Just like birds still eat, drink and jump when they are sick, it is to prevent other enemies in nature from attacking when they are weak.

He doesn't quite know why the godfather has this habit, and he doesn't know why the godfather does it in front of his own people, but what he can be sure of is that the godfather looks tired, either he is acting to deceive others' judgment, or it is true Tired, so tired that the godfather couldn't hold on.

"It's okay, but after the lens fuses with my left eye, it consumes my energy," Chi Feichi saw that there was still 0.06 remaining energy, and resisted the idea of ​​flushing out the energy, got up and went to the bathroom, in the left eye, a white umbrella The icon flashed for a moment, cutting off the connection with the core of the ark, "Anyway, I'll wash and sleep first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow."


A night without dreams.

In the morning, Chi Feichi woke up, opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, and a blue umbrella icon flashed in his left eye.

After he rested and recovered, the energy was replenished.

The current remaining energy is not full, only 0.93.

After waking up to wash up, and having breakfast after morning exercise, Chi Feichi asked Hiroki Sawada about his sleep time last night.

Through calculation, he recharges through sleep in accordance with the previous rules for recharging light sources:

8 hours of energy.

The reason why he didn't reach full energy early this morning was because he only slept for more than seven hours.

After discovering the pattern, Chi Feichi didn't turn on the lens function. He went to the No. 119 training ground. After five hours of high-intensity training, he went home and took a shower to check the remaining energy.


No increase, no decrease.

It shows that physical energy consumption and normal energy consumption will not consume stored energy. Similarly, energy will not automatically increase when there is no sleep.

He suddenly thought of the 'blue bar' in the game, that is, 'mana value'.

If the "red bar" representing blood volume is his vitality, then the energy stored in the contact lens should be the "blue bar" representing mana, and the energy and physical strength he consumes in his usual activities represent physical strength The 'yellow bars'.

After Chi Feichi replaced the glasses' energy display bar with a blue bar, and changed the energy of each bar to display 100 points, he took a nap after lunch to take advantage of the fatigue from the morning training.

It's a pity that when I woke up two hours later, the blue bar didn't rise to 110 points, only 100 points.

That day, Chi Feichi still didn't connect to the Ark, and woke up after sleeping all night with 100 energy points.

In other words, his current upper limit of the blue bar is not 30 blocks of 3000 points, but only 1 block of 100 points. After the recovery is full, no matter how much he rests, he will not reach 101 points.

When the weather turned fine, Wuming planned to leave, and continued to take his younger brother to wander around the city, inspecting his territory, and Feimo also went back to the base.

After Chi Feichi had breakfast, he took Feichi to the No. 119 training ground, continued his high-intensity training, went home and ate lunch, and returned to the laboratory of the No. 119 training ground, and dug out a box from the drawer. medicine.

CNS stimulant antidepressants.

He insisted on not taking the medicine before, but fortunately he didn't throw away all the medicine, which happened to be used for experiments to see if the medicine that stimulated the central nervous system could increase the upper limit of his blue bar.

After taking the medicine for a while, Chi Feichi could feel that the medicine was starting to take effect, and he was in a good state of mind, with a sense of vitality and joy.

And then... it's gone.

In the next second, it was like a basin of cold water pouring down his head, making him feel calm for a moment.

Chi Feichi got up and changed into a white coat, went to the laboratory to work for an hour, and then looked at the energy display.

The blue bar is still stubbornly maintaining 100 points.

Sure enough, this kind of drugs with similar effects to stimulants can't even break the three-no gold finger defense, so there is no need to try stimulants.


A prompt sound came from the computer on the side, and a password input box popped up on the screen.

Chi Feichi put down what he was doing, sat down in front of the computer, entered the password, and opened the transmitted data package.

This is the experimental data transmitted from base 0331.

Before, he had a big brain hole, and when talking with Dr. A Li about red koji wine, he thought that since baigan wine can be used as a temporary antidote for APTX-4869, then whether AHTX-1031 can have a wonderful reaction with red koji wine.

There is no basis, no reason, he just thought of it suddenly, but he was too lazy to experiment, so he sent a batch of AHTX-1031 to the people in the laboratory at base 0331, and asked them to help extract red yeast rice wine and red yeast rice The ingredients in distiller's grains were tested.

Although there are only animal experiment data at present, it is basically certain that there are ingredients in red yeast rice wine and red yeast rice grains that can change the efficacy of AHTX-1031.

It just so happens that he can use these research materials and experimental data to try out the result of energy depletion...

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